Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 335 Changes

Chapter 335 Changes

Ren Tianchen and Nina rushed to the urban area where Elant's family was located. Along the way, they saw many buildings collapse, many peaks were broken, and large rocks were scattered everywhere. When they passed a small town, they saw a huge stone smashing a house, which was very miserable.

Seeing these scenes made Nina more worried and anxious, and she couldn't wait to rush home immediately.

After a lot of strict checks, Ren Tianchen and Nina finally arrived at the location of the Elante family. In the distance, they saw many buildings collapse, and the situation was very miserable.

Seeing that the originally beautiful family manor was almost in ruins, Nina almost cried and prayed in her heart that her family would never be fine.

"It will be fine." Ren Tianchen took her into his arms and comforted her.

The car drove into the estate of the Elant family. As soon as she got out of the car, she went straight to the place where her parents lived. Ren Tianchen followed closely. The house was not too damaged, but there was no one in it. This completely made Nina's heart sink, and tears came directly out of her eyes. Ren Tianchen gently took her in his arms. She directly I cried.

For a while, Ren Tianchen couldn't find any suitable words to comfort her, so he could only let her continue to cry. Maybe she would be fine after finding out.

"Nina!" Suddenly, a woman's voice sounded, and Ren Tianchen felt very familiar. At the same time, Nina's body shook and looked over in an instant. A few meters away stood a gorgeous and generous woman, not anyone else, but Nina's mother: Mrs. Hua.

Nina suddenly cried harder and ran straight over and hugged Mrs. Hua.

Mrs Hua's eyes were also moist, holding Nina tightly. This is the deep relationship between mother and daughter, which is difficult for others to understand.

After the mother and daughter hugged for a long time, Nina stopped crying and began to ask her mother, Mrs. Hua, about the situation at home.

Only after Mrs. Hua said that they knew that the Holy Cavalry Regiment suddenly attacked that night, and the people in the family entered the air-raid shelter for the first time, so they survived.

Mrs. Hua also said something. Since Ren Tianchen was expelled from the position of Shuoyue Knight and deported, the situation of the Elant family has become very good, because many people know the relationship between Nina and Ren Tianchen. In order to avoid getting into trouble, they dare not associate with the Elant family. Many families take the opportunity to join hands. The suppression has made the situation of the Elant family more and more difficult. Nina's father goes out to negotiate with people every day, but often shuts the door.

Hearing these news, Ren Tianchen felt very guilty. Everything was caused by him. Without him, the Ilante family would certainly be as glorious as the sun.

"You don't need to take care of our family's affairs, as long as you treat Nina well." Mrs. Hua said this to Ren Tianchen. Although this was a comfort, it made Ren Tianchen feel even more ashamed.

"Mother, Tianchen and I have established a huge force in the Jupiter world. If it really doesn't work, our whole family will move to the Jupiter world!" Nina said.

"Mom has always believed that you are very capable, but the Tianyue Empire is our root, and you can't just leave." Mrs. Hua smiled slightly, emitting a kind of maternal brilliance.

Then she said, "I won't say that for the time being. Let's have dinner together when your father comes back in the evening."

At dinner, Nina saw her father here, which made her eyes more, and the white hair on her father's head increased a lot and became more vicissitudes.

The family had a happy dinner, and of course, Ren Tianchen was also among them.


The Holy Cavalry attacked Huangyue City at night, which caused a huge disturbance in the whole solar system. Even after a week, it was still a hot topic of discussion and concern.

Ren Tianchen has also been paying attention.

Since the incident, the Tianyue Empire and the Earth Federation have announced the establishment of a joint committee to actively talk and negotiate on the cooperation between the two sides and try to reach cooperation to deal with the Saints.

However, for a hundred years, the two giants have been fighting with each other. Two full-scale wars have broken out, each of which has brought great disasters to the human world, and countless people have died.

