New Century Swordsman

Chapter 6 The sadness of the girl

Ren Siyu looked up at the starry sky through the optical display above his head with thousands of thoughts.

"I don't know my parents

What would mom think if she knew I was wanted by the state? I just want to stop them. Why did things go this way!"

The thoughts in her heart were entangled, which made her feel extremely confused. Thinking of her parents who are proud of her strength, and now they can only silently pray for her safety at home, she feels as if something in her heart has been ruthlessly crushed. Ren Siyu turned his head and looked at Ling Yu in the frozen, and had no choice but to think that the world was really unpredictable.

After she hurried to see that Ling Yu's life was in danger, she subconsciously threw a must-kill knife. After that, it was too late to change the attack route. She could only watch Qiao Kun die by a flying knife.

After that, Ren Siyu, whose mind was in chaos, only acted with the instinct of years of training. This was also the reason why Song Xin told her to go to the warehouse without asking why she left without asking about it. At that time, she needed someone to guide her.

However, at this time, she has been relieved from the shock and self-reproach of killing. In addition to some regrets, Ren Siyu has begun to think about her future and future. The aircraft is automatically controlled by the intelligent light brain, and the final destination has been set. Ren Siyu didn't know where Song Xin was going to send the two fugitives.

"I don't know if it is possible to eat my mother's cooking at home again?"

For a girl under 20 years old, no matter how strong she is, she will be emotionally unbearable to think about the fact that she will not be able to meet her parents in the future life full of crisis.

The more Ren Siyu thought about it, the more uncomfortable it became. He clenched the corners of his clothes tightly, and a drop of tears silently dripped from the girl's eyes. She glanced up at Ling Yu in the frozen and decided that he would not hear anything, and finally couldn't help crying.

In the dark night sky, a delicate aircraft galloped in the air like a black lightning without making any sound. No one knows that there is a girl crying heartless thousands of meters above their heads, and there is a teenager who will never see the most important person in his life after today.

Many people lost the most important fetter in their lives this night because of the death of a person. In fact, in this society where martial arts, war machinery and powers are rampant, killing and killing monsters are actually no different for some people, and even some people regard killers as their profession.

But for Ren Siyu and Ling Yu, who have been living in the city and have their own concerns, this loss is so fatal to them, so that this experience has had a huge impact on their later life. Of course, this is a later story, and it will naturally be explained at that time, and the author will no longer speak much here.

The two flew out of Shu City so quietly and came to a small town thousands of kilometers away.

The vibration of the landing of the aircraft woke up Ren Siyu in her sleep. Last night, she entered the dream in a trance in tears. In the dream, her family, Zhang Qinian, Ling Yu and Qiao Kun appeared alternately. There was no regular clue. Coupled with the silence of the dream, Ren Siyu felt that she was about to collapse. Fortunately, she finally arrived at her destination and woke her up.

Ren Siyu opened the aircraft and looked around curiously. It must be his reason for Song Xin to set the destination of the aircraft here. At least this should be a safe place without worrying about being wanted.

First of all, Ren Siyu's eyes are countless aircraft, all of which are diverse. It can be said that Ren Siyu has never seen so many aircraft in his life. And in her opinion, every aircraft is superior, at least not worse than the one Song Xin sent them away.

Just when Ren Siyu fell into a dull state because of these dazzling aircraft, the owner here also came out. He is a bald-headed man with a beard. He is at least two meters tall, and his muscles all over his body give people a great sense of oppression like a giant. His left arm is a brown robotic arm and a weapon.

While Ren Siyu looked at the other party carefully, the other party also frowned and looked at Ren Siyu. No, it should be said that the aircraft she came in, Ren Siyu had been directly ignored by him. The bald man said doubtily, "GT-L1? Lao Song, are you here? He shouted inside the aircraft, looking over Ren Siyu and looking straight inside the aircraft, as if looking forward to someone coming down.

But what disappointed him was that no one came out of it, or Ren Siyu couldn't stand the awkward atmosphere and said, "That... Sir, we are students of Mr. Song. Do you know him?

After listening to Ren Siyu's words, the bald man finally recovered from his distracted state. He looked curiously at Ren Siyu and said, "Do you know? It's more than knowing! When we were born and died, you didn't know where to play? Since you are a friend of Lao Song, come in with me."

The eyes of the bald and strong man have never left Ren Siyu. It's not that he has any other thoughts, but just curiosity about what kind of person the apprentice such a cold and strange guy as Song Xin received in those years. It was not until he saw Ren Siyu resist Ling Yu that his eyes began to become solemn.

