Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 333 The world is in an uproar

Chapter 333 The world is in an uproar

Ren Tianchen and Yang Wencheng landed on an asteroid with their respective mecha, and then put them away. Ren Tianchen was surprised that Yang Wenchen also had a space magic weapon that could accommodate the mecha.

"I'm really curious about what kind of force is behind you? There is even a space magic weapon!" Ren Tianchen stared at Yang Wenchen.

Since the day he met Yang Wenchen, Ren Tianchen has been curious about the power behind him. It is definitely not an ordinary force to be able to create such a powerful golden mecha.

"Ha ha, this is just what I got from an expedition to the edge of the solar system. It has nothing to do with the family." Yang Wenchen smiled and had no intention of saying anything about himself.

Although Ren Tianchen is curious, it is difficult for Yang Wenchen to force him to ask.

Then Ren Tianchen summoned the Feiyan fighter, crossed the space with Yang Wenchen, and soon returned to Medusa City in Europa.

Ren Tianchen went out to investigate the murderer of the massacre, and Nina had been worried a lot. Seeing him come back safely, she was relieved.

"Who is this?" Nina looked at Yang Wenchen and asked.

As soon as Ren Tianchen wanted to introduce, Yang Wenchen stepped forward and said enthusiastically, "My name is Yang Wenchen. I'm a friend of Tianchen. Miss Nina, please give me more advice."

Nina's big eyes flashed and asked, "How do you know me?"

"Ha ha, you are a famous beauty in the world. Maybe you don't know that your reputation is very popular on the Internet." Yang Wenchen smiled.

The two sides chatted a few more times, and then Nina began to be busy with work, while Ren Tianchen and Yang Wenchen went for a walk in the yard.

"You are really good. Even top beauties like Nina Elant have got you." Yang Wenchen looked at Ren Tianchen and was surprised.

Then he said, "But it's not bad. Ruo Xue is no longer there. You can't always immerse yourself in the past."

As soon as he mentioned Ruoxue, Ren Tianchen's heart ached, and his whole body suddenly became silent. Although he had hidden that missing and feelings, he still remembered it every time.

"What about you? What happened to Li Man? Ren Tianchen asked.

Li Man was the girl who was with Yang Wenchen at that time. Ren Tianchen met him several times, but he only knew his name.

"Ha ha, I'm very good with her. I've been together all the time, and now she stays at home with my mother." Speaking of his lover, a happy smile appeared on Yang Wenchen's face. Nothing is more precious to him than Li Man.

"Yes! It's great to be with the people you love so much!" Ren Tianchen smiled, but it was a little bitter.

"You are also very happy now!" Yang Wenchen said.

Ren Tianchen smiled and said, "That's right. Now I'm very happy and must cherish it."

He knew very well that he loved Nina and loved Ruoxue, but more about nostalgia and guilt. He also knew that this was not good, but he could not control it. Fortunately, Nina was reasonable and did not care too much, but Ren Tianchen knew that Nina was still very concerned about it, so he never mentioned it in front of her. Ruo Xue, so as not to stimulate her.

The story of Ren Tianchen and Yang Wenchen's war against Morasha soon spread in the world of Jupiter, because the movement of the battle was too big, and the light of the battle could be seen more than 100,000 miles away. That kind of power was trembling. Many people saw it at close range and was feared by it. The terrible power was beyond words, and the news was spread by them at the first time.

People are speculating about who the two mysterious strong men are. Where are you from? At the same time, I am also glad that the demon who slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people has been killed and can finally live a peaceful life.

In the morning of Ren Tianchen's return, a major event swept the whole human world like a storm, and the listeners were petrified in an instant and were deeply shocked.

Even Tianchen was dumbfounded when he heard this and was stunned on the spot.

Just ten hours ago, five super warriors of the Saint Cavalry Regiment sneaked into Huangyue City and suddenly broke out in the middle of the night, directly attacking the palace and igniting an unprecedented war. The three New Moon knights met the enemy with all their strength. At the same time, the golden mothership of the Saint Cavalry Regiment also launched a frontal attack on tens of ten thousand imperial mecha.

Since it has been a long time since the last holy horse attacked the federal capital, the defense of Huangyue City has been reduced a lot, and only more than 10,000 imperial mecha are stationed here.

