Journey to the New South

Chapter 35: Western medicine sales are sold out, and the finale of sports clothes comes out

Fat smiled and felt embarrassed when he saw Zaodan's shy look. He came over and gently asked Zaodan, "Why do you have a sad face?" Is there no money to buy medicine? It doesn't matter. I can give you two boxes."

Zaodan said with a faint smile, "Thank you for your kindness. You misunderstood. It's not that I don't have money, but my son who doesn't have medicine. He has died of illness." Speaking of this, Zaodan burst into tears.

"Don't be sad, this is for you, wipe your tears. A woman with a logo like you should not cry. Fat smiled and comforted him, handing Zao Dan a beautiful handkerchief with a cross on it.

"This is what I brought back from Europa. It's a Western handicraft. I'll give it to you." Fat said with a smile.

"No, we only have one fate. I can't ask for your gift. Thank you." Zaodan refused.

Who said that we are just one-sided? We may meet again in the future. I don't know where you are from. Maybe I will go to your hometown to sell foreign medicine. Fat said with a smile.

"I'm from Jingdong City. I hope you can go there to sell foreign medicine. The people there also need these drugs. Zaodan replied.

I don't know when the girl will return to Jingdong City? I can go on the road with my sister." Fat is smiling a little too enthusiastically.

"No, I'm not going back. I'm going to go far away with my two godson. I don't think I can go to Jingdong City with you. Zao Dan pointed to Ci Xuan and Feng Qi beside him and said.

"Oh, is this your godson? He is too thin! It seems that his kidney is very bad, and he has rheumatism. Fat looked at Feng Qi with a smile and said.

"Real? Then ask the doctor to show it to my eldest brother. Let's see if there are any good drugs to treat his illness. Ci Xuan asked hurriedly.

"Come on, let me show you." Fat smiled and said strangely to Feng. Feng Qi stretched out his hand and let the fat laugh for diagnosis.

"As I said, his kidney is very bad. And rheumatism. Worst of all, he has hyperthyroidism. I think his body must be well toned. Moreover, it can't be cured overnight. I suggest you stay in Dongzhi City for a few more days. I can make drugs for him at any time according to his situation. Fat smiled and said to Zaodan and Cixuan.

"So, doctor, how long will it take to cure his physical illness?" Zaodan asked anxiously.

"It will take half a year at the earliest, because his disease is a stubborn disease for many years and is not so easy to treat. For me, a doctor, such a patient is a new challenge for me. But I must overcome this challenge." Fat said with a smile.

"But half a year is still too long. We have something urgent and can't stay here for so long. Excuse me, doctor, can we get more medicine? Let my god son take medicine every day as you said, okay?" Zaodan was afraid that Li Hu would catch up with him, so he dared not stay in Dongzhi City for a long time.

"No, that won't work. I just said that. Taking medicine should be taken according to the condition of the body. Well, you are not a doctor, but you are not sure. Moreover, a doctor has a doctor's rule. Even if you find other doctors, they will not treat your god son according to my method. However, about his kidney disease and rheumatism, our western medicine is better. Fat said with a smile.

Zaodan nodded. He said to Feng Qi in Chinese, "Feng Qi, it's not easy to meet a doctor who came back from the West. My godmother thought, you'd better stay first and heal your body. If you are sick, you can't delay treatment. Your godmother's son died without timely treatment. Your godmother can't let my god son delay treatment.

"Gunmother. I know my own body. My condition is not so urgent. With Li Hu, we are always in danger. The farther we can go as soon as possible, the better. Besides, this eye is about to arrive at Ava. I still have to help Sanlang. I won't stay. I think there will be doctors in other parts of Myanmar who can cure my illness. Feng Qi said.

"Big brother. The opportunity can't be lost. This is something that concerns you for the rest of your life. There must be many good doctors in Myanmar, but most of them don't know Western medicine. It is difficult for them to cure your disease. This fat laughing doctor came back from the West. I think he will cure your illness." Cixuan said.

Sanlang. I don't believe that he is the only doctor in Myanmar who is proficient in Western medicine. If we go to other places, we will also find a doctor who can cure my illness. We can't stay in Dongzhi City for so long. Feng Qi said.

"Big brother. It's better to seize the opportunity in front of you to pin your hopes on the doctor who may appear in the future. In case we lose this only opportunity, we will definitely regret it for the rest of our lives. Let's do this. I asked Dr. Pang Zaixiao if he would like to go on the road with us. At worst, we will give him more money for half a year. Cixuan said.

Feng Qi heard this and said happily, "Sanlang, you are still thoughtful. Then ask him, if you want too much money, we can't agree.

Ci Xuan said, "As long as we can treat the eldest brother's illness, we will give you as much money." Then he said to Fatty with a smile in Burmese, " Doctor. Many doctors can't cure my eldest brother's illness. We see that you came back from the West. Since you said that half a year can cure my eldest brother's illness, we believe you. Because we can't stay in Dongzhi City for so long. Therefore, we are willing to pay you money for half a year. Let you go on the road with us to treat my eldest brother. What do you think?"

