Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 6 Mecha

Chapter 6 Mecha

Ren Tianchen came to his dormitory. The dormitory is very spacious and has all kinds of furniture. After a little tidying up, he sat on the sofa and rested, closing his eyes to refresh himself.

After a while, Ruoxue came.

"You have sorted it out." Ruoxue sat next to Ren Tianchen and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"There are very few things."

"Tianchen, go down and walk with me!" Ruoxue's green eyes are hidden from expectation.

"Didn't you just walk around?"

"I want two people to walk alone." She shook his arm and said coquettishly, "Okay?"

"All right!" Ren Tianchen was very helpless. From childhood to age, he could not refuse any request from Ruoxue.

Ren Tianchen and Ruoxue held hands and wandered around the base. They talked and laughed along the way. They were very close and envied many people. As long as they are not fools, they can see that the two are lovers.

"Ha ha, this kind of life is also very good." Ruoxue smiled sweetly.

Ren Tianchen nodded. Although he knew that this comfortable life was only temporary and they would set foot on the battlefield soon, he could not bear to hit Ruoxue's good mood now.

The two walked in the base for about an hour.

Melia sent a message and asked the two to go back quickly, saying that she would take them to see the mecha. This news made Ren Tianchen very happy. He had always expected to have his own mecha. He drove wildly, very fast, and soon returned to the camp of the Lockon team.

Milia waited for them in front of the complex, and then took them to the mecha warehouse that had not been visited before.

There is only a light road in the warehouse from the door to the depths of the warehouse, and it is dark on both sides. Ren Tianchen observed as he walked. Although he couldn't see it, he knew that there must be mecha on both sides, and it was not ordinary mecha.

"What exactly does my mecha look like? I'm looking forward to it!" At this moment, Ruoxue's heart is pounding very much, and she is looking forward to the unknown mecha.

They came to the depths of the warehouse, and there was no way ahead.


The light suddenly lit up and was particularly dazzling. Ren Tianchen subconsciously blinked his eyes.

Ruoxue opened her eyes in surprise, and her little mouth became "O" type. She saw a mecha.

This is a blue mecha. Its huge steel body is 18 meters high. It holds a shield in its left, a beam rifle across its back, and two light energy swords between its waists. Compared with the bulky Zagu, this mecha is too slim, all parts of the body are streamlined, and the head production is exquisite and beautiful. If Zagu is like a muscle**, then this mecha is a light beauty.

"This is the latest mecha for elite female warriors produced by our Tianyue Empire Military Factory. Its name is: Phantom!" Milia introduced.

Ruoxue's eyes shined and stared at the mecha in front of her. From the first glance, she was deeply attracted by the phantom.

"Do you like it?" Maria asked.

"I like it so much. Both the color and appearance fully meet my requirements. It's really great." Ruoxue said excitedly, and she danced happily.

"This will be your special mecha in the future."

"Can I go into the cockpit and have a look?" Ruoxue asked, and she couldn't wait.

"Of course." Miria nodded with a smile.

Ruoxue jumped on the elevator with cheer, came to the cockpit in the abdomen of the mecha, and suddenly got in.

"Deputy captain, where's my mecha?" Ren Tianchen looked around and saw no other mecha at all.

"Ha ha, are you worried?!" Milia laughed.

"It has always been one of my wishes to have a mecha of my own."

"So that's why you joined the army?" Maria asked.

"This is just one of the reasons." Ren Tianchendao.

This is the eyes of the blue Phantom, which means that the mecha has been activated.

"Wow, this mecha is great. The latest control system is easy to use." The hatch of the Phantom was not closed, and Ruoxue's excited cry came from it.

Ruoxue walked out of the cockpit, stood on the hatch and waved to the two people below, saying, "This mecha is really great! I like it so much!"

"As long as you like it." Ren Tianchen responded.

Ruoxue was very excited to take the elevator back to the ground.

"Vice captain, where is Tianchen's mecha?" Ruoxue asked, and she didn't see any other mecha from beginning to end.

"His mecha is not here." Miria said to Ren Tianchen again, "In the evening, the captain will take you to see the mecha in person, but whether you can get that mecha or not depends on your ability."

Ren Tianchen wondered whether he could get the mecha or not depends on his ability? What do you mean? Is there any other test that needs to pass? If so, the mecha must be very extraordinary. At this moment, she is full of expectations for the mecha she has never met. What kind of mecha is it?

Ruoxue said that she wanted to get familiar with the blue phantom as soon as possible and would not come out when she got into the cockpit.

Milia still has official business to deal with and has left.

Ren Tianchen looked at the blue phantom, shook his head helplessly, and then turned around and left.


Ren Tianchen came to the gravity room. At school, he worked hard to exercise himself every day. Although he has graduated, he can't relax himself at all. His goal is to constantly surpass himself and become stronger.

Ren Tianchen came to Gravity Room 3 and happened to meet Lin Ya coming out of it. His upper body** is white and strong. At this moment, his whole body is sweaty, and even his hair is wet. Obviously, he has just undergone high-intensity training.

He still looked cold, rejecting people thousands of miles away, and his eyes were sharp and a little provocative at Ren Tianchen. Ren Tianchen was not afraid at all and looked at him plainly.

