New Century Swordsman

Chapter 8 The Distance of the Last Step

It's useless to think too much. The only way to do today is to improve your strength.

In the underground training room. Ling Yu stood silently in the middle of the training room with her head down, with her hands drooping straight. Unlike his body, his brain is running fast at this moment. Since he woke up, he has been thinking about the previous battle with Joquin over and over again, but the result is his own death.

In the end, he only got two results, either killing the other party before Jokun took out his gun, or by force, he died with the other party after paying the price of his heart being cracked. Ling Yu understands that the reason why he can only get these two results is because of his weak strength and the limitations of the sword warrior's own training. But he still did not give up thinking, because this experience gained from the life-and-death struggle is extremely precious to any warrior.

He carefully recalled all the details of the day, Qiao Kun's shooting speed and accuracy, the difficulty of avoiding the field, and the extent of his injury at that time. After everything took shape in his mind, Ling Yu suddenly moved like a stubborn stone, and the violent impact sounded on the alloy floor, like a huge stone hitting the ground fiercely. At the same time, the whole person moved away horizontally in an instant. If you look carefully, it was the action of avoiding Qiao Kun's first shot. Although Ling Yu is moving at a high speed, **'s right eye outside is tightly closed, only by the touch of the body.

At this moment, the scene of that day is reappearing in Ling Yu's mind. He has just dodged the first bullet and is still 4 seconds away from Qiao Kun's memory to aim and shoot the second bullet.

"Then... Go forward!"

Qiao Kun in his mind has pointed the muzzle of the gun at Ling Yu, and the muscles on the back of his hand are slightly ** driving his fingers. Just before he shot, Ling Yu has lowered his body and rushed forward, just avoiding the second bullet by little.

"The muzzle only needs to move down three centimeters, and the speed of his nervous response that day can be adjusted within one second, and then shoot in three seconds, so..."

A thunder-like figure stopped in an instant against all inertia, made a rotation with inertia on his right foot, and then stepped on the ground three times in an instant and suddenly rushed out. From rapid to instant stop to rapid, it seems extremely natural at this moment, as reflected in Ling Yu. This set of avoidance actions was carried out several times in Ling Yu's mind, and each time he died after the emergency stop just now, but the reality is still a little strange from his imagination. He not only completed all the movements accurately, but also completed the direction change and acceleration method that is difficult to complete in normal training. With his past strength, being able to step on two feet in a row when he changed direction is already his limit, but now he can step out smoothly. I have to say that this experience of death has given Ling Yu too much impact.

At this moment, Ling Yu is not in the mood to think more about his gains and losses because of this incident, or escape. After realizing the lack of his strength, he just rushed into practice and challenged his limits again and again.

At night, Ling Yu lay alone on the cold alloy floor of the training room. Her chest fluctuated up and down quickly because of the intense training. The bright light hit her face. Ling Yu simply closed her eyes to enjoy rare leisure.

This is the third day of his simulation training. In the past three days, he has failed thousands of times, but the result is also significant. He has been able to narrow the distance between himself and Qiao Kun to five steps. As long as he takes two more steps forward, Qiao Kun, who has abandoned his double knives, will definitely not be able to stop Ling Yu's Three-foot sword. But it was these last two steps that trapped Ling Yu for a whole day. Ling Yu lay on the ground and recalled the reason for this failure.

"My nerve reaction speed has been far faster than others since I was a child, so I can clearly see all his movements, but there are still many shortcomings in muscle strength and internal force control, which cannot be quickly avoided in a small range. After all... I'm still far from it!"

Ling Yu struggled to get up from the ground, relied on the last strength of her body to take a shower, and then fell into the sofa in the living room and became unconscious. Since Hancock has always been single and old men like him don't care about some details, his aircraft renovation factory covers a wide area, but only has only one place to sleep. Ling Yu naturally has no intention to grab a place to sleep with a little girl, and in his opinion, as long as he can make his body recover quickly, as for the comfort... It would be strange for a person who lives with Zhang Qinian and the devil Song Xin every day if he still cares about these.

It seems that he brings the benefits of the bed. Every day after he wakes up, there is a warm breakfast at the table. Ling Yu thanked him silently at the bottom of her heart and lamented Ren Siyu's excellent cooking skills. In this era of pure mechanization, most people, except for some penance warriors, have integrated into a fully mechanized society. Both catering and daily exchanges are carried out by machinery. In this era, girls who can cook are already a kind of alien.

