The scum of the real world

Chapter 1114 Old Language Tree 2

The old man with Cuiye Muguan also seemed to know that this matter was not reliable. He was afraid that he would make the other party unhappy. * smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm just casually. Your Majesty, it's convenience. If nothing happens, I'll leave."

"Slow down!" Yue Qianchou raised his hand to persuade him. He stared at the old man who stopped and slowly asked, "The ancient forest is so big, how can I find the [middle] central area." Daming Wheel looked at him speechlessly. It seemed that this guy really wanted to do that useless work.

Lao Yan was very frank. He waved his finger to the east again and said solemnly, "Go straight to the east. When you see a waterfall and a lonely ancient tree on a ** cliff, you will reach the center of the ancient forest. The environment there is very conspicuous and easy to find, and you can see it naturally." Then He also warned kindly, "If you really want to go, I suggest that you go straight from the air to avoid unnecessary trouble. You should know that this ancient forest is not all good. That's all, goodbye!"

The other seven people also arched their hands with him. The soil on the ground surged like a fountain, swallowing the eight people in an instant, and there was no trace in the blink of an eye.

"What kind of invitation did you really receive to visit Muchahai?" Daming Wheel suddenly turned around and asked.

Yue Qianchou looked around and answered the question with a smile, "Anyway, it's all like this. Just take it as an eye-opener. Let's go!" The figure rose to the sky and broke through the shade of the forest, and Daming Wheel shook his head and followed...

Looking at the ancient forest below from a high altitude is still endless. The mountains are as blue as the sea, which seems spectacular, but I don't know how many dangers are hidden in it. After flying rapidly for three days, the two people who kept sweeping around suddenly slowed down and slowly stopped in the air, and a red transverse cliff appeared in front of them.

The cliff ** rock is red, almost an inch of grass, which is extremely conspicuous in this vast ancient forest. A river winding out of the forest crossed the cliff. The end of the cliff was covered by the umbrella of a golden towering tree, as if all the river was gathered under the big tree, and the sound of splashing water could be heard faintly.

"It should be here." Daming Wheel pointed to the bottom and said.

"Hmm! That ancient tree should be an ancient language tree. Let's go! Go down and have a look. Yue Qianchou took the lead in shooting, but as soon as he landed under the big tree, he was stunned. The next Da Minglun was also stunned. There were already two people under the tree who came before them. One was in a golden robe and the other was white and barefoot. The two were looking back at them.

These two people are not others. They are Jin Tai and Bai Qi. I don't know when they met here, but Yue Qianchou and Daming Lun can find this place. It's not surprising that the two of them can find nature.

Yue Qianchou stood still, but the Ming wheel flashed over and saluted the two people and said, "I've seen the Immortal Emperor, I've seen the Black Emperor!"

Mrs. Jin was still the high-pitched appearance of "um", and she glanced at Yue Qianchou, who was still in place, but snorted coldly. Bai Qi's eyes fell on the Ming wheel from Yue Qianchou, and said with a faint smile, "The two of them can find this place. It seems that they have really thought about it. It can be seen that they have tried their best." He turned to Jin Tai and said, "Jin Tai! Do the two of us really have to wait for the opportunity here all the time?

Jin Tai turned to look at the vast green sea under the mountain, pointed to both sides of the cliff with both hands and said, "You look for it from here, I will look for it from there, and wrap it on both sides." Then he pointed to the front and pointed to the Daming wheel angrily, "You search from This "you, obviously, also include Yue Qianchou.

Bai Qi looked ahead for a moment and said slowly, "If you still can't find it?" Jin Tai-cutly said, "Then lure them here, and then set a few fires to burn the ancient forest. I see how long the old man Mu can hide." Bai Qi raised his eyebrows and looked at him and said: "You mean... kill people with a knife? Seduce them to forgetfulness, then set fire to the ancient forest, and then put the blame on them to forgetfulness, and let the wooden old man find them to settle accounts?" "That's what you said." I didn't say that." Jin Tai snorted coldly and turned into a streamer and shot to the left. Bai Qi sneered and turned to Yue Qianchou, and then turned into a streamer and shot to the right. Two rays of light, one gold and one white, flew left and right along the cliff, and disappeared into the dense forest in the distance.

This red ** cliff is like a plain, and the winding river dozens of meters wide in the middle is not known how it was formed. Yue Qianchou walked along the bank towards the Daming wheel under the ancient tree. From time to time, fat fish in the river jumped out of the water and fell back into the water.

Walking to the edge of the steep cliff, I saw the river suddenly turned into a crystal waterfall, and the water was choking. The extremely thick tree roots are like countless pythons climbing on this cliff." They even stood tenaciously and rooted in the red rock. More than a dozen roots can be seen from the mountain wall in the waterfall, extending down the mountain wall that flows straight down the waterfall, and powerful roots can also be seen in the river on the cliff. .

