Star Dragonkui

Chapter 256 Clean Up King Hager

Happy New Year! All the best! Red envelope! Red envelope!


Ka came to take a look at the luxurious court clothes on the mother's body and squeezed a few words from her teeth: "Princess Solan..."

"You!" Before Carli finished his words, a Yulin officer came forward and was stopped by Solan by waved his hand.

"I only have smart and kind Princess Solan in my eyes, and there is no ruthless virtuous concubine."

"Well said." Solan had frost on his face and motioned the Yulin officer beside him to finish his words.

Ka took a look at the white-haired old prince, and his heart was sore. He stared at a pair of eyes and asked the imperial concubine harshly, "What evidence do you think our prince is majestic?"

"In the elf clan, your Hag clan was not the most powerful, and the Yinyue clan was stronger than you. However, in order to compete for the rule of the elf clan, you bought the prime minister, worked together to fabricate stories, framed the chiefs and great sacrificers of the Yinyue clan, and then encouraged the nobles within the Silveryue clan to fight, and finally Let them fight a civil war and directly divide the Silver Moon clan into three. Now, your Hager clan has become the most famous elf tribe. Have I wronged you in this matter?

"Huh, one side of the words," Ka Lai snorted coldly and argued, "The princess must have listened to the side of Sa Udon. Soge, the old chief of the Silver Moon clan, is extremely extravagant, and the fish people, that is known all over the world. If you don't even know this, you can only say that you don't deserve to be a member of an elf clan."

"No matter how bad Sog is, it's also a matter of Sog alone. What does it have to do with the whole Silver Moon clan?"

"Princess, do you know how the Silver Moon Civil War started?"

"Your Hager king provoked them, causing hatred among their big families, and finally a civil war broke out."

"Joke! Sa Udon's clumsy tricks have deceived you. They all say that you are many-hearted and smart. I think everyone is blind.

"No robber is willing to admit his crime, and I don't want to talk to you."

"The princess is poor, isn't she?" Kalai was not afraid to face the high-ranking imperial concubine at all. He was a princess on the left and a princess on the right, which made the Yulin officer next to him unable to calm down.

Solan motioned for these officers to retreat first, and she planned to have a good chat with the master and servant.

"Your Majesty, don't you have anything to say?"

The old prince opened his eyes slightly and smiled faintly: "The old man has nothing to say. There is only one sentence for the imperial concubine. When you are free, go back to the happy forest to have a look."

"I won't bother the old prince to pay for this matter. Doesn't the prince want to defend himself?"

The old prince shook his head.

When Kalai was about to say something, a woman in red would come forward: "Your Majesty, the Lord has taken more than a dozen people outside to see you."

Solan smiled and said, "Aint them to go to the West Hall, and I'll be there later."

The old prince still didn't intend to open his mouth. Kalai rushed forward and said, "Although the princess grew up in the happy forest, she actually knows nothing about many old things about the elves. You'd better ask more about the many elders in your department and don't listen to Sa Udon, a shameless villain."

Of course, Solan should ask the elders of the Kewasa Department about many old things. There was a civil war between the Silver Moon clan, and most of these elderly people of the elf clan also participated in the mediation.

It is more consistent that the cause of the civil war of the Silver Moon clan turned out to be Sa Udon. This was later regarded as the great hero who saved the whole elf clan. It was he who sought the throne of the elf clan and insticated the civil strife of many tribes in the elf clan in order to overthrow the silver moon. Chisel, the new chief of the clan, is his half-brother.

This process does not seem complicated, but it is strange that Chisel took the initiative to let the virtu, and so far the outgoing nobleman is still on the side of Sa Udon, and it is difficult for the Empress to tell who is lying.

If Sa Udon tried to overthrow the status of Zisel's chief, then as the chief, Chisel should have the ability to use the Silver Moon army to destroy the small army of Sa Udon. Judging from the course of the incident, a nobleman named Tanggipola led the army to attack Silver Moon City. Finally, Sa Udon fought desperately to relieve the siege, and later, Sawudong also summoned the troops to quell many rebellions around Silver Moon City.