The two did not target for a long time. After a while, Ren Tianchen walked in and Lin Ya came out.

When the two passed by.

"Don't think it's great to defeat the black bear. I will make you understand that new recruits should look like new recruits." Lin Ya said with a cold smile.

"I will also let you know that you have no arrogant capital at all." Ren Tianchen said coldly that his eyes were sharp, and his eyes seemed to be a monster free from the cage, fierce and strong.

Lin Ya turned around. At this time, the door of the gravity room was nearly half closed, and he only saw Ren Tianchen's back.

"Hmm! I don't know how thick the sky is." Lin Ya snorted coldly and then turned around and left.

Ren Tianchen walked into the gravity room, and there was no one in it at this moment.

He checked the record that the highest multiple used last time in this gravity chamber was seven times the gravity.

However, Ren Tianchen smiled coldly.

He casually adjusted the gravity to nine times.


A huge pressure weighed on him. Under nine times the gravity, he immediately weighed 990 pounds, and almost a ton of weight pressed on his body.

He first did a few simple exercises, and then hit a few sets of boxing. He plays very fluently and powerfully. Every punch and every foot contains explosive power. It seems that nine times the gravity has no effect on him.

About 30 minutes later, he increased his gravity to ten times.


A greater pressure fell on him, and his body suddenly became much heavier.

He began to punch again, but this time the speed was significantly slower, but in a few minutes he was sweating profusely and his clothes were wet with sweat. Even he can't stay in an environment of ten times the gravity for too long. Ten times the gravity is his limit.

Ren Tianchen gritted his teeth and persisted for half an hour. He couldn't stand it anymore, so he slowly adjusted the multiple to zero.

"Wow! It's five minutes more than last time, and it seems to be a little progress. Ren Tianchen took a deep breath. Although it is better than before. It's still not enough! You have to become stronger!"

At Ren Tianchen's current age, his current strength is not only the strongest of the imperial teenager generation, and few people are his opponents at this age.

But Ren Tianchen is not satisfied with the status quo. He has been pursuing the strong man is to constantly pursue a stronger realm.


When night falls, the moon is as beautiful as water, waving the world.

The whole base is brightly lit, but there is no noise during the day, and many places have quieted down.

Ren Tianchen came to Lockon's office.

Rockon Strlas was dressed in a white military uniform. His hair was brown and long, almost flat with his shoulders. He sat on the sofa and looked at Ren Tianchen sitting opposite him. Ren Tianchen felt that those eyes seemed to have seen through him.

"Would you like something to drink?" Lockon asked.

"Just a glass of ice water."

"Ice water? Ha ha, what an interesting hobby. Locão thought it was very interesting, so he laughed.

"This is a habit from childhood to adulthood. I can't drink other drinks." Ren Tianchendao.

"You also drink ice water in winter." Lockon asked.


"Ha ha, interesting."

After a while, a service robot brought a glass of ice water and a cup of coffee.

Rockang picked up the cup of coffee, smelled it first, and then took a sip. "The bitter taste in the coffee is infinitely memorable!" He sighed, looked at Ren Tianchen again and asked, "Would you like a drink?"

Ren Tianchen drank ice water and said, "No, ice water is more suitable for me."

The two were in this office, one drinking coffee and the other drinking the ice water without saying a word, only the sound of ** flowing in the cup, and there was no other sound.

"Milia told me that you injured a team member seriously today." Lockon suddenly opened his mouth, breaking the original silence.

"We're just competing." Ren Tianchen's plain response.

"Is that so!" Lockang looked deeply at Ren Tianchen.

Ren Tianchen was not afraid at all and looked directly into his eyes.

"This is a very common phenomenon in the whole Tianyue Empire Army. When something you can't get even if you work hard, it is easily taken away by others. As long as it is, it will be very unbalanced in people's hearts. You should understand." Lockang said that he has been in the army for many years, and I don't know how many times he has seen this kind of thing. But there is nothing he can do.

"I know."

Lockeon drank coffee again, Ren Tianchen also drank ice water, and the two fell silent again.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" Lockon suddenly asked.

Ren Tianchen's expression stagnated and looked at Lockang. He saw a pair of deep eyes, as if to see through him.

"I have killed it."


"Thirty-year-old." He is as plain as water, but his eyes have become a little distant.


"For survival!" Ren Tianchen drank ice water, as if it was not his own business, and he answered simply and directly.

Lockeon's expression stagnated and he was a little surprised. Looking at Ren Tianchen, after a long time, he sighed, "So it is."

"What does it feel like to kill someone for the first time?" Lockon asked.

Ren Tianchen pondered and seemed to recall the distant past. After a long time, he said, "When I killed someone for the first time, I was very scared and scared, but later I got used to it."

"I'm used to killing people." Lockon had such an expression. He frowned, "It seems that you have killed a lot of people."

"Ye, a lot, but they are all damn people." Ren Tianchen said indifferently.

"You are the most interesting warrior I have ever seen." After a long silence, Lockon said.

"Maybe! But I just want to survive with Ruoxue, so I want to fight.

Rockang looked at him so straight and said nothing.

Suddenly, Lockeon stood up and said, "Let's go! I'll take you to see the mecha."