"Well, I still have to think about it." Fat smiled and did not refuse, because he was single and he had fallen in love with Zao Dan. I also saw that there were only two young godson and no husband beside Zaodan. I almost concluded that Zaodan was also single. He is trying to let Zaodan stay through Feng Qi's illness. Unexpectedly, Ci Xuan wanted to take him away.

"As long as you agree, then silver is not a problem. It's guaranteed to make more money than you sell foreign medicine for half a year. Cixuan said.

"So that's it. So where are you going? I can go with you. Anyway, people everywhere need the help of Western medicine. I am willing to serve people in more places. Silver. I want two hundred taels." Fat said with a smile.

"Two hundred taels, that's still too much. I think you'd better order less." Zaodan said.

"Since the Shai girl has spoken, I will speak less. One hundred and fifty taels, it can't be less. But my meals and accommodation are all settled by you, and 150 taels of silver will be paid immediately. Fat said with a smile.

"We still don't know if you can cure my eldest brother's illness. We can't pay it all in one lump sum. We can pay you part of it every month. I will pay you 150 taels of silver in half a year. Cixuan said.

"Then it's okay, just do as you say. But we need to set up a letter. Fat said with a smile.

Ci Xuan said, "That's natural. These are easy to say. Then please ask Dr. Fat Zaixiao to prepare for it. We will leave soon.

"Then we will be friends in the future, and we will live together for at least half a year. I think, Shand girl, now you can accept my handkerchief. Fat smiled and said to Zaodan.

"Of course, thank you for your handkerchief. I'll leave my son's illness to you. Zaodan took the handkerchief and said.

"Dear fat is smiling, are you really going to leave us for half a year? A Dai and I will miss you. When you come back, Ah and I will hold a wedding. Delis sold out all the cough stop, but she heard the news that Fat was laughing and was leaving.

"Yes, dear Deliss, I'm leaving you and Dumb for half a year. Because I decided to treat this gentleman's stubborn disease. I know this is a challenge for me. But you know, I was born to be a person who likes to accept challenges. If I can cure this gentleman's stubborn disease, I will have a great sense of achievement. I also believe that in the six months after my departure, you and Dumb will continue to help those patients in need here. As for your wedding, I don't want to wait for me to come back. You have chosen a date. That's a good day. Don't change because of my departure. God bless you, and I will bless you. I think when I come back again, you should be pregnant with a stupid child. Fat said with a smile.

"Ouch, my dear fat is smiling. Have a good trip. But today's charity sale is not over yet. Ke Li Stop has been bought out. It's time for us to launch something new. Delis said.

"Okay, I think our drag is ready." Fat smiled and suddenly said to Delis in English.

Delis replied in English, "It's all ready. Although you are very good at medicine. Those drugs are also effective. But without these drags, we really can't sell medicine. It seems that conservative Orientals really have serious followers. The cough stop just now has been sold out.

Pang laughed and said in English, "Many of them are entrusted by us. The money from the real sale of the medicine, in addition to the cost, the profit may not be enough for today's venue fee! I have reached an agreement with the monks over there, and they will give me 150 taels of silver in half a year. It's almost one or two silver a day, and it also takes care of my food and accommodation. I just need to heal the thin monkey's body. It's not like now. It takes a lot of effort, but it can't make a lot of money. It seems that I will make money easily in the future.

"Dear Mr. Pang Zaixiao, then hurry up and make a note with them. I'm afraid they will go back on their word. Adai and I will continue to make money in the current way here in Dongzhi City. Your 150 taels of silver is an extra income!" Delis reminded in English.

"Okay, I'll make a note with them right away. Please bring all the pen, ink, paper and inkstone. My dear Miss Delis. Fat is laughing and speaking in fluent English.

Derice quickly brought pen, ink, paper and inkstone. And let A Dai move a table. Then he said to Fat Laughing in English, "Smart Mr. Fat Laughing, everything is ready. Hurry up and set up a document with them. Let me remind you that today's event is not over yet. So, please hurry up."

Fat nodded with a smile. Then he said to Cixuan in Burmese: "Now that we have reached an agreement, let's set up a note. I think you are a monk and will not keep your promise.

Ci Xuan walked to the stage and said to the fat man with a smile, "That's natural. Please write down the documents."

Pang picked up the pen with a smile and dipped it in ink. I wrote a Burmese paragraph on the paper. Then he picked up the written document and said to Ci Xuan, "Look at it. If there is no objection, then press a fingerprint on it.

Ci Xuan took the letter and looked at it, and nodded with satisfaction. Dumb hurried to bring the printing mud. Ci Xuan asked Feng Qi to dip his finger in the mud and press his fingerprints on the word.

Fat smiled and immediately pressed his fingerprints on the words. Then he wrote the same note. He and Feng Qi pressed the fingerprints one after another, and then kept the two documents separately.

