New Century Swordsman

Chapter 16 Heavenly Level 3

Nine people representing the new generation of the world's strongest power are surrounded by a huge machine, and a sharp metal stick stands in front of them.

"There is a strong smell of divine stone in this machine... Or the whole machine is made of divine stone!"

The so-called divine stone is actually the huge meteorite that caused the catastrophe 300 years ago, and the reason why monsters can be produced and human beings can have the current power is ultimately from this stone that emitting strange radiation...

"I've said so much before, and now I'm going to take the last step. Please take this metal stick... Insert it into the heart!"

Gale said and straightened his body for the first time, raised the metal stick to put the sharp side, and then stabbed his body fiercely!

The rest of the people did not hesitate at all. Before they came here, they had received all the steps from the family. The data showed that this metal rod was to perfectly combine everyone's genetic abilities in an instant.

What's more, with the strength of several people present, heart injuries alone can't affect their lives at all...

Seeing Xiuxiu inserting the metal stick into the heart carelessly, Qi Nian frowned and looked back, and then the sharp thorns of his wrist had also come out.

"If you can survive, talk to Xiuxiu when all this is over..."

Before his thoughts came to an end, his heart suddenly twitched, and every cell of the body that accompanied it trembled!

"This pain is normal! Soon the power hidden in our genes will gradually appear, and the ultimate player of that power is the new level!"

Even in this severe pain, Garley still maintains his extraordinary enthusiasm, and even Qi Nian has read a creepy madness from his face!

At this moment, from the outside, the whole Bimontil Island has reached the edge of fragmentation. The endless tsunami hit every land of the island, and the faint vibration on the ground also issued a silent warning. Obviously, it will not be razed to the ground soon, and then be swallowed up by the sea in an instant!

Earth consciousness has realized what is going to happen here, and the doomsday scene is the final manifestation of earth consciousness!

Aunt Mei has put on a highly protective combat aircraft, and no matter how the sky collapses and the earth crack, it will not affect it.

She watched everything that happened outside through the optical imager, and the tower that always shines in the dark wind and rain...

Once the heavenly plan begins, there is absolutely no turning back... Young masters and ladies, please make sure to get through this darkest time!"

The light in the wind and rain is as if the lives of the nine people in the tower are full of uncertainty. It seems that as long as the darkness wins, it can be completely extinguished!

In the tower, the air is full of a suffocating smell, and a person has gradually become the center of this power!

"Is this the power of the heavenly level?! Although I can only feel a tiny trace, just that trace of power has completely filled my body, and it won't take long for that power to come completely!"

Wu Di's hair flew wildly, and his eyes glowed faintly red, and compared with the changes inside the body, it was really amazing - every cell died in an instant, and then it was reborn again under the power of the heavenly level!

In a moment, the body that looked thin at any time also pulled up ten centimeters in an instant, and every muscle of the body was even more crystal colored.

"Compared with me becoming a heavenly level, Ziya is the most fortunate that they can survive..."

Suddenly, a strange movement not far away suddenly interrupted Wu's thoughts. He turned his head and looked over - it was Garley who pulled out the metal stick in his chest!

And Wu Di also found that among the nine people present, except for the two of them, the rest seemed to have fainted, and their whole body was held by the metal stick.

"Although I have made countless assumptions before, the reality really happened in front of me... Wu Di, you really make me jealous!"

Garei's face looks extremely weak, and he can even see the cyan blood vessels on his pale face, and because of this, his pupils full of blood due to anger are particularly frail.


Gray slowly withdrew the palm of his hand slapped on the vest, and the man of the Pierce family under him had lost his life at the same time.

"Gare! What the hell do you mean?!"

Wu Di's eyebrows were locked. He angrily glared at Jialei who came step by step, and now Jialei's palm has fallen on the back of the second man!

"hehe... What do I mean?!" Garey killed a man with another slap. He stared at Wu Di's slowly changing body and said, "My consciousness is... The calculation error of the Tianjie plan, except for the final Tianjie strongman Jialei, all the ancient heirs unfortunately died... How about this script? Our strongest!"


