Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 5 Show your skills for the first time

Chapter 5 Show your skills for the first time

"Why is this so annoying?" Ruoxue frowned and was very dissatisfied with Lin Ya's previous attitude.

"That's his personality. Don't care too much." Milia said that what the team needs is cooperation, and she doesn't want to see the team members complaining about each other.

"I understand."

"Deputy captain, according to our past practice, every soldier who joins the team should show his skills." Agre Road, a strong man.

"Yes! You must show your skills."

"Let's see the strongest strength of the younger generation." Everyone cheered one after another, and everyone looked like they were watching the bustle.

Ren Tianchen took a step and said, "How to show it?" He smiled and had deep eyes. He knew that these veterans were going to give him a majesty.

"Haha, it's refreshing. It's actually very simple. As long as you play one-on-one with one of us, as long as you can hold on for five minutes." Agre said that although Ren Tianchen's aura was very dazzling, he didn't think that no matter how powerful a 16-year-old child could be.

"Good! I don't know who came to fight with me?" Ren Tianchen stood proudly and looked bland.

Agre and several others were a little stunned. They didn't expect Ren Tianchen to promise so quickly.

"Let me learn." A burly and muscular ** came out.

Then everyone else quickly retreated, giving up a lot of space.

"Black Bear, Tianchen is a new team member. Don't hurt the harmony between the players." Maria said.

"Vice captain, don't worry, I will pay attention." Black Bear Road.

"It doesn't matter, just take action!" Ren Tianchendao.

"Hey, boy, don't blame me for the fracture later." The tall black bear sneered. He clenched his fists and made a crackling sound. His skin was dark, stronger than Agrae, and he was very powerful. He really looked like a bear full of fighting spirit.

Melia looked at Ren Tianchen with solemn eyes and said in her heart, "Although the information shows that he is excellent, in fact, let me witness it with my own eyes!"

"Tianchen, come on!" Ruoxue is very excited. She knows well about Ren Tianchen's strength and doesn't have to worry about him at all.

Ren Tianchen turned around and smiled.

The distance between Ren Tianchen and the black bear is three meters, neither long nor short. The former's eyes are indifferent, while the latter's eyes are full of fighting spirit.

Suddenly, the black bear took action. He strode so fast that the distance of three meters suddenly disappeared.

He punched Ren Tianchen's head. His fist was fierce and roared. Obviously, he was a full blow to teach Ren Tianchen a painful lesson.

Ren Tianchen's face was flat and motionless, allowing the huge fist to hit him.


Suddenly, the black bear seemed to have been hit by a truck and flew out, but it was faster than before. It flew nearly ten meters before falling to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then lying there.

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at the black bear lying on the ground and Ren Tianchen. They expected that a person would be knocked down, but the result was changed. The person who should have been lying down stood, and the person who should have stood lay down.

"Send him to the hospital, or he may be out of breath." Ren Tianchendao.

At this time, everyone found that the black bear's chest was concave. Obviously, the sternum had been broken a lot. Even Milia couldn't help taking a cold breath. The teenager in front of her was so terrible.

"Bastard, how can you beat the black bear like this!" A man looked angry. He was a good friend of the black bear. He wanted to rush out, but was pulled by the people next to him.

"Enough, the black bear challenged Tianchen first. He is not as good as others and can't blame others. Send the black bear to the military infirmary first." Miria shouted that she wouldn't let the conflict get bigger and stop it in time.

The veteran did not dare to contradict Miria. He looked at Ren Tianchen angrily, and then walked out of the gravity room with another person carrying a black bear.

"Is there anyone else to fight?" Ren Tianchen said that his face was as plain as water, without any fluctuation.

Everyone was silent.

"Ha ha, it's worthy of being a top student of Beidou College. It's really awesome." Agra said that he had planned to test it, but the scene just now dispelled his idea. The black bear's strength is very strong. Even if it takes him a lot of effort to defeat him, but Ren Tianchen can knock down the black bear in an instant. He doesn't even see how Ren Tianchen took action. What does this mean? It shows that Ren Tianchen's strength far surpasses him. At this moment, the challenge is purely self-ru.

"This is the end! You continue to train." Then, Miria said to Ren Tianchen, "Let's go! There are still many places I haven't visited!"

Then she left with Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue.

"What a monster! A man as strong as a black bear was killed by him in one move.

"I didn't even see how he took action clearly."

"Agre, can you beat him?" One person asked.

Agre shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed no match.

"Maybe Lin Ya can beat him!"


"Tianchen, you are so awesome!" Ruoxue whispered that she covered her mouth and smiled secretly, which was very cute.

