New Century Swordsman

Chapter 7 Light from Dark

This is endless darkness, with no light, no sound, no sense of touch, smell or taste. In this dark space, only a bodyless consciousness floats irregularly in it.

"Who is 'I'?"

The dark space is infinite, and there is no upper and lower space, so no matter how the consciousness moves up and down in it, it has no meaning. It also seemed to realize this and stopped quietly. It began to think, but it didn't know what it needed to think about, and even before it didn't know what to think. It seems that this is an inherited instinct, which gradually appears over time. But there is no concept of "time" in this dark space, so everything seems extremely contradictory but natural.

"Who am I!"

It finally recalled the original problem and instinctively gave it to think, but now it made it very painful. It rolled in the painful darkness and became more and more intense. The original darkness seemed to be stirred by it. Countless bubbles poured in through the darkness from the outside, and in an instant, the dark space was filled with countless bubbles. And that wisp of consciousness is also waking up like enlightenment at the moment when it touches the blisters.

When Ling Yu opened his eyes, the first thing he could see was the green**. He slowly glanced at the environment around him and understood that he was in a glass container. He was still a little confused at this time and didn't understand why he was here. Ling Yu patted the glass wall feebly, and it took a few seconds to remember it little by little--

I'm Ling Yu.

I'm still alive.

Ling Yu just recovered a little logically, and then realized that he should be in the repair solution. He looked at the repaired arm and felt the sense of strength from his arm.

Ling Yu, who was reborn, completely forgot everything in the dark space before, and didn't even leave a single impression. Just as he looked around, the glass container also made a crisp "drop!" At the same time, the ** in the glass container also began to be slowly eliminated. After all ** was recovered, the glass container opened silently. Without ** buoyancy, Ling Yu, who had just repaired her body, had not recovered her ability to move, and her legs fell to the ground soft and naked.

He struggled to get up from the ground, but the newly repaired body was not only uncoordinated, but also extremely fragile, which made him unable to use any strength. The left eye was soaked in the repair fluid before, and when he saw the light, he immediately began to bleed.

At this time, Ren Siyu, who heard the sound, saw Ling Yu kneeling on the ground, "Ah!" He turned his head with a scream, and his face turned red to his ears in an instant. Ling Yu is also very embarrassed at this moment, but he pays more attention to the pain in his left eye than this awkward left eye.

Due to the severe pain, Ling Yu said in a trembling voice, "Please bring your waist bag. I can't move now." Ren Siyu, who was originally in an empty state, woke up after listening to Ling Yu's trembling voice. He hurriedly handed him the bag on the table, and after handing it over to him, he ran away and dared not look at him.

Ling Yu ended up with her waist bag, and her hands tremblingly took out the gray cloth belt she usually prepared and tied it to her head. However, he just came out of the repair warehouse and couldn't lift his hands. He barely covered his left eye and thought for a moment and said to Ren Siyu, "Can you come and help me? Give me my clothes by the way."

Hearing Ling Yu's helpless and rude request, Ren Siyu was like a scared beast, standing there at a loss. Ling Yu felt that because of too much blood in her brain, she gradually blurred her consciousness and couldn't help reminding her in a low voice, "Hurry up!" Ren Siyu stopped his strange behavior in place, and his little face was red as if he could bleed.

She first took Ling Yu's shabby practice uniform and put it on him, and then took the cloth belt in Ling Yu's hand with slightly trembling hands and surrounded Ling Yu in circles.

This is the first time Ren Siyu has observed Ling Yu so closely, and it is also the first time he has seen the whole picture of Ling Yu. Only then did she know that Ling Yu's appearance was not inferior to Zhang Qinian. Because she felt a little colder than Zhang Qinian, Ling Yu looked more intimate. The reason why Ling Yu has not been valued by others is not only his original intention to be with Zhang Qinian, but also because he blocked the cloth belt of half of his face.

