Journey to the New South

Chapter 38: Snowman Demon Method Sun God goes down to earth to turn snow

Suddenly, a fierce wind blew, and dark clouds in the sky began to thickly. The sky suddenly became gloomy, and the people on the ground couldn't help shivering.

There seems to be an unknown feeling between heaven and earth. Dongzhi City and the people here don't seem to know that they are really facing an unprecedented disaster.

"What is this? White goose feathers floating from the sky. Is this snow? Oh, my God, it's snowing in Dongzhi!" People shouted in surprise. Looking at the snowflakes falling down the wind is really incredible.

"Is this really snow? Oh, my God, what's going on? Has the sky changed?" The old man under the stage said in panic.

"Oh, my God. It's so cold. It's a strange news in the world. It's snowing in Dongzhi. People panicked.

"Yes, it's snow. I've seen it before." Cixuan once saw snow on the top of the ancient Foshan mountain, and he can conclude that it is snow coming down from the sky now.

"But why does it snow here?" Ci Xuan and everyone looked at the prophecy of snow all over the sky doubtfully.

Why wipe the snow off your face with your hands all over the sky? He said angrily, "Believe what we said now. This is a doomed disaster when I became a little fairy in heaven. However, you don't have to escape. People who should be robbed will die wherever they flee. People who are not affected will not be hurt if they don't have to escape.

"You stinky boy, you are really a broom star. Ah, it's really cold. It's really a curse." Fatty trembled all over with a smile, and didn't forget to scold a few words.

"I won't talk nonsense with you. Brother, let's go. Go home and have a fire. As the sky said something, he and his brother found one to go to the sky and one to the ground, and he ran away.

"Run. Go home and make a fire. But I'm freezing to death. The snow is getting bigger and bigger!" People on the street shouted and fled the street one after another.

"It seems that we have to return to our residence in the shortest time. We need a pile of fire to keep warm now, or we will freeze to death." Delis, with a cold face and red, said.

"Then let's go quickly. Buddhist monks and sisters of the Sing nationality, you can also go with us. My home is just around here." Fat said enthusiastically with a smile.

"Then we'll bother you." Cixuan was also purple on Dong's lips.

"Feng Qi, go drive a carriage. Let's go to Fat and make a fire at Dr. Xiao's house first. I really can't stand it. Damn it." Zao Dan said to Feng Qi.

Feng Qi hurried to untie the horse rope. The carriage was driven over. Zaodan and Cixuan quickly made it to the back of the car. Fat laughed and Delis and Dy took the packed things to the carriage, and then Fat laughed and Delis sat at the back of the carriage. Dumb sat in front of the carriage.

Feng Qi drove the carriage according to A Dumb's guidance. Soon he pulled six people to their place where they were fat and laughing. That's a small alley. The house with the characteristics of the Boo ethnic group.

Six people got off the carriage one after another. Entered the yard. Although the yard is not big, it is clean and neat. Fat smiles and Delis warmly entertained Ci Xuan and others to enter the room. Dumb went to unload the carriage and feed the horse to the grass.

Walking into the room, Cixuan and others were attracted by the Western objects in the room. There are Western sofas in it and Western wall clocks on the wall. There is a statue of Jesus on the table and a cross. The whole room is full of strong Western style. Ci Xuan and others sat on the Western sofa and felt very comfortable. Delis made coffee and came to taste for Cixuan.

"Ouch, our distinguished guests. This is coffee. Mr. Xiao and I bought it from Mexico. Mr. Fat Zaixiao likes the taste of coffee very much. I think you will also like it. Delis said.

"Thank you very much, Miss Delis." Cixuan said. I took the coffee and took a sip. He said happily, "It's delicious. I also like this taste very much."

"Great, then you can have a few more drinks. However, before we are frozen into ice, I think I'd better make a fire as soon as possible. Only the warmth of the fire can make us feel better. Deliss said humorously.

"Can I help you? Miss Delis." Zaodan asked in a hurry.

"No, you are a guest, how can you help? Dumb will come in soon. He will help me." After Delis finished speaking, she went to make a fire.

"Delis is really a good girl. She is always so energetic. She will marry A Dai in a few months. It's a good day chosen by God for them. Unfortunately, I can't attend their wedding. Fat smiled and took a sip of coffee and said.

"It turns out that Deliss is not married yet. I think she is almost 30 years old. That idiot seems to be only ten * years old. Zaodan said.

"No, the Snail girl. Delis is only 22 years old, and about white people are more mature, so you feel like she is 30 years old. Ah Dai is 20 years old this year, although he is two years younger than Delis. But as you can see, they are a good match. Very loving. And they have lived together for a long time. Fat said with a smile on his face.

Do you mean they live together without getting married? Oh, my God, Western women are really open. Feng Qi said in surprise.

