Journey to the New South

Chapter 5: The version of Kara is poor and weak. Thirty miles is full of cemeteries

The fox stood up. Salute to all the fox people. Then he said emotionally, "All the people. Today I woke up like a dream. Our long-term hostility with snake people has harmed ourselves and others. Let's not live such a day again. Both snakes and foxes are descendants of Yingxin's ancestors. We live in Shuangxian City together, so we should be inseparable from each other. Look at the baby born to the snake sister and my son. How cute! In the past, the so-called day of the birth of the mixed-race fox snake was the legend of the extinction of all the people in the two immortal cities, which has proved to be a complete lie. Let's stop trusting these lies. Listen to what those outsiders just said. How reasonable they are. Can we still be obsessed? So many people were killed and injured in today's fighting. It's all caused by our ignorance. We are ashamed of them and ourselves.

"This is what happened to your son. If something happens to someone else's son. You will definitely be severely punished. Huchang, you also turned out to be very selfish. A fox man said bluntly.

The Hu Chang replied sincerely, "What you said is not wrong at all. In the past, I did punish and mutilated many fox people who were good with snakes because of my stubbornness. This is my sin. Now it's my son's turn. God wants to wake me up. I thought I could do justice to destroy my relatives. But when my son showed me everything, I finally found that I couldn't be hard-hearted. I still have a lot of selfishness. But people, are there any selfish people in the world? I am no exception to be a parent and cherish my children. I think even if your children have this happened, you will be the same as me. If you can't agree with my approach, then I am willing to give up the power and status of Hu Chang. Willing to accept all punishments. However, please forgive my son. Now that he has a child, the child can't live without a father.

"Father, if the people want to punish me, just punish me. You only knew about it today. Hu Chang's son said anxiously.

"Okay! All right! What else should be punished? Now we all know that we are wrong. It's time to correct. How can we stick to the original view of right and wrong? The original misconceptions were handed down from our ancestors. We have received that kind of education since we were born and have never doubted it. Huchang, don't blame yourself. Your previous mistake is our collective mistake. You can't just blame yourself. Now it makes sense for you to protect your son. There is no mistake. Instead, your son and the snake sister took a brave step forward. I gave birth to a child smoothly. Wake up those of us who are still obsessed. This should not be regarded as a sin according to the past view. It should also be regarded as a credit from the current point of view. Doesn't everyone agree with me? An old fox man said.

"The old gentleman is right! Fox, you don't have to blame yourself. If we encounter something like yours, we will be the same as you.

"Yes. Fox. You have made so many contributions to the fox people over the years. You are a well-deserved good fox. We fox people love you. The wrong concept of history is caused by history, and we all have a share. It's not your sin alone. You don't have to blame yourself."

The fox man said, and their words moved the fox father and son to tears. It also made Cixuan and the snake people agree with them.

"Thank you for your understanding. But did these people die in vain? If we had realized earlier, there would have been no such cruel fighting today. The fox looked at the dead man and said sadly.

"This is a previous error. We have changed our minds, and such a tragedy will never happen again. We snakes and you foxes have paid a cruel price. But at least one thing is gratifying, that is, their blood finally did not flow in vain. This will always warn both of us to live in harmony in the future. Don't be hostile to each other anymore." The snake said with emotion.

The stubborn snake has become so reasonable. It's gratifying. The snakeman and Cixuan applauded together and agreed. The fox looked at it and applauded. The snake said excitedly, "I never thought of it. I will get the applause of the fox.

"We never thought that we would applaud the snake." The fox people replied.

"That's great. Such a warm scene is what we should take good care of. From today on, there will never be any more hostile snakes and foxes in Shuangxian City. If you agree, let's applaud together!" The fox shouted.

The snakeman and the foxman applauded together, and no one objected. It seems that Cixuan's words really awakened them. Cixuan and the others looked at each other with a happy smile on their faces.

"This is great! We have done another great thing!" Zaodan said happily.

It seems that we don't have to stay here. We should also go on the road. There may be something similar on the road ahead. I hope we can all solve it smoothly." Cixuan said.

"Dang, give the child to his father. We should also leave quietly." Suya (Caiyu) said.

Zhadan and Suya (Caiyu) took the child to the fox's father and son. The eldest son and the fox were so happy that they didn't know what to say. The snake sister happily hugged the child's father. The snake chief asked the fox chief with a smile, "When will you marry the snake sister?"

The fox smiled and said, "Don't you hate our fox stink?"