The roots of the ancient tree ** outside occupy a radius of hundreds of meters above the cliff. In fact, the whole tree is small compared with some towering trees in the ancient forest, but it is estimated to be hundreds of meters high. The trunk can't be embraced by more than 20 people. The branches and stems are in bronze and spread in all directions, The golden leaves are like a golden canopy guarding one side.

The almost grassless red cliff, a clear river, a yellow ancient tree, and on the other side of the cliff is a green ancient forest, as well as blue sky and white clouds. The color is so layered that it makes people feel like they are in the oil painting.

I don't know when he took out a flying sword in his hand. He stood on the thick root of the tree outside and cut the ancient tree a few times, and actually made the sound of gold and iron. After struggling to split a rough bark for a while, he turned back and shouted to the Daming Wheel, "It's really a dead tree, but it's really hard. No wonder it can stand here all the time."

After saying that, he sat directly on the thick tree root and rested against the big tree. Daminglun was speechless and walked over to him and asked, "What should I do now? Do you really want to meet the opportunity here?

"There is no wind and no waves. With this legend, there must be some fame. If you come, you will be at ease. How can you know whether it's true or false if you don't try?" Yue Qian lay there with his head in his arms with a smile.

I was worried that the future of the fairy palace was also infected by his emotions. Thinking that this guy has a way out anyway, there is really nothing to worry about. Uh-huh, he unloaded his psychological burden, easily expanded his chest, strode to the edge of Yue Qianchou, and lay down leisurely like him... Yue Qianchou turned his head and smiled, "That's right. Relaxation is the king's way. How tired it is to open your face all day long."

As soon as the Daming wheel was about to say something, suddenly a gust of wind came, and the golden leaves above swaying. The whole ancient tree murmured under the breeze, and murmured like a whisper. The wind was louder, and the wind urinated like a lullaby humming gently. The two guys lying on the root of the tree immediately widened and listened, hoping to hear something.

But after listening to it for a long time, I didn't hear anything. The wind stopped and the voice was gone. Yue Qianchou stared at the shaky leaves above and said, "Have you heard anything?"

"This is obviously the sound of the wind blowing through the tree. It's strange to hear something." Daminglun snorted coldly, "Sure enough, it's a rumor. Do you really want to wait?"

"Don't jump to conclusions about everything. You might as well wait for a day to see. If it's always like this tomorrow and there are no abnormal changes, it's not too late to leave." As soon as Yue Qianchou finished speaking, there was another gust of wind. The ancient tree was muttering softly, and the ears of the two stood up...

There is so much wind in the mountains. Every once in a while, I have to listen to the ancient language tree humming a lullaby, which makes Yue Qianchou a little drowsy.

Suddenly, there was a crack in the river, and a fish jumped out of the water and smashed it back. Yue Qianchou suddenly woke up and sat up, wiped his face with both hands, feeling that it would be too dangerous to fall asleep in such a place. Looking back, Daminglun didn't know when he sat up. He was looking at him sneering. It seemed to be saying that he could fall asleep here. I'm really impressed. Yue Qianchou smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm going to get something to relieve my fatigue." He flashed to the bottom of the cliff in the distance.

Daminglun was curious about what this guy was going to do. After a while, he saw him running back from the cliff, holding a lot of dry wood in his hand and throwing it on the ground. Then he took out two swords and ran to the riverside to look around. Suddenly, two columns of water appeared in the water, wrapped in two fat big carp and shot out. He ran to the sword in Yue Qianchou's hand. Qi Qi opened his mouth and swallowed the sword and committed suicide. Yue Qianchou ran back with two big carp and took out a set of barbecue cookware at the edge of the dry firewood pile. The dry firewood on the ground was quickly split into sections and stuffed into the baking utensils. With a big wave of his hand, a red flame sprayed, and all the dry wood in the baking utensils turned into red charcoal. The two fat carp, who were still twisting their bodies, were neatly set up by him on the charcoal fire and finished these. Yue Qianchou rubbed his hands, took out two jars of wine, threw a bottle to the stunned Daming wheel, and he patted the mud and poured it aside. He took out the seasoning and brushed it on the happy dead carp. He was beautiful, but combined with the environment here at this moment, it was really a terrible scenery!

Daming Wheel was really speechless. He only leaned against the tree with a sigh and drank by himself. When the smell of grilled fish, he suddenly heard the sound of Yue Qianchou. Daminglun looked back and saw Yue Qianchou saying strangely, "This fragrance? Does the grilled fish in the ancient forest also have this kind of fragrance? Hold the sword in both hands and raise it to the front of your face, fan your nose and sniff the grilled fish on your hands... "