The scum of the real world

Chapter 1217 Visiting the Demon World


Yao Erlang obeyed again and did not dare to talk nonsense. He turned around and quickly organized his 100,000 troops to withdraw to the demon world as quickly as possible. At the same time, he couldn't help saying a fluke in his heart. If it hadn't been for the fact that he happened to guard here, he was afraid that he would also be sacrifice

The vast withdrawal of 100,000 troops "The entrance of the devil's way is not so wide, so it seems a little crowded" But the speed of withdrawal is not slow, pouring back to the demon world like running water. The Three Nights Demon King stood on a mound, silently looking at everything in front of him, recalling the scene where he exerted the three worlds of soldiers, and then looked at the situation of withdrawing in panic. This was something he had never dreamed of, and his heart was full of grief and indignation.

After the demon Erlang arranged the things, he gently walked behind the three-night demon king and shouted, "Demon king! You go back first! Here's what I'm going to do.

The three-night demon king sighed and said, "No, nothing will happen for the time being. What's more, I have to wait for the army to withdraw and seal the demon world." As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned around and said, "It's not good! Yao Erlang stopped him.

After saying that, his body flashed and shot directly at the entrance of the demon world. He punched and "bombed" the crowded army at the entrance, killing a gap in an instant. The panicked screams sounded. Everyone didn't know what had happened, and they didn't know why the demon king suddenly poisoned his people so much.

Yue Qianchou, who rushed in the distance, immediately found the movement here. During the rapid flight, he felt the turbulent magic. He immediately guessed that it was the three-night demon king who was going to run, and immediately shouted angrily, "The three-night old thief, stop running, stop me!"

The goal was in front of him, and he didn't expect to get there for himself." He immediately raised his speed to the extreme and rushed to intercept with the end of the master's cultivation.

Yao Erlang's face was dark. The so-called broken queen just now was just a fake respect because he knew that it was okay for the time being. Who would have thought that the enemy would come so quickly and really become his own broken queen?" Imagine that even the three-night demon king met the character who wanted to run away, how could he block it?

However, he has no choice. The original god of life is still in the hands of the Three Night Demon King. If he tries his best, he may die happily in the hands of the enemy. On the contrary, he will die miserably. The Three Night Demon King will not let the disobedied men have any good end, so he has to fight!

The demon spirit was so great that the demon king's body just flashed into the entrance of the demon world. As soon as the demon Erlang's body moved, he immediately turned into a huge nine-tailed demon wolf as high as dozens of meters. The nine tails behind his huge body were like a peacock opening a screen. The fierce demon .

"Roar your mother" Get out of here!" In a blink of an eye, Yue Qianchou and scolded. "The earth-opening arrows shot out like a shocking Thunderbolt, and directly hit the big mouth of the demon Erlang's blood basin.

The roar of Yao Erlang suddenly stopped. The ten thousand golden lights exploded from his [body] to the huge demon wolf in all directions. In an instant, he was torn into pieces by ten thousand swords and flew across, and he was killed in seconds before he could fight back. A large number of people and horses who have not yet entered the demon world have also been beaten with ghosts and wolves.

The rushing Yue Qianchou was about to summon thousands of swords to protect his body, and then directly entered the demon world, but he saw the nine huge wolf tails that fell to the ground, which shrank one, and the rest stood up fiercely, sweeping like a crazy wand to beat the rocks between heaven and the The sound of resentment sounded in the air: "My nine-life demon wolf" has nine lives. If you want to kill me like this, you don't pay attention to my demon Erlang."

The Qianchou pupil that had just rushed down was not frightened by the demon Erlang, but to see that the black light rotating in the entrance of the demon world was shrinking rapidly. In a blink of an eye, people of a bucket-sized people could no longer rush through, that is to say, someone was sealing the demon world from the demon world

"Buzz" Samadhi real fire ignited his whole body and rushed directly over. With a big hand, he grabbed a huge wolf's tail and went deep into the bone marrow. He grabbed one and swept away the other nine, which made the demon Erlang bark like a cat. Yue Qianchou in a hurry threw a silver ball directly into the entrance of the demon world. Most of the dozens of silver balls failed, causing the cave to collapse. Only four or five of them got into the black light that had turned into the size of a fist, and I don't know if I could enter the demon world.

At the exit of the demon world, a gust of wind rushed in, with vague flesh and blood. No one would pay attention to the four or five small silver balls buried in the rocks in an instant. Looking at the rune seal that quickly sealed successfully, the Devil King couldn't help but feel very happy. If it hadn't been for the rapid and domineering reaction of the Devil's Seal Dafa, it would have been really troublesome this time. If he is chased to the demon world by Yue Qianchou, he will have no time to calm down and prepare materials to connect with the demon god in the divine world.

Rao Shi was lucky enough to avoid a disaster, but he was still almost scared out of a cold sweat. I really didn't expect that Yue Qianchou would come so quickly, otherwise he would not have sighed at the entrance. Um, he was shocked when he arrived at the entrance. The entrance to the demon world was not the same. With such a fast reaction speed of Yue Qianchou, I'm afraid it was troublesome. He left quickly without saying a word.

