
Chapter 105 The snuggle of men and women

The news that Xueqiao disappeared has always made Yuze feel a little uneasy and idle. Yuze just thought of looking for Xueqiao. At least now, only Xueqiao is barely a person who cares about Yuze. Strictly speaking, he is the only person who is alive or may be alive, and does not seem to have it at all. Yuze thought for a long time and couldn't guess where Xueqiao was going. Suddenly, Yuze thought that Xueqiao was likely to have gone to Jiyu City, and he learned from the old man below Hongchuan City that the relationship between Xueqiao and Yuhen was not ordinary. The rain marks were dead, so Xueqiao was most likely to have gone to the accumulated rain. City.

Anyway, Jiyu City is not far from Hongchuan City, at least in the Kingdom of Water. With the current Yuze, it is not very laborious to reach Jiyu City. Soon it has arrived at Jiyu City. Jiyu City is still as decadent as ever, and now strictly speaking, it is more decadent, and the water surface here is higher. It seems that it won't be long before the Rain City will cease to exist and is likely to disappear in this world forever. It is normal for the generation to change generations. The destruction of the Rain City is also the trend of history. Powerful things will always replace the old things. The death of the prophet also proves this. There is no eternal change. Things in the world are constantly changing. It can be said that what remains unchanged may be changed. Only change is unchanged. Once again, when I stepped into the Rain City and saw these decadent buildings, Yuze couldn't help feeling a lot. The scene of stepping into this land in the past seems to be faintly visible. Memory is the best way to destroy people, because Memories means that the person in the past died, and now when he is old, it means that he is not far from death, because people's ultimate fear is afraid of death. Some people are afraid of ghosts because they are afraid that ghosts will hurt them. Some people will be afraid of climbing high, just because they are afraid of falling down and then hang up. Some are People like to live obscenely, because obscenely is safer, etc. Together, people are afraid of death, but some people don't know why they are afraid of something, because there is a reason behind the fear, so they are afraid and sad. Recalling some of the past days It's sad. Of course, some people say it doesn't matter. So the person who strictly says such a thing should not be a person, at most an animal that is already human.

Flying over Jiyu City, Yuze has a lot of sentimental and the rapid change of the times. He sighed that he had gone through so many things, and those things were still like yesterday. After sinking in memories for a long time, Yuze slowly remembered that he came here to find Xueqiao, all around Yuze didn't know where to start looking for those buildings towering to the surface of the water. Flying into the sky, Yuze suddenly found that there was a figure on the tallest building in Jiyu City. Yuze recognized this figure at a glance. That was Xue Qiao. Yuze hurried over, and the closer he got to Yuze, the more excited he became. That was Xue Qiao. Yuze in the sky flew to Xue Qiao, but Xue Qiao didn't have much reaction. It looked like Xue Qiao was very on his back. It seemed that he had cried, and there were tears on his narrow face. Yu Ze immediately withdrew his smile and then became melancholy. You can't help but be melancholy. Sadness, this is always not good. I have encountered a situation before. I went to a funeral place, but I was suddenly surprised, because a person next to me suddenly laughed out and then quickly covered his mouth, as if he also realized that he could not laugh in this place, but his expression betrayed him. The disguise was suddenly seen by the owner's house. Unfortunately, this guy was severely beaten, so the joys and sorrows also need to be divided into different occasions. In this world, people are actually pretending. People who can't pretend will always live worse than those who can pretend. People like sweet words, so sometimes they have to Pretend to say good words, so that when others are happy, some of your things will succeed. Second, people don't like others to live better than themselves when they are sad, just like a poor man who hates the rich.

Although Yuze is also melancholy, it's obviously not pretending. Yuze can't pretend yet, because Yuze cares about Xueqiao, and only one person will really laugh and cry for her. If he doesn't care about a person, he will pretend to be angry. Now Yuze has grown up, and he knows very well. It is said that I really like the girl in front of me. It is always a very unpleasant thing to see the sadness of the girl I like, but sometimes some boys will think that this is actually a pleasant thing, because when girls are sad, then boys have a chance. If there is a chance, they may have the next step. Zhan, so, some boys with bad intentions will actually pretend to be, but in fact, he is a little weird or happy in his heart.

"What's wrong? It seems that you are not very happy." Yuze sat next to Xue Qiao and asked. Xue Qiao looked at Yu Ze and turned his head. He didn't know what to look at in the distance. After a while, he turned his head and replied, "No, no, what's wrong? The prophet is dead. Now we spiritualists should be happy."

