The scum of the real world

Chapter 1112 The World in the Forest

"Leave her alone for the time being. Let's see if we can find the man Jin Tai said. Maybe that person is an old acquaintance with Wei Chunqiu. Yue Qianchou searched around, thinking about where to look for him.

"Do you know Wei Chunqiu? Daminglun is a little surprised. I don't know when Wei Chunqiu met such a powerful person. He has never heard of it. He looked around in disbelief and said, "This ancient forest is so vast that we really have to search one by one. "Search one place?" Yue Qianchou shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that if you have searched the whole ancient forest, you may not be able to find that person. I heard from Wei Chunqiu that the man's residence seems to be in another world, and the entrance is erratic. Unlike other passages that are fixed in one position after the opening of the two worlds Qi, otherwise Mrs. Jin didn't have to use such a stupid way to find that person. Suddenly, she turned her head and looked at Daminglun and smiled and said, "Actually, we are just looking for it. Do we really have to risk our lives to help Mrs. Jin work? If you can meet it, you can see it. If you can't meet it, you can pull it down. At least in the surface, it's okay with Mrs. Jin, don't you think so? I'm afraid he didn't realize that without the helpers of the Chamber of Commerce of the World to make a fetter in the fairyland, and Gradually, there has been a change. Although it was not intentional, the tone of speaking to Daming Wheel is no longer the leader of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance respectfully before. To be precise, there is no need to pretend to be a grandson in front of Daming Wheel.

And Daming's wheel accompanied him step by step, and he was also a little inconductible. He was shocked by the relationship between Wei Chunqiu and the underworld and the saint of the underworld. Now he finds that this boy is a little unfathomable. Most importantly, the close relationship between Wei Chunqiu and Yun Peng with this boy, coupled with this adventure to save him, has also caused a major change in the mentality of Daming Wheel.

After the two discussed it, they went to the depths of the dense forest together...

From the edge of the ancient forest to the depths of the vast forest sea, you will find that the spacing between the surrounding trees is getting sparse and sparse, but the single trees are getting bigger and bigger. There are many thick and strong trees that more than a dozen people can't hold in hand. Some towering trees are even up to a hundred feet, The canopy umbrella cover can cover miles or even dozens of miles. The trunk is as strong as a city. I can't imagine how many years of snow, rain, wind and frost have gone through to grow to such a big size.

A breathtaking giant tree makes you jump to the high canopy from time to time, stand on the branch, look around the ups and downs of the green ocean, and find that the scene is more spectacular and shocking than what you see when flying at high altitude. A gust of wind came, and the refreshing fresh air came to my nose. The overall blue waves in front of me were mixed with purple and red, which were all kinds of non-green trees.

A group of white-ling birds circled in the sea of trees, and then fell on the high canopy like a blooming magnolia. You can also see the light ape spreading its arms, the eagle in the air hovering, and the tiger roaring ape below, which is a fascinating natural landscape.

Accompanying the Daming wheel standing on the canopy, he looked at Yue Qianchou with some puzzledness. I don't know why he looked infatuated. Daming Wheel has not experienced the destruction of nature in the industrial era where Yue Qianchou was in his previous life. As a profound immortal in this era, he could not understand the worship of nature by the people in that era.

"If it is possible in the future, I would like to live in this vast forest and no longer pay attention to the kindness and resentment in the world. Standing on the crown of the tree, I waved my finger to the green sea road in all directions.

Daminglun didn't know why he sighed so. Chu Tian sighed slightly in his eyes, "Where there are people, there are grudges. It is difficult to quit when you step in. You don't want to provoke others, but there are always people who miss you and want to live in seclusion... Living in seclusion also needs to have You, how can you not know the truth! Yue Qianchou casually picked off a leaf from the branch on his side and put it in his mouth. A burst of chewing juice was pasted in his mouth, and the bitterness of his mouth spread on his tongue. After forcibly swallowing it, he couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.

Imagine that the senior Mu mentioned by Wei Chunqiu, if he hadn't had profound strength, how could he have lived in seclusion here safely for so many years and no one dared to disturb him?

The two of them skimmed down from the high canopy and continued to search forward. On the way, they found that on the dark ground covered by towering trees, this ground, which has not been seen all year round, began to present life that is very different from the outside world... all kinds of glowing plants!

