The scum of the real world

Chapter 1216 Interceptance

Where there, the Demon God will help again. After experiencing a defeated battle, everyone will be slightly hazy. Thinking of the prestige of the Demon God in those years, they are all excited. Shenhui took the lead in bowing and saluting, "We are willing to follow the demon king to the death!" A group of people naturally responded, and for a moment, everyone shouted that their morale soared.

The Three Night Demon King, who stabilized the heart of the army, also waved his big hand and said, "Go back to the demon world, let's go!

The first men and horses immediately quickly penetrated into the exit of the underworld, and most of them were cut off. The three-night demon king is in the middle. A group of people entered the fairyland...

And the fairyland enters the underworld. The mountain has been destroyed when the love broke through the array left by Bai Qi, and the rotating black light was already in the canyon in the open air. In the mountain on the side of the canyon, there are two pairs of eyes staring at the magic army that began to appear at the entrance from the cracks.

"It's out, it's out, is it started?" The red dragon hiding in the mountains spread the sound. Yue Qianchou, who squatted beside him, narrowed his eyes and looked outside and replied, "What's the hurry? The person I'm going to intercept is the Three Nights Devil, as long as this guy is removed. The others are easy to deal with. I have ambushed thousands of swords and waited. Wait... Before the words were finished, the Three Night Demon King swept out in the center of the team and scanned around with red eyes. Obviously, he was still afraid of ambushes. Yue Qianchou stared and opened his mouth and said, "Fuck you... He punched the mountain, dodgedged into the air and covered the palms below, and shouted angrily, "The method of sucking stars!", "Leap a thousand sorrows!" The Three Night Demon King was shocked. I didn't expect that the other party was really ambushed here. The black magic flame quickly gushed out of his body, "protecting the body with the flame magic, blocking the star-absorbing method.

But the people around him were not as strong as his defensive ability, and they exploded into a white fog one after another.

Three nights blocked a blow and subconsciously wanted to run away quickly. But almost at the same time, the valleys and the ground in the four directions burst out ten thousand golden lights. Suddenly, he killed a group of people more than a ghost cry. The three great devils who fought the vanguard also died under the sneak attack of the star-sucking method and the sword.

The magic blade flashed out of the storage bracelet on his wrist, and he slammed out a way. The three-night demon king turned into a streamer and fled quickly, and the magic blade helped him break the rear at the same time.

"Trap it for me!, Yue Qian's sorrow and angri point to the magic blade. Every time this guy is bad for him, he has to find a way to get rid of it. Thousands of swords are shot randomly with golden light. The messy iron frame was turned into a messy iron frame, and the magic blade that was eager to break free was killed.

Jump a thousand sorrows and five fingers are buckled away. It was sent directly into Utopia in an instant. As soon as the struggling magic blade entered the utopia, it was like a piece of scrap iron and fell to the ground motionless. It has completely cut off its connection with the Three Night Demon King. Although it is still an artifact, it is equivalent to an uncontrolled artifact.

Yue Qianchou's eyes lit up. I didn't expect that the action in a hurry had an unexpected effect.

He didn't want to give up the magic blade. He was preparing to play the circle again with speed and Qianchou. He panicked and found that the magic blade had completely lost contact with him. No matter how he summoned, there was no news. This result is nothing more than that the magic blade is controlled or destroyed.

However, these two results are not what he wants to see. The two artifacts given to him by the demon god have only been played for a few days, so how can he still face the demon god. Suddenly, he roared, "Jue Qianchou! Give me back the magic blade!"

"Grandpa is here!" Yue Qianchou laughed wildly, and thousands of swords flew around his body. He came directly to kill three nights, and the red dragon over there had also rushed out, fighting with the three great demon kings such as Shenhui after the subsequent break. Although Hong Tailong can't win the three people who teamed up, it doesn't matter if they rely on the dragon clan's natural skin and thick skin. For a while, it was not enough to laugh wildly.

Seeing that Yue Qianchou was coming, and several powerful men were fighting again. The third night demon king immediately roared at his subordinates, "Don't love war, go and send information to passers-by as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Shenhui and others immediately fled in all fours, and Hong Tailong bit one and chased after him. As for those little ones, he is not interested.

The cultivation of the Three Night Demon King is not as good as leaping a thousand sorrows. The two artifacts are gone again. How dare you work hard with Yue Qianchou, who holds a high-level artifact. The green mountain was not afraid of no firewood, so he gritted his teeth and immediately fled.

' "Three nights! Stop for me... Yue Qianchou also bit and chased after him, but the magic light and shadow did have an advantage in speed. Even if his cultivation was higher, he still couldn't catch up. However, after being thrown away for a distance, he could quickly bite him up quickly, but three nights used the magic light and shadows again to shake him away. In this way, the two approached and separated, separated and approached.

Yue Qianchou made up his mind to bite the green mountain this time, and the demon king of the third night suddenly became anxious. His cultivation is not as good as Yue Qianchou, and it is impossible to keep spreading the magic light and shadow. When the magic element in his body is almost consumed, he will be kicked out sooner or later. And if he chases like this, Yue Qianchou will definitely break into the demon world with him, so he will not seal the demon world at all.