In fact, he was a little overreacted and entered elsewhere. Except for the completely sealed world, Yue Qianchou almost doesn't know where the entrance is, especially in the other 71st worlds. Almost no coordinates have been planted, and it is difficult to get to the entrance of other demon worlds in a short time.

As for the sealed world, Yue Qianchou will not open until you have to.

A group of Yao Erlang's men who narrowly fled to the demon world looked at each other and didn't know how to do it well. Now the demon world has been sealed. "I'm afraid that it's difficult for the demon Erlang Demon King to come back for a while." So under the command of the current highest commander, they returned to

When Yue Qianchou outside saw that the channel of the demon world had been sealed, he was suddenly furious and wanted to find the guy who dared to do his good deeds.

Looking back angrily, the wolf's tail caught in his hand was instantly turned into ashes by the real fire of samadhi. The scream of Yao Erlang came, and then he saw that the task of blocking had been completed, and his first reaction was to escape.

The remaining seven tails rushed in seven directions, thinking that they could always escape one and save their lives. How can I not see that this life-threatening monster is on the tail? The seven samadhi real fire ejected to the seven divine swords. It quickly shot out in seven directions, caught up in a blink of an eye, and nailed the seven big tails to the ground.

Under the refining of the samadhi true fire, Yao Erlang's seven screams sounded from seven directions. Let's ask how he can be the opponent of the great god's last cultivation.

Seeing that the general trend had gone, the remaining demonic army immediately dispersed and jumped thousands of cousands into the air. Tens of magic swords killed the deserters of the four directions at the same time. With their profound cultivation, they were simply useless. In an instant, most of them were killed, but half of them still fled. With a large number of people, it is impossible for Yue Qianchou to chase and kill everywhere for these little minion. No matter how high the cultivation is, it can't be chased. Naturally, there will be others to clean up later.

Thousand swords are united in the air, disappearing with Yue Qianchou, turning to Utopia and teleporting to the demon world...

All the way to the demon world, the remnants of the demon world in front of us are like blood, and there is always a kind of evil spirit between heaven and earth, as if it is a resentment that has been knotted after countless years of fighting. It makes people inexplicably have a sense of irritability.

Yue Qianchou looked around the bleak mountains around him, with no grass, no wood, strange rocks, and no one could be seen. The sealed entrance to the demon world was in front of him. Facing the rune seal on the mountain wall, the earth-breaking arrow flashed out and was about to bombard it and reopen the entrance to the demon world. However, Yue Qianchou's eyes flashed and took back the divine arrow.

Looking around again, I don't know where the Three Night Demon King has gone. Even if he catches up, the guy escapes faster than anything else. I'm afraid it's difficult to kill him completely. Instead of chasing and running everywhere... Yue Qianchou sneered and simply decided not to scare the snake for the time being. After the army of the three worlds cleaned up the outside, he opened the seal of the demon world, closed the door and beat the dog, and tried to eradicate the whole magic way in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, he carefully checked the surroundings again to confirm that no one saw him appear and then quietly disappeared again.

In a wilderness of Utopia, Yue Qianchou appeared behind him and found the magic blade from the pile of rocks, holding the silent and ownerless magic blade to watch. "These artifacts seem to have become the black moon pontoon in those years." The silence is nameless. No one can see that it is actually the artifact used by the first master in

He wanted to detain the magic blade in Utopia, but when he thought of the horrible magic eyes that would appear like dreams in the air from time to time, he couldn't help looking at the sky subconsciously. He had no doubt that the demon god could tear open the void at any time and take back the magic blade.

"Damn it! Sooner or later, it will be a scourge to leave this thing. If you don't get rid of it, it's really a diaphragm. Yue Qianchou muttered twice in his hand, and the real fire of samadhi suddenly gushed out of his body, and he wanted to refine it. However, just as he wanted to make a difference, he subconsciously looked at the white clouded sky, and his expression twitched. "Samadhi true fire took back the [body] again.

He looked at the magic blade in his hand and was depressed. He couldn't guarantee that the magic blade of the demon god would disturb the terrible guy here. In case the demon god tore open the void and kill in Utopia, it would be troublesome. When he was in a dilemma, his eyes suddenly lit up again. He muttered that the people of the heavens disappeared in place.

After hurried to the ethereal palace, Yue Qianchou dragged on the mirage" and came to the edge of the Styx River again in an instant.

There was almost no need for him to say anything more. The mirage, which had been reduced to a means of transportation, honestly jumped into the Pluto River and turned into its original shape. He opened the clam shell and rushed straight to the tomb of the tomb.

After driving to the Hengduan Mountain Cliff under the bright moon, Yue Qianchou immediately sent the mirage back to Utopia, and summoned the magic blade to observe everywhere. After confirming that there was no one, he found a mountain nest and used the earth formula to hide in the mountain. "Hey, a sneer Samadhi is really hot,