New Century Swordsman

Chapter 18 Erasure

A month has passed in a hurry, and people in the new century have gradually accepted the new birth of heaven. After all, for most civilians, whether it is family war or territorial competition, it is a certain distance from them. In their opinion, it is just changing from one lord to another.

"Good morning, Uncle Chang!"

Uncle Chang, who was cleaning outside the door from afar, waved and shouted.

Ling Yu has left her house for more than a month after eating and drinking for a year. In this month, she has also become familiar with the life of only one person.

Xiao Le's slender palm rubbed his slightly swollen head and came in and said, "Last night's earthquake shook me all night, so that I didn't dare to go in and sleep all night..."

"Ha ha, my family also woke me up in the middle of the night and ran out with the child."

Xiao Le also smiled and said, "But fortunately, nothing happened. Uncle Chang, leave it to me here. Go ahead and prepare for today's work."

Uncle Chang smiled and handed over the vacuum cleaner in his hand, and once again sighed at Xiaole's cleverness in his heart.

"The experts of the earthquake bureau probably have to talk about something useless to fool people..."

I immediately reached out and opened the news...

"How can it be... Xiaole! Xiaole! Come on in!"

After thinking stagnated for dozens of seconds, Uncle Chang woke up and then shouted Xiaole's name - human beings always hope to have a companion around them in the face of terror...

"Oh--" Xiao Le answered and walked in quickly. She stared at Uncle Chang's stiff expression and asked, "What's wrong with Uncle Chang?"

Answered her with a slightly trembling finger, and the trembling finger pointed to the image in mid-air, and in the image...

“... At 37 a.m. today, two heavenly strongmen fought outside the southwest of Noah, and the crustal shock caused by the battle even affected most parts of China!

It is reported that the two sides of the battle are the patron saint of Noah and Mr. Jack, who is named Mr. Reincarnation, and the other is Li Xiuxiu, who has recently become a heavenly level! Mr. Jack was completely dead early this morning. Now let's contact the on-site reporter..."

The screen suddenly switched from the broadcast room to the outdoor scene, and a man in a heavy protective suit stood in the center.

"This... Is it a heavenly battle?!"

Xiaole looked at everything displayed in front of him in disbelief. No, it should be said that everything that disappeared in front of his eyes - until the end of the horizon, the air was abnormally flashing with black ripples. Even if he looked at it tens of millions of kilometers away, he could guess the power contained in it.

“... As you can see, these black ripples in the air are the strange expressions of space energy, and the position I am standing now is about 300 kilometers away from the real center of the battle, so it can be imagined how horrible the situation in the center of the battle is.

And even so, if I don't have this special protective clothing, I can't stand here and talk to everyone like this..."

"No, it's impossible?"

A far-fetched smile appeared on Xiaole's face. She turned her head and looked at Uncle Chang beside her and said, "How is that possible? Mr. Jack, that's a heavenly level... This... Why did the woman named Li Xiuxiu kill him? Everyone is obviously the heavenly strength of human beings, isn't it?!"

Uncle Chang naturally doesn't know how to answer the question of the thin girl around him, and even his dry mouth can't even make a sound.

In fact, the same problem appears in everyone's mind - why?!

People all over the world don't understand why Xiuxiu did this, and the person who knows this answer is sitting quietly on a simple straw mat at this moment.

“... Having said so much, Miss Xiuxiu, can you tell me now why you took action against us so suddenly?

While talking, Mr. Reincarnation very skillfully poured a cup of tea for Xiuxiu in front of him and made a gesture of invitation. Xiuxiu steadily picked up the teacup and did not reply immediately, but gently took a shallow sip.

"Although I have never drunk it in the past, the memory I left from my father tells me that your tea-making skills are better than 50 years ago."

"You are indeed that man's child! That means Ling Yu..."

"Yes, he is just a simple gene replicator, and he seems to be an unsuccessful failure. Otherwise, with my father's genes, Ling Yu should have been a strong man above eight levels.

"That's because he chose the right path!"