"This boy is very hurt. He must use the repair solution. According to his personality, he actually injured his apprentice so badly and let them escape to me in GT-L1. Song Xin, what happened to you over there?

The bald and strong man thought worriedly. This strong man is one of the members of the hunter team formed by Song Xin. He is called Hancock. He is an excellent mechanical assembler. His main attack direction is flight equipment. It can be said that the mobility and range of the battle of the whole team are maintained by him. After the dissolution of the hunter team, on the one hand, he was frustrated by the death of his partner, and on the other hand, he was no longer suitable for running around all year round, so he opened his own production workshop in this town.

Because of his excellent production level, many people order from distant cities in order to get an aircraft he made. Song Xin's aircraft is one of Hancock's masterpieces, because he understands Song Xin's unique personality. This aircraft is made according to his personality, with the fastest speed and smallest size.

After listening to let Siyu know everything, Hancock couldn't wait to set out to see if Song Xin was in danger, but when he saw Ling Yu, who was already dying, he had to stop. Since Song Xin believed in him and entrusted his only apprentice to him (Ren Siyu finally explained that he and Song Xin were only called teachers because they were in the same martial arts school after being seen helpless), he had to save Ling Yu first.

He put Ling Yu's whole body** into a transparent glass groove and began to control the instrument to inject ** into it.

First the 5% concentration of thawing night, and then 73% concentration of repair solution. Er... I haven't used it for a long time, but the technique is a little strange.

Hancock patted himself on the forehead and thought about the steps, sighing that the years were old. In the past, his time-limited treatment ability was also one of the best in the team, but now he thinks about everything for a long time. After everything was arranged, Hancock left a chip for Ren Siyu and left with an aircraft. The direction he went was Shu City.

Ren Siyu stared at the chip in his hand, glanced at Ling Yu, who repaired his body in the glass groove, and suddenly realized something and ran out with a red face. Ling Yu, who fell into a deep coma during the repair night, knew nothing about Ren Siyu's shyness. However, something happened in the distant land that he must know but has no knowledge.

Ling Yu's grandfather had just got up for breakfast in the early morning and was about to go to work, but was stopped by a group of warriors with swords. They did not negotiate with the old Ruiwo, but directly stuffed him into the car and took him away, and the direction was Shu City.

The senior management of Shihua Martial Arts Museum. Qiao Zhiyong played with the teacup in his hand, which used to make him feel very easy, but at this moment, he was extremely annoyed. He put the teacup heavily on the table. In front of him was a video, which was about Qiao Kun shooting Ling Yu with an electromagnetic high-risk gun until he ended his life with a flying knife.

He has watched this video more than ten times. While being surprised that a girl can use the magic lock, he is equally shocked by Qiao Kun's use of hot weapons. Warriors hardly use firearms except for hunters and soldiers. On the one hand, no matter how the warriors train, they are definitely not as accurate as the weapons. On the other hand, if they develop the habit of relying on hot weapons, there will be no more progress in martial arts. The reason why hunters carry a gun with them is only to cope with the special loss of combat power, but they still have to fight.

Qiao Zhiyong could even imagine how much impact this video would have on him if it spread out, so he took the video with his power at the first time. And ordered his subordinates to "invitate" Ling Yu's grandfather. To put it bluntly, he wanted to throw himself into the net through Ling Yu's grandfather. But how could Qiao Zhiyong think that Ling Yu had left Shu City at this moment, and it was impossible to know that his grandfather had been captured.

At this moment, old Ruiwo is being placed under house arrest in a room in the martial arts hall. He sat at the head of the bed and sighed deeply after a long silence. Although he is not strong, after so many years of life experience, after understanding his deep environment, coupled with the questions the warriors asked him about Ling Yu before, a little reasoning can roughly guess the reason why the group of warriors abduction themselves.

"Is there something wrong with this child Ling Yu?"

Grandpa thought of it worriedly. However, since this group of people arrogantly captured himself, it shows that although Ling Yu made a big deal, he was definitely not caught by them.

"What on earth will have such a big impact?"

Grandpa sat quietly at the head of the bed and meditated for a night. Knowing that the next dawn, he fell asleep for physical reasons. In his dream, he was also praying silently for Ling Yu, hoping that nothing would happen to his grandson.

Old Ruiwo, who is in a deep sleep, does not know what his future fate is. Compared with people like Qiao Zhiyong, he is just a small worker with no power. The only thing he can do is to quietly wait for the development of things.


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