
Chapter 112 Uneasy Night

"Now your task is to kill all the remaining people above the spiritual level, except Zi Shuang!" Absolute Guijiao said that the strength of Guijiao is absolutely clear, and Guijiao is also very clear about the details. Although Guijiao has not confirmed it, Guijiao also said to Jue before leaving, "Why do you want to leave a purple frost alive? Does it have anything to do with purple frost? Or are you confused by his beauty?

He never said anything, but disappeared, and the ghost also laughed.

Guijiao, as a killing tool, can be said to be worthy of its name, especially his assassination, but it is easy to kill people. As the first and second spiritual master of the Kingdom of Water, Guijiao is also responsible for the same thing as the latter, which is also killing, but killing is more vicious than the following spiritual lords, so that it first Knowing that Guijiao is a person who may betray himself, that is, he expelled the ghost Jiao on the pretext that Guijiao has fallen. As for why it is expulsion rather than anything else, there may be no clearer than Guijiao, because the prophet can't kill him, at least he can't kill him easily, so he used the method of expulsion to Let Guijiao leave his post. Guijiao has no Chizi, because Guijiao is not a spiritual magician, but a mortal who becomes powerful by cultivating his body, so there is no seal to teach it to others, and the character of Guijiao is also very strange, whether in terms of the character of Guijiao or the power of Guijiao, He doesn't need Chizi. If the world will really slowly become a world of ordinary people and the world without spiritualists, then Guijiao will undoubtedly become the strongest person. After all, he does not need Reiki, and the purpose of Guijiao joining this organization is also unknown. Maybe only Guijiao and Jue I know it myself.

Guijiao rarely accepts tasks. This time, Guijiao's task is to kill all the remaining spiritual magicians above the spiritual master. In fact, now, there are not many such people. Except for Zishuang, there are only five people left. Now Guijiao has resolutely become a hunter.

Sure enough, the news came from the Kingdom of Water the next day. Half of the grass died strangely and was chopped into pieces and scattered in the room. Of course, the people of the Kingdom of Water did not know who it was. After three days, the Kingdom of the Earth died in the laboratory, and several spiritual-level people were killed for no reason within a week. After the death of the prophet of the Kingdom of Fire, the legendary second spiritual master of the Kingdom of Fire also appeared. Although it has never appeared, several spiritual members died one after another. The second spiritual master of the legendary Kingdom of Fire appeared. For nothing else, in order to defeat this killer, only after the prophet died, it was very For a long time, he has been a lonely person, and the masters are lonely. The second spirit of the Kingdom of Fire is as mysterious as the first spirit of the Kingdom of Earth. On this day, the ripple specially held an emergency meeting.

Recall that when it was held in the kingdom of water, only four countries gathered to the kingdom of water after the death of the prophet, and as the only king, ripple became a temporary leader at a young age. In fact, there will not be too much controversy. In a bunch of men, it is natural for a woman to head, and It is the only best way to suppress a bunch of men. Of course, this woman should be qualified and not be too exaggerated. Ripples just meet this standard. Ripples are very young, beautiful, but also noble. They look like a leader. Even if other men have stronger power, they are still willing to I can't understand the feeling in these men's hearts that the so-called heroes are saddened by the beauty. Now it seems that it is indeed true. These are all men's instincts.

Although the Kingdom of Water does not have Hongchuan City, it has soon built another city. Although it is not so elegant than Hongchuan City, this city is more lively than Hongchuan City. In the past, because of the royal imprisonment, Hongchuan City was very Few people acted in it, only by royal people and servants. Now the newly built city of the Water Kingdom is interesting and lively. After the four countries were destroyed, this place suddenly became very lively. Many people gathered to this place, which is also named Renren City.

The highest building in Renren City is the convening place of this meeting. Ripple has been waiting on it for a long time. Because two spiritual beings suddenly died, this meeting is also an emergency meeting, but of course, there are also some people who have something to do with this matter, that is, the rest. In addition to the ripples, there are also purple frost, flying fire blades, eight thousand chopping, fire moths, and the second spirit of the land of fire purple flame. Purple flame is the last to come. People who have been waiting for a long time are looking forward to the appearance of this legendary spirit. Now this person may be the most powerful. When the purple flame comes out At that time, everyone was shocked, because they didn't expect that the second spiritual master of the Kingdom of Fire was actually a child, about eight years old. Many people couldn't believe that this child was the second spiritual master of the Kingdom of Fire. I heard that the second spiritual master of the Kingdom of Fire had only changed one session, so it should be regarded as a hundred years old anyway. The above people didn't expect such a child. Originally, everyone didn't believe it, but the words of the flying blade have confirmed all this, which is really unattractable.

