Star Empire

Storm Star Chapter 18 Atlantis

Late at night, the lights of the whole building went out, and the floor was dark. He hid and slowly walked towards the first floor. During this period, I met several mechanical people, but for these scientific and technological products, the skills of late treachery are too mysterious. Even if the late treachery stands in front of them, these mechanical people may not be able to find them.

A visit tonight is bound to arouse Moza's vigilance, so the traitor has already let Namte leave the Mexican house first. And he will also leave unknowingly after going deep into the base and investigating the warehouse.

For a long time, he came to a dark corner on the first floor, that is, the entrance to the base. After slowly opening the metal wall, he quickly drilled in.


In a luxurious office room on the top floor of the building, Moza looked at the picture on his bare brain in front of him, and the corners of his mouth slowly went up. In the light curtain, the entrance of the base suddenly opened strangely by itself, and then slowly closed, as if something had happened.

But there was a smile on Moza's face.

After that, the only room in the whole building that was still lit also darkened.


Through the familiar tunnel, Chi rappered his speed to the extreme. He was not sure whether Moza had found that he had to seize the time after he broke into the base. Otherwise, the longer it takes, the more dangerous it will be.

For a moment, the late treachery appeared in the vast base.

The eyes slightly glanced at the orderly, as if they were tireless, the mechanical family on patrol. My thoughts turned for a while and chose the fastest shortcut to get to the warehouse. Immediately, he jumped up and jumped on the rock wall above. Because it was underground, there were some uneven rock walls above the base. The traitor was like a flexible gecko, quickly crawling in the direction of the warehouse.

However, the base is extremely heavily guarded, and there are scattered groups of mechanical bats living on this rock wall. A wisp of red light burst out of his small eyes, scanning left and right.

I don't know what functions this mechanical bat has, but in order not to startle the snake, he can only lightly fall to the ground again. In fact, he really wanted to fly directly from mid-air, but the dense laser gave him the idea.

In the end, it took a lot of effort to stand more than ten meters away from the warehouse.

In front of the warehouse, there are rows of obviously high-level mechanics, blocking the door and not moving. Even a fly can't slip through their eyes.

Chijian looked at the groups of mechanical people around him and the glittering sky map pattern on the door of the warehouse. Slowly calming down, then knelt on one knee, raised his hands high, and meditate on the protection of Pluto.

He wants to exert a full blow and try to open the warehouse door at once!

Otherwise, once it causes riots, this base-filled mechanical clan is enough to kill him!

The surrounding lighting gradually dimmed, and a sigh from the underworld rose leisurely. In mid-air, a black fog head turned out. In the red eyes, two dazzling red lights burst out and went straight to the warehouse gate not far away.


The harsh alarm sounded through the base, and all the mechanics raised their weapons and shot at the floating heads in mid-air. Because the treachery was hiding, some low-level mechanics could not find the target, so they had to point the gun at the black head that emitted different energy.

However, several rows of high-level mechanics in front of the warehouse uniformly pointed their guns at the hidden void and opened fire one after another.

Compression cannons, electromagnetic thick pulp, etc., the sky's attacks came from all directions in an instant.

At the critical moment, a pleasant sparrow sound came from Chi's treacherous feet, and then showed a step of Lianhua. With the cooperation of the unique Xingbao and the perfect skill, he finally rushed out of the only gap. In the distance, the pattern on the warehouse door was melted by the rainbow emitted by the head and gradually disappeared. Seeing this, Chi Jian was overjoyed and urged all the stars in Dantian.

People rushed into the warehouse like a drill.

The huge warehouse door was split in half by his full blow.

And magically, when the late traitor entered the warehouse door, the originally turbulent mechanical clan suddenly stopped attacking, and even the energy lights in their eyes were extinguished, as if the energy had been exhausted.

"Earthman? ..."

As soon as Chijian entered the warehouse, he had not yet reacted, because the whole warehouse was dark, emitting cold and humid rot. Before he fixed his figure, a gentle word came from the darkness.

Darkness can't stop the sight of late rape. No matter how harsh the environment is, it will appear in his eyes.

Chi Jian was stunned and then turned his eyes to an old man sitting a few meters away. His eyes were red for no reason, and he walked to the old man with trembling steps. "Are you an ancestor? ..." This sentence seems to have been said with all his strength. He felt a familiar warmth from the other party. He only felt this feeling from the ancestor in the sea of light when the ruins of Loulan.

The latter is different. The person in front of you is not illusory, but a real body.