Yuze actually knows why Xue Qiao is unhappy, but uncovering the scar is always the most cruel, so Yuze is not convenient to ask again. It is inconvenient to uncover the wound, but always comfort him.

"In fact, everyone has their own mission. It is more painful to live without completing his mission than to die. If a person completes his mission, he will feel happy even if he dies. There are too many people who died in this battle, and they should be happy, because the prophet finally returned the world to For the people in this world, our freedom is also in exchange for these dead people. We will always remember them. Compared with those who died without any value, these people are happy.

"But have you ever heard that people should always remember not only as a hero, but also as the worst person. People will remember these two kinds of people. I know the meaning of what you just said. Yuhen may still remember his image as a bad person. In fact, Yuhen is a good person. The destruction is not because of the brutality of Jiyu City. Strictly, Jiyu City is not as cruel as the legend outside. In fact, Jiyu City is still well ruled, but the people of Hongchuan City subverted all this. All this honors and revenge have called Yuhen, the only person who survived. Yuhen used to be a weak person. He is also a kind person, but now he is murderous, and behind his murderousness, his fragile heart is hidden. Others don't know, but I know that Yuhen is actually not a bad person, but our position is different. Xue Qiao said.

is right, but leaving the scene is different. Bad people say that good people are bad people, good people say bad people are bad people, but the definition of what bad people is is very vague. The current definition is that those who violate the interests of most people are bad people, and those who are based on the interests of a small number of people are bad people. What is it? But in the end, it's all because of people's selfishness. People are selfish. When a pair of people become selfish, bad people are born. Most of them begin to pay attention to their own interests, so they ignore the problems they see. Therefore, people's selfishness has long been two camps, and there have long been bad guys and good people. Enemies, the war has long been over.

Yuze slowly approached Xue Qiao at this time. A man had to find an excuse to get close to a woman, and a woman had to find an excuse to let a man get close to herself. The most common thing was that a man found a comforting excuse, and a woman found an excuse to rely on her, if in a room Face, then a man finds an excuse that I love you, and a woman finds a romance as an excuse, so they will stick together. In fact, they are all attractive, but they are embarrassed to attract them together, or take the lead. Therefore, the reason is that the excuse obviously appears, not to mention that men think, women In fact, people can't hold back themselves.

Yu Ze was trying to lean his hands on Xue Qiao's shoulder, and Xue Qiao actually jumped into Yu Ze's arms in advance, and then burst into tears. Yu Ze's body temperature suddenly soared. His hands were still stretched out in mid-air and did not respond, but other places had already reacted from his thighs. The roots began to heat up and quickly spread to the whole body. Yuze knew that this move was abnormal, and Xue Qiao thought that Yuze stretched out his hand first, so it was understandable that he jumped into other people's arms and retained the woman's unique reserve.

"What's wrong?" Yuze was stunned and didn't know what to say. He could only say this, because men usually receive some physiological control and forget some beliefs, some self, including some speech skills.

"Nothing, I just want to rely on you like this. Now I'm alone and can't find it. If you don't want me to rely on you like this, I won't rely on your face."

Yu Ze hurriedly explained, "What did you say? I have no complaints about letting you rely on it for a lifetime, but you can say it if you have something on your mind. It will be better to say it. Let me share it for you, so that I will feel better.

With women next to him, men are always the stupidest and smartest. They are stupid because they are smart for women's next behavior. They are smart because they say something that they will sigh.

"No, you just let me rely on you like this. Yuhen is my only relative in the world. Now I'm alone. I know you don't like me, but I just hope I can rely on you like this, okay?

Yu Ze blushed and said, "Who said I don't like you anymore? How can I not like you when you are so beautiful? Shit, Shit, let you rely on me for the rest of your life. Yuze said he did it.

"Are you telling the truth? I know that men like to lie. Yuhen told me that men are unreliable. Should I trust you? You are different from ordinary men, right? Women are all fair and wrong, and the questions that men answer will be expressed in women's mouths with rhetorical questions. Of course, this is also one of the key reasons and evidence-based reasons for women to inspiring men to lie. Women believe that their ears are sometimes more important than their own eyes, and men will definitely follow women. The rhetorical question was answered with an affirmative sentence. Otherwise, then this man is either a pervert or gay, or he is a fool.

