Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 336 One person blocks thousands of troops

Chapter336 One person blocks thousands of troops

This is a huge federal fleet, with thousands of warships and nearly 10,000 mecha, killing Glensie's garrison like a tsunami.

The two sides are very different in terms of quantity and quality, which is an unequal battle.


The war was imminent, and the federal fleet took the lead in opening fire, and tens of thousands of beams of light and * poured into the imperial fleet like heavy rain, which was an extremely horrible attack.

The Imperial fleet also opened fire, and a large-scale war broke out.

The battlefield was chaotic. Countless beams and * flew between the two sides. The light of the explosion was as bright as fireworks. Every moment, mecha or warships were shot down. There was no shocking blood, but it was even more cruel.

The Imperial Army was at an absolute disadvantage, so it stayed near Gramsci and hit all the firepower against the Federal Fleet.

The Federal Fleet pressed the border without any fear. The goal is very clear, which is to kill the past and annihilate the imperial army and destroy Grame.

The vitality of the federal fleet is too strong for the imperial army to resist and is completely suppressed. The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and they are about to meet each other. At that time, there will be a mecha war, which will be more tragic.

"Commander, the enemy's strength is too strong for us to resist, and the final defense line will be broken!" In Gramsci's combat command room, the senior officers are very anxious, and the current situation is too serious.

"Hasn't the reinforcements arrived yet?"

"Now the troops are tight everywhere, and the reinforcements will not arrive until three hours at the earliest."

"Three hours?" The commander's face was very ugly: "After three hours, there is nothing here. Urge the reinforcements to arrive as soon as possible and tell all the soldiers that they will fight down even if they are the last soldier."

The commander is very resolute, and his eyes seem to burn brightly, which is the unique temperament of soldiers.

At this moment, a red light flew from the direction of the moon, very fast, and arrived at the battlefield in a blink of an eye.


A terrible speed of light swept through the middle of the battlefield, isoling all attacks.

This sudden change stunned the imperial army on the battlefield.

"In the name of the Knight of the Moon, I ordered all the imperial troops to retreat to Gramsci." Suddenly, a voice spread all over the battlefield, and it was Loo who came.

Subsequently, the imperial fleet on the battlefield obeyed the order and retreated to the colonial satellite Gramsci.

However, the federal fleet had no intention of stopping at all and continued to suppress the situation and launch the most violent attack.

Lo's eyes sank, and the heavenly punishment rushed to the center of the battlefield.


A blood-red energy explosion completely drowned the heavenly punishment, and then there was a scene that made the people present unforgettable for a lifetime.


The punishment man pushed forward with both hands, and a terrible energy spread out, forming a flat mask, and the range of the mask was constantly expanding to block the attack of the federal army.

In a blink of an eye, a circular mask with a diameter of 1,000 kilometers was formed, blocking all the attacks of the federal army.

All the imperial soldiers were dumbfounded, and the huge light covering across the void for two thousand miles, occupied all their eyes.

Is this the power of the Moon Knight? It's really horrible!

Now the Tianyue Empire and the Earth Federation are discussing cooperation. If this event is not curbed at this juke, it will lead to extraordinary consequences.

So, Loo came to stop, not repuls or destroy the federal fleet.

Otherwise, he would not have spent so much effort to open such a large mask.

"Did the federal army hear that? Now withdraw immediately, repeat, and withdraw immediately now!" Luo turned on the communicator and conveyed his own meaning, but the federal army was indeed dead and there was no answer.

The federal fleet moved forward and marched strongly. In the end, they all hit the light mask and blocked the way forward. However, thousands of warships still launched engines to continue to push forward, and an unprecedented powerful force pressed on the punisher. Loo felt extremely heavy pressure.

"I can still resist this level of fleet!" Loo let out a roar, and his eyes were golden, like two rounds of sun burning.


The punishment broke out in an all-round way, and countless red light erupted, beautiful and gorgeous, flooding the starry sky.

Then under the stunned eyes of everyone, the heavenly punishment man pushed thousands of mechas and nearly 10,000 mechas slowly forward.

This is a horrible picture, pushing a huge fleet forward with one's own strength, which is simply a god-like power.

But such a terrible scene happened very real in front of everyone.

"The federal army heard it and withdrew immediately. Do you want to start a full-scale war?" Luo conveyed the message again, and this time his tone became extremely cold.

If it hadn't been for the sake of the overall situation, he would have destroyed the federal fleet.

At this moment, another red light flew from the direction of the moon, very fast, and arrived on the battlefield in an instant. It was the judge.

Ren Tianchen saw this red light mask spanning 2,000 miles of void in the distance. After coming to the battlefield, he was very surprised to find that the heavenly punishment was actually here.

"What's going on now?" Ren Tianchen contacted Luo.

Luo was stunned for a moment and didn't expect to meet Ren Tianchen here again. The judge's appearance had changed a lot. If Ren Tianchen hadn't taken the initiative to contact him, he really couldn't recognize him.

"We must organize this federal fleet, otherwise the two sides will not be able to cooperate, but this fleet seems strange." Luo Dao.

"Then I'll check." Ren Tianchendao.

"Please, but remember, don't kill them." Luo told him that once there is any serious damage to the fleet, they will not give up even if the Federation is wrong first. After all, such a huge fleet has great value.

Ren Tianchen flew the judge across the void and rushed into the federal fleet. Of course, he was greeted by a terrible light attack and * bombing.

However, with Ren Tianchen's strength, it was too easy to deal with these attacks. The judge flashed like a ghost and dodged without being hit by a beam of light or *.

"What the hell is the problem?" Ren Tianchen released a terrible spiritual power, which swept the whole federal fleet like a sea tide to find out everything, but everything was normal. There were people in every warship and every mecha, and there was no special big problem.

"This is..." Suddenly, Ren Tianchen frowned. He felt a very special fluctuation, and he seemed to know each other.

He drove the judges through the extremely dense artillery fire and finally flew close to the flagship of the fleet.

It is not so much a flagship as a war fortress. It is really too huge, with a length of three kilometers. Such a war fortress has absolute power on the battlefield.

"Is that strange fluctuation coming from here?" Ren Tianchen frowned and dodged the attack while observing and sensing the strange fluctuation.

"Have you found the problem? I can't stand it anymore." At this time, Luo's voice came.

A person holds up a layer of light covering spanning 2,000 miles, which requires a lot of energy. At the same time, it also consumes a lot of mental power, which can withstand it for a while, but no one can stand it for a long time. After all, anyone's spiritual power is not infinite. After a lot of consumption, it takes a certain amount of time. Regeneration.

"Not yet, hold on a little longer." Ren Tianchen responded to him like this.

He stared at the federal flagship, covered it with his spirit, and felt the strange fluctuation more and more clearly.

"There will be no mistake, it's right there." He finally set the target, and then rushed over like the flagship, and the warship opened the shield while facing it with artillery fire.

But these could not stop the judge. It dodged the gunfire, tore the shield, finally cut open the outer deck of the warship, then went directly into the interior of the warship, and then went directly to the source of the strange fluctuations. The space in the flagship was very wide, and there was a huge passage to accommodate mecha.

Finally, he came to the core power room of the warship.

"Is this the place?"

He saw that there was a huge nuclear fusion power furnace in this huge core power room, which provided endless power for the whole flagship.

"Is that?" Ren Tianchen's pupils shrank and stared at a certain place on the power furnace.

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