Star Dragonkui

Chapter 259 You are great

"The head, unexpectedly, Qiu Zhangmen's men want to practice. Why do they need to go out in person? They come down to accompany him and take a few moves."

"There is Elder Feng."

Feng B2, a shocking sword, is far more famous than boldly in the world.

He still doesn't know the origin of Elder Feng.

"What kind of green onion are you? Are you qualified to fight with me?" Duan Fei was looking at him rudely. What he said was not face at all.

In the world, your face depends on strength.

This Feng Fuji is well-cultivable, and he is despised like this by a descendant. He is still very calm. Feng Boji's face smiled, punched at several sect leaders, and asked politely, "Heroes, although Feng Boji is not a master, he has been walking on the world over the world over the years, punishing evil and promoting good. After hundreds of battles, he has been loved by friends in the world and gave him a shocking title. , more or less, it can be regarded as a famous figure. Let's talk about whether Feng Fuji is qualified to take over the battle of this little brother.

"Yes, of course!"

As soon as Feng B2 opened his mouth, there were bursts of shouting below. It seemed that this guy was indeed a little famous in the world. The old man's few words were really insinuated. There was a sound outside the words. Duan Fei finally understood. This guy was clearly scolding himself for being nameless, a descendant who came out of the world. Now it's a little disobeying when you come to the front desk.

Those who have been wandering in the world for many years, regardless of their martial arts, usually have more or less achievements. The names are large and small, but in the hearts of this group of people, the name is still relatively valuable. Feng Buer mentioned this, which is actually inciting the identity of this group of people.

Everyone agrees with the status of reputation in the world. To put it bluntly, they recognize themselves.

Feng Noer is really a smart man. At his instigation, some people soon followed him and coaxed: "That young man, what on earth did you come from? Are you under the door of Tianzheng?"

Duan Fei looked at the situation below, and there were really many people who followed Feng Noer. It seems that this Sihai Gang usually spends a lot of effort and money. It is not a matter of overnight to attract so many good hands in the world.

The four seas gang challenged the Orthodox Church, which is 100% prepared.

Qiu Lishui is not stupid. Although she has dominated the title of the first place in the world for hundreds of years, she also knows that this Shangguan Tianming is absolutely unfriendly. In addition to the frontal decisive battle, private homework is also to be done. On the surface, it is a competition between the two people that determines the ranking of the two sects, but the actual competition under the stage is very wide.

There are many people who follow the Sihai Gang, and there are many people standing on the side of the side of the Orthodox Church. After all, as the leader for hundreds of years, many Jianghu sects are still very powerful. As soon as Feng Noer raised everyone's flames, someone in this camp immediately responded.

Two Jianghu friends immediately came out of a fat and a thin Jianghu friend from the Tianzheng camp. These two greeted everyone with fists, and the thin man opened his mouth and said, "If today, there are many talents and such excellent young talents, this only shows that the Tianzheng religion is superior, and even the descendants are so powerful. You Sihai Gang If you don't have that ability, go home as soon as possible. Don't be embarrassed here.

Before Duan Fei and Feng Noer started fighting, the friendly camps on both sides quarreled first. Duan Fei looked at it. This group of people is really quite annoying. They don't practice martial arts very well. That's quite a lot of nonsense. Finally, the people on both sides quarreled, and everyone stepped back and gave way.

Duan Fei against Feng Fuji.

Duan Fei didn't plan to fight with him. This kind of second-rate guy dares to run out and coax the sky. Since he wants to die, he will give you a ride.

As the saying goes, it is better to start first, and then you will suffer. Feng Noer knows that his opponent is superior in strength. Let's take the lead first. He came with full internal strength and waved his sword.

A shocking sword really lives up to its reputation. Like a flash of breaking the sky, Feng Noer's long sword cut through the sky, like a lightning flash, and the onlookers let out a burst of admiration.

"Good swordsmanship!"

"The sword is like a rainbow, and it really lives up to its reputation."

"I haven't seen such a vivid trick for a long time."

