New Century Swordsman

Chapter 17 Heavenly Level 4

"Cough, cough..."

The violent cough passed through the jungle, looking at the gradually falling body, both Chu Tian and BOSS stopped their hands.

"Ling Yu, how do you..."

Chu Tian's words suddenly stopped, and his footsteps stopped in mid-air - the power from afar seemed to pass through his body!

He completely froze his body almost in an instant, and at this moment, Chu Tian can't even turn his eyes!

In fact, it's not just him. Even the boss lost his ability to move after being swept by the ripple. The whole big forest completely quieted down in an instant. It seemed that only Ling Yu was not affected by it and let the harsh cough hit the eardrums...

The death-like stagnation lasted less than a second, but when Chu Tian regained his ability to move again, his back was completely wet with cold sweat. Regardless of this, he rushed to Ling Yu's side, patted his vest and said, "What's wrong with Ling Yu?"

Ling Yu waved her hand to indicate that she was fine. After taking a deep breath, she opened her mouth and said, "Just now, somehow, her body suddenly lost control, and a very strange feeling emerged from the inside of her body..."

In fact, Ling Yu didn't know that this was the connection between her and Xiuxiu at the most primitive genetic level, and the reaction appeared because the other side became a heavenly strong man beyond human beings.

And Chu Tian on the side thought that Ling Yu's body was similar to him and was caused by this invisible energy ripple...

"Say this energy ripple..."

Chu Tian's eyes suddenly condensed. He turned his head and looked at the boss, but saw the boss frowning tightly and silently nodded to Chu Tian.

"Is the heavenly level really born?"

Ling Yu narrowed her eyes and looked at the distant sky. Although the sky there was still blue, Ling Yu's eyes had been completely shrouded in a dark momentum!

"I have also seen the heavenly strong man of our demon clan before, but in time, the demon clan does not have such a strong negative consciousness... Ling Yu, among the ancient heirs you know, who do you think is most likely to become the heavenly level?

Ling Yu shook her head and said, "I'm not very familiar with the nine heirs of the ancient clan. If it's someone I know... I know the most about prayer for the New Year. He can never have such a negative momentum, and I have never seen through Jiang Ziya, but I don't think it's him... I heard that the strongest man of the new generation of medieval people is a man named Wu Di, and maybe he..."

No matter how Ling Yu imagined, he could not guess that the owner of this momentum was the Xiuxiu he was familiar with, and the boss silently said, "Although you human beings have successfully given birth to a new heavenly strong man this time, it is really uncertain whether it is a blessing or a curse! I just hope the war doesn't break out too soon...

Ling Yu boy, once the war between humans and monsters breaks out, if you still want to live, take Chu Tian to get out of here immediately, otherwise even if I want to protect you... I also have to weigh whether there is any weight to speak!"

Ling Yu did not reply, but nodded indifferently, but worried about the safety of Xiuxiu in the distance...

"Is that all? It's really not enough... The so-called ancient people and the so-called military..."

The demon in the air in Wu Di's eyes has not moved halfway, and the hundreds of warships began to disappear hundreds of kilometers away from her. With Wu's eyesight, there is no residual dust!

"The feeling just now should be the use of space energy, right? Hundreds of kilometers apart, such a powerful space energy can be fully used in an instant... Is this the so-called heavenly strongman?!"

Suddenly, a cold palm put on the top of his head and interrupted Wu's thoughts. It turned out to be the ancient team that Xiuxiu had solved the attack and raised Wu Di, who had lost his action.

"So tempting taste... Has the body been transformed by most of the power of the heavenly level? I really want to eat you in one bite!"

Xiuxiu's pink and crystal tongue gently wiped it from her lips, and with her exquisite face, it looks incomparable**. Wu Di, as the person concerned, is naturally also "heartbeat", but this heartbeat is not because he is confused by beauty - he really read his appetite from Xiuxiu's red pupils!

"However, compared with this dispensable heavenly power, it seems that you still have more of a role, and..."

Although Wu Di was held by her alone, there was no expression on his face.

Xiuxiu slowly came to Jiang Ziya with a sweet smile on her face, and then under Wu Di's unbelievable eyes - she slowly pushed out her palm and sucked Jiang Ziya into her body like **!


Xiuxiu's face had a satisfied smile, and the bright smile like Xia Hua was more horrible than the devil in Wu's eyes!

"In this way, absolute power and absolute wisdom are already in hand..."