Sa Udon saved the Silver Moon City, but the other two tribes, Qiaoden and Gedang, announced their separation from the Silver Moon and claimed that they would invite new chiefs to the dynasty. A larger war began. Sa Udon took over the chief's staff from his brother and led the army to launch an attack on Jordan City and Gedang City.

The war has lasted for nearly a year, with countless deaths and injuries, and no result.

At this time, as the de facto largest tribe of the elf clan, the chief of the Hag tribe was awarded the title of the dynasty and took over the elf king. Hager king became the legal supreme ruler of the elf clan. He would work with several other tribes to carry out a lot of persuasion on the Sawudong tribe, which can be said to be both soft and hard.

Internal and external troubles, the interior of Silver Moon City itself is not united enough. In addition, the armies of Jordan and Gedang carried out a sandwich attack on Silver Moon City. King Hager personally led a large army to cut off the retreat of Silver Moon City. Finally, Sa Udon compromised, and the war ended in the Silver Moon Division divided into three parts.

Obviously, the biggest beneficiary of this war is King Hager. His tribe has become the largest tribe of the elf clan, and he also sits on the throne of the elf king. Even if the Empress pursues his responsibility now, I'm afraid that the new Elf King can only be born in the Hager Department. Otherwise, a new civil war may break out.

Of course, if the imperial concubine wants to choose a highly prestigious character from the Kvasa department to serve as the elf king, emotionally, the elf departments are also acceptable.

After all, there is a concubine in the Kvasa department, and it is reasonable for the Kvasa people to take charge of the elves. Of course, the best way is to seal two princes, an elf king and a Kvasa king. In this way, the weight of the elves in the dynasty is significantly increased, which is the greatest contribution of the imperial concubine. It is also the method of passage within the Kingdom of Set. The royal system maintained by clan magnates has always been the basis for the peace and stability of the Kingdom of Sett.

"Well, I will continue to investigate the civil war of the elves in those years. This account will not be recorded on King Hager for the time being." Solan had to change her words under the persuasion of many elders, but another thing, she insisted on the crime of King Hager: "He tried to annex the account of the Kvasa Department in the name of the six-tailed white fox into the palace."

"Everyone here can testify about this matter. The Empress really wronged the old prince. At that time, the emperor was in charge of the world, and all ethnic groups and departments were trying to maintain their own interests. As you know, in the hands of King Set, our elves suffered a great loss. In those years, we contributed the most against King Seth. Finally, after King Set was in charge of the dynasty, he suppressed us everywhere. Many lands were directly confiscated, either directly transferred to the royal family or to other tribes. Many princes and nobles of the elf clan were looted, and many elf people were forcibly recruited to other ministries as slaves. This time, the old prince has been thinking about replacing the elves. The clan found some compensation, and he did it to preserve the status and dignity of our elf clan.

"You imagine him as too great. I'm afraid that what he says is not what he thinks at all. The so-called fighting for the profits of the elves is an excuse. Taking the opportunity to strengthen the Hager Department is his goal." Solan determined that Hager had a bad intention.

"I'm afraid that the old prince was wronged by saying this. From the beginning, several old tribes have participated in the whole plan, but this plan did not tell you himself. The old prince's idea is to send you to the palace through the six-tailed white fox. With the queen's talent and temperament, he will definitely win the love of the new emperor. We can all testify for the old prince about this matter.

"I already know this matter. King Hager said so at that time, but he didn't think so." Solan looked at the elders of the headquarters and shook his head and sighed, "You have been cheated by him. From the beginning, you have fallen into the trap he designed. The elders of our Kvasa Department, your minds are too simple. You always think about things in a good place, but you don't know that they have dug traps waiting for you to drill."

"The Empress really misreads King Hager. Over the years, he has been doing his duty, trying his best to maintain the unity and stability of the elves, and the idea of annexing other tribes without differentiation."