The scum of the real world

Chapter 1233 Temple of Phoenix

After coming to the divine virtual world with the overjoyed Wu Lixue, the red dragon, the pheasant and the colorful feather lion king were still waiting for him in place. Naturally, Wu Lixue couldn't help holding a burst of joy and exclaiming with the pheasant. Hong Tailong asked about the demon god with Yue Qianchou. After learning that the demon god had no more trouble, Hong Tailong was finally relieved.

"I just don't know if the demon god won't make trouble for the time being, or whether he will pick it up in the future. How can he live the days when he is worried every day!" After a burst of sighing, Hong Tailong's eyes suddenly lit up, and his elbow bumped into Qianchou and said, "Well, how is your task of execution on behalf of heaven? If it's almost done, we might as well take refuge in the divine world. There is a Panlong ancestor shelter in Shenlong Mountain, and the demon god may not be

Yue Qian was speechless when he heard the words. He thought to himself that the old man knew what was going on with the execution of Daitian... It was not that Hong Tailong's reminder that he had forgotten this matter himself. There were so many lies that he almost believed it.

When he was chased by the demon god before, he really wanted to take refuge in the divine world, but now after being reminded by the Red Tailong, he remembered that the divine passage of the Underworld in the Underworld goes directly to the Dragon Mountain of the Dragon Clan. Thinking that he, a fake, had to face the Panlong ancestor, he did not dare

He coughed dryly and sighed with a thick face: "If it's just for refuge, hiding in the boundary of the heavens is the best place of refuge, but the point is that I'm not willing to! I want to get revenge on the devil!"

"Hmm! I also think the boundary of the heavens is a good place to take refuge, but the key is that you have provoked Fengshen! Let's go there again, aren't we looking for death?" Hong Tailong said with a sneer on his face, "Avenge the demon god? There are so many top masters in the divine world who can't do anything about the demon god. Do you think you can avenge that? I think it's better to hide first!"

"Hey! The ultimate task of the execution is to eradicate the demon gods!" Yue Qianchou looked at Hong Tailong and said seriously.

"Uh..." Hong Tailong opened his mouth and looked stiff, and the muscles on his face twitched fiercely twice, and then showed a smile that was worse than crying, and said sadly, "No way! You're not kidding, are you? Will you also take on such an impossible task?

"You think I want it!" Yue Qianchou rolled his eyes and continued to fool angrily, "Do you think I can refuse?"

"It's over..." Hong Tailong shook his head and sighed repeatedly, and his whole body suddenly lost his energy and was hit too much.

Wu Lixue, the pheasant and the colorful lion king were speechless when they heard that Yue Qianchou had such a great task.

"It's not that there is no way to deal with the demon god." The colorful lion king, who didn't talk much, suddenly said amazingly.

"What method?" The mortal looked at him with one voice.

The colorful lion king walked around the world, his eyes were a little hesitant, as if he didn't know whether to say it or not. The pheasant suddenly became impatient. Standing on Wu Lixue's shoulder, the thief jumped and said, "Lion King, you'd say it!"

Seeing the pheasant open his mouth, the husband of the colorful lion king nodded his head and said slowly, "I don't know if you have heard of the heavenly and earth-breaking arrows and the supreme bow of the great god.

The mortals either look forward to it or nod repeatedly, waiting for him to continue talking.

"After the ancient and modern husband's decisive battle between the great god and the god of war, the supreme bow left by the two fallen husband gods was sealed by the ancient god of Phoenix. If you can find the supreme bow and the heaven and earth-breaking arrow, it may not be impossible to kill the demon god, but the nine heaven-breaking arrows have been shot into the other nine time and space, and I'm afraid it's impossible to find them back." The Colored Lion King said to the mortal with an apologetic tone of apology: " If the divine arrow of the ground-breaking arrow cannot be combined with the divine bow, it cannot exert its powerful power at all. I just said casually that you shouldn't take it seriously"

Wu Lixue, the pheasant and the red dragon looked at Yue Qianchou. All three of them knew that there was something impossible to be found in this guy's hand.

The surprised and inexplicable look on Yue Qianchou's face kept changing. He quickly took out the magic arrow and said happily, "I'm sorry, I happen to have an open arrow in my hand." This time, it was the colored lion king's turn to be surprised. The light flashed all over his body and turned into a The arrow verified whether it was true or false, but as soon as I bought it, I found that it was unimaginably heavy. It took a good husband's cultivation to pick it up. There is no need to check whether it is true or false. He has already exclaimed, "Is this really a heaven-breaking arrow? Why did it fall into your hand?"

"It can't be true or fake, and it can't be true." Yue Qianchou reached out and grabbed the divine arrow back, and his eyes lit up and said, "Lion King! Listening to what you just said, the supreme bow was sealed by the ancient phoenix god, and you are a descendant of the patron saint of the phoenix temple. Do you know the whereabouts of the earth-breaking arrow? To be precise, is it true that the supreme bow is sealed in the Temple of Phoenix?

