Journey to the New South

Chapter 04: Snake and Foxman Fighting Fierce Outsiders's bitterness

"What reconciliation? Didn't you see this scene? Snakes and foxes are completely incompatible. I don't think you can solve the hatred between them even if you have the ability!" The snake said disdainfully.

"You are a snake, how can you go back on your head? Did you order the snakeman not to listen? Why would you like to see this fire burn? How can you bear to see such a bloody scene?" Ci Xuan's angry way.

The snake sneered and said, "Even if I can stop the snakeman. What about the fox man? They won't listen to me! I can't watch us snake people suffer losses, can I? Can't you master help these foxes?"

"Everyone stop!! Don't fight anymore!" Ci Xuan said with great feelings.

As a result, no one stopped, and they had completely devoted themselves to this fight about dignity. This old saying of the enemy Lu Zai is not said casually. The two powerful snakes and foxes are desperate people who are not afraid of death. How can they put their benevolent words in their hearts?

"If you still can't help it, I'll kill him!" Zaodan's hot temper is not afraid of heaven and earth. With two children, she couldn't use her ability to cry, so she simply grabbed the snake. Stop the snake man with the snake.

Who knows that the snake is really long without crying. Unexpectedly, he pretended to die and shouted, "Don't stop!! They dare not do anything to me. It's a business to win the fox talent.

This time, the snakeman was inspired to be more brave. The fox also fought back desperately. Many people were beaten to death like this. The originally calm street became a river of blood.

"You are such a stubborn and capricious villain. Even if you are not afraid of death, are you afraid of immortality?" Suya (Caiyu) said aside.

In fact, with the elegant (color feather) spell, it is quite easy to stop the snakeman and the foxman. However, Suya (Caiyu) knows that magic can solve a momentary problem and cannot solve it forever. She agrees with Cixuan's view that it is the right way to make the snakes and foxes truly reconcile. However, at present, there is no development towards reconciliation. Suya (Caiyu) decided to use some spells on the snake to make him obedient. In this way, things will be much easier.

When a snake grows up in such a scene, it must look like it would rather die than surrender. He didn't know that Suya (Caiyu) was a magic peacock spirit. Therefore, it is not threatened by Su Ya (Cai Yu). He stubbornly said, "When all the snakes are united against the fox, do you want me to be a deserter? That's impossible! Even if you kill me, I won't frown.

Suya (Caiyu) said, "As long as I click your acupuncture point, you will know what it tastes like. I'd like to see if you will regret what you just said!"

"Soya, you have to show mercy!" Ci Xuan was worried that the snake chief would not be able to stand sudden death. Then the reconciliation between these two fairy city snakes and foxes will be even more difficult to do.

Su Ya (Cai Yu) smiled and let Ci Xuan feel at ease. He is measured. Then she bit a hole on the snake's body, and the snake shouted loudly. It turned out that Suya (Caiyu) cast a spell on the snake's acupuncture point.

The snake screamed like a wounded crow. This stopped the snakes and foxes. They looked at the screaming snake with doubt and made them confused. Seeing that the snake seemed to be possessed, the snake man was as anxious and panicked as a hot pot ant. When the fox people saw the appearance of the snake, they all seemed to be as happy as a breath of evil. He laughed with gloating.

"Hahaha, why is this snake and animal head so virtuous? It seems that he was scared and went crazy by us fox people.

"Great!! Go quickly and invite Hu Chang and ask him to come here to watch the play.

As the fox man said so, someone quickly went to invite the fox. Originally, this fox was also a stubborn person, full of prejudice and hostility to snakemen. Under normal circumstances, he will definitely come out to wave the flag and shout and command things like the fierce battle between the snake and the fox. But I don't know what happened today. Such a fierce event happened on the fox's territory that the fox did not show up for a long time. The foxes who recovered suddenly became noisy.

"What's the matter? Doesn't the fox know about the fierce battle here? Where is the fox? This is not in line with his usual style!"

"The fox is really wrong. How could he be absent from such a fierce scene? This will be laughed at by snakes.

"Yes, the fox hides far away, but we can't hang on our faces."

"Okay! Don't guess. Don't you know what kind of person Hu Chang is? He is the person who protects the interests of our fox people. There must be something important before he will be absent from today's fight. It has been invited by the old man to come. Naturally, I will give you an explanation.