Yuze definitely told Xue Qiao what he thought. Of course, the next thing is that Xue Qiao is closer. Of course, Yu Ze is also more nervous at this time. Men always have some evil ideas at this time, such as &*...%¥ (this part) Mosaic must be made, which is also a respect for the law of network communication.) Xue Qiao's face couldn't help but slowly rise at this time. Yu Ze also looked at Xue Qiao. Xue Qiao in Yu Ze's arms may be the most beautiful girl in Yu Ze's heart at this time, just like a treasure in Yu Ze's hand. Yu Ze died. Looking at Xue Qiao's eyes, those eyes seemed to be really asking for something, which made Yuze's heart beat faster. At this time, it can be called excitement. Yu Ze couldn't control his mouth and slowly moved towards Xueqiao. At this time, something happened, and God always liked it. At the critical moment, something happened. Let's talk about it now. At the critical moment, I found that there was no condom. When there was a condom, I found a hole. After no hole, I found that it was broken. After buying a contraceptive pill, I found that it was expired. After taking it, I found that the contraceptive pill was useless. I went to the hospital and found that there was no medical expenses. These are all possible.

Of course, these things did not happen at this time, but because a few people came. These people were broken people. Xueqiao withdrew and naturally would not leave out so simply. He will definitely not let Xue Qiao go. One of the things that must not be tolerated is betrayal, but Xue Qiao will not be afraid. Because Yuze is next to her, women's favorite thing is to give themselves a man with a sense of reliability and security. Yuze is undoubtedly the best grasp at this time, so Xueqiao is smiling. Of course, when they see Yuze here, those broken people are distressed, because the broken people know that Yuze is naked in that battle. Yan has been dealt with, and such a person is obviously not easy to mess with.

Several people sent out are paper cranes and smelled wounds. These two people are extremely powerful and extremely proud two people. If these two people are never sent out, then the estimation of Xueqiao's ability has also reached a certain height. Presumably Xueqiao is not an ordinary role, so these two masters are sent. When Wen and the paper crane saw that Yu Ze was next to him, they couldn't help looking at each other and hurriedly said, "It seems that we have disturbed the leisure of the two of you, so let's go first!" He said when he smelled the wound.

A good thing was disturbed in front of a woman. The man must support his face. Yu Ze suddenly roared, "So it's you. Why are you here? Are you here to make trouble?" Yuze said that he was about to explain the injury, but Xue Qiao said, "The two of them came here to kill me. I'm not a broken person now. I must let them kill me." Hearing Xueqiao's words, Smell Wound and Paper Crane are a little scared. They are afraid that Xueqiao and Yuze will join hands, so Smell Wound and Paper Crane may not be their opponents.

The paper crane hurriedly said, "Where? Xueqiao, you were wrong. We came here to have a stroll. We insisted that we came to see if there were any relics left here. The rain marks were broken and died. We must bury the rain marks well, so now we have come to the place where Yuhen likes to live.

Xue Qiao didn't say anything. He sneered at the paper crane, immediately understood the paper crane's lie, and then hurriedly said, "Yes, Xue Qiao, don't think of us so badly, okay? We just have our own positions, so you think we are bad people. Besides, Xueqiao has made a lot of contributions to breaking. How can we come here to kill you as you said? This cumulonimous city does not have the power of rain marks. I will soon be flooded by the rain, so we came to see if we can save something. You think too badly. Maybe we came at the wrong time, which makes you angry, so we will go now. Let's go now, and there will be Let's talk about the past again."

Xue Qiao didn't say anything, but Yuze shouted out and said, "Do you want to leave so much? Although Xueqiao has no hatred for you, you are broken people, so you are my enemies. Now you are the only organization that hinders the peace of the world. Today I want you two to come back!" Yuze said that the divine source sword was immediately summoned. The divine source sword had a sense of oppression for the soul. As soon as it was summoned, the paper crane and Wen injury changed their faces. They immediately realized the great disparity in power and hurriedly said, "Yuze, what are you doing? If you want to kill, kill it. This is all a must. We are also his subordinates, but they are forced to do things by him. If you want to settle accounts, go to kill us. What kind of a good man is it? Besides, aren't you relying on ancient artifacts? What's the look like?"

Smell the wound was obviously a fierce method, but Yuze still had a little bit of this, but suddenly, a spiral nest appeared behind the wound, and then he saw a pair of bloody hands coming through the body of the wound, and then a wind hole suddenly sucked the wound into it. The paper crane had not had time to react. It was also sucked in by this wind hole.

absolutely appeared.

"I'm sorry, these two guys have been quarreling here. I'm very embarrassed to sweep away your good things. These two guys actually think so in private. I've helped you deal with him."

Seeing the appearance, the divine sword in Yuze's hand was held more tightly by Yuze. Seeing Yuze's expression at this time, Jue smiled and said, "Is there strength? When we meet in the future, let's use it. I'd like to see whether the world is yours or mine. Which of us is the real son of God!" After saying that, he was absorbed by the wind hole all of a sudden.