The scum of the real world

Chapter 1113 Old Language Tree

Look at that, this person seems to be the head of this person. Daming Wheel looked carefully and was a little shocked. He found that he could not see through the other party's cultivation. Looking at other people, his cultivation was comparable to his own. It seemed that it was a little troublesome. He immediately told Yue Qianchou about the situation secretly and discussed whether Forget the runner.

Yue Qianchou was also stunned. Unexpectedly, he provoked so many masters by casually. It seems that this ancient forest is within the three worlds but can be independent of the three worlds. Obviously, there must be more than these masters in the ancient forest, and it is not good for you to make things big.

Thinking of this, Yue Qianchou smiled faintly and said, "Your Excellency, a python attacked me and I was killed, and then a tree demon took the lead in attacking me. I thought that this is an ancient forest, so I didn't hurt his life. If I really want to kill him, do you think he still has a chance to run?" While talking, with a buzzing sound, the whole person was like firewood that was lit in an instant. The whole body was shrouded in purple flames in an instant, and the violent high temperature gushed out. The flashing green light on the eight people instantly retracted on the body surface to form a body protection gas, resisting the temperature that made them Everyone felt the terrible power of natural restraint, which made their hearts tremble.

The pupils of the old man wearing a green leaf wooden crown suddenly shrank, and suddenly lost his voice and said, "This is a purple man...", "Purple man... The purple fire of one of the real fires of samadhi..." The other seven also lost their voices.

Purple fire? Daminglun felt the terrible temperature around him, and looked at Yue Qianchou with same surprise. He didn't know how many secrets there were left in this guy's body.

The tangled roots of the ground and the surrounding tree walls are "squeaking" at a visible speed, and the sound is shrinking, which seems to be painful. Yue Qianchou just wanted to demonstrate and didn't want to have a grudge against them. The terrible heat quickly recovered, and the purple fire also converged into his [body] at the same time. He looked at them with a smile, indicating that he really had no bad intentions.

As soon as the purple fire disappeared, the suppressed trembling soul of the eight people finally stabilized again. At this time, they found that they could not see through the cultivation of leaping sorrow. After the eight people looked at each other, the green light on the body surface converged back to the [body]. The entangled roots of the ground quickly separated and retracted back into the soil, and the surrounding tree walls quickly retracted. The ancient uncles returned to their original positions, and the hazy light began to sprinkle from the sky again. However, the various luminous plants that have been annihilated in the soil cannot be recovered. The rolling soil is mixed with sporadic light spots of scattered luminous vegetation, and the light here is much darker than at the beginning.

"I admit that your purple fire can restrain us, but this is not the place for you to retreat." The old man with a green leaf wooden crown stared at Yue Qianchou and said in a low voice, "Since nothing too big has happened, we don't want to embarrass you. I hope you will abide by our agreement with the fairy palace and leave as soon as possible.


"Humph!" Daming Wheel immediately snorted coldly. "You were not so easy to talk about before. Obviously, you came to ask for guilt. Now that there is something wrong, you can talk immediately...

Yue Qianchou glanced at him and knew what his "hum" meant. However, although the purple fire is powerful, he really wants to fight with these masters with his own cultivation. It is estimated that there is little hope that he can take advantage of it, mainly because the cultivation of the two sides is too different. What's more, he doesn't want to have a grudge against the people in the ancient forest.

"Want to leave quickly?" Yue Qian raised his eyebrows, shook his head and smiled, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. I'm invited to Mu Zhai this time. As a guest, how can I leave easily before I meet Elder Mu?"

"Muchahai..." Several people frowned and muttered. It seemed that it was the first time they heard this statement. As for what kind of Elder Mu, the people who can be called Elder Mu in this ancient forest are simply too many. There are eight of them.

Daminglun also heard of this place for the first time, but it is estimated that Yue Qianchou is not casually talking nonsense. At this time, he must have his intention to say it. If he thinks about it, he feels that Yue Qianchou is a little mysterious.

In fact, Yue Qianchou didn't know this Muchahai. He just heard from Wei Chunqiu that he just used it once. Anyway, he would never have a psychological burden if he said something.

Yue Qianchou's eyes swept over the eight people and caught a trace of surprise from the eyes of the old man wearing a green leaf wooden crown. He immediately smiled at him and said, "Presumably you should know, Muchahai." The eyes of the other seven immediately focused on him, all of which showed inquiring eyes. One of them came out Do you really know?" After a moment of hesitation, the old man wearing a green leaf wooden crown hesitated and said, "I have traveled the whole ancient forest in those years, and I have faintly heard people mention, "Mushahai seems to be the name of the ancient forest holy land. The person who said this is also not sure. Unexpectedly, I heard that today I I almost forgot the name." Damn it! What Mrs. Jin said was really good. Even the old man who lived here did not know... Yue Qianchou was a little forgetful, but he heard the seven people say in unison: "Holy Land?" It seems that they have never heard of the Musha Sea, but they have all heard of the Holy Land.