Other mortals also rose up with Xingyu, and their eyes were full of expectation. The Colorful Feather Lion King looked at the magic arrow in Yue Qianchou's hand and marveled, "I don't know where the supreme bow is sealed, but according to legend, the Phoenix Temple is indeed related to the place where the supreme bow is sealed. It is said that anyone who can break the secret in the Phoenix Temple can find the supreme bow. However, the Phoenix Temple is protected by a strong prohibition, and the idle people can't enter at all unless they have a great chance with the Phoenix clan.

Speaking of this, he looked at Wu Lixue, and Yue Qianchou, Hong Tailong and Pheasant also looked at her. Wu Lixue looked up and down at herself blankly and said puzzledly, "Why are you all looking at me?"

"This heartless girl, who has a great chance with the Phoenix family, refers to you!" Hong Tailong's old face smiled into a chrysanthemum huā, stroked his palm and kept saying, "I'll say it! How could Panlong's ancestor give me an impossible task? No wonder I brought a heaven-breaking arrow. No wonder Yue Qianchou, you, to complete the task. It turns out that the trick to deal with the demon god is here! I said, why are you still in a daze? Let's go! Go to the Temple of Phoenix!"

Everything was ready only to the east wind. A group of people no longer hesitated, and their cultivation was the highest. They immediately sacrificed the shuttle and carried a few people away quickly. The colorful lion king showed him the way.

A day later, the flying shuttle stopped on the top of a towering mountain. The mountain was surrounded by clouds, mountains and a sea of clouds. The scenery was beautiful, and all kinds of birds soared around the mountains. The top of the mountain is covered with white jade, and a high white jade platform facing the cliff is built. There is a jade monument under the stage, engraved with the three words 'Phoenix platform'. The sun shines brightly, making people feel like they are in a dream.

The colored lion king pointed to the white jade platform and said, "There is the Phoenix Temple above. Please follow me." He took the lead in climbing the jade steps and walked up step by step, looking devout.

Yue Qianchou and others looked around, looked at each other speechless, and did not see any shadow of the temple. Only the pheasant stood on Wu Lixue's shoulder and jumped excitedly and said, "Sister Xue'er, follow the Lion King and leave."

Wu Lixue followed the colorful lion king and climbed the jade steps step by step. Yue Qianchou and Hong Tailong looked at each other and also followed Wu Lixue.

After all the mortals stepped on the high platform, the Colored Lion King bowed slightly to the pheasant on Wu Lixue's shoulder. The pheasant immediately flapped its wings and made a loud sound in the empty air.

As soon as the phoenix sounded, all the flying birds in all directions fell to the ground and worshipped here, just like a pilgrimage.

Wherever the sound waves of the pheasant go, there are ripples in the void, and a picture in the sea of clouds gradually appears.

A magnificent palace wrapped in a golden transparent light ball appeared in the sky. The whole palace was made of white jade, and there were many golden phoenixes flying on the surface of the light ball, which was too beautiful to be compatible.

Suddenly, a jade step appeared, connecting the palace in the air and the high platform that everyone was not going down.

The mortals who first arrived here felt unbelievable. They had just clearly seen many birds hovering and flying in the palace, and they didn't see anything that could prevent them from flying. Unexpectedly, they hid a palace in the air. This was obviously not a phantom, and they couldn't help feeling magical.

The colorful lion king continued to step up the steps step by step, leading the way ahead. The mortals also followed him, and there were physical objects on the steps, which was indeed not an illusion.

After the group climbed to the top floor of the steps, they could already see the vast temple, which was white, solemn and sacred. There were two huge phoenix jade carvings looking down at the people on the steps. However, everyone was blocked by a golden light curtain and could not take another step forward.

The colorful lion king walked aside and made a gesture of invitation to Wu Lixue. Wu Lixue was at a loss and didn't know what to do, but the pheasant on her shoulder smiled and said, "Sister Xueer, it's up to you whether we can enter the temple. Put on your phoenix cloud clothes and take us in!"

Wu Lixue looked back at Yue Qianchou and said with a wry smile, "Phoenix cloud clothes... I don't know how to wear it."

Yue Qianchou frowned. He knew that there was indeed a phoenix cloud suit in Wu Lixue's body, but it seemed that Wu Lixue did not know how to control it at all. He stepped forward and tried to reach out and touch the golden bright light curtain. He found that there was strong resistance, but there was no danger. He immediately stepped back and smiled at Wu Lixue and said, "It's okay. Try to see if you can get in. If it really doesn't work, forget it."

"Hmm!" Wu Lixue nodded obediently, stepped forward, bit her lip and reached out to touch the golden light curtain.

At the moment when her fingers touched the light curtain, Wu Lixue's body moaned and made a soft sound. Suddenly, the glow on her body shone, and the light suddenly shrank. A set of colorful cloud clothes like a dreamy nebula covered Wu Lixue's body. The breath of the ancient vicissitudes slowly ,...(