Milia walked ahead. Her face was flat, but her heart was amazed. Among all the people present just now, she was the only one who saw what happened at that moment. She clearly saw Ren Tianchen's action, but simply knocked down the black bear with one kick. The speed of this kick was so fast that ordinary people could hardly catch it with the naked eye. She had seen such a hand before, but she didn't expect to see it again today.

"There is such combat power at such a young age, in the future..." Milia marveled that she couldn't imagine what Ren Tianchen would look like when he grew up, and maybe he would surpass... He!

"Tianchen, you just did it too hard. After all, you are a comrade-in-arms of the same team." Maria said.

"I have mercy." Ren Tianchendao.

"I can't see that you are merciful at all." Maria said.

"Tianchen has indeed shown mercy. If it had been in the past, that man would have been killed by him." If it is snowy.

Milia was stunned. She didn't expect such a thing to come out of Ruoxue's mouth, and looking at her, it seemed that it was just a very ordinary thing to kill people.

"I understand their intention. It's nothing more than to see that I'm a new soldier. I want to show my strength and ask me to learn to be obedient and not be too arrogant. I see too many people like them." Ren Tianchen said that his tone was very cold, and his eyes had vicissitudes that did not match his age.

Ruoxue also calmed down and stopped laughing.

"You're wrong. They are not that kind of people." Miria said as she walked.

"Like Lin Ya, Agre, and other veterans, they all graduated from ordinary military schools or joined the army directly without going to military schools. Many of them started from the grassroots level, experienced many cruel battles, and paid a lot of blood and tears before they can reach this point today.

"But you are different. You graduated from the Beidou Military Academy, one of the four higher military schools of the Tianyue Empire. As soon as you graduate, you are elite warriors. You should know that many people have worked hard for several years and are still ordinary warriors, but you can easily become elite warriors, which makes many veterans unconvinced, although your The strength may be much better than them, but it is far less than their veterans in terms of battlefield experience. Therefore, the graduates from the four higher military schools will be embarrassed by other veterans at the beginning of the army, but it will not be soon. I hope you can understand. Maria said.

"Hm, I see." Ren Tianchen nodded and said that he also knew something about these things when he was at school.

"But you don't have to worry about anything. The army is a place where the strong are respected. As long as you have enough strength, you can get their respect." Maria said.

"Then I should be respected by them!" Ren Tianchendao.

"Ha ha, it's more than respect! It's just scared them." Maria said that she looked at Ren Tianchen and felt that the teenager in front of her was incredible. You are only 16 years old and have such a strong strength. I'm curious about how to practice it?!"

"Ha ha, kill people." Ren Tianchen smiled, just like the spring breeze, elegant and indifferent.

Milia was stunned, with a shocked and unbelievable face.

Ren Tianchen and Yu Ruoxue found that Milia were missing. Looking back, they found that she was several meters behind. Tianchen said, "Vice captain, what's wrong with you? Why did you stop?!"

"Ah?! Oh! Sorry! Let's keep going!" Milia came to her senses and smiled shyly.

She continued to visit other facilities of the complex with Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue.

I wandered around for hours and looked at many places. Only the gravity room and mecha simulation machine room, as well as the mecha transformation factory made Ren Tianchen feel more interesting. Ruoxue is very interested in what she is. She has to ask what she has never seen before. When she meets something very interesting, she will even call it out happily.

After visiting the complex, Millia took Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue to the dormitory building.

This is a 15-story building. According to Milia, the lower seven floors are male soldiers' dormitories, the upper seven floors are female soldiers' dormitories, and the top two floors are occupied by elite soldiers.

"This is just your temporary residence. Our team is not a resident army here, but just a temporary rest here. We are a front-line combat force. We often have to carry out missions and fight around. We will spend many times on warships in the future. I hope you can adapt." Miria said that they are in the elevator at the moment.

Ren Tianchen is very clear about these. Some of the Tianyue Imperial Army are resident troops, which are mainly to guard the safety of one side; others are some combat troops who often have to run around and fight everywhere, and they go almost wherever there is a war. Because they often participate in the battle, the combat effectiveness of these front-line troops is obviously stronger than that of the resident army, but the mortality rate of the expensive front-line troops is very high. After all, the battlefield is a place of ruthless killing.

"Deputy captain, can men and women live together?" Ruoxue asked.

Milia's expression stagnated, showing a strange smile, looking at Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue.

Even if Ren Tianchen is very calm, he is a little embarrassed and not calm at this moment.

After Ruoxue opened her mouth, she realized that she had asked a very idiotic question, and suddenly blushed and was very shy.

"Hehe, of course not." Miria smiled ambiguously, "In the army, only husband and wife can live together." The atmosphere in the elevator became a little awkward, and Milia smiled secretly, "What a lovely child!"