Duan Fei squinted and looked at this guy's sword light coming. His body spiraled up and rolled up a large mass of sandstorm. As soon as he sent his hands, Feng Fuji's sword light soon dissipated in the yellow sand.

"What kind of move is this?"

"Why is there such a weird move?"

"Is this the long-lost black dragon storm?"

When you see the sandstorm, you can dodge, and you can dodge.

The wind stops the sand.

Feng Buer became a sand sculpture, wrapped in three layers of thick loess inside and three layers of loess. He could faintly see a long sword in his hand, and his lower body was buried in the sand. His head was motionless. He did not know whether he was dead or alive. Anyway, his face was thick loess, and he could not see his face and facial features.

Someone was about to rush up, Duan Fei waved his hand gently, and the sand sculpture flew out directly.

Another three kilometers away, a bunker appeared in front of Duan Fei.

This can no longer be called a martial arts competition, it can only be called slaughter. A slaughter that doesn't even need a knife.

Duan Fei suddenly pulled out his long sword, and his eyes flashed with a murderous atmosphere that was colder than the sword light.

"This brother is good at martial arts. Tianzhengism is worthy of being the first sect in the world, and he is ashamed of himself." Shangguan Tianming saw Duan Fei draw his sword and sweated coldly. Compared with Feng Fuji, this sword was called a shocking death.

Even Shangguan's destiny couldn't stand it. Who else dared to come out to die? Duan Fei glanced over coldly, and this group of people retreated involuntarily.

A decisive battle of the century, which is said to be unprecedented, ended in an unexpected and funny way.

Duan Fei didn't care about Shangguan's fate. He pointed his sword at his eyebrows and said coldly, "Get out!"

As a hero in the world, Shangguan's destiny is really unbearable. His face swelled into pig liver, and his hands couldn't help trembling.

But the cold sword front taught him to calm down. After all, compared with his face, life is the most important.

Although Shangguan Tianming couldn't step down, there were many smart guys in his hands. Two elder-level figures came up, supported their leader and fled in a hurry.

Qiu Lishui did not intend to thank Duan Fei. She is also an old man. She knows very well that Duan Fei's martial arts skills have far surpassed her. Although she is the head of the world's first sect, she is not even qualified to say thank you in front of this young man.

"Brother Duan, you are great!" Xiaoyu couldn't control so much, so he rushed up and kissed him fiercely.

This action came so suddenly that Duan Fei did not hide in a daze.

In public, he was kissed fiercely by a girl. Such an encounter made Duan Shaoxia very embarrassed. His face was originally a cold expression, but suddenly after being attacked by Xiaoyu, his face frowned and his face was distressed. Zhao Fanghua covered his mouth and smiled.

This is a rather funny situation, and Duan Fei has to admit that he has to face a headache problem.

"Alas," Qiu Lishui sighed and said, "It seems that you are really a once-in-a-lifetime martial arts genius. In half a year, your martial arts have reached the level of sweeping the world. It seems that I really should find a cave to hide and practice for a few years."

"You're wrong," Duan Fei looked at her rudely, which is likely to become another martial arts senior of his mother-in-law. He said very seriously, "What you have to do now is not to find a cave to practice well, but to find a happy land to enjoy life. No matter how high your martial arts are, you will be defeated. Besides, your practice method is not right at all, and it won't be good to practice for another thousand years.

These words are relatively unpleasant, but Qiu Lishui did not refute. In the world, speaking depends on strength.

"It's a good rain for me. She is a very reassuring child."

Qiu Lishui left and took away her crowd.

"Why don't you go?" Zhao Fanghua scanned and found that there was a person who should not have been left behind. Lily Fairy, Zhao Fanghua looked at the girl carefully. Lily, known as the first beauty in the world, did have enough capital to take this title.

"My mission is to protect the lady."

"I heard that Qiu Lishui has appointed you to take over her position as the head of the family. How did you change your job as a bodyguard?"

"The flower snake takes over the position of palm teaching."