Star Dragonkui

Chapter 260 The Emperor's Trouble

"No way?" When Xiaoyu heard that the flower snake was about to take over the position of the head of the Orthodox Church, she almost jumped up: "How can the flower snake, a bad woman, take over her mother's position? How many shady bad things she has done, can't your mother see it?"

"You don't know your mother very well. Many things were originally assigned by the master."

"It's impossible. It's impossible for my mother to assign her subordinates to do bad things." Xiaoyu shouted loudly: "You lied!"

"Okay, okay, you two don't quarrel." Zhao Fanghua interrupted the quarrel between the two of them, pulled Duan Fei aside and asked quietly, "Are you really going to run around with this little girl?"

Duan Fei smiled bitterly.

"Alas," Zhao Fanghua sighed and said, "You can talk about it, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, your palace is big, and it doesn't matter if you pretend to be a few more concubines."

Duan Fei shook his head. He changed the topic and asked, "Where's your little sister?"

When it was mentioned the spirit of the beast, Zhao Fanghua's eyes turned red.

Duan Fei didn't ask any more. There must be an accident. There must be too many people who want to get it. With Zhao Fanghua's martial arts, it's good to save his life. Although she has an army of black eagles in her hand, if she really meets a high-level opponent, the black eagle is simply a decoration.

"She's dead. It's useless. I can't save her!" The girl cried and fell into Duan Fei's arms.

He gently put his arms on her shoulders and comforted her softly: "Let the past go. Do you remember Mount Everest on earth? Shall we go there for a walk?

Miss Zhao nodded with tears. Xiaoyu followed Duan Fei, and Lily did not agree.

"Brother Duan, help you!" Duan Fei and Zhao Fanghua had already gone far away. Xiaoyu screamed behind him. As soon as he turned his head, the ghost was clever and funny. Lily followed her and soon caught up with him. Compared with the three-legged cat of Xiaoyu, it was simply not worth mentioning.

Duan Fei doesn't want to care about this matter. The task Baihe received is to protect Xiaoyu. According to her understanding, it is to take the young lady back to Tianzheng.

Of course, the fairy's approach is right. At this point, Duan Fei completely supported her, so Duan Fei did not intend to take care of this matter and took Zhao Fanghua directly.

"Brother Duan, help!"

Duan Fei did not look back.

"Ah!" With a scream, Duan Fei turned around. The scream was not from the light rain, but the lily fairy.

Duan Fei turned his head and saw Lily covering his right hand, and the expression on his face was quite painful.

In terms of martial arts, Xiaoyu is indeed not Lily's opponent, but Xiaoyu is the master and Lily is the servant. The master bit her fiercely, and she can only bear the pain.

If Lily is accompanied by Xiaoyu, there will be only one consequence. According to the current situation, Xiaoyu can torture the first beauty in the world.

Everyone has compassion.

Duan Fei can't watch this clever beauty being tormented and take her with him. Anyway, her master and servant are both good at martial arts, especially Lily. Her martial arts are already at the first-class level of mountain and sea stars. If you put it on the earth, it is absolutely invincible.

With three beautiful women, you asked Duan Fei to find Liu Qing. Isn't that looking for a lottery?

When he thought of this, Duan Fei felt upset.

Some girls came uninvited, and some girls took him seriously.

In order to save time, Duan Fei directly put these three into the magic ring, a cluster of soul waves, three times the speed of light, and arrived at the earth, Mount Everest in a few minutes.

Duan Fei walked around the top of the mountain and took them back to the palace. First, he settled them down and took care of Chaoyan, and then he flew back to the earth alone.

On earth, now is the era of peace. Liu Qing returned to his student era. The environment of Superman Military Academy is better than that of ordinary universities. There are mountains and lakes. Liu Qing holds a book, like a classical student, walks on a quiet grove path, finds a place with good light, wipes a paper towel on the stone bench, and sits down. Read a book.

Although she returned to her school days, she did not lose all her martial arts skills, and her internal skills were still there. As long as someone approached her, she could feel it.