Xiuxiu slowly opened her eyes, and the red light in her eyes had been hidden to the deepest part, but Wu Di clearly felt that the woman in front of him was far more horrible than before!

"Are you the strongest in the new generation?"

Xiuxiu always has that sweet smile on her face, but her eyes staring at Wu Di are always murderous!

"In front of you, the so-called first strongman is just a joke. Even in my heyday, for you, it is just a existence that can be erased by waving my hand."

Xiuxiu did not reply, but saw that she poked out her delicate palm and gently touched Wu Di's forehead. After the faint light flashed, Wu Di's body had completely recovered!

"Since you, the whole ancient clan belongs to me!"

This is the most shocking and chilling sentence Wu Di has ever heard in his life, and he is extremely sad to understand that what the woman in front of him is telling the truth...

There has always been a saying in the new century that the invincible under the ground represents the huge gap between the ground and the human level.

However, no one has ever positioned the strength of the heavenly strong man, which does not mean that no one pays attention to the heavenly strong man, but that there is no comparable object under that strong strength!

In just three days, Xiuxiu took full control of the nine ancient clans, and only six of the nine powerful patriarchs survived, including Xiuxiu's grandfather Li Fanyue...

"That woman... She is definitely not my granddaughter! No matter how disobedient the Xiuxiu I know is, she and she will not do such an act!"

Li Fanyue patted the wooden table and roared, and what he said was naturally the "cleaning up" done by Xiuxiu yesterday...

"There are nearly 70,000 lives in the three families! She wiped it all out in a flick of her fingers, without even blinking her eyes! The so-called nine ancient clans also became history in one day, and the remaining six families were also forcibly merged... Moreover, and it is ridiculously under the name of the 'Li family'..."

Li Fanyue's body trembled unnaturally because she was too excited, and his wife Qiaoqin hurried over and stroked her back. It seems that because of the decline of the family, Li Fanyue did not send Aunt Mei down when she said this.

Aunt Mei quickly handed Qiaoqin a glass of water, sighed, and said sadly, "When I sent my lady there, I never dreamed that such a thing would happen..."

"Fanyue, although it may not be good for me to say this, isn't it lucky that Xiuxiu survived and became a heavenly strong man compared with those young masters who unfortunately died in the tower?"

Qiaoqin's words seemed to have aroused Li Fanyue's anger again. When he turned around and was about to say something to her, the sudden voice behind him made him stop all his movements.

"I seem to have heard someone talking about my topic and came to have a look, but I didn't expect that everyone didn't sleep..."

Li Fanyue turned her head stiffly, and the show in front of her was still so beautiful, and the smile on her face was so sweet that people couldn't help trembling. The elegant black windbreaker highlighted the snowy and tender skin. Xiu, Xiuxiu, how do you feel now?

Qiao Qin asked with the last trace of expectation in her heart, but then Li Fanyue silently stood in front of her and stared at Xiuxiu in front of her with vigilance.

"Feeling? After being locked up for more than ten years, he was suddenly released and then immediately became the heavenly level... I even felt at that moment that the world was full of beauty, and even more so--'Otherwise... Don't destroy the world...' Such a horrible idea!"

Such a paragraph from Xiuxiu's small and lovely mouth is even more creepy!

"Destroy the world... This woman is really not a good person!"

Li Fanyue's murderous intention was a little better, but he did not dare to show it on his face at all. The strength of the woman in front of him had made everyone understand what real invincible was yesterday!

"Counts of thousands of elite warriors have been completely destroyed just by their thoughts..."

"I would obviously talk to Grandma Qiaoqin, why did you suddenly stand in front of her? Do you want to talk to me? Or... Do you think you can stop me if I want to kill her?

With Xiuxiu's gradually sinking voice, the whole room seemed to be empty in an instant. Aunt Mei and Qiao Qin, who were slightly lower in cultivation, couldn't help but feel suffocating, and only Li Fanyue was still struggling to compete. However, his slightly shaking body also silently explained that even he could not hold on for long.

"Did the three masters kill her so easily yesterday? Without any moves, just a few words or a simple look can easily take your life..."

Bang, bang!

Xiuxiu suddenly patted Li Fanyue's arm without warning and said, "I'm just joking with you. Why are you so nervous? We are a family..."

Xiuxiu, who was shorter than Li Fanyue, raised her neck slightly, with a gentle smile on her face and continued: "... I won't kill you as easily as I do to others.


The next moment, Xiuxiu has disappeared!