Star Dragonkui

Chapter 146 The Mayor's Problem

The old Carlvinson did not say anything about Duan Fei's statement. He continued to talk about the Set Kingdom: "It's not the Seventh Prince, but the Magic Forest. Hawke's army has never been able to conquer the Magic Forest, so the Seven Princes can resist until now."

Duan Fei has seen Hawke's abnormal power with his own eyes. He was more than 4,000 meters tall, and took more than 3,000 meters of Temia Mountain underground with a few big slaps. That big guy was so horrible. He didn't expect that there would be an opponent in the world that Hawk could not handle. He must go to the magic forest if he had a chance.

After Hawke became king, in order to seal everyone's mouths, he confiscated people's mobile phones, TVs and computers, and did not allow ordinary people to talk about the affairs of the country in the newspaper.

"But I saw a lot of people walking on the street with weapons." In Duan Fei's impression, the prohibition of martial arts is the direct means to prevent the masses and the favorite thing for tyrants in history.

"He has never worried that someone will rebel against him. His martial arts skills are so high that one person can defeat 100,000 troops. It is meaningless to rebel, so the people do not rebel."

Duan Fei's point is completely understandable. This bastard Hawk is now so that the Earth Alliance can't raise his head. This time, to put it bluntly, he can come to Sett Star because the earth wants peace that he sent a delegation to come to Sett Planet. Duan Fei just took the opportunity to spy on the intelligence of the Sett people for the future. Make some contributions.

I don't know. I was shocked. I didn't expect Set Star to be such a complicated situation.

"In fact, King Hawke has no interest in governing the country, so the country is very chaotic now. The reason why I say that you can be the consul is that your predecessor also bought it with money, similar to you. He killed his ex and then paid for this seat. It's been three years."

In only three years, he had more than 40 wives and three children. If he worked for another three years, he could catch up with the emperor. I understand that this one-eyed dragon looks like a bandit. It turns out that it is really a bandit. This is a popular bandit planet.

Carlvinson also told Duan Fei some basic common sense of the kingdom. The kingdom has two capitals, the ancient capital of Set Fort, that is, the city of Set among the earth's population, which is the ancient capital. 300 years ago, the royal court has moved to the new royal city of Saint Black Hawk. The reason for the relocation is due to the development of industry and technology in the kingdom. In the east, many emerging cities appeared, basically concentrated in the east, so 300 years ago, the king decided to move the palace to St. Black Hawk.

After Hawke came, the basic pattern of the kingdom has not changed. Except for chaos and anarchy, Hawke has not brought any special changes to the kingdom. However, this chaotic and anarchy has made the people very bitter. The law has become a pile of waste paper, and robbers have become consuls and ordinary people. The days are more bitter.

I didn't expect that the residents of the Kingdom of Set were more difficult than the people on earth. Alas, Duan Fei sighed that the poor people were suffering everywhere.

The whole kingdom of Set is divided into 21 central provinces and 13 parts of the Panwang District. Relatively speaking, the economy of the central province will be more developed. The governor of the province is called the governor. The royal branch of the Pan is generally a remote area. Each of them is led by a king of Pan. Each of the king of China has several partial provinces, and the chief executives of the provinces is called He is also the governor, with great power. At the bottom of the province is the city or county, and the head is the consul. If the official approval is made, then Duan Fei's official title should be the consul of the Happy City of Kissa Province. Generally speaking, the city is larger than the county. Some cities still have jurisdiction over several counties. Duan Fei wants to buy now. It's a city level.

If you want to get rid of the legal procedures for taking office, Duan Fei only needs to buy one. According to the order of the kingdom, the middle and low-level government officials of the Department of the King of Pan are directly appointed by the King of Pan. Within the scope of his department, the power of King of Hu is considerable, which is basically justified. The local emperor, it is not so easy to buy Prince Fia Quinns of the South Carolina Department. Carlson doesn't have enough connections in this regard. He suggested that Duan Fei go to the tax officer Adi. This guy is related to the governor of Crete Province and has some old relationships in Santa South Carolina. He is probably able to deal with the appointment documents. .