He never thought that he just wanted to explore the biggest secret of Mofu, but he magically met his ancestors, which he didn't expect.

"Son, I see the desire and pursuit of the bloodline in your eyes, but I'm sorry that I'm not." The old man had white hair and a warm face, and his eyes were full of love.

"Impossible, you lie!" Chi raped and shouted loudly, and his mood was a little out of control.

"I am indeed an earthman, but I am not your ancestor. To be more precise, I am not an earthman of the fourth civilization." The old man laughed and said, "I come from the earth and am the last sage of Atlantis."

"Atlantis?!" The treacherous and godless muttered.

"Yes, at the beginning of the ancient times, we Atlanteans gave up our homes, took all the people away from the earth, went to the universe, and began to create a scientific and technological civilization in the universe. However, until today, our civilization has been defeated by you who are also born on earth. The technological civilization you have created is indeed more than our technology. The old man smiled and said, "Now that scientific civilization has become a thing of the past, I am the only one left in Atlantis."

Chi raped and gasped, and he couldn't accept this fact, as if he had seen the dawn of hope, but was covered up by that ray of light again.

Only endless coldness and loneliness are left to people...

"So, you made all the machines outside?" The treacherous's heart is mixed.

"Ha ha, it was Atlantis that gave them new life, but civilization will eventually disappear one day. These mechanical clans are just some of the remaining defective products in Atlantis." The old man's eyes slowly became trance, "Only in them can I see the extremely prosperous scene of Atlantis in the past."

"Why are you in Mofu?" Chi rap is still calming down little by little.

"Although I know that the aura of the race is exhausted, I don't want to die in this strange foreign land. In order to live to the day when the earth reappears, I stayed here." There is a trace of longing in the sage's smile, "Our Atlantis has been wandering in the universe for countless years, and now that civilization has fallen, it is time for us to leave the universe."

"Child, can you grant me a request? ..."

"What?" A faint sadness appeared on Chi's face. Although the other party was not an ancestor, he was also a native of the earth. Chi still subconsciously regarded him as his elder.

"When I die, I will bury my bones on the earth. I don't want to sleep in my hometown after I die. It is the common wish of all our people to return to our hometown. Although my hometown has disappeared, I see hope in you to find it. The old sage looked straight into Chi's eyes, "Is it okay?"

At this moment, Chi Rape saw the begging and desire in the eyes of the old man.

That's a very familiar look...

"Alle!" Just one word, but with unimaginable commitment and responsibility.

"Although I am not your ancestor, I hope you will never give up your obsession. Maybe I have the ability and honor to replace your ancestors to embrace the descendants of the same earth." With that, the old man smiled and opened his arms to Chi.

The late breath stagnated, and then he leaned over nervously and gently hugged the old man.

In an instant, all the ups and downs of Chi Rape calmed down, slowly closed his eyes, carefully tasted the precious warmth, and unconsciously used his strength holding the old man's arm, as if he would never lose this beautiful moment.

After a while, Chi rapture only felt that he was wrapped in a very warm light, and his whole body was warm and comfortable, as if all the responsibilities and burdens pressed on his shoulders had been removed, and his heart gradually sublimated to a certain height. The last burst of sleepiness surged in, and his consciousness slowly blurred.

Put the sleeping late traitor aside, and the old man slowly stood up, looked at the late traitor kindly, and then walked out of the warehouse step by step.

"If you violate the blood of my earth, you will be killed!"

In an instant, the momentum of the old man who had just been full of peace changed, and his eyes were cold.

"It's time for Atlantis to shine its last bright light..."


"Head, what did you ask us to come here so late?"

A group of gatekeepers led by Moza are walking in the passage to the base.

"Catch people." Moza smiled.

"Who will be caught?" Doni, who was beside him, answered.

"Rat..." Moza looked leisurely and was about to continue talking. Unexpectedly, he suddenly stopped, his expression changed, and gradually became solemn.

"Head, what's wrong?" The group of people behind him saw the situation and didn't know why.

"Daw! What's wrong with that old man?! Moza said fiercely. Turning around to the others, he shouted, "What are you still standing for? Run!"

"Run?" The rest looked at each other and were a little confused.

However, when this group of people were confused, Moza had already left a remnant and ran in the direction of the base, "Hurry up, or they will die here." Seeing that he was not joking, a group of guests also rose up one after another.

After a while, when countless dense mechanical bats and spiders crawled all over the passage, everyone took a breath of cold air.

They finally understood what Moza just said...