
Chapter 104 The Hermit

After the war, Yuze suddenly remembered many things in the past. After many big events, people will think of many things, especially his own past. Yuze suddenly remembered that he had not thought about Haidong for many days. Haidong is the closest person in the world of spiritual arts, and he is also himself. The first person brought into the spiritual world, and these days, Yuze had forgotten this person's face. Yuze also remembered Xue Qiao. After the rain marks died, Xue Qiao did not know where he had gone. Yu Ze tried to find the trace of Xue Qiao, but there was no way to find it. He had to start from Haidong, but Haidong also didn't know where to find it. Yuze remembered the place under Hongchuan City and remembered that Haidong and Chukui had come from this place. Yuze was curious about what was hidden in this underground. Anyway, the war also temporarily came to an end. Yuze was also bored and flew to Hongchuan City. Below.

Under Hongchuan City is all water, and there are many stone forests that suddenly rise from the water. Yuze once thought that Hongchuan City was destroyed, so the situation below will not be much better. After all, the battle was too fierce. It was a devastating battle, but Yuze did not expect that The place under Hongchuan City is still like a fairyland on earth. The water here is still clear, and the stone forest here is still straight. In the past, spiritual arts could not be used around Hongchuan City, and it was necessary to cross the waters here by boat, but now there is no seventh space here, and it can be flown here. Finding people has also improved efficiency. Yuze can now easily control the black snow wings. The black wings are unprecedentedly flexible. Flying on the water here is like walking in the back garden of his home, and flying here is like a bird flying in the sky, so free.

While Yuze was flying in this place, he suddenly heard a song. This was an old man's voice. Yuze was very strange and didn't expect that there would be anyone else in this place. As far as Yuze knew, Hongchuan City was a place where everyone was strictly forbidden to step in. Unexpectedly, there would be people. Yuze was very sure of this sound. Sound is a human voice, not caused by other reasons. Yuze began to look for the source of the sound, but although the sound existed, it was difficult to find out that it came from that place. Such a thing increased Yuze's curiosity about the sound and the mystery of the sound, but the so-called unintentional willow shade, when you are looking for it. However, Yuze suddenly found that a flat boat was turning towards him. The sound came from the flat boat. Yu Ze slowly lowered his flight altitude and cautiously approached the ship. With so many years of prevention against foreign things, Yuze has developed a cautious habit. In the past, Yuze remembered clearly that many things he encountered because of his youth and ignorance were caused by carelessness.

Slowly approached the ship. At this time, suddenly a man came out of the ship. The man wore a bamboo hat, but the bamboo hat was not an excuse for him to hide his face. The man slowly raised his head and proved that he was not a dark person. He was an old man. With a long white beard and a white hair, it is so old that it is rare that the hair has not fallen off. Those white hair has become white to yellow, which is a bit like the old man in the paradise. The white to yellow hair is older than white hair. I don't know how many years the old man has lived, and this It's strange that if you have lived for many years, why didn't anyone find out? You should know that it is forbidden to enter under Hongchuan, so it is very inconceive that a person has lived under this for so long or retired for so long.

"Old man, why are you here? Do you know that this place is a taboo place in the land of water? If someone knows, you will be in trouble," Yuze said.

"Young man, you are still quite kind-hearted and care about me, an insignificant old man, but it's not illegal to walk here! I don't know how many years I have lived here, and the so-called tradition of the Water Kingdom is also because the rules set by the first monarch of the Water Kingdom promised me, so I naturally take it for granted here.

"What? What are you talking about? Why don't I understand?" Yuze asked.

The old man laughed and continued, "Didn't you say that it was illegal to enter here? But you know that the rule of not letting people enter here is set for me. I live in seclusion here, so the first monarch of the Water Kingdom gave me this face, otherwise anyone would disturb my life. I remember that the main city of the Water Kingdom was still in Jiyu City at that time. Unexpectedly, I moved here later. It's really a change in the world. I didn't expect it at all.

"Isn't it? Old man, you are so old, don't lie to me. If you follow what you said, aren't you thousands of years old now? Isn't that too exaggerated?" Yuze said in a little disbelief and slowly landed on the boat, otherwise it would be strange and tired for the old man to keep raising his head.