No one expected that the Saint Cavalry Regiment launched such a sudden attack, and the Saint Cavalry Regiment also invested three new fighter armors, 30 of each model, a total of 90 mecha.

90 to 10,000, this is a completely unequal comparison. The number between the two is more than 100 times different. Ordinary people will think that the winner will be the Tianyue Empire, but the fact is beyond everyone's expectation. A mother ship of the Holy Cavalry Regiment and 90 mecha have hit tens of thousands of armors and thousands of warships in the Tianyue Empire. At the end of the battle, almost 60% of the troops were destroyed, while the Saint Cavalry Regiment only lost more than a dozen mecha, which broke everyone's eye.

In addition, the five super warriors of the Saint Cavalry Regiment fought against three lunar knights. Their battle almost smashed the whole Huangyue City. Fortunately, the three lunar knights fought against the enemy with all their strength and led the battlefield to the universe to protect Huangyue City.

It was a peerless melee. The real sky and the earth collapsed. Wherever they hit, everything there would be destroyed. Among them, the most tragic was a colonial satellite inhabited by hundreds of thousands of people, which was split into two ends by the black mecha of the Saint Cavalry Regiment. Hundreds of thousands of people died directly, which was very miserable.

The war lasted for nearly five hours, and I don't know how many miles of the earth collapsed and how many people died. In the end, the troops of the Tianyue Empire arrived from all sides one after another to meet the Saint Cavalry Regiment. In the end, they couldn't stand the large number of people and had to retreat.

The mothership of the Holy Cavalry Regiment can freely cross the space, and a large number of troops failed to retain them.

At a shocking time, when retreating, the black mecha, in order to cover the retreat of his comrades-in-arms, one of them resisted the attack of the three lunar knights, but was invincible. In the end, the three lunar knights still failed to leave him.

A big war ended like this, but its impact was that the storm quickly swept the whole human world.

The world is in an uproar. Everyone thinks that the Holy Cavalry Corps is crazy. First, they attack the federal capital, and now they attack the capital of the Tianyue Empire. This is a complete tear with the two giants and a real enemy of the world.

At the same time, it also made many forces tremble. The combat effectiveness shown by the Saint Cavalry Regiment is so horrible that it can completely fight against the whole world. Thinking of what they said, anything related to war will become the target of their attack. Many forces are scared, and many of the original strategy plans are directly formulated. Stranded and dare not take any action.

"They are really crazy!" Yang Wenchen said.

"What the hell are they going to do? Doing so will only make the world more chaotic. They say they want to eliminate the war, but they are constantly creating disputes. What on earth do they want to do? Ren Tianchen was quite angry because of the Holy Cavalry, and now the world has become so chaotic.

"Maybe they think that establishing absolute authority by violent means will deter the whole world and make people afraid to resist. If they can really do it, it is a good way to achieve peace." Yang Wenche smiled gently, and what he said was very reasonable.

"This kind of oppression by force is only hypocritical peace, which will be exposed as soon as it is dismantled." Ren Tianchen said indifferently, and the anger in his heart had been triggered.

"In a word, the world will become more turbulent and chaotic in the future. What are you going to do? Shall we endure this, or break through the obstacles, fight against the world, and create immortal great achievements. Yang Wenchen looked at him with very sharp and resolute eyes.

"I'm not interested in any great achievements. I just want to kill the Saints, which is my only goal." Ren Tianchen said coldly.

Yang Wenchen just smiled gently and said nothing.

"I'm going back to the Tianyue Empire to see how it goes!" Ren Tianchen looked at the starry sky, then looked at Yang Wenchen and asked, "What are you going to do?" Do you want to go together?"

"I have something to do, so I won't go with you." Yang Wenchen said.

Ren Tianchen nodded, and then they parted ways.

Ren Tianchen went to Nina and talked about the situation.

"Became back with me." Nina looked at him with anticipation.

Ren Tianchen was stunned for a moment and looked at her, waiting for her explanation.

"My home is in Huangyue City. This time, the Holy Cavalry Regiment attacked the palace. I don't know if my family has been implicated, and I have been out for so long. I want to go back and have a look." Nina said.

"I understand, let's go back together!" Ren Tianchen nodded.

He called Liu Xing, the leader of the Butterfly Gang, to tell him something, and then took Nina away from the world of Jupiter in a flying swallow fighter.