The snake smiled and said, "Fox stinks? Why can't I smell it? Oh, I've been smelling it for a long time and I'm used to it. I can't feel it! Can't you fox people smell the snakes on us?

"I can't smell it! I have adapted. We are all the taste of hunters of Yingxin's ancestors, right? The fox people said.

It seems that we need to hold a grand wedding soon. For the reconciliation between us. We should celebrate a lot. But before celebrating, we will bury these people who died in the fight. The snakes said.

"This is a great pity. The lesson of blood makes us never forget the meaning of reconciliation. The fox man said.

Snake Girl smiled and said, "We also want to thank these masters who helped us reconcile. They are all our benefactors. Without them, there would be no handshake today.

"Oh, where are the benefactors! Why did they all leave? It's so silent!" The snake girl looked back and found that Cixuan had left.

When the snake fox is busy with reconciliation. Cixuan and the others quietly embarked on a new journey. After leaving Shuangxian City, Cixuan and the others drove for another ten days and came to a place called Benkara.

Since entering Siam, Cixuan and his party have felt the wealth of Siam. At least it is much richer than Myanmar. However, when I came to the version of Kara, what I saw was a scene of poverty and weakness. It can be said that there are neither fertile fields nor prosperous shops. The whole place looks extremely decayed. This is obviously different from other parts of Siam.

When you enter the city, you will gradually see more and more people. But all of them are skinny. It seems that they are all yellow and thin. Poverty here is average, and there are few such poor places in Myanmar.

Ci Xuan and others talked about it and wanted to know why it was so poor here. Everyone agrees that it must be caused by the poor governance of the officials here. Ci Xuan said, "If there are really bad officials here who do not govern well, make the people so poor. Then we have to take care of it again."

"We have been in charge of a lot of things along the way. Fight against the wicked and beat them. But it's a great pleasure." Fat is laughing and taking over the stubble.

Suya (Caiyu) smiled and said, "Don't worry. No matter what kind of evil enemies we encounter, we can beat them with our ability. We have benefited many people along the way. God will definitely take care of us."

Feng Qi thought for a moment and couldn't help saying, "Su Ya (Cai Yu), I don't know whether to say it or not. Anyway, whether you mind or not, I can't help but say it. Since you came out of the palace of the big city, I have found that you have changed. You used to be quiet and soft. Now you have a unique momentum, and what you say and do is amazing. It's too much like two people."

Feng Qixin said his thoughts bluntly. Cixuan, Zaodan and Fat are smiling, although they feel a little abrupt. However, their hearts are as doubtful as Feng Qi. Now, they also want to get the answer from Suya (Caiyu).

Suya (Caiyu) heard this and said awkwardly, "Actually, I'm still me, and there is no substantial change. If there is a little change, it is also because I am always in danger in the palace of the big city. So I need to be more capable. The experience in the royal palace of the big city made me feel that I couldn't be so weak. When you encounter something, you should be decisive and do your best. That's it."

"So why haven't you mentioned your Grandmother Wang recently? You used to talk about your grandmother Wang every day. Feng Qi asked.

Suya (Caiyu) hurriedly replied, "That's it. I was in the big city palace and heard what Jila said. She said that my grandmother Wang was fine, so I was relieved.

Suya (color feather)'s explanation is reasonable. Everyone, including Feng Qi, believed her words. Suya (Caiyu) can't calm down. I think I will pretend to be more gentle in the future and often nag about Grandma Wang. Try not to use spells when encountering things, so as not to cause Cixuan to be suspicious.

In fact, they are really a little suspicious. The performance of Suya (color feather) in Shuangxian City is too strange. She never mentioned that she was proficient in medical skills. How could she make the snake mother and son, who can't be saved by laughing? Also, why did the snake suddenly scream? Suya (Caiyu) said that she had clicked his acupuncture point, but she never heard Suya talk about her ability. If Suya really has this ability, then why didn't she use it on the way, but only used it in Shuangxian City?

Despite these doubts. But Cixuan, they all believe that it's just that they don't know enough about elegance. Or Suya is a person who is not good at performance. I just heard Su Ya's explanation, and I think it's reasonable. The doubts in my heart have disappeared to a large extent.

However, the reason why Kara is so poor has not been fully understood. So I found an old man by the roadside. Ask the old man why.

The old man replied, "This is the easternmost place in Siam. After this, you will enter the land of Zhenla. The border conflict between Siam and Zhenla has lasted for nearly a hundred years. In the past ten years, many wars have broken out every year. Border people in both countries have been killed and injured. Especially young men, who are dead and disabled. How can life in this border area become rich? The common people are not safe, how can they be bitter?"