In fact, Ren Siyu doesn't want to make her mother think that if a girl can't do some cooking or other work, she will dance knives and guns every day. Therefore, whether she wanted to or not, Ren Siyu was pulled by her mother to learn some cooking skills since she was a child, and she did not stop until she was an adult.

Ling Yu naturally did not know about Ren Siyu's past. Although there was no wine, Ling Yu, who was full of food, stood silently in the training room again. He felt the gentle internal force in his body flow slowly, and recalled the simulated experience of the past few days. After all his thoughts became crystal clear, Ling Yu suddenly moved like a breeze.

Ling Yu is still closing her eyes and moving at high speed. However, the way of moving at this moment is very different from before. Although the force of his feet on the ground is fierce, each force is concentrated on the toes and the upward force is reduced to the lowest. At this moment, Ling Yu is like a ghost just moving against the ground. At the same time, the speed of his movement has also increased to a terrible level. Because the force of moving up has been reduced, it can not only save strength, but more importantly, it can make Ling Yu take more steps at the same time.

Although Ling Yu's muscle strength and internal strength have not increased much compared with before, the overall movement speed has increased by 60% or more. This is the power of skills. Through these three days of day and night training and simulations, Ling Yu has a deeper understanding and experience of the avoidance skills she has mastered. The same circumvention action, but it has a completely different effect at different times and in different ways.

Before that, Ling Yu's understanding of the battle was simply to use internal forces and moves to defeat the other party, but through this experience, he learned the importance of details such as fake actions. Now his movements are even more erratic. When he moves, he moves like a cloud without a trace. He seems to appear on the right at the next moment to the left; but when he suddenly stops, he turns into a rock and does not move.

And Qiao Kun, who was conceived in his mind, was finally killed by him without any suspense at the cost of one arm today. He stood quietly in the center of the training room like the first day, recalling the details of these days over and over again. After everything became clear to my heart, my right eye, which had been closed for three days, suddenly opened, and the light soared like substance, but I couldn't see any of it after careful observation, as if everything had just been an illusion.

At the same time, Ling Yu, who was silent as a dead object, suddenly moved. The sword light burst out and danced in Ling Yu's hand like a dragon. Suddenly, the training room began to be windy without warning. Ling Yu's blurred figure could barely be seen in the dazzling sword light. His body seemed to be completely covered by a long sword, giving people the illusion that there was only a long sword.

At this time, he did not think about fighting with Qiao Kun once. Now that he has been able to defeat Qiao Kun, that battle has no meaning to Ling Yu except for reference in the future. Now he has practiced the dragon sword formula taught by his teacher. This swordsmanship has always been known for its lightness and speed, and it is also a famous swordsmanship in the martial arts school.

It depends on Ling Yu flying up and down in the training room, which is like a dragon, and compared with the past, his dragon is a little more angry when it changes its previous rigidness. This is due to the results of these three days of training, with small fake movements and angle changes, without any pretense. Under these important small movements that were usually unnoticed but important, Ling Yu's swordsmanship advanced rapidly overnight.

The last one turned around and threw it with his right hand. The long sword drew a beautiful arc and swam into the scabbard briskly, leaving a crisp sound. Ling Yu held his hands and experienced this feeling carefully. At this moment, he felt that his body was full of power, as if everything pointed out by the sword was false. However, he understands that this is just an illusion caused by the rapid increase in strength in the short term, and it is useless to indulge in such a thing.

"Level 9! Yes, it must have arrived. Although there is no specific test, this understanding of the move should be the 'shape of the spirit of the move' said by the teacher and Qi Nian.

There is spirit in the move, which is one of the abilities of every strong man. The strength of the earthly strong is, on the one hand, because of his strong internal strength, and on the other hand, because they contain their own spirit in their moves, and they have earth-shaking power with one punch.

The scientific explanation for this power is that years of practice have enabled people without biochemical ability to use spiritual power internally, but most martial artists scoff at this research results. They do not believe that the spiritual power of biochemical people alone can have the power of heaven and earth. They believe that this power comes from the depths of the soul. In a word, there are different opinions, and so far it has not been explained where this great power came from, but everyone has to recognize the strength of the ground-level strongman. Even the weakest ground-level strongman can kill dozens of nine-level martial artists in an instant.

Only the real strong man on the ground level can feel this power. At this time, Ling Yu is still one step away from the real ground level, and he can already feel the prototype of this power!