"What's the problem with this? This is a normal thing in the West, and there is no big fuss. The important thing is that they love each other. I can find my happy partner. This is God's grace to them. Not everyone has such grace. For example, I, Mr. Fat Laughing, have always been single. Because the other half God arranged for me may have just appeared. Fat said with a smile.

Zodan suddenly understood the meaning of fat smiling, lowered his head and drank coffee. Ci Xuan and Feng Qi also looked at Zao Dan with a smile.

"Ouch, the room is finally warm, and we want to thank our dear Miss Delis. I think you will feel better, too." Fat said with a smile.

"Yes, we also feel warm. Thank you very much. Thank you for your coffee. It's really delicious. Ci Xuan said with a smile.

"Ouch, that's good. I think you should have more drinks. Now that we have become friends, can you tell us about your situation?" Fat asked with a smile.

"Of course. This woman of the Sham clan is our early Dan Ganniang. She comes from Jingdong City. Feng Qi, a man who can stealth, is a Han man. He met me in Jingdong City and became a good brother. I am a monk in Yunnan. He is known as a quiet monk. I am also a Han Chinese, and my secular name is Zhu Sanlang. You can call me Sanlang." Ci Xuan introduced.

"Is it just the three of you? What about your family? Don't they go on the road with you? Where are you going?" Fat asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's the three of us. Our former family is gone, and now we are a family. We are going to Awa to do business. Then go to faraway Taiwan. Ci Xuan replied.

"Are you going to Ava? It seems that I'm going back to that city again. It's really an interesting place. The people are very poor, but the city is very luxurious. I think King Mangbai is a face-loving man. But he is not a good king." Fat laughed and commented.

"The tyrant Mangbai is so happy. How can people of all ethnic groups in Myanmar not hate him?" Zaodan said anxorily.

"Yes, recklessness is the embodiment of evil. His luxury has caused Myanmar's backwardness. He is the embodiment of the devil Satan. Fat said with a smile.

"Devil Satan? Who is that? Why did I hear this name for the first time? Zaodan asked doubtfully.

"The devil Satan is the villain in Christianity, and he is the enemy of God. God is our Lord, and his name is Jehovah. I believed in God when I was in London. Become a pious Christian. Amen." Fat said with a smile.

"I understand this. You don't know yet. I have been a Christian since I was born, and my Christian name is Dangding. My father wants me to receive God's grace. But at the age of 14, I converted to Buddhism and became a monk. But I know Christianity, so I know a lot about Western things. What Ci Xuan said is true. Zhu Youlang, the emperor of Yongli, once made the royal family believe in Christianity. Therefore, Cixuan was baptized as a Christian when she was born. Zhu Youlu, the Yongli Emperor, also sent envoys and missionaries to bring his handwritten letters to the Holy See. Request the Holy See to send troops to support the Nanming regime.

"Ouch, honey. It turns out that you were also a child of God. Then you should not convert to Buddhism. You should always be your Christian. Come back to the arms of the Lord God. God loves you and he will bless you. Amen!" Fat smiled and said while drawing a cross on his chest.

"In fact, Buddhism and Christianity have something in common. I think they are all worth believing in. Now that I am a monk, I should believe in the Buddha devoutly. If you believe in Christianity again, the Buddha will not forgive me. Ci Xuan said humorously.

"No, Christianity and Buddhism are different. If you choose to betray Christianity and believe in Buddhism, then God will be angry. I still hope you can become a Christian again and become the darling of God. Fatty insisted with a smile.

"This matter is not urgent. Let's talk about it when I arrive in Taiwan. Anyway, most people in Nanyang believe in Buddhism, and I think they will be respected as Buddhist monks. Cixuan replied with a smile.

"Maybe you don't know yet. In fact, there are also many Christians in Nanyang. There is a Christian church in Dongzhi City. When the snow stops, I will show you. I feel that God has given me a new mission to turn you back into a Christian. I think Zaodan and Feng Qi should also throw themselves into the arms of the Lord. Fat smiled and said confidently.

"However, the snow has not stopped yet. This is really a strange snow. I don't know if we will be trapped in Dongzhi City by heavy snow. Ci Xuan looked out of the window and said worriedly.

"Dang Ding, dear Dangding. Pray to the Lord God. He will solve all the troubles." Fat said with a smile.

Then please pray for us. I believe you are a devout Christian. Cixuan said.

"Dear Lord. Please give me wisdom. Let me turn all three of them into Christians. Let me cure Feng Qi's illness, so that I can pursue Zao Dan. I believe that the Lord is omnipotent. Let this sudden snow stop. Amen." Fat smiled and closed his eyes and put his hands together. Pray in English to the statue of Jesus.

