Star Empire

Storm Star Chapter 17 Tranquility Before the Storm

"It seems that the secret should be under this building." Chijian secretly said in his heart, nodded with a smile, and ran to the bottom of the building with Na Haoqiang. And Mut's status was low, so he had to wait in the hall for the late rape to come back.

"There are thousands of guests in this Mexican mansion, but only you and me, the core people who really have the power to go underground." Haoqiang led the way in front of him while talking to the late traitor behind him.

"What is the offering we receive every month? Why do we have to go underground?" The traitor seemed to ask casually.

"It's some good babies." Haoqiang smiled mysteriously and did not answer.

Seeing this, he didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, the two came to a dark corner on the first floor of the building, and a thick metal wall stood in front of them. After Haoqiang pressed his hand in an inconspicuous position on the wall, a probe suddenly appeared above the wall. After scanning the two people with red light, the closed wall inadvertently pushed slowly towards both sides like a door, revealing a deep tunnel leading to the ground.

Haoqiang went down first, and his eyes flashed with essence and followed.

For a long time, the two kept turning along the dark tunnel and went deeper. Chijian slightly estimated that they were now at least 100 meters below the surface. No wonder he stayed in this building for nearly a month and had no harvest.

After a long time, a bright light finally appeared in front of the tunnel.

Immediately after the two came to an underground base, and when the late traitor had a panoramic view of these miles of the large base, their expressions showed no other expressions except shock.

The artificial intelligence of the mechanical family keeps wandering in the wide open space, holding high-tech thermal weapons that have never been seen before. There is a dazzling light sweeping back and forth in the base, shining the whole base without any dead angle. It can be said that the defense force is extremely horrible.

In the center of these intelligent robots, there is a huge production belt, in which many robots dismantle or assemble a gun, or construct various strangely shaped technological products.

Such a scene seems to put people in a mechanical kingdom, where there is no temperature except for cold machinery.

"Mechanics?" Chi's eyes flashed over the obviously advanced intelligent robots in front of him, and his heart was extremely shocked. Today's universe is already in the era of skills. Although the old civilization of science and technology still has someplace of use in the universe, it has long been forgotten by human beings. In the ancient times, the magic of skills brought everything people wanted, and technology was abandoned by people after it was banned by skills.

Technology is in the hands of human beings, and it can be said that human wisdom has created technology. The mechanical family was born under such circumstances. Although they are not alive, as the technology reaches its peak, they have far more than ordinary people in some fields, which also makes the mechanical family an indispensable thing in human daily life in the last era.

However, the emergence of skills made human beings abandon this alternative life they created.

Although the mechanical clan is not bound by time, life, old age, illness and death, as fewer people order and use them, they become useless waste. With the passage of time, the mechanical clan was finally annihilated under the change of civilization of the times.

As Yun Feiyang said at the beginning.

In today's universe, technology has long been lonely...

"The first time I saw these, my expression was the same as yours." Haoqiang on the side smiled and said, "Let's go. They are all waiting for the leaders." After saying that, he walked towards Moza and others standing on the edge of the production belt not far away.

"How can these mechanics come back to life without human wisdom?" Chi looked at the group of intelligent robots made of different metal materials and moved freely, and it was difficult to calm down for a moment. As far as he knows, the inheritance of the mechanical clan has long perished with their races. In today's universe, no one can continue their civilization.

Although it can create machines with top intelligence, it cannot construct a real robot that is comparable to human thinking.

But now, this scene is really staged in front of the late rape.

"These are the new batch of thermal energy weapons created by our Mofu. Each of them is extraordinary and even as powerful as Xingbao. Let's see what you think is suitable for you." Seeing the arrival of the two, Moza immediately greeted him with a smile, pulled Chijian to the side of the production belt, pointed to several scientific and technological weapons in production, and said.

At this time, other doormen had already selected a new type of technological armament and put it on their bodies. There is a trace of impatientness on his face, as if he wants to find a place immediately to try the power of these new weapons.

There is a trace of doubt in his eyes. Even these stellar strong men are eager to try one by one. Have these thermal weapons really reached the ability to surpass star treasures and secret treasures? ......

