
Summoning and psychic


forcibly pull something from another dimension (the world of one's own mind is also counted as a different dimension) to the dimensional world where the summoner is located, and then attach something pulled over to its existing matter (generally a creature). That is to say, fix the life of the alien world to the matter of the world. The summoning skills generally used are divided into four paragraphs, and the first paragraph is to tear the dimension space, which belongs to the category of space magic. The second paragraph is made of attachments, which builds a suitable body (non-animate objects) while summoning. The third paragraph pulls and adheres to the different-dimensional creatures that coincide with spells or magic arrays. The fourth paragraph is the signing of the contract, which connects the summoner with the summoner. Summoning is also regarded as the use of advanced spells in magic. Basically, it follows the spell grammar array that has been handed down, and the self-developed summoning skills are very rare. Because self-development of summoning requires extremely massive and high-end knowledge such as space-time interference, the realization of life (material), soul (existence or concept) addition, contract method, etc., it is very difficult to develop summoning by yourself. ( The protagonists in some novels are cheating, not listed.) In addition, there are extremely rare and mutant summons. That is to cancel the construction of attachments and directly pull alien creatures to the world. And the summoning of the entire terrain of the alien world to the sealed space. Both summons are extremely dangerous summoning behaviors, because the laws and concepts of different dimensions are different from the present world, and the alien creatures directly summoned may not be bound by the contract law of the present world. If the concept of the summoned alien creature is greater than the law of the present world, it may change the surrounding environment and physical laws and make the rules of the world become its own "otherworld order". Space summoning is more dangerous. The alien space forcibly erodes the space of the present world. If there is no strong boundary, it may cause space shock or material collapse, and the consequences are probably worse than the explosion above the head.


"Psychicism" is a philosophical theory that emerged in France in the mid-19th century, published by the French educator Denizal Rivail (pseous name: Alain Cardin). The name psychic was created by Alan Kadian and comes from the French daily language, but due to the later popularization of psychics, the word was also included in the academic literature.

Christians believe that psychicism is a general term for various methods of dealing with evil spirits, whether directly or through spiritual media. Evil spirits attract people with psychics like bait to attract prey. Hunters will use all kinds of bait to lure animals into traps, and evil spirits will also advocate various forms of psychics to make the world fall into their traps. There are various forms of psychics, including divination, magic, omens, witchcraft, the use of charms, and asking spiritual mediums or souls.

Historically, it is a way to predict good or bad luck through communication with the dead world. Necromancer can be traced back to ancient Persian, Greek, Roman and medieval wizards. Necromancer can be divided into two sects: one faction is to summon and dominate ghosts (dead spirit faction), which is more common; the other faction is to master the corpse return to the soul (dead faction), and both factions are inseparable from the forbidden black magic. Necromancers usually use altars and charms, while Necromancers obtain the horrible black magic needed by digging corpses and tombs. Necromancers are usually surrounded by horrible deaths. They wear clothes stolen from the dead and think about the meaning of death. Without a certain degree of attainments in the knowledge of soul and death, it is impossible to understand the mystery of necromancer, and if you engage in it recklessly, the consequences are very dangerous. Because under normal circumstances, the dead will not return to the world (whether it is an entity or a ghost), if the above situation really happens, it must be for a very special reason. If a living person wants to establish a connection with another world and dominates the soul but ignores the request of the dead, he should be careful to learn the relevant knowledge of black magic so as not to become a victim of resentment.

At first, those who communicated with the dead were mostly motivated for profit. Because everyone believes that death can be omniscient and omniscient, necromancers are largely employed by those who want to know the location of the treasure, and these summoning rituals are usually carried out 12 months after death, because people believe that within 12 months after death, the soul has always been Wandering around the cemetery, you can't see what the living want to see. But too old corpses are usually not selected, because as for dead bodies, rotten corpses cannot answer questions clearly. Later, necromancers began to summon dead spirits and corpses to attack others, mostly in ancient Egypt and Greece. For the above purposes, it is usually necessary to suppress the resentment of the dead, and this requires special magic help, which can usually only be done by experienced wizards. In the ancient books of British wizards, there is a record of a necromancer casting spells on the chest of a dead body. Sometimes, necromancers need to summon some powerful demons to protect themselves or drive corpses and ghosts to obey them.

Psychic process

The first key psychic must be blood, because the blood deed is signed with the psychic, so blood must be used as a medium to let the psychic know who is calling him. The signer has blood lines on the blood deed. Once the psychic is certified, it can be summoned. Therefore, the blood psychic will bleed before the psychic, and will concentrate Chakra and blood on the hand that has signed the contract as a summoning medium. Then the other key is printing. All blood psychics use the same seal, in the order of Hai, Xu, You, Shen, Wei.