Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 338 Once Jupiter

Chapter 328 Once Jupiter

With the joint efforts of Ren Tianchen and Luo, this huge federal fleet was finally stopped and did not cause further great disaster.

After that, in the cooperation negotiations between the two sides, the attitude of the federal representatives has improved a lot. After all, a huge fleet is being detained by the Tianyue Empire. Even if the Federation is very powerful, it is extremely painful to lose such a huge fleet, which will greatly weaken the strength of the Federation.

After another week of negotiations, the two sides reached an agreement on various issues, signed an agreement, and roughly achieved cooperation.

and jointly announced to the whole human world the formal establishment of friendly alliances and economic, political and military cooperation.

Economically, the two sides have relaxed the restrictions on civil exchanges and reached many cooperation projects.

Politically, the two sides organized several meetings between senior officials to discuss how to develop better.

Militally, a special combat force was set up to deal with the Holy Cavalry Regiment.

The members of this special combat force are all the top masters in the federal and imperial armies, including the lunar knights and the Valkyrie warriors. The troops composed of these people are absolutely super horrible.

These days, the news about the cooperation between the Federation and the Empire has become a hot topic in the whole human world, and relevant news and discussions can be seen or heard everywhere.

This is definitely a good thing for Ren Tianchen. He can borrow this powerful force to deal with the Holy Cavalry Regiment and achieve his revenge.

But what he is thinking about now is how to get involved? If he is still a lunar knight, there will definitely be his name in this team, but unfortunately, now that he is no longer, things have become a little troublesome.

On this day, Ren Tianchen was accompanying Nina at Elant's house when suddenly a subordinate sent a letter saying that someone had given it to him.

"What about that man?" Ren Tianchen asked.

"Let's go."

Ren Tianchen looked at the letter in his hand and frowned. In this era, there was still someone who used such an ancient communication tool as the letter? Who the hell is it?

He immediately opened the letter with a few words on it: See you at Yangcheng Bar at 7 p.m.!

"Who is looking for you?" Nina came up and asked.

"A person who is both an enemy and a friend." Ren Tianchen said lightly that he had recognized the handwriting.

After nightfall, at seven o'clock, Ren Tianchen came to Yangcheng Bar, which was very close to Elant's house, only two or three kilometers away.

These days, due to strict restrictions, many entertainment venues have been closed or opened intermittently, but this originally popular Yangcheng bar has even one person at this point, which is a little strange.

As soon as he entered the bar, Ren Tianchen saw a man sitting in front of the bar and drinking alone.

Ren Tianchen walked over and sat down directly. The waiter quickly brought him a crystal cup and asked him what he wanted to drink. Ren Tianchen ordered a 30-year-old red wine.

"I have chartered today's venue, so now there are only you and me here." Luo Dao.

"What's the matter with me?" Ren Tianchen said directly.

"Ha ha, it has become so strange that we haven't seen each other for so long?" Loo smiled.

"You know, I have been deported, which is different from before." Ren Tianchen said faintly, poured a glass of red wine and drank it slowly.

"That's true. The world is changing, and we are also changing. Everything is caused by fate, and we are irresistible." There is a little loneliness and loneliness in Luo's voice.

"Since we have met, I will ask you directly." Before Ren Tianchen finished his words, Luo interrupted him: "I know what you want to know. Isn't it a special combat force specially set up by our empire and the Federation to deal with the Holy Cavalry Regiment?"

Lo'ao smiled and said, "You still haven't changed. You just want revenge."

Ren Tianchen is just drinking, and he is waiting for Luo to continue to speak.

After taking a sip of wine, Luoo continued: "Although cooperation has been reached now, some matters of the joint force have not been settled. Both sides are unwilling to set the temporary headquarters of the joint forces in their own territory. At present, the position of the temporary headquarters has been initially set on an independent colonial satellite. Face, we will leave there in about two days.