You can't be too limited to do big things. Duan Fei rewarded Adidas three women plus 3 million benefits in one breath. Adidas was also rude. He chose two of the many concubines of the one-eyed dragon, and another one was a young maid. Adidas was definitely not a good person. He handed over three young and beautiful women. In this guy's hand, this made Duan Fei feel a little sad, but there is nothing he can do. It may be better to follow Adi than to follow the one-eyed dragon. Duan Fei comforted himself in his heart. Of course, there is another thing that Adi is not satisfied with. Uriska hid the most beautiful mixed-race elf, which Adi knows completely. Of course, he dares not openly raise this kind of thing to Duan Fei. In order to open up all aspects, Adi offered a high price of 20 million, 20 million, to buy a mayor and erase it. A murder is not expensive. Anyway, the 3.6 billion are all one-eyed dragons, and now it doesn't cost 20 million at all.

In fact, Adi will definitely make another handful from 20 million. It doesn't matter. Duan Fei can afford this price. All he wants is a letter of appointment covered with a big seal. Since someone has gone to take office, take good care of the things in the city first. Now I heard that more than 10 poor people starve to death every day.

Food and housing are a burning matter in front of Duan Fei. Although the formal appointment has not yet been issued, he has begun to organize the executive meeting of Happy City.

This is a very strange country. The primitive slave society, the highly centralized feudal society, and the industrial technology representing modern society can all be found here. This is an ancient and modern compatible management freak. Its political structure is very simple. Duan Fei did not figure out which rust it was designed for a long time. The ruling structure is a country under strict military control. The princes and nobles are in charge of the army, and the army then manages the country.

There are only three municipal units in Happy City. There are no Consul's Office, Law Enforcement Officer's Office and Tax Officer's Office. There is no well-known Agriculture Bureau, Industry and Commerce Bureau, and no fierce Urban Management Bureau. Municipal Executive Meeting, to put it bluntly, three people's meeting, consuls, law enforcement officers, tax officials, and Adi went to Sannanka. City, attended by his assistant. It was the first time that the law enforcement officer Joe Bernard met with Duan Fei. This guy is also said to be a little *. In the past, this guy dared to quarrel with the one-eyed dragon. Now he has seen Duan Fei and poses an unreasonable posture, which makes the consul who is ready to take office a little uncomfortable. Cool, however, according to the rules of the kingdom, law enforcement officers and tax officers are directly appointed by the above. Although the power is not as powerful as the consul, it is not the relationship between superiors and subordinates. The three people are in charge of each other. Even if the letter of appointment is issued, Duan Fei has no right to interfere in the official affairs of the two departments. Of course, this is only a paper statement.

As the mayor and commander of the military region, it is not difficult for the consul to interfere in the work of the judicial department and the tax department. After all, this is his territory, with an army of 1,000 people in his hand, and there are only a few law enforcement officers. There are 60 people in the two groups. They can't fight. If they can't do it, they have to Obedient, there is no place to reason in this kingdom. Everyone speaks with their fists, and the strength of tax officers is even worse. There are 36 tax soldiers in three classes, and even law enforcement officers can't beat them. Do you still want to compete with the consul?

In addition to these state violent organs, Duan Fei also specially invited several highly valued elders in the city to attend the meeting. This used to be a fantasy, and Black Panther also attended the meeting. Urika was responsible for the logistics organization of the meeting. Good wine and meat were served, and a little brother dance to cheer up. This meeting was called atmospheric.

"Guys," Duan Fei waited for everyone to drink two rounds and talked about the business: "I won't say polite words, let's just talk about the business. Nowadays, many people in Happy City don't have enough to eat and wear warm clothes. Many people don't have a house to live in and can only sleep on the street. Seeing that winter is coming soon, we must find a way to solve these problems immediately. Question, let's talk about what to do!"

This is an urgent problem to be solved urgently.