"Brother, this is a peak model of 3-C armor, which can offset certain external damage when worn on the body. Even if a star-level person can take action, it is difficult to destroy its defense. Moza handed over a slightly thin armor, like clothing, but the material is made of various rare metals and with technical functions.

"Oh?" Chi rapper raised his eyebrows gently, and his tone was somewhat unbelieving.

This armor is a product of the ancient era. What's the use of good performance in the face of powerful skills? ...

I thought so, but at the sign of Moza, Chi Traitor still wore the armor on his body. Except for feeling some weight, he didn't see anything amazing.


Abruptly, Moza in front of him suddenly took action and punched the late face door.

The two are so close, and the other party is a star master, so they can't dodge for a while. However, just a few centimeters away from the former's fist, his armor suddenly spontaneously shot out an arc of light, turning into a weak light curtain to block the fist.

And the late rape itself only suffered the inertia brought by the fist, took a few steps back, and did not suffer substantial harm.

The light curtain was hit by this, but after ripples like water waves, it returned to its original state.

"This..." After this attempt, Chi's eyes unconsciously narrowed. Mo Zha's fist just now did not restrain in momentum, and I'm afraid he used at least 50% of the force.

"How about it? Now believe it..." Moza put away his moves and looked at Chi Rape with a smile.

Chijian nodded helplessly and chose several pieces of equipment that were most beneficial to him on the recommendation of the other party. However, he knew very well that these high-tech thermal weapons can only help him play a role in the early stage of cultivation and truly reach a profound level. These things are just floating clouds.

Since skill civilization can replace technology, it shows that skill is far from being comparable to technology...

He chose three things, one armor, two alien virus radiation*, and one vampire butcher.

These things are the monthly payment provided to them by Mofu, and of course they will have a considerable amount of money. In fact, these people living under the Mofu Gate are basically powerless and rely on their own travelers to work hard today. They can enter the Mofu on the one hand, because Moza is generous, and on the other hand, they also want to find a backer.

After all, there is an organization behind it, which can give them a certain sense of security.

"Head, what's in there?" After everyone selected the equipment in turn, when Moza led everyone to leave, his treacherous eyes suddenly looked at the door of a warehouse east of the base. The tall facade was engraved with some rule patterns, and countless mechanics stood around. It seemed that the defense was very strict, and there seemed to be something extremely important hidden inside.

"Nothing, just some weapons stored." Moza looked as usual.

Although the other party covered up very well, Chi Jian still noticed the disorder of the moment that appeared in the former's breathing. Immediately, he pretended not to care and said, "Oh." But he secretly recorded the appearance and location of the warehouse in his heart.

After that, a group of people entered the tunnel and returned to the building above the ground, restoring their previous work and rest.


Day by, he stayed in Mofu for three months. In the past three months, he followed everyone to the base three times and secretly remembered the landscape of the base.

As time went on, the traitor gradually felt a trace of oppression. I'm afraid that in a short time, Moza should have figured out his background. At the beginning, he casually said that his master was the elder of Daluotian's biography. As long as the other party took a little time, he would definitely find out who Daluotian's biography elder was, so as to judge the authenticity of his identity.

Once the late lie is exposed, Moza, who is furious, may kill him.

During this period, because of Mofu's advanced scientific equipment-assisted training, Tianyang Zhenshui, and the effect of the star stone, the cultivation of late treachery has broken through to the third level of the planet, and two small bottlenecks in a row are the only comfort these days.

However, as he became more and more familiar with Mofu, he found that the person behind the Mofu into a high-tech arms group was not anywhere in the building, including the base.

The only corner that he has not searched is the well-guarded warehouse in the base.

Chijian has even dared to conclude that there are a series of questions hidden in the warehouse, such as the biggest secret of Mofu, the continuation of the mechanical family, and various high-tech products. As long as you enter the warehouse, you will get answers.

Chi Rape has decided to pay attention. Late tonight, he will go to the base and wait for the opportunity to enter the warehouse.

There is another thing that makes him vigilant, that is, recently, Moza and others have always knocked on everything he knows about Luo Tian from the side, including the strong among the true disciples, what treasures of the sect and so on...

Although the other party thinks that what he has done is seamless, he still pay attention to it.

However, in order to get people's trust, he tried his best to reveal the information he knew. Of course, he didn't tell the truth. It's just three points true and seven points in the words...