Although this child looks like this, his eyes will not deceive people. A child should not have such a look. His eyes are very sharp. He looks like a person who is over half a hundred years old and tries his best to go through the vicissitudes of the world. The child's eyes are full of this The curiosity and love of the world, but the eyes of people over half a hundred years old are endlessly annoying at this time. People's society will make people annoying. When people really walk in this world, they will find that the world is actually so annoying, so some people come to this world. Suffering, so some people say that they will be reborn in the next life.

"Ripple, tell me, what happened recently." Ziyan said that the ripples still can't adapt to the child's voice.

The flying fire blade came up and said, "In fact, the purple flame has been more than 200 years old. Now the purple flame you see is the purple flame at the age of eight. Purple flame can continue to repeat life. When it dies, it will be reborn again and then continue to grow. Now the power of the purple flame has broken through to 96 years old, that is to say, After living to 96 years old, the purple flame will die, and then grow from the age of one, so everyone will see that the current purple flame is like this, but the power of the purple flame can be trusted by everyone.

"The thing is that deep confusion and half weeds were assassinated this week. Both of them are spiritual respect, so I initially judged that there may be killers who want to kill the spiritual respect of several countries. After all, the country is reorganizing now, and many forces are also surging in the dark, and the break is the most powerful of these forces, so it should be broken. People do it."

"How did they all die? What does death look like?" Ziyan asked.

The ripple was a little surprised, and then said, "They were all torn. The scene seemed to have been hit by water, like a violent explosion of water tore them."

"Ha ha, there are such violent hydraulic people in the world, and I have roughly guessed who the water is." Purple flame said with a smile.

"Who is it?" Everyone asked in one voice.

"I'm afraid no one can use such a killing move except Ghost Jiao."

As soon as Ziyan said the word ghost dragonfly, everyone present did not speak anymore. Ripples can be regarded as a newcomer, and the cognition of ghost ripples can only be limited to this very powerful person.

"Don't you know this person very well?" Ziyan looked at the others in surprise and said.

"Actually, what I can know about this ghost is that he is a broken person and used to be a very powerful person, but I really don't know how powerful it is. This person has never appeared when he fought with us. Lord Ziyan, can you tell me about this person? What's the origin of it?" Lianyi always feels strange about the word adult. This purple flame doesn't look like an adult. Even if the word adult is just a name, whether it is really an adult or a respectful title, it is very awkward. After all, Ziyan does look very small and unconvincing.

"Oh, well, you are not an adult. Now you are still the king. In fact, I still know this ghost very well. After all, they all came out together, and this man is indeed a very powerful guy, so I still have a good impression of him. He used to be the second spiritual master of the Kingdom of Water and the White Night. A spiritual master is together. What he is responsible for is killing, and his responsibility is the same as the second spiritual master of the Water Kingdom in the past, but this guy is very different. Everyone knows that in today's world, there are not only powerful people like spiritual magicians, but also a kind of person. This kind of person is ordinary people. They can train themselves by He makes himself extremely powerful. Although this kind of person is very rare, he still has it, and the ghost dragon is undoubtedly the most powerful one among them. He is an ordinary person. He has no aura, not a spiritualist, but has more powerful power than most spiritual masters. His tricks are also very strange. I don't know what ability he has, because the object he hunted basically did not survive, which led to his lack of a complete description. What I learned is that ghosts are used to using water, and the people who fight him basically die in water, but when they think of water, people must think that they are just drowned, and ghosts The souls under the knife are basically torn by water. Water can be used to tear people apart, which is not something that ordinary people can do. Now at such a critical time, ghosts have appeared. I have to come out to join everyone. I have always been in the country of fire before, and it rarely came out. Today, it suddenly came out. I hope you don't blame me. Come out late."

Where? Now is the right time to come out. If no one comes out to greet this ghost, I'm afraid it will be really troublesome.

"I remember a man named Yuze, right? I heard about this person when I was in the Kingdom of Fire. I heard that this person is good. I don't know if he can come here today? Ziyan asked.

"Yu Ze, in fact, we don't know what's wrong with him. After that war, he didn't know where to go. Before he left, he gave me a walk. Oh, forget it, now the only thing in front of us is to look at you. If this ghost is really so difficult to deal with, it's okay if you don't show up?" Lianyi is always very good at talking. These words also made Ziyan feel very happy. Ziyan immediately laughed and said, "Hey, this is all my business, but this ghost is haunted, and I don't know when it will appear and where it will appear? If it means death as soon as he appears, it is still very difficult, so I have a proposal. I don't know what you think?