Hearing this, Ci Xuan said sadly, "The disaster of war is so serious. The kings of the two countries are ashamed of the people.

Tears appeared in the old man's eyes and said, "Who said no?" Out of this city, there will be a cemetery for 30 miles. Countless creatures of Siam and Zhenla were buried there because of the war. The whole world is a ghost. Compared with the hell of the Yin Dynasty, it is not bad.

"Thirty-mile cemetery? That's really the longest cemetery in the world. It seems that the two countries have suffered heavy casualties. Early Dan Road.

"Yes, you saw it too. There are not many people in this version of Kara city. Think about where there are people outside the city? It's all ghosts. This area is a place where there are more ghosts than people. The old man said with emotion.

"What the hell? Is this cemetery haunted? Feng Qi asked quickly.

"If a person dies, it is time to go to heaven, and it is time to go to hell. How can there be ghosts living in the cemetery for 30 miles and harming people? I think it should be hearsay," Fat said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm old. Can I hearsay? It hasn't been a year or two since it was haunted. It's been haunted for thousands of years. The old man said in horror.

"What's a thousand years of ghost? Has this cemetery been around for thousands of years? Are you talking nonsense? Feng Qi said rudely.

The old man said unhappily, "You came to ask me. You didn't believe it when you asked me. So what are you asking me for? If I don't tell you the truth, you will be killed by ghosts when you pass through the 30-mile cemetery.

"You old man is getting more and more evil. It's like you've seen a ghost." Feng Qi laughed.

"Many people have seen it. If you don't believe me, you can ask others. Let's see if my old man is talking nonsense. Let me tell you, the 30 miles cemetery is a horrible place to talk about. There are not only zombies but also ghosts. Even the skeleton has become an essence. By the way, and the paper man has also become refined. The old man said seriously.

"Old man, do you really have these? Will it all be rumors? Ci Xuan asked.

"It's true. Many people have seen that several mages went to fight with those ghosts, but half of them never came back. The old man said.

"So will those ghosts come to this version of Kara City?" Zaodan asked.

"Where do I know that? But the mage said no. Because the bodies in the 30-mile cemetery are enough for them to eat. However, because these ghosts are coiled in the 30-mile cemetery, all the people who pass by there have been hurt. Even the army is often attacked. Therefore, the mages of both countries went to the 30-mile cemetery to get rid of these ghosts. But no one succeeded. Thirty miles of cemetery has become a desperate road. The old man said.

"What's the so-called millennium haunted thing?" Ci Xuan asked.

"Thousands of years ago, it was not a cemetery. A female ghost appeared. This female ghost died in love. After his death, he kept wandering there. Up to now, it has been a thousand years. The old man said.

"Does anyone see that? Or did the mage say it? Zaodan asked.

"It has been circulating for more than a thousand years. Speaking of which, it is still caused by the monk. You monks also have unworthy people. This monk came to Goryeo and went to Tianzhu through the Southern Ocean to learn the scriptures. I fell in love with that girl here. Later, the monk wanted to leave the girl and go to Tianzhu alone and let the girl wait for him to come back. As a result, the monk never came back as soon as he left. The girl felt cheated and couldn't think about it for a moment, so she committed suicide. But after the girl became a ghost, she still couldn't forget the Korean monk. So they wandered for a long time in the place where they separated. I have never left for a thousand years. The old man said.

When he heard the old man say something, a name suddenly came to Cixuan's mind, that is, Huichao. During the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty in China, Goryeo also advocated Buddhism at the same time. Huichao, a Goryeo monk, is a Taoist monk. His greatest achievement in his life was to get the true scriptures from the sea through the South Ocean to Tianzhu. In Cixuan's memory, it is recorded in history that Huichao was the only monk who went to Tianzhu to learn the scriptures. Is the Goryeo monk mentioned in the old population Huichao?

"No way. How can Huichao fall in love with a Siamese woman? He is dedicated to Buddha. Ci Xuan thought to himself.

The old man said again, "I have said so much to you. In fact, it is just to remind you not to take the road of 30 miles of cemetery. That's a dead end."

"Old man, what else is the way to get to Zhenla?" Ci Xuan asked.

"What are you doing in Zhenla? If I want to go to Zhenla, I really don't know how to go except this road. You'd better ask for more blessings. I won't say more. I'm leaving." The old man said and left.