
Chapter 110 Legend of Fire 3

The dragon people over there suddenly looked at it again and then said, "We are definitely the guardians of Longyuan. You don't have to doubt this. The important thing is that you are the first people to come in alive, so we doubt whether you are the destination of Longyuan."

"Do you think you are? I don't believe it! I know that this Longyuan is not an ordinary thing. If you are a traitor, wouldn't it be a big deal? The paper crane said.

One of the dragon people over there suddenly stood up and said, "Well, let me tell you about Longyuan. Longyuan is the key source of power that the four dragons in the spiritual world can regenerate. It is rumored that Longyuan is also the source of power of the world and a treasure formed at the beginning of the world. This city is to protect the dragon. Yuan built, and we also exist to protect Longyuan. The souls of everyone who enter this place will be burned out by the flames here, but there is a legend that one person will not be burned out by the flames here. This person is the legendary destination of Longyuan, but we have waited for thousands here. No one can enter here and have not been burned out by the flames here. I remember that our mission is to protect Longyuan. If Longyuan's fate really appears, he has the right to temporarily lend Longyuan. After all, Longyuan is the lifeblood of this continent and cannot be borrowed for a long time.

"Yes, it's not good if it's used by some traitor." Hearing the wound, the four dragons over there smiled. One of them said, "Don't worry about this. We are the strongest force in the world. Presumably no one can take Longyuan out and not bring it back. As long as we take action, it's just that the existence of Longyuan is related to the birth of this continent. You can't leave for too long, otherwise there may be all kinds of troubles in the world.

For the confidence of those dragon people, the paper crane does not dare to say anything, nor dare to assert that these dragon people are proud, because everything here is a mystery. Why is this place a mystery, then everything in it is also a mystery. If the dragon people are really telling the truth, then That is to say, the most powerful thing in the world is this Longyuan. He said that the paper crane immediately became greedy and was even more inspired. He thought that it was necessary to get this thing.

"Okay, okay, I believe you, but you have to believe us. We are the reincarnation of Longyuan. In fact, we know so much, and we come here is also the call of fate, because there is an organization in the outside world, which has destroyed the whole world. That's why we came to use Longyuan, hoping that the world can live a good life. I don't know if we can borrow Longyuan for the time being. Thank you. After saying these words, the paper crane is also a little disgusting. The most disgusting thing for a bad person is to say good people's words to be a good person. It's as disgusting as a man saying that he loves you and makes some courtship gestures.

"What? But..." A dragon man said, and then whispered to several other dragon people. Obviously, the IQ of the dragon people over there is problematic. In this case, they will also think about it. It seems that these dragon people have been in this place for too long, so that their IQ has obviously declined and they will enter the world. Deep, maybe even have not entered the human world at all, have not come to the human world, and have not entered the human society, so many things are ignorant, and many things have been perfectly preserved, wrapped in innocence and kindness. These dragon people are like a few years old, maintaining that kind of natural innocence. Of course, people's society is dark. People who enter the society have basically lost many of their original things, including kindness, including human nature. A child slowly grows up, and then a pair of big eyes slowly become sharp eyes. Slowly grow up, they will no longer have those born. Some things have become selfish, evil, treacherous and inhumane. In front of such a group of people, innocence and kindness are vulnerable. Obviously, those dragon people's sense of prevention are also extremely poor. In front of treacherous villains like paper cranes, there is no power to fight, even if these dragons People have powerful power, but they can't compare with the horror of people's hearts.

"Okay, okay, then come with us. We will lend you two Longyuan for the time being, but we must return it within a month, otherwise we will pick it up in person, but we must make it clear that if you don't send Longyuan back on time, Then don't blame us for being rude when we get it back. If you don't send Longyuan back on time, it will prove that you are not Longyuan's destination. Then everything that deceives us and touches Longyuan will turn into dust. We keep our word, no matter who you are, Don't blame us for being rude." With that, several dragon people walked towards the center of the dam in the distance. Strictly speaking, there was a square in the middle of the castle, and these people walked towards the center of the square.

In fact, it can also be concluded from the words of those dragon people that these dragon people are not afraid that someone can take Longyuan at all. They are just worried about how long they will be taken away. It seems that as long as they can take action, there is nothing that can't be done.

(For the realm of the heart, the highest praise I can give is: rich simplicity. All the spiritual great people I know have this characteristic in their spiritual world. Their core is always simple, but they can tolerate rich emotions, experiences and thoughts.

I believe that every spiritual great man faces the universe directly in essence. On the one hand, he knows that he is just a child of the universe, which is deeply hidden in the core of his heart and fundamentally keeps his heart pure as a child. On the other hand, he is full of spiritual desire for the eternal nature of the universe. Under the domination of this desire, he is instinctively attracted to all spiritual things and makes his heart richer and richer.

The opposite state is the complexity of poverty. This is the mediocre hearts, which are occupied by various interpersonal relationships and interests, so they are complex; but they completely lack spiritual connotation, so they are also a poor complexity.

In addition to these two cases, there may be poor simplicity, but if there is no spiritual brilliance, I would rather say that it is simple rather than simple. Is there any rich complexity? I don't know, if there is, it may be a devil's heart.

The simplicity of human nature comes from nature. There are two kinds of simplicity of human nature, which correspond to the two kinds of nature respectively. The first is primitive simplicity, which corresponds to the primitive material nature. Children's lives have just been separated from primitive nature, and unnatural people still live in primitive nature. Their human nature has this primitive simplicity. The second is the simplicity of transcendence, which corresponds to the nature of transcendence spiritual nature. All spiritual great men, including great saints, philosophers and poets, have a communication with transcendent nature through faith, contemplation or experience, and their human nature has this simplicity beyond nature.

Between two natures, between the two simplicitys of human nature, there is a social and social relationship. On the one hand, the role of society separates people from primitive nature, and on the other hand, it organizes people to transcend nature. Therefore, most people often lose the original simplicity, but they can't get the simplicity beyond it.

Society is a complicated field for human nature. Of course, no one can live completely away from society. However, no one has to give up their spiritual life for the sake of society. For those with strong spiritual instincts, it is natural to restrain social interaction and simplify social relations. Because of this, they can go beyond the barriers of society and move towards great spiritual goals. When we were children, the world was a place full of love. Here we live a happy life without conspiracy, without jealousy, or even ignorant innocence, because there is such a peaceful world in the consciousness of childhood. We don't have to run for life or worry about responsibility. Once you reach adulthood, those things that were once far apart will penetrate into life little by little, which can be said to be pervasive. How can we keep that former innocence at this time? This is the reality. Society will force us to submit. After struggling, we will find that this is the real road to growth. All we can do for today's marketers is a wry smile.

"At the beginning of man, nature was good," the ancients told us. Indeed, human nature is beautiful and pure when we first become life, which is what we call innocence. However, as you get older and have more experience, the good human nature will slowly color in the big dyeing tank of society. Some are enthusiastic red, some are pure white, and some are dark black. Just as everything has two sides, this change is not all caused by the subtleization of the outside world, but also the human beings, the body of our emotions.

Human beings will slowly integrate into the collective and society as they grow up, and the big family of society will also transform each individual as it thinks is right with its excellent patience. In the rendering of different environments, different individuals are generated, and in our simplest cognition, good people and bad people are formed in this way. Just like the twisted person in the book, what he worships is a warlike, dark, full of suspicion and selfishness. He uses the jealousy and desire for love that adults have to induce us to do things that we will definitely regret. This is the loophole of human nature and the weakness of human beings.
