The scum of the real world

Chapter 1232 Blue Ocean Essence

Bai Suzhen, who was stained with blood in white, slowly grew old behind him, leaned her cheeks on his shoulder, and whispered, "Send me to the Blue Sea Deadland." The tone is indifferent, but extremely resolute.

Yue Qianchou turned around the crying Furong in one arm and looked at Bai Suzhen's gentle face, knowing that she wanted to use the blue sea essence quenching to practice quickly improve her cultivation, hoping that one day she could revenge on the demon god. Of course, he can completely refuse to take her there, but how can he refuse in this situation? He has caused such a big disaster, and even his godfather has killed him. How can he have the face to refuse?

"Okay!" Yue Qianchou, who had been silent for a long time, jumped out of these two words, gently patted Hibiscus on the back and let her go, holding Bai Suzhen's hand and disappeared together.

Then people appeared on the island in the Dead Land of the Blue Sea, holding hands and quietly watching the deadly beam of light rising to the sky from time to time.

Bai Suzhen wanted to let go of his hand and go deep into the sea, but she was pulled tightly by Yue Qianchou. She shook her head and said with a wry smile, "I'll go with you."

A ball of bubble wrapped the two people dived into the depths of the blue sea. After reaching the bottom of the sea, they did not find the blue sea golden essence. Seeing the deadly beam of light ejected from the bottom of the sea from time to time, they used the water formula to drive them away, and immediately raised an undercurrent in the water,

At the moment when the silt at the bottom of the sea was removed, the translucent metal like blue crystal gradually appeared in front of the two people, and the blooming blue light rendered the underwater world snow blue and bright, making people feel as if they were in the blue fairy tale world.

Yue Qianchou waved his big hand, and the undercurrent in the water uncovered a blue transparent metal block nearly a radius of nearly a kilometer at the bottom of the sea. The surface was ups and downs, and some places were more angular. A magnificent breath made people's minds swayed, like falling into a dream.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of blue transparent metal. If all the silt on the seabed is removed, I don't know how big this strange meteorite from the sky is.

On the surface of the blue transparent metal, there are lightning-like blue streamer everywhere. Whenever two streamer collide, the blue deadly light beam will burst out and shoot at the sea.

"According to the records in the Heart of Ten Thousand Demons, it should be the essence of the Blue Sea." Bai Suzhen pointed to a place.

Yue Qianchou took the opportunity to look at it, and saw a groove on the surface of the blue transparent metal, in which there was a pool of blue ** magnificent and charming, shining with blue and gorgeous colors. At a glance, it seemed that it could pull the whole person's mind in, making people drunk.

Strangely, this magnificent blue ** is obviously in the sea, but it does not blend with the sea. The free blue streamer on the surface of the blue transparent metal comes from that **, which seems to be the source of blue streamer.

, "I think it's better to give up! It's too dangerous." Yue Qianchou still couldn't help persuading that his face looked very solemn. He was very clear about the power of the deadly light column, and the essence of the blue sea turned out to be the source of the deadly light column. It was too horrible to imagine the flesh and blood running to try this thing.

The experience of Wen Lanfeng and Yan chasing stars is a lesson from the past. He really doesn't want Bai Suzhen to become inferior to them.

"It will be all right. You can learn from the experience of Wan Yao Xin Jing, and I will be careful and measured.

"Bai Suzhen smiled and broke away from her pulled hand and saw Yue Qianchou's worried face. She suddenly stretched out her arms around Yue Qianchou's neck, and her soft lips and his lips were intertwined together.

Yue Qianchou saw her take the initiative for the first time. She couldn't help holding her waist with both hands and touching her upturned buttocks. Her tongue buttoned open her teeth, which was soft and difficult to part with each other.

A man and a woman in a bubble in this blue underwater world are getting more and more affectionate. The man can't control it, and his hands are uncontrollable everywhere. When he first touched the forbidden place, the woman's delicate body trembled her arms against him and prevented him from continuing. He shook his head as if to say that it was not

Yue Qianchou was speechless, but Bai Suzhen left the bubble with a shy face and resolutely flew to the magnificent and charming blue Wangwang**. When she floated in the sky, she looked at Yue Qianchou's gentle smile and bit her lips and slowly fell down.

As soon as her feet touched the blue **, a wisp of blue streamer quickly spread to her body and swam around, and bitterness gushed out of Bai Suzhen's face.

Yue Qianchou was shocked, quickly flashed over, and said anxiously, "How are you? If it doesn't work, don't try."

, "It's okay." Bai Suzhen shook her head and replied. She gritted her teeth and continued to sink, but she trembled uncontrollably all over her body. Obviously, she was suffering unspeakably painfully. She leaned a little, and her whole body fell into the magnificent blue** together.