Of course, it is not Duan Shaoxia who is close to her. With Duan Shaoxia's current martial arts cultivation, he surpasses the level of Daluo Jinxian. He wants to come over, and even Ding Weiran knows nothing about it.

kao kao is Zhao Jing, an excellent student of Superman Military Academy.

Liu Qing didn't feel bad about him. She raised her eyelids and smiled.

"Liu Qing, what are you looking at? Aerospace physics? Alas, this subject is my weakness. Aerospace physics is too complicated. We are soldiers, not physicists. How can we learn such a complicated thing?

"The future war is mainly space warfare. How can it work if you don't learn space physics well? This lesson is very important."

"That's right, but it's really too difficult to learn this course well. I used to have poor physical education, and later I mainly focused on martial arts practice. It's really difficult to have the heart to learn this physics."

"Such more time, there will be progress."

"Liu Qing, there will be a grand concert in Golmud next week, and many famous stars will come. Do you want to go?"

Liu Qing smiled and simply replied, "I'm not interested."

"Many famous stars will come. It's a very rare opportunity. It's really a pity not to go."

"I'm not interested." Liu Qing put away his books and stood up. He was about to leave.

"Liu Qing, wait, do you want to go back to the dormitory? I'll send it to you."

"No." Liu Qing walked faster, and Zhao Jing trotted all the way.

Liu Qing walked to the bottom of the dormitory building, and Duan Fei was already standing there.

"When did you come back?" Liu Qing was a little surprised to see that Duan Fei was not surprised at all.

"Who are you?" As soon as Zhao Jing saw Duan Fei, he soon rose a strong hostility.

"Just got back." Duan Fei did not notice the objective existence of Zhao Jing at all.

"Hey, what about you?" Zhao Jing is obviously not a good stubble.

Duan Fei only noticed that some boys had been chasing Liu Qing. He was surprised that there were still people in the world who could be so fierce to him.

Doesn't he know the very simple truth that life is only once?

Zhao Jing looked at this guy and turned a dull look at him, and the nameless anger came up.

"Bad boy, what do I ask you? If you are a living person, just squeak with me."

Liu Qing took a breath, shook her head and went upstairs.

Duan Fei turned his head and looked at Zhao Jing. He began to worry about this brave young man. After all, human life is too insignificant compared with his super energy.

Zhao Jing obviously didn't realize what a terrible danger his behavior would bring. He grabbed Duan Fei's collar, raised his right fist, and shook in front of Duan Fei: "Bad boy, if you don't want to die, get away from me as soon as possible."

"Are you also a student of Superman Military Academy?"

"Stop talking to me, get out of here."

"Haven't you heard that Liu Qing has an old classmate named Duan Fei?"

"Go to hell." Zhao Jing punched him with one punch.

If someone wants to die, Duan Fei usually gives him a ride. He doesn't care whether this person has a chance to regret, and he doesn't have much time to explain or threaten him.

When the opponent's fist came at a fairly fast speed, Duan Fei waited patiently for a long time before waiting for his fist. Then, our Duan Fei children's shoes waved his hand gently, and Zhao Jing's shoes said goodbye to the lovely campus era, and his body flew 13 kilometers faster than the huge wind.

Duan Fei didn't care about how this person died, scared or fell down and was hit by a car. He didn't care about this kind of thing at all. Several students who witnessed the scene were surprised that they saw the illusion. Seeing a psychologist became their best choice. Although as students of the Superman Military Academy, they are all super strong. Unindinary people with ability.

They didn't understand why they saw the impossible phenomenon. A classmate suddenly disappeared in front of their eyes. What's more terrible is that the classmate crashed a car parked on the roadside on a street more than ten kilometers away.

No one can explain how this process happened, and everyone can only accept the result: Zhao Jing died inexplicably. People were just surprised to see that he seemed to suddenly disappear from the campus. His body smashed a car, which was badly damaged.

As for Zhao Jing, his body does not have the physical characteristics of human corpses at all.