The others present looked at each other and immediately said, "What's the proposal? Can you just say no?"

Ziyan smiled and then said, "Flying fire, you are straight, but I like it." In this case, it is very awkward to say this from the mouth of Ziyan, a child.

"I mean, let's get a dormitory. Everyone lives in this dormitory. There is only one wall between the bedrooms, and then there is a main thing, then you can know right away. Don't build this wall too thick, otherwise no one will know if you die, so I think I can temporarily guarantee some safety. All problems, on the other hand, we also pay close attention to the whereabouts of the ghosts, otherwise, we can also look for the whereabouts of ghosts from other aspects.

"Lord Ziyan, your proposal is really good. It's really good. I think it's okay!" The fire moth said with a smile.

This matter was decided, and soon a dormitory was built. This dormitory is relatively simple, and the ripples also consider that it should make an appearance for the people below at this time, otherwise it is inevitable that the people above are still arrogant and luxurious ***. Therefore, In this way, Lian and Zi Shuang sleep together. Other men basically sleep in the same room, except Ziyan. Zi Yan does not sleep in this place. They don't know where they sleep, and everyone also cares about why Ziyan sleeps elsewhere. If there is anything, what should they do? Blade explained that this purple flame has a ability, that is, it can not sleep at night, and the purple flame also has a special ability. The purple flame is equipped with a magic seal in each room. As long as something happens, it can appear in any room immediately. In this way, the purple flame has been sleeping there. It doesn't matter, but in this way, the ripples and purple frost are a little unhappy, because the ripples and purple frost always feel strange inside, as if there is an eye in the room, and the purple flame seems to be peeping.

Because of such scruples and hard to say, many curtains have been added to the room of ripples and purple frost, which perfectly block those seals.

But on this night, purple flame suddenly appeared in the room of ripples and purple frost. Purple frost immediately sensed that some aura had entered the surroundings and immediately rushed out and found that it was purple flame. Purple flame was also a little surprised and said, "You reverse Should it be so fast?"

Zishuang looked at Ziyan's side and then said, "These days, it's like being peeped, so my emergency response is also very fast. Don't mind."

Lianyi has also put on his clothes and came out. He saw that Ziyan actually appeared in the room, and then asked puzzledly, "Has the ghost dragon appeared?" Why are you here?"

"No, I want to tell you that it's really not good for you to make curtains like this, and I can't understand the situation."

First of all, Zishuang is very unhappy, and the unhungry has been shown on his face. Lianyi hurriedly said, "This is our daughter's family. I think it's good. Besides, Zishuang is also here. If there is any spider movement, you should know it immediately, so don't worry about it. It's okay, that's all. Right?"

"And what do you want to say? There is no need to come here at night, right? Do you think we don't have to sleep at night like you? Zi Shuang said mercilessly.

**The cheap expression looks so awkward on this eight-year-old face, but it is understandable that a beast-like peak has lived in seclusion for a long time, like a thirsty beast. He is inevitably curious and impulsive about the opposite sex. Ziyan hurriedly defended, "Amn't I also afraid of something wrong with you? The other rooms are clear at a glance. If something happens here, I can't afford it. After all, I'm helping everyone now. If something happens, I can't say anything.

"It's okay. You have to believe in the detection ability of Zi Shuang. Besides, there is always a difference between men and women, and this room also has such a good sound transmission effect. You don't have to worry about it. Nothing will happen."

"Okay, okay, since you all said so, I won't disturb you. I'll go first." Ziyan said, and then suddenly disappeared into the seal.

Seeing Ziyan leave, Zi Shuang's face slowly eased, but it still seems that Zi Shuang is still very unhappy.

"What kind of person is this purple flame? Isn't it a pervert?" Purple Frost asked.

"Well, this is also understandable. Purple Flame has lived in seclusion in the Kingdom of Fire for so long. If a normal man is a normal man, he may not miss this opportunity to blatantly peep. Anyway, it's not far away. You and I can put up with it any longer."

When a woman and a man stand on the opposite side, they always involuntarily stand aside to fight against men, so at this time, the ripples are not afraid of any face and status issues, and directly say what they want to say.

"Well, I don't know what this ghost dragonfly is, and I don't know when it will appear. If it's really a troublesome character, it's bad, because I can only detect Reiki, but Ghost Jiao is a guy who doesn't use Reiki. I can't detect it if I'm not a spiritual magician."

"It's okay, it's okay. Men who beat women are all obscene, not to mention a man who kills women. Don't worry, even if something happens, it must not advance us. Those men must be stabbed first."

Zishuang is a little surprised by the words that do not sympathize with public morality such as ripples.