The resentment accumulated over the past hundred years is not so simple to solve, so there are many obstacles in the negotiation, and it has never been possible to formulate a practical plan. Each meeting starts with a quarrel and ends with a more fierce quarrel.

So, the matter of cooperation has been delayed by both planets and has not been resolved.

"It can't go on like this. Why do they only care about their own interests and don't see the real threat?" Ren Tianchen has been paying attention to the dynamics of the meeting. He hopes that the cooperation can be successful, which can deal a devastating blow to the Saint Cavalry Regiment.

"Because they are politicians, it doesn't matter to them what the world becomes, as long as they can get the greatest benefit for themselves." Nina said that she has been in the market for a long time and is well trigued in this kind of political intrigue.

"It is because of such a group of people that the world has become so chaotic." Ren Tianchen said coldly that he hated that kind of intrigue, so he never interfered in politics. Even when he was a lunar knight, he only took advantage of the convenience brought by this identity.

The cooperation between the Earth Federation and the Tianyue Empire has gone through a series of quarrels and finally entered the final stage. As long as it is completed, the two sides can reach an agreement to jointly fight against the Saint Cavalry Regiment.

However, just then, a shocking thing happened.

A large fleet of the federal army suddenly attacked a colonial satellite of the Tianyue Empire, destroyed the colonial satellite together with the defenders there, and continued to march on the next colonial satellite, and the ultimate target turned out to be the native moon of the Tianyue Empire.

Once this incident spread, it immediately caused an uproar. Such a thing will definitely bring great obstacles to consultation and cooperation at this critical time, and may even lead to the breakdown of cooperation, so the previous efforts will be in vain.

"Why did this happen? I have to go and have a look." Ren Tianchen frowned deeply.

At the same time, in the palace.

"I'll deal with this matter." Luo Dao.


After a series of tedious procedures, it took Ren Tianchen several hours to finally leave the moon, and then took the Feiyan fighter to the star domain where the federal fleet was targeted.

Glansi is a colonial satellite that operates outside the lunar system and is 180,000 kilometers away from the moon. It is quite huge and can accommodate millions of people.

After learning that Gramsci would become the next offensive target, the Tianyue Empire sent a fleet here, but in order to defend the empire, a large number of troops had been invested, so there was a shortage of troops for a while and less could be mobilized.

At this moment, more than 300 imperial warships were waiting outside Gramsci, showing all their weapons and all their mechas to protect Gramsci well.

"Captain, do you think they will really come?" A young captain asked his captain that although he had the strong temperament of a soldier, he was still a little childish. Obviously, he was a new soldier who had not joined the army for a long time.

"Isn't the two sides negotiating cooperation now? Did they do this to tear up cooperation? Another soldier asked.

"These are all decided by those in power above. We soldiers only need to follow the orders of the state to fight." Their captain is a majestic old soldier with a strong temperament. He said, "Since they want to fight, we will accompany them to the end. They have been fighting for so many years. Who is afraid of anyone!"

Infected by the domineering spirit in the captain's words, the members of the team were all fighting and ready to charge.

After a while.

A message came from the scouts in front of him, and the federal fleet appeared, and then the radar warning system of the imperial fleet suddenly sounded.

In the dark universe, a group of giants moved forward slowly, and the black hull flashed with cold light. Their silent foregrounds gave people great oppression.

"How can there be so many?" The imperial army exclaimed.

This federal fleet is large, and its strength is roughly estimated to be thousands of warships and nearly 10,000 mechas, including many new warships and mechas of the Federal Army.

Such a powerful fleet is absolutely invincible and sweeps everywhere. No wonder the previous colonial satellite will be destroyed.

"Do you really want to fight?" Many people feel trembling, and the quantity and quality of both sides are completely disproportionate. How can we fight this battle?!

"If you can't beat it, you have to fight. Don't forget that there are millions of lives behind us!" The officers of the fleet were impassioned and moving forward, infecting all the soldiers, and the blood in their hearts was burning.