Star Dragonkui

Chapter 255 It's time to settle accounts after autumn

Life is a leather whip. You have to walk forward and keep moving forward. There is no way to turn back. Whether there is a knife mountain or a sea of fire in front of you, you can only walk forward.

The choice was so difficult that the emperor sat in the lonely palace and watched the sunset gradually go westward. He stood up and decided to move forward.

The emperor, the immortal, still can't get rid of the whip of life.

The major tribes arranged a series of activities. It was difficult for the emperor to find excuses to refuse. In desperation, he could only move the empress dowager out to deal with some. The emperor went out to socialize some. In addition to carrots, Duan Fei certainly did not forget that he still had a big stick in his hand.

He reorganized the masters and integrated them into three institutions that were completely independent and directly under his orders. Two of them were semi-public, called Blue Eagle Guard and Tianxingwei. Blue Eagle was in charge of other places. Tianxing was responsible for the front line of the capital, full-time monitoring, and searched for criminal evidence of the prince and minister everywhere to blackmail these figures. Make concessions and submit to the emperor on key issues.

In addition to these two semi-public organizations, he also set up a completely secret privileged institution: Snake Guard. This organization is relatively awesome, and its main job is to help the emperor eradicate those princes and ministers who are not very talkative.

Why didn't the emperor deal with those princes and ministers directly and openly? There are two reasons, one is that there is no evidence, and the other is that I don't want to shock too much.

In the autumn of the first year of Shengwu, the emperor set up the first concubines. Princess Solan of the elf clan was canonized as the virtuous concubine, Nashan, the talented daughter of the Set clan, was enlisted as the concubine of Shude, the general Ouyang Qianqian of Tianjiao was canoned as the side concubine of Lingwu, and the princess of the witchcraft clan, and the princess Hayi was canoned as the concubine of Sizhu. In addition to the two concubines on both sides, Duan Fei also was also canoned seven summons and five empresses to listen to the training. In addition, he also approved the hereditary applications of five princes and the hereditary applications of more than a dozen marquises. After such an arrangement, he basically appeased several slightly larger tribes.

The big tribe does not make trouble, and the small tribe dares not stand up to provoke the emperor.

The world is peaceful, a song and dance.

Duan Fei is much quieter now. The matter of Chaoyan has been passed by the imperial master and the lieutenant first. The affairs of civil officials are handed over to the concubine Xiande, and the affairs of the generals are handed over to the concubine of Lingwu. It is more convenient in the morning every three days.

He is busy practicing during the day and making people at night. The emperor is becoming more and more like an emperor. Even he himself wonders that it is not so difficult to be an emperor.

Those vicious adults put on a lot of truths. To put it bluntly, they want more benefits for themselves and made it huge. In fact, it was just a reward from the emperor. Many times, the emperor actually only gave an empty title, and these people are still worshipped as the Holy Spirit.

I'm a slave!

Duan Fei now understands how there is the word slave in the world.

There are many women in the harem, and it is unnatural.

It is obvious that the emperor favored Solan and Ouyang. Most of the night, he spent the two concubines**, and the first one to be dissatisfied was the other concubine.

She thinks highly of herself. As the image spokesperson of the first tribe of the dynasty, how can she tolerate the emperor's cold treatment?

Many rumors soon came out in the harem, pointing directly at the virtuous concubine. As long as she can beat this concubine, then I will be the owner of the harem in the future. Nashan's idea is simple and practical.

The emperor can't ignore these rumors. Not all the rumors are groundless. Solan's father and brother do have corrupt facts. Although with the golden title of official abbot, the chief of the elf Kwasa tribe was still severely punished.

Taking down his jobs for the people, considering that other people's families are old and inconvenient to suffer, their eldest son will suffer on their behalf. Anyway, the uncle of the country also committed a crime. He was exiled 3,000 miles plus 1,500 miles, equivalent to 45,000, and directly put them on the edge of the desert.

The real rumors that Duan Fei had to deal with, and the untrue rumors that Duan Fei had to deal with. Duan Fei soon found the culprit: Nashan, who was also the concubine.