Seeing her, she was so anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Finally, she made up her mind and decided to go down and have a try. Once she found that she couldn't bear it, she immediately took Bai Suzhen away and couldn't let her continue to take risks.

However, just as he was about to step in, the golden beads in Dantian seemed to sense something. In vain, the dazzling golden light burst out, and the magnificent blue ** also burst into blue light. The two lights resisted together, as if they were recitling each other. Ren Yueqian couldn't get close to all his cultivation.

In the end, he was forcibly shaken away, and then the two kinds of lights quietly disappeared. Yue Qianchou looked at himself and the blue ** with a puzzled face. I don't know what's going on?

"Jue Qianchou, get out of here quickly. As soon as you get close to me, you will feel the energy of the Blue Sea Golden Essence throbbing, which is so violent that I almost lose my mind."

Bai Suzhen's bitter moaning voice floated out of the blue**.

I don't know why it happened, but I didn't dare to make it again. After repeated hesitation, for the safety of Bai Suzhen, he gritted his teeth and flew directly from the bottom of the sea, landed on the island quietly and anxiously waiting...

Three days later, the restless Yue Qianchou suddenly saw Bai Suzhen's figure emerging from the bottom of the sea. Standing quietly on the sea, he immediately flashed over and suddenly found that Bai Suzhen's eyes had turned strange blue. It looked a little scary, and the whole person was a little demented.

Yue Qianchou was almost scared and said in a frightened voice, "What's wrong with you?" He was indifferent to the blame and didn't seem to hear what he said at all, so he picked up Bai Suzhen and flew to the island and put it on the beach carefully.

At this moment, Yue Qian was stunned, and the blue in Bai Suzhen's eyes began to shine blue, from prosperity to decline, as if it was gradually restrained into the body.

Yue Qianchou grabbed her wrist and checked the situation in her [body]. If she didn't look at it, she didn't know. At a glance, she was shocked. Bai Suzhen's cultivation in the [body] was increasing at an incredible speed. It seemed that the blue light in her eyes was weak by one point, and the cultivation in

It was not until the blue light in her eyes became as big as the tip of the needle that the cultivation in her [body] stopped growing again. At this time, the cultivation in Bai Suzhen's [body] was brazenly directly promoted to the early stage of the little god, and if the two points of blue light the size of the needle in her eyes

The magical effect of Blue Ocean Essence made Yue Qianchou open his mouth unbelievable. He couldn't help looking back at the sea and had the impulse to try again.

At this time, Bai Suzhen's eyes gradually moved, and he slowly sat up. However, when he saw that his hand was grasped by Yue Qianchou, he suddenly shook it away and teleported aside. He asked coldly, "Who are you?"

"I" Yue Qianchou looked at her nervously and asked nervously, "What's wrong with you?"

To be precise, he has panicked and is worried that Bai Suzhen will become the second literary style.

Fortunately, as soon as Bai Suzhen heard his voice, she immediately shook her head with a painful look, and slowly regained her senses. She looked up at Yue Qianqian and apologizedly, "I'm fine, but I haven't fully recovered for a while just now."

Yue Qianchou suddenly patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. He came over at ease, grabbed her hand, and said with a wry smile, "Your appearance just now almost scared me to death. It's okay."

Bai Suzhen's hand inadvertently pulled back, looked at him and smiled and said, "Now is the right time to seize the time to improve cultivation while the energy of the essence of the Blue Sea is not dispersed. Let's go back!

I'm going to close the lockdown for a while.

Yue Qianchou looked at her hand pulled back and was stunned. She could hardly hear what she said. It was not until she urged again that she reacted and nodded, squeezed out a simple smile on her face, covered the other party with divine consciousness, and disappeared here together.

As soon as she returned to Utopia, Bai Suzhen glanced at the devastated ruins and didn't say hello to anyone. She just said to Yue Qianchou that I found a place to retreat, and then flew to the distance alone, and I didn't know where to retreat.

Yue Qian looked at the direction of her disappearance in a daze, and then looked down at his hand silently. The feeling of Bai Suzhen's stiff hand pulling back had not disappeared before.

Wu Lixue, who has been helping Lu Yanqing save the dead and help the wounded, came over. He also looked at the direction of Bai Suzhen's disappearance and asked strangely, "What's wrong with Sister Bai?" I think her expression is a little strange. What did you do to her?

"She has just used the Blue Ocean essence quenching body. Maybe she hasn't recovered yet. Just wait until she recovers." Yue Qian explained in a sad way, and his tone was a little self-comforting.

"Ah! It won't be like Wen Lanfeng, will it?" Wu Lixue is worried.

"Crow's mouth!" Yue Qianchou rolled his eyes, but seeing that the heartless girl was safe and sound in the catastrophe, he was a little better. He took her white and tender hand and said, "Xue'er, let me tell you the good news. I found your pheasant in the divine virtual world."