
Chapter 111 Legend of Fire 4

Under the leadership of the four dragon people, Wen Wound and the paper crane once again entered the place that looked like a castle. When they entered that place, they only saw the dragon people in the middle of the square, and then stood in the southeast and northwest. After the four dragons stood up, they slowly floated. When I got up, I saw that the smelled wounds and paper cranes were also curious about what this was doing. Suddenly, I saw that the ground under this square began to melt slowly, and the ones under the feet of the four dragons began to melt. The bricks formed by the flames began to melt. Soon I smelled the wounds and the paper crane became Akang computer. It turns out that there is a pool under this square. This is a pool formed by flames. Of course, there is nothing else. There are flames around here, but paper cranes are not stupid. The reason why the four dragons are so mysterious, then the things here must not be ordinary, nor ordinary flames. .

The four dragons slowly landed, and a dragon man in the tomb said, "This is the only fire pool that flowed down in ancient times. This is the fire water left by the sea of fire in the past. The city-state here can burn continuously because of this fire water, but everything here is for One thing, that is Longyuan, and Longyuan is here.

A dragon man reached into the pool with one hand and quickly took out something that looked like an egg. This is Longyuan. There was still heat and some light that looked like lace around Longyuan. Seeing that Longyuan was taken out, the paper crane was stunned and his eyes Zhang Deda, as if he suddenly saw the treasure slave, was about to jump on it, but he was very calm when he smelled the wound. He saw the beautiful Longyuan, but he was not happy. Seeing the Longyuan was like seeing a doomsday. Although the Longyuan revealed the light, it also seemed to be revealing Like death, he is constantly recruiting to smell the wound, and the smell wound falls into melancholy.

"This is Longyuan. Now I will hand over Longyuan to you. Within a month, you must send this thing back, or we will receive it in person!" Just after saying that, suddenly, the wound seemed to wake up from a nightmare and hurriedly looked around. The surroundings were already very quiet, and the scene of the fire city had disappeared. This was still the country of fire, and the paper crane next to it slowly woke up. All this was like a dream. When the paper crane woke up, it also hurriedly looked around. Of course, the paper crane cared about whether Long Yuan got it or not. Suddenly, the paper crane came out and shouted and pointed to the other side of the wound. It was also surprised to smell the wound. They didn't know what the paper crane was calling. They hurriedly looked at themselves and suddenly found that this was not a dream. There was a red kind in the hand of the wound. Something like an egg, that thing is taken out by the dragon man. That thing is Longyuan. I can't believe it when I see the injury here. The paper crane hurried over, then grabs Longyuan, and then holds it in his hand and looks at Longyuan like a treasure. The paper crane is about to drool.

"I don't think all this is that simple. Longyuan is a supreme treasure. How can it be so easy for us to get it." He said when he smelled the wound.

The paper crane looked at the wound, then looked at Longyuan in his hand, and then said, "Longyuan is a supreme treasure, but we don't get it easily. We risked death to get this Longyuan."

sighed and said, "Well, even so, but after we use it, we must return it to those dragon people within a month, otherwise they will come back to get what they said, and it's very rude. Now Longyuan is in your hands, you have to do it."

"Cut, what is there? Those dragons are just scary. Since Longyuan has reached my hands, no one will take away this dragonyuan, no matter who it is. As soon as the paper crane said this, it suddenly looked at the smell of the wound with very sharp eyes. At first, it had not reacted. Later, it suddenly understood that whoever the paper crane said, including itself, the smell of the wound immediately realized that the possessiveness of the paper crane was expanding. In order to avoid a war, smell the injury He hurriedly said, "Okay, Longyuan, you have to take good care of it. If there is anything we need in the future, we must hide this matter, especially for Jue, we must hide it, otherwise it will be bad if he finds out."

"What's the best? I have always been unconvinced. Although everyone is equal in the break, isn't it actually left to one person to decide what the organization wants to do? Now Longyuan is in my hands, and I have a magic weapon that surpasses the world. I don't see the ancient spiritual weapons, let alone that bastard.

"You're wrong. Longyuan is used to deal with the end. We can't think about possessing it. If those dragons are really powerful, then we will be bad. After all, this is a matter for the two of us. We pretend to be Long Yuan together."

"Are you afraid? Are you afraid of what those dragons say? Do you think they are really that powerful? If I just rely on my mouth, I will also say, of course, some things will not be the best, such as keeping secrets!" After saying that, the paper crane suddenly changed his face, and then a firelight rushed from the hand of the paper crane to smell the wound in an instant. Before he could avoid it, he was hit. The paper crane thought that according to his ability to rebirth, he could at least escape, but he was immediately stunned. He suddenly found that he could not escape, and It was trapped by death. The firelight was constantly absorbing something. He couldn't believe all this. He looked at the paper crane in the distance. At this time, the paper crane looked like a nightmare, holding the dragon Yuan tightly, as if holding his heart, and smelling the skin on the other side. The skin began to collapse quickly, as if something had dried the smelling wound from the inside, but the smelling wound did not die, but it already looked like a skinny body.

"You will be punished, you will be punished!" Smell the wound and finally said, and then the whole thing was sucked dry and turned into powder, sprinkled in the air, and the paper crane looked like a madman at this time, jumping away in the distance.

There was a twist in the air, and Jue suddenly came out, holding his hand and looking at the paper crane leaving in the distance. Suddenly, he laughed and said, "Long Yuan! I knew it for a long time, but it's a pity that I'm not that stupid!"