"It's not exaggerated, it's not exaggerated. It's precisely because I'm old that I can't lie. Lying is for some interests. At my age, I don't think I need to lie, do you think so?"

Yu Ze reacted and felt that it was the same. There was no need for this old man to lie, but it was really a hard fact to believe that he had lived for thousands of years.

"I know you are also confused now, but what I said is true. Today I came here to meet you. I also have something to tell you. I don't know if you want to listen?" The old man asked.

"I have nothing to do, just say it. Anyway, I can listen to it as a story." Yu Ze said.

"But what I will do is not be a story, but a real thing, and it may also be related to you. You may also use it in the future. A long time ago, I don't know how long ago. Anyway, a long time ago, the world was called Shenzhou. There are many practitioners on Shenzhou. Of course, now it seems that those practitioners The true people are called spiritual magicians, but those in that era are called practitioners, so that they are also under the control of the prophet. The prophets are their gods. The prophets have fabricated many lies, made up many history, and made up many myths to convince these people that they were living in such a world. Come, the black dragon, one of the four dragons, suddenly awakened and provoked a struggle against the prophet. The prophet knew that only the top ten ancient artifacts could suppress the black dragon, but the prophet himself could not touch the ancient artifact, so he thought of a plan to use a simple practitioners, and finally reached his goal. The true man killed the black dragon, but the prophet did not expect that the true man also seriously injured the prophet himself. At that time, after a big war, the world has been recreated. He thought that the true man had also died, but he did not expect that the true man was not dead. Of course, only the cultivation He knew that he was not dead. Later, the practitioner lived in seclusion and lived in a place where few people entered, and the prophet continued to create a new order to rule the world. The practitioner became a spiritual magician, and the god became a prophet. Now the prophet is dead, but the sin is still continuing. Continuing, when the practitioners lived in seclusion, they divided their power into two sections. Both of their forces have rediscovered the human body as a sojourn, and only these two people can touch the ancient artifacts.

"What do you want to say to me? What on earth are you going to say? Yuze seemed to realize what the old man was going to say, but Yuze didn't know what it was, because there were ten ancient artifacts in the old population, not four.

The old man laughed and stretched out his hand. Suddenly, he saw that the spiritual weapon array next to Yuze was suddenly formed. Yuze was naturally surprised. He thought about what he thought if his things suddenly appeared. The first would be surprised, the second was surprised, and the third was speechless.

When the spiritual weapon array was formed, the Shenyuan sword flew out by itself and flew towards the old man. Yuze wanted to catch it but did not catch it. The Shenyuan sword had arrived at the old man's side. Yuze was even more surprised to see here. Yuze did not expect such a thing. He rushed over and grabbed the Shenyuan sword, but The old man had let go, and then laughed and said, "Don't worry, the divine source sword is still yours. I'm just proving one thing."

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Why can you control the divine source sword? Yuze asked in a hurry.

The old man smiled and then said, "This is going to tell a lot of stories. I can not only control this divine source sword, but I can also use its power. The divine source sword used to be mine, but it was not called the divine source sword before, nor the divine source sword. In the past, the divine source sword was several things, that is, the ancient god In that battle, the ancient artifacts merged into four, and ten became four, that is, the current dragon scale armor, the divine source sword, the elemental crown, and the other is the source of the element, and the practitioners I just told you are me, so these things are mine, and it's not strange for me to use them. It's just that I can't use it completely now, because I've divided my power into two parts. There are only two people who can use the artifact now, and you are one of them. Congratulations.

"You, are you the one who fought against the prophet and seriously injured the prophet? Don't fool me. That person doesn't exist at all, and it won't appear in front of me like this. Yu Ze said.

"I know you don't believe it, but you must believe it, because you are one of my forces. One of those two forces is you. You can use the divine source sword and the source of elements that can be merged. For this reason, aren't you curious why only you can use the divine source sword? And why can you fuse the French seals of all four elements together?

Speaking of this, Yuze suddenly woke up. The two that the old man said were indeed curious. Yuze also knew that the divine source sword could only be used by himself, and the four elements could be integrated into a person, which also made Yuze very curious. If what the old man said was true, then he could really It can be true.

"Wait, what is the source of the element you mentioned? I've never heard of such an artifact. You're not made up to lie to me, are you? What's your purpose?" Yuze asked suspiciously.