The fox man talked about it. Hu Chang finally came to the scene, followed by his son. The reason why Hu Chang didn't come immediately just now. It's all because I'm talking about important things with my son. His son is a fox man who has an affair with the snake sister. When he knew that the snake girl and the child in her belly were going to be executed by the snake man, Hu Chang's son finally couldn't help crying and knelt down in front of his father Hu Chang and tell the whole story. I begged my father to send someone to save the snake sister's mother and son. Hu Chang was shocked and speechless when he heard about this. I couldn't say anything for a long time. He is the most anti-snake fox man, but he never thought that his son would do such a thing. It really makes the fox angry, noisy and difficult to accept. When his son told him all this, Hu Chang's spiritual pillar completely collapsed. Even his son has an affair with a snake girl, so what face does he have to teach others in the future?

Hu Chang slapped his son more than a dozen times in the face. It was not until he was too tired to fight that he sat on the ground exhausted. He knew that it had happened, and no matter how much beating and scolding it was meaningless. The only thing to do now is how to deal with this matter. Hu Chang can't be completely indifferent to his son's bitter plea. He is old enough to have such a son. My son has grown up coquettishly since he was a child, which is the meat in his hand. Now he is crying like a tearful man, and the fox is reluctant to give up.

"You mean that the snake girl is pregnant with your child? Is that really your child? Are you wrong? Are you deceived by the snake girl? Hu Chang doesn't care about the life and death of the snake woman at all, but he can't ignore the life and death of the child in the snake woman's belly. If that child is really his son, how can he see his grandson killed by a snake man? You know, he is such a son and has no grandson yet. If the child in the snake girl's belly is really his grandson, then for the grandson, he will try his best to rescue him. Even if he handed over his status as a fox leader for this, he was willing to do so.

"What's true! Father. Son can swear to God. The snake girl is sincere to her son. The child in her belly is definitely her son's. Father, if not for such certainty. I won't and dare not show you everything! Father, if you are angry, you should beat and scold your son. But don't let the snakeman kill your grandson. That's your own grandson. Do you have the heart to see death?" The fox's son cried and pleaded.

"Oh, my God! Why did you come up with such a problem? Will my reputation be destroyed by this disappointing son? God, who can tell me what to do? How can I open such a mouth to the fox man!" Hu Chang faced the most difficult choice in his life, rolling emotionally like waves, and struggling to the extreme in his heart.

"It's all your son's unfilial piety, which has caused you such a big problem. Father, now the snake man has tied up the snake sister who is pregnant with your grandson and is ready to execute the death penalty. Even if you don't pity the snake sister, you should also pity your grandson. Anyway, it is also the blood of our family. If you don't make a decision quickly and lead the fox man to rescue the snake girl, your grandson will also die when he is born in the future. This will be the regret of the son's immortality and the regret of the father's eternal life. It will also become a disgrace to us fox people. Although the child was born in the belly of the snake girl, it was the blood of the fox man. You never watch the fox man bully by the snake man, and how can you bear to watch the fox man die alive by the snake man? Father, make a decision quickly. It's too late. Do you really want to regret it for the rest of your life? The fox's son cried.

"That's all. After a lifetime of struggle as an elder, isn't it all for future generations? If the descendants are burned to death, I can't save them. So even if I make this fox grow to death, what's the point? Son, get up. Father promised you to try his best to save my grandson. For this reason, if you want me to hand over the position and power of the fox, I will not frown." Hu Chang finally made a decision.

"Father, son is very grateful. Time is running out. Let's gather the fox man quickly and make it clear to them. If they want to punish their son, they are willing to be punished. I just hope that they will be willing to save people for your own benefit." The fox's son stood up excitedly. Pulling the fox's long skirt, he urged anxiously.

As soon as the fox was about to go out, someone came to report to him that there was a fierce battle between the fox and the snake man who came to cause trouble. As a result, both sides suffered casualties. However, it was strange that the snake leader who did not participate in the fierce battle suddenly became crazy and kept shouting. The fox man asked the fox to go out to see the awkward appearance of the snake.

Hu Chang was very surprised to hear this. If he hears that the snake is unlucky at ordinary times, he will dance happily. But now he is not happy. Because he himself is about to face embarrassment.

The fox's son is very concerned about the situation of the snake sister mother and son. He immediately ran out to inquire about the snake girl. The fox also ran out. He was so anxious that he ran to the front of his son. It can be seen how much he misses the safety of his grandson.

The fox's son saw the snake girl in the crowd at a glance. He shouted in surprise, "Snake sister, I'm a fox. You haven't been hurt, have you? Is our child okay?"

As soon as the snake girl heard it, she saw that her beloved man cared about herself and her children regardless of the public. I am very excited. She shouted with tears on her face, "Hulang. We are all fine. I gave birth to two children for you, a pair of twins. Look, it's these two children."