The snow outside is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole Dongzhi City has become a world of ice and snow. There is a vast expanse of white between heaven and earth. It's frightening to watch.

"I always feel that this snow is strange. Will it be caused by goblins?" Cixuan looked at the heavy snow outside the window and suddenly said.

"Goblin? Where are there so many goblins? Besides, what do goblins do when it snows? Fat asked with a smile.

"It's really unreasonable to have such heavy snow in Dongzhi City, so I suspect it's a trick played by monsters." Cixuan said.

"There is a God in heaven. Will he make the goblins so presumptuous? If it is really a goblin, God will not spare it. Fat said with a smile.

"Let's not think too much. Maybe we will stop next time." Zaodan said.

"So good. It seems that we should also have dinner. I want you to taste Western food. I think Delis will be ready soon. Fat smiled when he talked about eating, and his smile was even brighter.

"Ouch, yes. I have prepared dinner, welcome to taste it together. I have also prepared wine. It's very cold today. Drinking some wine can also warm your body. Come on. Delis came in and said with a smile.

"Then it's better to obey than to be respectful. Thank you for your hospitality." Cixuan said politely.

"I think, it's for sure. We have become friends, so you don't need to be so polite. Maybe it will snow for a few more days. It seems that we need to taste more of Delis's cooking skills. Fat smiled and shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Fat doctor, of course we would like to taste Miss Delis's cooking skills, but we don't want it to snow for days." Zaodan said.

"Godmother, Sanlang, it's so cold, let's all have a drink. That will be warmer. I'm not feeling well again. Maybe it will be better to drink a little wine. Feng Qi said in Chinese.

"The wine is ready, but you are sick and don't know if you can drink. Let me ask Dr. Pang Zaixiao. You see, you don't speak Burmese fluently and can't get in. Otherwise, your words are more than fat. It seems that you have to practice Burmese well in the future. Zaodan said.

"Yes, I can understand what you are talking about. But when I speak Burmese, my tongue is big. You really need to practice Burmese. However, it seems that the fat doctor in school can't speak Chinese. In this way, we don't have to worry about being heard by him. Feng Qi said.

"Eardan girl, what is Feng Qi talking about? Does he have any problem?" Fat asked with a smile.

"Feng Qi wants to drink to warm his body. But I'm worried about his illness, and I'm afraid that drinking will aggravate his condition. Zaodan answered in Burmese.

"Yes, your godmother is so thoughtful. It's not suitable for drinking, but it's okay to drink less. Who told us to encounter such a cold weather? Fat said with a smile.

"Then what are we waiting for? The dinner party has begun. Let's have a good drink and toast to our acquaintance!" Delis said excitedly.

The dinner was held in such a pleasant atmosphere. Except for Cixuan, who did not drink, everyone else drank it. Dumb drank the most and got drunk. Delis helped Dumb up to go to bed. The remaining four people chatted while eating and went to bed very late.

The next morning, everyone got up. I saw that the snow was still falling outside. The snow on the ground was more than a foot deep, and the trees in the yard froze to death. The whole Dongzhi City is silent and terrible.

"Oh, my God, what the hell is going on? How can we hurry on our way with such heavy snow? Is the snow over yet? Zaodan said angrily.

"It seems that we have to stay for a few more days. This is really not what people want!" Ci Xuan is also very chagrined.

"It doesn't matter. When the sun comes out, the snow will melt. We will be on our way then. Fortunately, the horse is still there. I asked A Dai to feed the grass. Fat said with a smile.

"It seems that God asked you to stay a few more days. Fortunately, we have a warm house and delicious food here. I don't think it's harmful for you to stay a few more days." Delis said with a smile.

Ci Xuan and Zao Dan nodded, worried that Li Hu would catch up.

The snow has been falling like this, and by the seventh day, there is no sign of ending. The heavy snow was more than two meters thick, blocking the windows and doors, and even the horses froze to death! The whole Dongzhi City was submerged in heavy snow. Flowers and trees all died, and countless people and livestock froze to death and frostbite. Ci Xuan, Zao Dan and Feng Qi were also frozen. They both had a serious cold. Fortunately, they were fat and smiling and Delis's careful treatment.

"This is really a disaster! A huge disaster! Dongzhi City is about to become a hell on earth. God, did you hear my prayer? Save our poor Dongzhi City. It has been snowing here for seven days and seven nights, and we have no way to survive. Lord, please save us! Amen!" Fat is smiling and praying anxiously.

"This must be a goblin, otherwise it won't snow so heavily. This is really a disaster once in a thousand years. The sick Cixuan said with difficulty.

"The sun hasn't come out for seven days, and the whole weather is gloomy. It's so good and scary!" Fat said with a smile.

