Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 339 The Most Shining Young Star

Chapter 339 The Most Shining Young Star

Ren Tianchen and Luo'ao drank and chatted until late at night before they left the Yangcheng Bar and went home separately.

After returning home, Nina saw that he was full of alcohol and said sadly, "Why do you drink so much wine?"

"It's okay. Anyway, I'm not drunk." Ren Tianchen smiled gently, and his face was plain without any change. At his level, alcohol could no longer have an effect on his body.

"You can't drink so much if you don't get drunk. It's very harmful to your health." Nina gently tied up his clothes.

Ren Tianchen suddenly hugged her and whispered in her ear, "It's good to meet you. I love you, Nina!"

Nina was a little stunned. Ren Tianchen rarely said such sweet words to him. What's going on? However, her heart was filled with this feeling of happiness and said, "I love you too."

Nina is undoubtedly the most important thing for Ren Tianchen. He only loves her much more than Ruoxue. Without her gentle comfort and encouragement all the time, it is difficult for Ren Tianchen to imagine what his life will become. It is estimated that he is immersed in hatred and pain all day long. Even if he finally eliminates the Saints, he can It can be completely crazy.


In history, the Tianyue Empire and the Earth Federation have fought two full-scale wars, both of which have brought great disasters to the human world. That painful memory is still deeply imprinted in the minds of many older generations. Now that the two giants have established friendly and alliances, the world has entered a relatively stable peace since then. During this period, this is undoubtedly a good thing for the human world.

Since the Saint Cavalry attacked Huangyue City at night, it has never appeared again. Many people speculated that they wanted to avoid the edge and dared not resist the union of the Federation and the Empire.

The empire also lifted restrictions and lifted the first-class alert state. Except for the local defense forces, all transferred from other places returned to their original station.

Everything has restored the order of origin, and the light of peace shines on the whole world. People seem to feel that real peace has come. It comes so quickly and gives people an illusory feeling.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed, peace is still continuing, and there is no war in the human world.

The Saint Cavalry Regiment did not appear once, which made Luo and others extremely crazy. They set up a special combat force to deal with the Saint Cavalry Regiment, but they couldn't even find the shadow of the Saint Cavalry Regiment and talked about destroying them.

Having said that, they still did not give up the pursuit of the Saint Cavalry Regiment. With the help of the intelligence departments of the Federation and the Empire, they did gain a lot and found some clues of the Saint Cavalry Regiment, but they were not a major discovery.

So, they are still searching.

Ren Tianchen stayed by Nina's side all day. At the same time, he was constantly exercising himself to prepare for future wars. In addition, he also let Concubine Luo sneak into the network of the human world to help find some information about the Holy Cavalry Regiment.


Saturn, the sixth largest planet in the solar system, is very far away from Earth.

Saturn's development time is relatively late, which is a matter of recent decades, so it is still relatively desolate, and the population is not large. The federal and imperial areas, coupled with some independent colonial satellites, have a population of only more than 100 million, which is a small number of the planets that have been developed.

Saturn has a very beautiful halo. Anyone can be intoxicated by its beauty when watching it up close. Therefore, Saturn is also known as the most beautiful planet in the solar system and outside the earth.

In addition, Saturn, like Jupiter, is also a gaseous planet without a continent, so it is not suitable for human habitation, and human beings live on man-built colonial satellites or natural satellites that have been pioneered.

In the boundless void, there is a quite huge fortress, which is a war fortress transformed by the Tianyue Empire into an asteroid. It is a core headquarters of the Tianyue Imperial Army stationed on Jupiter.

Recently, a major event happened in Saturn, that is, a strange glowing ore was found while mining. After identification by military experts in the Tianyue Empire, this is a source energy stone.

Maybe ordinary warriors don't know what the source energy stone is, but senior military officials all know that this is an almost infinite energy stone, which, if used properly, will change today's world.

Therefore, after receiving this report, the imperial military government ordered to send the source stone to the empire as soon as possible.

And accepting this task is the most shining young star of the imperial military: Zhang Han!

As the son of General Zhang Fangtian, one of the nine marshals of the empire, Zhang Han is undoubtedly full of aura and is destined to be eyed by everyone.

Zhang Han did live up to everyone's expectations and was accompanied by light on the road to the army, but he did not use the power of his marshal's father, but from the lowest level of the warrior, relying on his hands step by step to make a way forward, becoming the youngest and most promising general star in today's lunar empire. There are people It is expected that if nothing happens, he will overtake his father and become a new generation of marshals of the empire.

At this moment, he is sitting on his own warship.

He is dressed in a purple military uniform, with a shining major general star on his shoulders, with a unique temperament of soldiers. The only thing that remains unchanged is that his smile is still indifferent and charming. There are several female soldiers on the bridge who dare not look at the young major general, because his smile will make them blush in an instant. Fire.

"General, is this really that important? Do you want the general to escort you personally?" An adjutant asked, they all know Zhang Han's temper, has always been indifferent and loose about them, so they dared to speak bluntly.

"Ha ha, this thing is fatal to some people**, even if he loses his life." Zhang Han said lightly.

"Will anyone dare to intercept?"

The adjutant was very puzzled. This time, 100 warships and thousands of mecha were dispatched, so popular just to escort a glowing stone. With such a strong guard lineup, coupled with this, it is still in the ruling area of the Tianyue Empire, unless the brain is stupid, who dares to plunder it?

"It's hard to say." Zhang Han still smiled faintly and blew gently like the wind. No one could think about the young major general.

At this time, the automatic warning system of the warship sounded, and all the whole fleet was on alert.

"Are you here?" Zhang Han smiled.

In the direction of the fleet moving forward, a blue light rushed in the dark and cold universe.

"Is that the Holy Cavalry?"

The blue light in the distance was magnified on the screen, which was one of the five super mechas of the Saint Cavalry Regiment, the Dousheng.

"Complete the task quickly and go back!" Zhang was very indifferent and did not pay attention to this imperial fleet at all.

Dousheng went from the front to the Imperial Fleet. Naturally, thousands of beams and * greeted him, but it was extremely fast and avoided all the beams between flickering.


It hit a horrible beam of light, like the sword of heaven, sweeping all the way and destroying a large number of mecha and warships.

Then, the Doo Sheng took off the huge boomerang on its back, toss it, made a big arc, cut off several warships, and finally returned to its hand.


The Dousheng made a 30-meter-thick beam of light, aiming directly at Zhang Han's mother ship, destroying a series of mecha and several warships along the way. Although it was finally blocked by the light shield of the mother ship, the purpose of Zhang Lu has been achieved, and this blow opened a spacious road for him.

"I haven't started it for a long time, so let's move your muscles and bones!" Zhang Han smiled faintly. He stood up and then left the bridge.

The Fighting Holy was so powerful that a large number of imperial troops could not stop its footsteps, but was killed by it.

"The source stone belongs to me." Zhang Qi sneered and had driven the Dousheng to the mother ship, and cut through the light energy shield with a knife.

At this moment, a silver mecha flew out of the mother ship.

This is Zhang Han's exclusive mecha: Shura!

The Shura is all silver, and the weapons on its body are only two short pistols. There is nothing else. It is said that this is what Zhang Han asked for to be modified, and even the technicians don't understand his intention.

" miso,,,"

The Shura sold two pistols and shot hundreds of beams in a row, which actually forced the Dousheng back, because every beam fired by the Shura was aimed at the cockpit. In order to save his life, Zhang Lu had to retreat.

"Let me see if the Holy Cavalry Regiment is really that powerful." Zhang Han smiled faintly.