A conversation between the fox's son and the snake girl. It really shocked the fox man. The fox man suddenly broke out. It was really hard for them to believe that his son, the fox leader they respected all his life, would be a "rebellious" person. Think about the fact that their foxers were still fighting hard to defend their belief in anti-snake just now. At this moment, their spiritual pillar collapsed.

"What the hell are you talking about? My ears heard it right!" The fox asked in horror.

At this moment, Hu Chang and Hu Chang's son have been filled with joy. The eldest son and the fox were really happy to learn that the two children were born safely. For a moment, I didn't know what to say. However, their expressions have told the fox that what they just heard is true.

"Snake Girl!! You are so great, you are so amazing. Unexpectedly, I gave birth to my child safely, and it's still a dragon and phoenix twin! I'm really grateful to God for making me so happy." The eldest son of the fox said happily.

"Hulang. I met a master, and it was the master who rescued us that made our mother and son survive smoothly. Otherwise, our mother and son will become dead bodies. You see, it was these high-ranking people who saved us." The snake girl said hurriedly.

"High man, our benefactor! Please accept my worship!" Hu Chang's son looked at Cixuan and bowed his knees to worship.

The fox looked at it and bowed his knees gratefully. This scene completely angered the fox.

"Fox Long!! What evil have you been? How could you do such a humiliating thing? Is your son rebellious and you also support him?

"If you do this. Then you don't deserve to be a fox. And you have to pay a heavy price for this!!" A fox man said harshly.

"Isn't the price you paid big enough? Can't such a tragic situation wake you up? Look, how many snakes and foxes lost their lives in vain in order to defend your respective prejudices!! Today, the common child of snakes and foxes was born. You should be happy for these two children. Because their birth broke the traditional rumors. Their birth shows that snakes and foxes can get married and have children. It is prejudice and rumors that make you so hostile. Today, you all need to wake up. **That's all human feelings, snakes or foxes. As long as they have true love with each other, what does it matter?" Cixuan sighed loudly. His speech deeply shocked everyone's hearts.

"What you said is light. Can the 200-year feud between the snake and the fox be resolved by your words? You are a stranger, aren't you? You shouldn't care about our two fairy cities. Because this is an unsolved problem." A stubborn fox man said.

"There is nothing insoluble in this Shuangxian City. It's you people who haven't opened the knot. And this knot comes from a history 200 years ago. You have received extreme education since childhood. You hate each other because you never try to love. Now the snake girl and the fox man have done it. Their love is real. Their children are also so lively and cute. Take a good look. Isn't such a living fact more convincing than the biased education you have received? Suya (Caiyu) said emotionally.

Snakemen and Foxmen bowed their heads for a moment, and they felt that what Cixuan and Suya (Caiyu) said was very reasonable. But it has become a traditional snake-fox antagonism for more than 200 years. Is it really today? It is difficult for them to make a correct judgment.

"You just need to think about it in real life. What on earth did the snake man do to the fox man? What on earth did the fox man do to the snake man? Let's see if it's like the publicity you received? Today's tragedy could have been avoided. It was your ignorance that buried the lives of these dead people. Your blood has no value at all. Think about what you have lost? What did you get? Is such hostility worth it?" Zaodan asked.

Suya (Caiyu) saw that the attitude of snakes and foxes softened. Immediately cast the spell to make the snake grow back to normal. The snake no longer shouts as much as just now. He fell to the ground and gasped.

"Oh, I'm so tired. My throat is about to break!!" The snake said breathlessly.

"Ha ha, aren't you the best at speaking? Did you shout enough just now? Suya (Caiyu) smiled.

"It's really a ghost today! Is it really God's will? Is it true that we are all wrong? The snake said confusedly.

"We are wrong!! We were really wrong before. Today, seeing the living facts, it's time for us to repent. The fox, who was still kneeling, cried and said.

When the fox said this, both the fox and the snake began to talk about it. Seeing the fox's attitude, the snake said with a smile, "You old man is also wrong? Where is your prestige on weekdays? Aren't you the most hostile to us?

The fox said shamefully, "Old man. Don't laugh at me. You don't open as much as you do! You are strangely crazy today. I almost lost my grandchildren. We all suffer by ourselves. It's time for us to repent.

The snake smiled and said, "What else can I do? Even God wants the snake sister to give birth to your grandson. What can I do? Forget it. Follow God's will. You old stubborn man can't control your son. Other people, whether it's snakes or foxes, who can stop the love between men and women? Now the mixed-race children of fox snakes have given birth. We also have to admit the reality.

The snake people agree, and they have woken up. I don't want to pay for unnecessary hostile fights.