"Fat doctor, I seem to see a red light outside, and it's gone in an instant." Ci Xuan suddenly said loudly.

"Maybe you are dazzled. This gloomy, where is the red light?" Fat shook his head with a smile and said.

Ci Xuan was right. The red light came from the sky. Tiangong saw that Dongzhi had suffered a huge snow disaster and knew that it was the result of the snowman spirit who went against the sky. Therefore, he sent the sun god down to the earth to bask in the snowman essence and the heavy snow in Dongzhi to save the local people.

The sun god turned into a young man in a red robe. It turned into a red light and flew to the ground. The red light galloped forward on the snow, and where it passed, the heavy snow suddenly turned into water. After a while, the snow on several streets in Dongzhi City melted. The sun god flew in red robes and emitted countless red lights. The sky suddenly became bright. What the people expected finally appeared, and the seven days and seven nights of snow finally stopped.

"You damn sun god actually melted the hard snow from my snow Kunlun. It seems that I have to teach you a good lesson!" Wearing a white robe, with a fat head and a cold face, the snowman suddenly appeared in front of the sun god and said in a cold voice.

"What should you do to the crime of you, a snowman who walked against the sky, used demons to make trouble and killed the people of Dongzhi innocently?" The angry sun god questioned.

"What do you know? This is God's will. God has long decided that there will be a snow disaster in Dongzhi City, and I, Xue Kunlun, just implemented it!" The snowman said rudely.

"Don't argue. God just let Dongzhi have half a day of snow to warn Dongzhi officials and people to abide by moral etiquette, but you have snowed here for seven days and seven nights. What on earth do you want to do?" The sun god scolded.

"What are you doing? I'm Xue Kunlun from Tibet. I like snowy mountains and glaciers. I don't like the hot climate. I will use my magic to turn all the places under the sky into snowy mountains and glaciers. In this way, my ice kingdom can cover all parts of the world. Countless towering snowy mountains will stand on the ground. What a magnificent sight it is. Hahaha." The snowman laughed wildly.

"You are so whims! You are going against the sky. The Heavenly Palace has settled the plates on the ground, where it is warm and where it is cold. Where there are deserts and glaciers. It's all decided by God. You want to change and expand the scope of the snow area at will. What an immeasurable!" The sun god said sternly.

"God, the sky can be changed. Did you see it? It has only snowed for seven days, and Dongzhi has turned into a snow prison. Those happy Nanyang trees were frozen to death. Even the people are ready to make cotton-padded jackets! Haha," the snowman said proudly.

"Don't get carried away! There is heaven and earth. They all act according to the rules of heaven. If you want to expand the snow, I, the sun god, will not agree. Be careful that I melted you as a goblin. As long as I use some effort, you and your masterpieces will turn into water. Hahahaha." The sun god laughed.

I think you are still too optimistic. I have been practicing in Xue Kunlun for thousands of years. How can you sun it casually? Be careful that I will absorb all your heat and make you an ice sun. The snowman said presumptuously.

"It seems that I need to give you something awesome. Pick up the light!" As soon as the sun god lifted the red robe, countless red lights hit the snowman spirit. The snowman spirit quickly jumped into the air and lifted the white robe. He flew out countless ice knives and ruthlessly stabbed the sun god.

"Shining!" The sun god dodged the ice knife and fought bravely. It emitted bursts of strong light, and the huge light knocked down the snowman spirit to the ground. The snowman was unwilling to fail and shouted: "The snow is flying" and the snow came, and the snow on the ground flew to the sun god, consuming the light and heat emitted by the sun god.

"Snowman, I want you to turn into a pool of sewage!" The sun was furious and melted away the snow on his body. With a wave of his hand, he conjures up a big fireball and rushed to the snowman spirit. The snowman spirit hurriedly released an ice knife to stab the sun god. At the same time, as soon as he kicked his feet, the snow on the ground turned into a snowball and rushed to the fireball. However, the fireball was not extinguished and rushed straight to the snowman.

The snowman did not escape the fireball. He was hit by the fireball, screamed a few times, and was bruised all over. It became angry and shouted, "Snowball avalanche, crush him to death!" Then it rose into the air. Suddenly, bigger and bigger snowballs appeared on the ground and rolled towards the sun god. The sun god quickly rose into the air, and a huge avalanche came over. The sun god turned into a fire, escaped the avalanche, and burned to the snowman spirit.

The snowman spirit has been seriously injured, but the sun god is more and more brave. At first glance, the snowman was difficult to win, so he drilled into the ground. The sun god couldn't do it, so he had to give up chasing the snowman spirit. He suddenly turned into ten small suns with his split skills. Flying fast in the air, the sky became clear, and the heavy snow on the ground quickly turned into water. The whole Dongzhi City has become a snow-free city.