If it weren't for the powerful Set clan, Duan Fei really wanted to kill her, but it's not that simple to control Chaoyan. If you don't look at the Buddha's face, the Set clan with the largest population can't easily be punished. Gong Yan has been fighting for a long time, and it can't be said to be heinous.

He was demoted to listening and fell into the cold palace.

Well, there is only one imperial concubine left. If this situation continues, she will be no different from the queen. Although the old father committed a crime, he is also a father.

The elder brother is about to be tortured and exiled, and his father has also been demoted to the common people. He has to come and see what he is doing as a daughter.

The old father was confused all his life, and now he has no power or power. The imperial concubine originally planned to take him to live in the capital, but the old man was used to living in the old nest. The mother lived in her hometown for four or five days, so she was about to drive back to Beijing.

The old father said a few words that made his daughter very puzzled: "The old prince is a good man. He designed you to enter the palace for the overall situation of the elves. Don't misunderstand his kindness."

"You have been confused for a lifetime. At this point, you still don't realize that this old bastard has the sinister intention of annexing the Kvasa Department. I won't let his conspiracy succeed."

The old father wanted to persuade him, but the mother drove away directly.

"Has the Empress left yet?"

"Let's go. It should be all right." The old housekeeper's face was full of excitement.

"You're wrong. It's a big problem for the Empress to go."

The old housekeeper has also seen some aspects of the world in officialdom. He suddenly realized that if there was still this old prince in his mother's eyes, he would definitely come to the house for a walk. After all, it is not easy to go back to the happy forest.

"This is all predestined. Let all obey God's will."

The old housekeeper came with tears in his eyes. Looking at the empty palace, he really felt uncomfortable.

"It is said that good people are rewarded. Lord, you have been working for our elves all your life. Why can't God see it?"

"Come on, you can also go. I'll just stay alone."

"Your Highness, what are you talking about?" The old housekeeper laughed miserably: "What else can't I see? If the Empress really pleads, I don't have any other ability. Let's live a day with the old prince. At least someone can chat with him. The prince is too lonely alone."

"Well, if you say so, just stay."

It's winter, and the weather is dry. When he came to collect the woodshed and lock the woodshed, he heard people mocking at the gate.

As soon as the card came to the gate, a large bunch of keys "banged." It fell to the ground with a sound.

came too fast. The Empress left, and the Linwei came to the door.

The two old men did not resist or shout. Three hundred forest guards escorted the old prince and the old housekeeper to seize the whole empty palace, and then rushed to Axing City.

The old prince was questioned, and the news soon spread to the Kwasa Department, and more than 30 Kwasa leaders, including the abbot, rushed to Axing City at night.

The Empress originally planned to stay in Axing City, but she had to stay with guests. There is a lot of wind and rain in Axing City in winter, but it rained heavily this morning.

Solan stopped in Axing City for a day, and Yu Linwei, who escorted the old prince, arrived.

"I didn't expect you to have today!" Solan looked at the old prince who was trembling in the rain and sneered.

The old prince actually smiled and smiled very calmly. He said, "First of all, I have to thank my mother for letting me live another day or two. Alas, I thought that the mother would directly kill the old slave in the happy forest."

"It's rare that you still know yourself. If you had known today, why did you do it at the beginning?"

"Alas," the old prince straightened his wet head full of silver silk and said with a smile, "I've been in the forest of happiness all my life, but I didn't expect to die and run around. Forget it, hundreds of people have died, no matter where it is buried!"

"It's nothing to be domight all your life and let you suffer a little now."

"Princess Solan!" Kalai suddenly said this.

"Bold!" The old housekeeper said a word and immediately came two steel knives, one left and one right pressed on the old man's neck: "How dare you offend the Empress Tianyan, be careful to destroy your nine clans."

"The old slave has been alone all his life, and I am the only one in the nine races."

"Go down." Solan waved his hand, and the two swordsmen immediately withdrew.

"Kalai, you have been following him for so many years, don't you know your master? Up to now, how can you follow him all the way to the dark?