Mr. Reincarnation said in a low voice. At the first glance he saw Ling Yu that day, he saw that there was a demon in his heart, a demon who was not much different from the woman in front of him!

"What you say, in short, in your eyes... I am the devil. I still appreciate Ling Yu's ability to control her heart. When I didn't get this body, my ontology liked him so much that he actually... Ha ha, what a stupid man..."

"Yes, since I said it between you and Ling Yu, I have always had a problem in my heart for a long time. You seem to inherit the memory of that man 50 years ago, so I want to know - what happened back then? Why did Ling Yu and your two children stay behind? What is the so-called gene replicator... Although I didn't participate in that experiment, I also heard that all the experiments have failed.

"In fact, this is very simple. With his father's ability to control his own genes, as long as he changes the so-called researchers, he will naturally not be able to draw any conclusions. You should have heard of my mother, the unfortunate woman in the Li family...

Before I was born, the research institute had become a battlefield, and my so-called biological mother was also the target of major forces. Ha ha... Until today, people who have survived the war are wondering - 'Where on earth did that woman go?!' In fact, they didn't find that my father had escaped from the chaos at that time!

Of course, he had lost all his combat effectiveness at that time, so he made a decision to let me survive and continue to live in this world as one of his splits!

Then he took out a failed replica from the laboratory and changed its genes... And the failed replica is Ling Yu's father. As for how Ling Yu was born later... Sorry, although I can see it with omniscience, I am not interested in other people's private lives.

After talking for a long period of time, Xiuxiu stopped, raised the teacup and looked at the tea in it. After a long time, she drank it all.

"Back to the original problem. You asked me why I did it so suddenly, so if I said I saw it... Do you believe it? I see that if I don't kill you now, I will die at the hands of both of you soon..."

"This should be the ability of the child of the Jiang family... In other words, are you now omnipotent?!"

Jiang Ziya's ability to see through everything plus the power of the heavenly level, that is to say, even if the object is the heavenly level, he can fully see through it!

"All-knowing and omnipotent... It seems to be true. As long as you die again, I will be the only god..."

The infertile tone is full of domineering and murderous intent, and there is still no angry expression on Mr. reincarnation's face. This mental self-restraint alone is far beyond ordinary people.

"God? Miss Li, there is no such thing as God in this world!"

Mr. Reincarnation said this plainly, but the air suddenly became a little heavy.

"I have a request that Miss Li can agree with me."


"Please don't take action against my four apprentices after I die."



The ceramic teacup held in Xiuxiu's hand suddenly fell from mid-air on the wooden table, and the tea in the cup bounced slightly with the vibration. At this moment, the two people who had talked casually like friends had disappeared from the room and came to a height of thousands of meters!

As soon as the sky level comes out, the sun and the moon will lose its glory!

The whole sky is shrouded in black and white, and Xiuxiu is naturally in the absolute darkness.

"No, you are not a dark force!"

Mr. Reincarnation narrowed his eyes slightly and said word by word, "Your murderous bright red is too strong, turning red to black... Sure enough, I can't let you survive, otherwise with your heart, human beings will never have peace!"

"Don't make me look as horrible as a monster!"

The sweet smile appeared on Xiuxiu's face again, but the immediate offensive was even terrified by Mr. Reincarnation!

I saw countless large and small black holes suddenly appear in mid-air, each emitting endless gravity, and...

"And every black hole is constantly absorbing my power at a very fast speed!"

However, there are still some crazy dreams about this attack to take down Mr. Reincarnation. His body folded quickly like a piece of paper and became a very small black spot in a blink of an eye!


Xiuxiu suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, but the black smoke poured in randomly, and the previous injury healed in an instant!

"It can forcibly fold the space in the black hole group and use the power of time to cause damage to me in an instant... This reincarnation is better than Jack!"

The black hole in the sky disappeared at the time Xiuxiu was injured, and the reincarnation stood quietly in the air as if it had never moved.


In the first round, one was injured and the other used a lot of strength, which can be said to be equal.

"This is interesting!"

The pink tongue quietly wiped the blood at the corners of his mouth, and his body suddenly moved!