Ren Tianchen nodded. Both the warrior and the Shuoyue knight have the ultimate combat effectiveness. No one is willing to let such existence enter their own territory, especially the two opposing countries. If something suddenly happens, the losses will be heavy. At the same time, they are also a country. The strongest force that the family relies on, if anything happens in other countries, it will also be a huge loss.

"It was absolutely impossible to cooperate with the Valkyrie warrior in the past!" Luo sighed and drank all the wine in the glass.

"This is the most effective way to deal with the Saints Cavalry." Ren Tianchendao.

"Why are you tempted? Would you like to join us?" Luo looked at him with a smile.

"In my current capacity, I am no longer qualified. Besides, I died a few months ago, which was announced by the empire itself." Ren Tianchen said lightly.

"That's true. It's really troublesome. With your strength, if you join us, you will be more confident to deal with the Saint Cavalry." Luo took a sip of the wine, thought about it and said, "Why don't we do this? Every time we take any action in the future, I will inform you, and then you will help us."

"Is it okay? Is this a state secret? Ren Tianchen asked.

"No problem at all, as long as the Holy Cavalry can finally be destroyed." Loo said with a smile.

Ren Tianchen nodded and said, "Then please."

Both sides raised their glasses and drank them all, which was very bold.

Loo smiled and changed the topic and said, "I heard that you are doing well on Jupiter!"

Ren Tianchen just drank and didn't say anything.

"You'd better be careful, Jupiter's*." Luo suddenly said seriously.

Ren Tianchen was stunned for a moment, looked at Luo and asked, "You seem to know something?"

Lou nodded and said, "I really know something. I heard it all from Nagaro."

Ren Tianchen frowned. How could Jupiter have anything to do with Nagaro?

"You should know that there are three forces that dominate the Jupiter world now?" Loorton paused for a moment and continued, "Actually, more than ten years ago, Jupiter had only one force, that is, the Jupiter Commune."

"Jupiter Commune?" Ren Tianchen wondered, isn't Jupiter Commune one of the three major forces in the world of Jupiter?

"A decade ago, a great figure appeared in Jupiter. He condensed a scattered Jupiter world and formed a powerful Jupiter commune. At that time, the Jupiter commune was so powerful that it could almost compete with the Federation or empire." Luo said, "Actually, for the empire, such a big force is worth pulling in, but the Jupiter Commune is blindly xenophobic, regards the Federation and the Empire as enemies, demanding absolute independence, and divide the world from the Federation and the Empire."

"Neither the empire nor the federation can tolerate the rise of a powerful force that is hostile to them and has strong combat effectiveness. Therefore, ten years ago, the empire and the federation sent a killer to assassinate the leader of Jupiter Commune at the same time."

"One of them is... Nagaro?" Ren Tianchen asked tentatively.

Lou nodded and said, "Yes, it was Nagaro. At that time, he had not become a lunar knight, but he was just a super ace warrior, but he cooperated with another federal killer to break through thousands of troops and kill the leader of the Jupiter world. It is said that in that battle, he destroyed tens of thousands of mecha alone. More than 3,000 warships have collapsed, and the blood stained the starry sky.

Ren Tianchen's heart was shocked. He didn't expect Nagaro to be so powerful. The first super ace warrior had such combat effectiveness. If it were him, he would not have been able to do it.

After drinking a sip of wine, Luo continued: "After that war, Nagaro became a lunar knight, and Jupiter Commune lost the great leader, and the others were powerless to command at all. Soon they split in the infighting and became the current Haicang Society, the Holy League and the Jupiter Commune."

Ren Tianchen nodded, and Jupiter still had such a past, which he didn't expect.

"Nagaro once said that in the world* of Jupiter, when he was on a mission, he met a very mysterious and powerful man. The two sides had a life-and-death war and finally fought for a result of both defeats. Nagaro was also seriously injured and almost died. This was the most sinister battle in his life. ." Luo Dao.

Ren Tianchen nodded and said, "So it is. It seems that I need to pay more attention."