"All right. We have the evidence now, and everyone will do as written on the evidence in the future. Fat said with a smile and satisfaction.

"Then I will leave my illness to you. I believe we can be friends. Feng Qi also said happily.

While being fat is laughing and Feng Qi set up a letter. Delis danced a cheerful Western dance on the stage. The onlookers under the stage continued to applaud and cheer. The atmosphere at the scene was very lively.

Delis danced for a while and then stopped. Fat smiled and gave her a look, and Delis understood. Delis walked to the middle of the table and said in Burmese: "Dear friends. Do you want to be healthy and dynamic like me?"

"Think, we really want to!" Someone shouted under the stage. Delis continued, "Yes. Human life lies in movement. I think a healthy body is what everyone wants to have. However, some people have diseases, back pain and leg cramps. It's very distressing that it is not easy to get rid of the root of such a disease by taking medicine. Therefore, Westerners invented sports clothes. As long as you wear this health suit every day, you can gradually get rid of these diseases in your body. It's a great blessing for people with backache and leg cramps.

Delis's voice has just fallen. A Dai took out a set of health clothes. The surface of this body dress looks like pajamas. It is made of silk. In the sunshine, it shines. Delis walked to the body clothes, pointed to the body clothes and said, "Did you see it? This is the magical sports clothes. It is made of medicinal silk. People with diseases such as backache and leg cramps can cure physical diseases without taking medicine as long as they wear this body clothes every day. This is a health suit soaked in various precious medicinal herbs.

"Do you also wear this body clothes when you sleep at night? I'm never used to sleeping in clothes. The words of the young man on the stage caused everyone to laugh.

"This gentleman. If you are not used to wearing clothes when you go to bed at night, then I recommend you a healthy bedding. This is a magical bedding with the same principle as sports clothes. At night, if you sleep in a healthy bedding, you can cure the disease. Delis said with a smile.

The people under the stage are skeptical and talk about it together. Fat laughed and hurried to the center of the stage and said to the people under the stage, "Dear fellow villagers. Miss Delis is absolutely right. We humans are metabolizing every day. The pores on our bodies are absorbed and released every day. It is a very ideal way to treat diseases by letting the pores absorb the drugs on the body. When I was in Europa, I saw many people wearing sports clothes. As a result, their backache, leg cramps and these diseases are gone. At that time, I made up my mind that I must learn this technology and let our people in Myanmar wear sports clothes.

"Good!! Fat and laughing, you are great!" Someone shouted under the stage. Fat continued with a smile, "I know that there is no example of wearing clothes to cure diseases in Myanmar. This reflects our Myanmar's backwardness. Everything is from nothing, from less to more. The first Burmese to wear health clothes will also become a successful demonstration of the Burmese people like the first Burmese to take foreign medicine.

"Listen, Fat is laughing. What the doctor said is really good. I think this body dress must be effective. So far away, I can smell the strong smell of medicine. How much silver? I'll buy one to treat my father's back pain. The drag under the stage said.

"What a filial son! Your father is so blessed. This fitness suit only needs two taels of silver. If you add two taels of silver, I will give you another set of fitness bedding. Fat is laughing and dragging in the double oboe.

"Thank you so much. If I don't buy such a good thing, I'm a fool, and I'm sorry for my father. That procrastinate performance. Then he took out four taels of silver and gave them to Fat Smiling, and then held the sports clothes and sports quilts and left.

Some people are really moved by such a demonstration. A tall young man squeezed to the front. He smiled and said, "D. Doctor. Although I am tall, I look very strong. But I just have a backache. And one more thing, I always love to pee. I like to pee even if I don't drink water. You can pee more than ten times in an hour. Others told me to pee non-stop. I want to ask you, your health suit can cure low back pain. Can you treat non-stop urination? The young man's words caused a burst of laughter.

Fatty smiled and saw that the question was not procrastination. He answered happily, "That's natural. You can't stop peeing. There must be a disease inside your body. I think you'd better spend four taels of silver to buy fitness clothes and fitness bedding. It can not only cure your back pain, but also get rid of your continuous urination.

"Then my mother can't sleep at night, and my daughter-in-law always has nightmares. Can you treat it with this?" The strong young man asked.

"This body health suit is mainly used to treat back pain and leg cramps. Your non-stop urination is caused by the disorder of your urinary system. It can also be cured. But I can't sleep or have many nightmares at night. I think it's still a matter of brain nerves. I recommend Western sleeping pills to you. As long as you take one tablet every night, you will have a good night's sleep. Fat said with a smile.

"Thank you so much. It seems that all three people in our family can be saved. I'll give you five taels of silver. Except for four taels of sports clothes and sports bedding, the remaining one or two buy sleeping pills. How many boxes can I buy?" The strong young man asked.

"You can buy five boxes of sleeping pills. I see that you buy so many things and give you five boxes of sleeping pills. Fat said with a smile.

The strong young man paid five taels of silver. Then he left with sports clothes, sports bedding and ten boxes of sleeping pills.