"Three nights! Don't you want to know your son's whereabouts at night? As long as you stop. I promise to tell you... Yue Qianchou shouted while chasing. In order to kill the other party, he used all kinds of tricks, which was simply omnisive.

The two of them ran and chased after each other. Three nights turned around and scolded, "Bullshit! Don't do this. I really don't think I'm a three-year-old child.

'"Damn it! I spit and spit and never lie. Why don't you believe it? I might as well tell you clearly, you can listen to me..." He talked about the wind, but the speed was not relaxed. Instead, he is doing his best to speed up the catch-up. As long as the other party is discouraged, he will rush up and kill the other party. So he chased and shouted, "Three nights! Have you ever heard of the Ten Thousand Sword Demon King? The Demon King of Ten Thousand Swords is your son's night sky! I'm afraid you didn't even dream of it!"

As soon as he said this, the Three Night Demon King was immediately shocked and subconsciously thought about the possibility of this matter. Although he did not slow down, he briefly forgot to use the magic light and shadow. The distance between the two quickly narrowed.

Yue Qianchou's eyes lit up. The secret psychological tactics are really effective, and the opportunity is now and should not be missed.

Flying around and following the ten thousand magic swords he was eager to chase, quickly integrating, taking advantage of the closer and closer approach. I shot it out. The Three Night Demon King suddenly woke up and looked back. I was almost scared to death, and the magic light and shadow quickly spread out. There is an unforgettable pain on the swollen shoulder on the back.

The divine arrow pierced his swollen shoulder bone, but before he could get a deep blow, he was escaped by the other party in time. I can't help but feel a pity. As long as the divine arrow is inserted into the other party's body, a thousand swords will immediately bloom, and the custody will kill the Three Night Demon King in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, he escaped in time.

' "Three nights! The life of the night sky is in my hands. As long as you give up your hand, I promise to let the sky overnight, otherwise I will definitely make him die. Jump a thousand sorrows and do it again. I want to play with psychological tactics again. However, the Three Night Demon King is not an idiot. How can he be fooled for the second time? After all, no one will joke about his life.

'"Ah!" The fleeing three-night demon king suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and the blood from the wound on the swollen bone on the shoulder behind him spewed out like an injection, winding into a blood snake lying in his outstretched palm in the wind, and the blood snake quickly condensed into a blood cell.

Yue Qianchou's pupils shrank. This scene made him feel a little bad, and the other party would never hurt himself for no reason.

The third night demon king held a blood cell in his hand. Looking back, he knew that his cultivation was lower than that of the other party. However, the magic skill is the first-class skill in the world. If you don't rely on the sharpness of the heaven and earth. If he dares to fight with him with bare hands, he is completely sure to kill Yue Qianchou. It is not a strange thing for the Demon God to kill the strong, but there are some things that are facts. There is no such saying.

"A lot of sorrows! Today's shame. He will definitely ask you to repay thousands of times every day. You wait for me... Three nights roared fiercely and resolutely turned around and crushed the blood cells in his hand. In an instant, the red light burst out. Swallow his body in the red light.

"It's not good! It's blood escape!" Yue Qianchou quickly broke into the red fog all over the sky, and the divine arrow exploded into thousands of golden lights and strangled everywhere. However, the red fog in the high sky collapsed and shrank rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it formed a small piece of blood and fell to the earth. There are no people in the vast sky for three nights. I didn't even feel the smell of where I escaped.

'"Damn it! You can't escape from the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, unless you are not in the three worlds. Otherwise, I'll see where you're going..." Yue Qianchou was looking around and naagging. Suddenly, his face changed, as if he remembered something. He said in a rapid voice, "How can I forget the demon world!" The figure quickly disappeared into the air.

He did not directly plant any coordinates at the entrance of the fairyland to the demon world, but there were coordinates closer to that area. After the rapid teleportation appeared, he immediately rushed over with all his strength.

The pale three-night demon king suddenly appeared behind the entrance of the demon world. Yao Erlang, who led 100,000 troops to guard the place, immediately greeted him in surprise and asked what had happened. After the Three Nights Demon King simply told the story. He was ordered to order the army to withdraw to the demon world immediately. It can be saved! The strength is one point.

"Yes!., Yao Erlang first obeyed the order, but then he couldn't help asking, "Demon King! Once we seal the demon world, what about the other armies of my demon road? Didn't they cut off their last retreat?

"It's too late. It's urgent to be in power... The Three Night Demon King waved his hand in anger and said, "I escaped from the pursuit of Yue Qianchou with the help of blood escape. With Yue Qianshou's cultivation, I'm afraid it won't take a day to get here. Other people from all walks of life could not rush back to the demon world in front of him. Now I have to sacrifice them to protect the overall situation. In the future, when I come back, I will definitely avenge them!"

pc: I sent it in advance, I'm afraid everyone will wait too late.