The deeper, the more luminous plants there are, and gradually large groups appear in the field of vision. Glowing moss, glowing mushrooms, all kinds of ferns and fungi deduce gorgeous colors, and all kinds of vines and vines like weeping willows emit natural fluorescent fluorescence. The mouth was used to marveling at the magic of nature, and couldn't help falling into a lavender-like flora with soft purple light, which immediately shocked the small animals lurking in or around it. The butterfly opened its palm-sized fluorescent wings and flew, and the beetle with a little star-like light on its back shell. "The beetle was so loud that incited its wings to fly away. As soon as it fell and climbed on the trunk not far away, it saw a bird with blue light feathers like a parrot on its head from the trunk The beetle.

A group of little guys like porcupines, with a clump of blue and white shiny thorns on their backs, quickly fled from Yue Qianchou's feet. In order to protect the cubs, fierce female porcupied their backs took the initiative to attack Yueqianchou. As a result, they were pulled away by Yueqiancho He screamed and ran away with a group of little children.

Several ghostly black panthers drilled out of the natural cave formed at the root of the big tree, staring at Yue Qianchou with green eyes and howling, as if they had finished the attack equipment. Yue Qianchou ignored them. Instead, he looked up at the tree and saw a python mixed with colorful disguises aiming at the black panther below and quietly sliding down the trunk.

The black panthers seemed to see something from the sad behavior. A black panther that seemed to be the leader looked up at the tree, and immediately issued a roaring alarm in horror, and several black panthers quickly escaped.

When the python saw the prey in its mouth running away, it held its head high and squeaked at Yue Qian's sorrow, and suddenly shot it directly like an arrow from the string. Yue Qianchou snorted coldly, and the purple fire high-energy knife protecting him immediately shot a few shots. In an instant, he strangled the giant python into hundreds of pieces in the air, and smumbled to the ground in a bloody rain.

A little smell of blood was immediately added to the gorgeous and charming color, which immediately made a little throbbing in the air, as if it touched something, and immediately alerted the Daming wheel standing in the sea of flowers and on the trunk of the tree not far away.

Suddenly, the ground sounded softly. Yue Qianchou felt that his legs were tight. He saw the roots of the two arms-thick tree breaking the ground and entangled his legs. The roots and tails quickly spread like spears pierced Yue Qianchou's chest. Yue Qianchou grabbed his hands together and looked around

Before the words were finished, there was a pop on the ground, and hundreds of tree roots were stabbed like spears. They shouted bitterly: "Looking for death! The purple light of high temperature condensed all over the body burst out. Where the purple light touched by the flash, all the plants turned into ashes, and the roots shot out were Humph.

The big Ming wheel standing on the trunk stared at a big tree in front of it like an eagle. With a swing of its sleeves, more than a dozen bright moon-like discs quickly shot out. "Shuh, a series of explosions in the sound, dozens of light wheels instantly strangled the ancient tree in front of them to collapse, "B The tree let out a strange cry, "Boom, it sank into the ground.

Dozens of light wheels immediately turned to the deep pit that appeared on the ground. In a rumble under the ground, the light wheels broke out of the ground and got into the two sleeves of the Daming wheel, and the originally peaceful atmosphere around them immediately became trickly.

"It's a tree demon. His ability to escape from the ground is not bad. He runs really fast. Daming Wheel hummed, looked around and frowned and said, "We're just afraid we're in trouble. It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Let's go early!" It's not that I'm afraid of them, but that there are many plants and trees in the ancient forest, and it's very troublesome to get entangled. As soon as Yue Qianchou nodded, he heard the rumbling vicissitudes of life from all directions and said, "Do you want to go? It's late! The shadows of the trees in all directions moved again and again, and the towering ancient trees around them soared. The combination of covering the sky and the sun in an instant sealed all directions.

The Daming wheel flashed to Yue Qianchou's side. The two of them floated in the air together. The countless roots on the ground came out of the earth. In a short time, they annihilated all kinds of luminous plants on the ground in the surging soil. The roots on the ground were entangled to death, and the

Daming Wheel looked around and snorted coldly, "A group of things that don't know the depth of the sky and the earth, if you don't get out of the way, don't blame me for cutting you to the roots! In the dense tree walls around, eight green lights suddenly shined, and the sealed space suddenly became green and With an angry face, one of the old men wearing a green leaf wooden crown stared at the Daming wheel and said indifferently, "It turned out to be a monk with the early cultivation of the immortal emperor. No wonder he dares to speak out. Foreigners, even if the fairy emperor of the fairy world comes, they dare not be too presumptuous here. How can you compare yourself to the golden emperor? Our ancient forest and your fairy palace have long agreed not to infringe on each other. Why are you killing here?,