"Holy Land?" Yue Qianchou's spirit was shaken, and his head looked left and right and said, "Yes! "Mushahai is the holy place of the ancient forest. Do you know where the holy place is?" Everyone's eyes immediately focused on him. The old man wearing a green leaf wooden crown was a little psychologically prepared, but he couldn't help but be surprised and said, "The wooden senior you said is the wooden senior of the holy land?"

Yue Qianchou was suddenly full of joy, and finally had a chance to find the ground responsibility of the wooden spirit. Now there is no way to devour it. It's okay to find a place to mark it first. Maybe it will be useful in the future. He immediately nodded repeatedly and said, "That's good! Not bad! It's the wooden senior in your holy land. Although he is not sure, it is estimated that he is inseparable.

"Are you invited as a guest by the wooden predecessor of the Holy Land?" The old man with a green leaf wooden crown said in disbelief.

"Not bad! Not bad! It was invited by him." Yue Qianchou nodded sincerely, and Daming Wheel looked at him suspiciously.

The old man is not a fool. After being shocked, he found something wrong. He also asked suspiciously, "Since Elder Mu invited you to the Holy Land, how can't you find the Holy Land?"

Jumping his hands without thinking, said with a smile on his face, "Senior Mu's cultivation is profound, and I regard him as a god. He said that he gave me the opportunity to go to the holy place of the ancient forest, Mushahai, as a guest. Naturally, I agreed on the spot, and I But I don't know that the Holy Land, Mushahai, is so difficult to find. I haven't even seen the shadow of Elder Mu for several days. If you know where the Holy Land is, you might as well take me there. There will be a lot of thanks afterwards!" It's the same as the truth. Is it true? Daming Lunqiang held back the suspicion revealed in his expression, for fear of letting others see the misunderstanding.

"Have you ever seen the wooden senior of the Holy Land?" An old man said with envy, and the others also looked envious, as if he could see how lucky it was to see the wooden senior.

The old man with a green leaf wooden crown was envious, but he shook his head with some regret and said, "The dragon of Elder Mu can't see the end. There is only his legend in the whole ancient forest. I'm afraid that there are only a handful of people who have seen him, and even if they have, it is taboo. Few people Who has seen it? The gate of the Holy Land is even more uncertain. Without a certain opportunity, it is impossible to enter the door. It is said that if anyone in our wood cultivation is predestined to enter the holy land, he will get the guidance of Elder Mu, which is of great benefit to practice. Unfortunately, we do not have the blessing to go to the Holy Land for pilgrimage!"

Other people also looked yearning when they heard the words. After observing their expressions, they were a little disappointed and said, "So, you don't know where the Holy Land is?" "I really don't know." The old man with Mu Guan Dai Cuiye shook his head and suddenly paused and said, "But since you were invited by Elder Mu. Maybe you can go to the ancient language tree, then try your luck, maybe you can open the door of the holy land." "Old language tree? Where is it?" Yue Qianchou's eyes lit up.

The old man waved his hand to Zhengdong and said, "In the middle of the ancient forest, there is a cliff. Next to the waterfall of the cliff, there is a towering tree called the ancient language tree. The leaves are yellow, and it is said that they have withered for countless years. But for countless years, it has been immortal and has been standing there. After countless years of snow, rain, wind and frost, its dead leaves have never fallen, which is very magical. The most amazing thing is that whenever the wind blows, you can hear a strange murmur under the tree, as if someone is talking. This is also "the ancient language tree, the origin of the name. Unfortunately, few people can understand what it is saying. It is said that those who can understand can find the door of the holy land. You might as well try it." Are there many people going there in the forest? There must be a gathering of masters there, right? Is it inconvenient for us outsiders to go there?" Yue Qianchou asked in detail, and the questions were also thoughtful. He was worried that trespassing on the forbidden place would be attacked by the masters in the ancient forest.

"Uh..." The old man with a green leaf wooden crown paused and immediately understood his concerns. He sighed with a sigh, "I heard that it used to be lively there, but there are too many people. The ancient language tree has been sipated for years, but he has never been able to understand what it is talking about. Almost all of them It's inconvenient to leave your own body for too long. Over time, except for newcomers who will occasionally try it, there should be no one else." Hearing the words, Yue Qianchou's expression twitched, and he scolded in his stomach. He thought that the old man's way of guidance was too unreliable. You don't I'm afraid that these generals, Mushahai, like the grass and wood spirits of the holy land are not swarming there every day...