In a blink of an eye, the three ancient heirs of Noah who were beside Garley had died under him, and now he has slowly come to Xiuxiu...

"The girl of the Li family has never cultivated fruit. You even kill an ordinary person without any cultivation... Do you still have the dignity of being a practitioner?"


Ga Lei, who slapped behind Xiuxiu, suddenly stared at Wu Di's roar, and he did not care about the rest of Qi Nian and others to drag the broken body to Wu Di.

"Are you fucking here and me to mention dignity?"

Ga Lei suddenly grabbed the metal stick in Wu Di's chest and suddenly pulled it out. Although Wu Di's body was full of strange power, he could not make any movement because of this, so he could only stare at Ga Lei.


Wu's limbs were completely cut off by Jialei while waving his hand. He said with a cruel smile on his face, "I won't let you die so soon. I want you to watch me become a real heavenly level!"

While talking, he had inserted the metal thorn pulled out from Wu Di's chest into his chest again!

"That's the feeling... Oh! My God! No... I will be God soon!"

Gare's wild laughter accompanied by the collapse of the earth outside the tower seemed particularly horrible, but he was extremely excited and did not notice that a body he had stepped on before gradually changed...

"The main consciousness is dead, and the synchronization rate of the body can finally be fully achieved!" Xiuxiu's consciousness space has been completely dark, and just the last glimmer of light has disappeared.

ka... Ka...

"Muscle regrowth... Bone healing... Zero3% of the development of physical potential..."

A white hand suddenly fell gently on the back of Garley's head and burst like a balloon before he could react.

"Xiuxiu" shook his wrist, and the headless body flew out like a cannonball, hit the alloy wall fiercely and then turned into a pool of blood!

And the next moment, she carefully inserted the blood-stained metal stick into her heart again, and in an instant--

The world changes color!

Endless momentum suddenly broke out from the young and thin body, and the dark clouds, strong winds and rainstorms in the sky were completely dispersed from heaven and earth in an instant!

"Tianjie... It has been produced!"

Wu Di looked at the girl floating in the air and muttered that he knew that the final winner of this battle was the girl that everyone ignored!

"The Li family is a good plan!"

It is impossible to imagine how powerful Wu's enemy is. Even dozens of seconds ago, Xiuxiu is still a girl with no power to bind chickens...

At the same time, the strong people all over the world feel the power of this heavenly level!

In a grass house on a small island in Kunlun.

Mr. Reincarnation slowly opened his eyes, and four men stood there in an instant.

"Teacher, the new heavenly level... It was born!"

It was Meng Fei who was the first to stand still. After saying that, he held his breath and quietly waited for a reply in the room.

"I feel that the ancient clan has succeeded, but the breath of this power... Why is it so weird?"

Mr. Reincarnation's eyes seemed to break through tens of millions of distances in an instant and fell directly on the thin girl in mid-air...

"This... How is that possible?! It turned out to be this child... And this power belongs to..."

The ghost-like man 50 years ago suddenly appeared in the mind of reincarnation, but just then two red lights suddenly shot over and suddenly scattered his sight across tens of thousands of kilometers!


Mr. Reincarnation suddenly shook his body, and then coughed violently. The four disciples outside the door called with concern. He waved his hand gently. After a wind flashed with space energy, the four disciples had disappeared in front of the door.

"It's just that she has such a powerful power since she was born, and what is more frightening than this is her mental state - at that moment, I didn't see it wrong... Those eyes clearly belong to the man 50 years ago! So, it's necessary to meet Noah's old friend..."

Mr. Reincarnation's body shook, and the next moment he disappeared into the hut.

Back to Bimonser Island, the whole island has completely fallen into the real darkness, and in the middle of the darkness, a woman as beautiful as a goblin floated quietly in the air.

"The physical potential has been fully developed, and this feeling of mastering the whole world... Is it the heavenly level?!"

She suddenly raised her head and squinted at the end of the distant world, where she could faintly see countless spaceships coming at a very fast speed!

"This degree... It's not even enough to warm up!"

Xiuxiu sneered and suddenly waved her hand!