Neither of them spoke, one closed his eyes tightly and didn't know what they were thinking. The other two looked at each other intently and were in a daze. Fortunately, the person who was in a daze did not forget his duty, and he still tied the cloth belt steadily with both hands. With the final knot, Ling Yu slowly opened the only ** outside right eye. On the contrary, Ren Siyu, who had been staring at it, turned his head and stood up and said slightly embarrassedly under Ling Yu's gaze, "I... I'll go out first. Come out after you get dressed. I have something to tell you. After saying that, he ran out in a hurry without waiting for Ling Yu to speak.

Ling Yu looked at Ren Siyu's figure running out and sighed helplessly, thinking about what a girl was really troublesome. He tried to clench his fist, felt that there was some strength in his body that had begun to recover, and struggled to get up from the ground. After putting the clothes on her body and reconfirming that the cloth belt on her eyes had been fixed, Ling Yu opened the door and walked out.

The first thing that opens the door is the mechanical parts of the house. Dozens of alloy boxes are filled with some metal parts that Ling Yu doesn't know, including some black holes in the muzzle. Seeing the gun, Ling Yu couldn't help thinking that she was almost forced to a dead end by an electromagnetic high-risk gun, and secretly sighed that her strength was still too weak.

If Zhang Qinian was there that day, with his extraordinary speed, Qiao Kun's nerve reaction speed could not be enough to aim. Ling Yu still has many shortcomings as a traditional sword martial artist. Although the teacher's swordsmanship has made his instantaneous attack power unique, his remaining strength is slightly insufficient, which is why Song Xin has replaced his internal skills since Professor Ling Yu since then.


Ling Yu said to herself secretly. As long as you successfully enter the ground, you can ignore most of the firearms. In addition to some military high-power firearms, only large-scale volleys can pose a threat to warriors above the ground level. Only after the ground level will the gap between the warriors and the weapons from the starting point be smoothed.

Just as Ling Yu was in a daze, Ren Siyu finally sorted out his mentality. Although he was still a little restrained, he was no longer at a loss. Ling Yu pulled open the chair and sat opposite her and saw her push a chip over.

Ling Yu took a look at Ren Siyu's expression and put the chip into the watch doubtfully. Suddenly, a light curtain suddenly appeared. The character in the picture was Hancock who saved Ling Yu.

"Since you are Song Xin's apprentices, and he entrusted you to me, I will naturally be responsible for you. I have to go to Shu now, so I can't stay here to take care of you. If I haven't come back for more than half a month, you two will find someone according to the address and secret words in the chip, and that person will take you to a safe place. Remember, if I don't come back in half a month, I must find that person. Because if I leave for half a month, the place where you are now will be unsafe. Well, that's all I have to say. Good luck! Um... Good luck to myself, too." As soon as the light curtain dimmed, the picture suddenly disappeared.

Although the chip has been handed over to Ren Siyu before, this is the first time she has seen it. After all, no one knows whether this chip is the kind of thing that can only be automatically destroyed once for confidentiality. To be careful, she still waited quietly until Ling Yu woke up and watched with him.

Ling Yu carefully thought about the words of the bald man, and then looked up at Ren Siyu and asked, "How long has that person left just now?" Ren Siyu seemed to have long guessed that he would ask and say without thinking, "If today is counted, it is the 7th day."

Since there are still eight days left, Ling Yu will naturally not be idle. Although the other party used the firearms in this battle, Ling Yu still fully understood her shortcomings and had a stronger desire for strength. Fortunately, Hancock did not forget his own training in addition to his usual research on machinery. He repaired a huge underground training ground to adjust the physical disharmony for Ling Yu. After all, the re-grown arm was not as easy to use as before.

After reading the contents of the chip, Ling Yu asked Ren Siyu about what happened after he fell into a coma. After knowing everything, Ling Yu fell into deep meditation.

Teacher, Grandpa, Qi Nian, Wen Hao.

I don't know when I will see them again...


If you are comfortable to see, please collect it. Your encouragement is my greatest motivation~~~