"I don't need to lie to you. You just saw the reaction of the divine source sword. You are one of the forces I said. I'm afraid that the prophet will find me and destroy these forces, so I separated the power. You are one of them, and the source of the element I mentioned is the four forces in your chest. In fact, the source of the element is hidden in the four elemental seals. As long as any of the spiritual magician's seals of the four elements are gathered, it is the source of the elements. The source of the element comes from human beings, so it is hidden in any spiritual spell. I'm glad that you accidentally got the seals of these four different elements. These four methods The seal has gathered into your body and has now become a part of your body. I have to congratulate you. Now you have two artifacts.

"You. Have you always known about me? Then, the other force should be the same as me. Where is he? Yu Ze asked

Speaking of this, the old man hesitated and said, "Indeed, there is another force that has been reincarnate like you. He is absolutely, and I know that he has got two other artifacts, and he has also collected two ancient spirit beasts, as well as the powerful power of such an organization as 'broken'. Now He wants to rule the world, and he wants to let all the spiritual skills in this world die. Speaking of which, it is my mistake. When I separated the power, I also separated my resentment and transferred it to the power in my body, so it is also the representative of my resentment. I am ashamed, so now I just asked you to make it clear. I hope you will destroy him, otherwise I'm afraid the world will suffer an unprecedented war again.

"Although it's your mistake, I have to care about it. You can directly say how to deal with this guy. In fact, I'm not very happy with this guy, but I can't do anything about him."

"I'm even more ashamed to say this. In fact, I have nothing I can do. I just told you what I should say, so that you know what you should know. Now the prophet has also been destroyed, and my power has also been destroyed, then the world can be said to have really settled down. As for the absolute, I can only tell you. What I know is that in fact, strictly speaking, it is not a person's body. When his wife died in the hands of others, he was powerless, and it was that time that my resentment in Jue's body was stimulated, so that now Jue is an Avenger, a sinful body with endless resentment. There is an eye on his forehead, which is his third eye, which grows on his forehead. It is a gathering of resentment and his dead hole. Of course, it is also his most powerful place. As long as you destroy these eyes, there should be no way to deal with it, and this eye is the most A powerful place is because this place will be connected to a place, which is the middle of the human world to the world of the dead. The necromancer is more evil and the hidden power is more powerful than the spiritual world. Although this area is not strictly a necromancer, there are some in it, you and me. The power you don't know, those eyes can bring people into that middle zone, and in that place, he may be the most familiar, so no one can defeat him in that place, so you should remember not to be sucked in by this eye in the future.

"So what should I do? Not to mention, his organization is also extremely powerful. Yu Ze said.

The old man sneered and said, "Don't care about that. Now the really powerful people have gone and died. The white night has died, and the rain marks have also died. Xue Qiao doesn't know where to go. The fierce wind has been killed in the country of water. Strictly, few people have done anything, and the rest of the people It won't be your opponent, so your goal now is to be alone.

"Just now you said that Xue Qiao didn't know where to go? What do you mean?

"Strictly speaking, Xue Qiao is not very willing to come to the break. He just followed the rain marks to the break. Since the rain marks are dead, there is no need for Xue Qiao to stay in the break."

"What is the relationship between Xue Qiao and Yu Mark?" Yuze's face was a little ugly. The old man knew that Yuze was jealous, so he hurriedly explained.

"Xueqiao and Yuhen are actually cousins. Xueqiao once referred to marrying Yuhen, but Yuchen is ten years old. Yuhen has always treated Xueqiao as his own sister, so don't worry, these are the truth. I used to know the royal family of Jiyu City very well."

Yuze was relieved and immediately smiled secretly, but hurriedly said, "What's the relief? What do you mean by this sentence?

The old man smiled again and said, "The rest of the world is up to you. I'm leaving." With that, the old man slowly began to row the boat. Yuze didn't know why he was suspended at this time, as if this was also done by the old man.

"What's your name, old man? Thank you for telling me so much today." Yuze asked

"The name is just a code name. I'm just a recluse. You don't need to remember me. That's all. Don't tell people outside that there is an old man here. I'll pass Haidong, even if you help Haidong return me back."

Yuze was about to ask about Haidong, but the old man had disappeared, disappeared in the fog of the lake, and could no longer be found.