Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 511 Go Home

Chapter 511 Go Home

Looking at the black space tunnel in front of him, Ren Tianchen couldn't help getting excited.

Thirteen years ago, he said goodbye to his relatives, left his hometown, embarked on a journey, and came to this ultimate trial world. After countless life-and-death wars, it took him 13 years to complete all the trials, and finally can go back today.

In 13 years of war, his heart has long been as firm as iron, but at this moment, he can't suppress his excitement.

"Finally, I can go back." Ren Tianchen choked with excitement. He remembered Nina. After so many years, is she still waiting for him?!

The period between 20 and 30 is a woman's golden age in her life, but Nina has been waiting for him during this period. The years are ruthless. If Nina can't stand the suffering of the years and has changed her mind, then what should he do if he really faces such a situation after he goes back?! Ren Tianchen couldn't help trembling when he thought of this.

"I shouldn't think so much. I have confidence in her. She will always be mine." Ren Tianchen laughed at his boring thoughts. The love between him and Nina had already penetrated into the bone marrow. How could such a thing happen?

"Let's go! Go back!" Luo Fei said.

"Well, I miss her so well!"

Ren Tianchen stepped directly into the black space tunnel and disappeared into the space.

Just after he left, a peerless beauty appeared in the ring. Her beauty transcends everything and should not exist in this world at all.

After entering the space tunnel, Ren Tianchen suddenly turned around. His eyes were deep, as if he looked through the space and saw a vague figure.

"Is that?" He frowned and had golden eyes. He wanted to see the truth, but as space passed, he could no longer see it clearly.

"What's wrong?" Luo Fei asked.

Ren Tianchen shook his head and said, "Nothing, let's go back!"

So, Ren Tianchen walked alone in the dark space tunnel, where there was a dead silence and only one direction leading to his endless distant hometown.

This road is extremely long. Even if Ren Tianchen's feeling of returning home is very strong, he can only float quietly in the eternal dark space like a rootless duckweed.

Although he doesn't feel anything, in fact, he is crossing a very long distance every second.


Three months have passed!

Ren Tianchen sat, flying back silently in time and space, and his hometown has been getting closer and closer.

He opened his eyes and saw a bright light in front of him.

"Have you arrived?" Ren Tianchen suddenly stood up, and his calm heart fluttered again. The exit was right in front of him and he would soon be home.

The eagerness to return home makes him want to have the speed of light, so that he can see his relatives faster.

It's close! Closer!

Ren Tianchen obviously felt that his heart beat faster and couldn't hold himself excitedly. Even if he had enough power to dominate the universe, he still couldn't change his attachment to his hometown.

Throughout the ages, whether it is the overlord of the universe or the people who emigrated to other places, there will always be a special feeling for their hometown that they can't give up.


In the royal secret land of the Tianyue Empire, on the highest divine platform, Ren Tianchen and others were here to participate in the ultimate trial.


Suddenly, the platform trembled, and various divine patterns emerged. A glowing door frame was constructed in the sky. The space was distorted and broken, and a huge black space gate appeared.

At this moment, two old people felt it and looked at the highest platform with a happy face, and then he came to the platform the next moment.

"Are you finally coming back?" Marshal Zhang Aotian said excitedly.

"After thirteen years, one person has finally come back. Who will it be?" Marshal Caron sighed.

They looked at the space gate in the sky and looked forward to the returnees.


Suddenly, a blood-red light rushed out of the space gate and fell heavily on the platform.

"Finally back!" Ren Tianchen laughed and felt extremely refreshed. Looking around, he still remembered that he left through this platform.

Then he saw the two old marshals.

"See the marshal!" Seeing his old friend, Ren Tianchen couldn't help but get excited and went forward to salute.

"Ren Tianchen, you finally came back and lived up to our expectations!" Marshal Caron helped him up. The elder of the empire was as old as ever, just like an ordinary old man.

But with Ren Tianchen's current power, he can vaguely feel the invincible power contained in Marshal Calon's body, which is definitely much more powerful than him.

"It's good to come back. Everyone is waiting for you very hard." Marshal Zhang Aotian said.

"Go and see them!" Marshal Calon said.

Ren Tianchen nodded. In fact, he couldn't help it for a long time and couldn't wait to go back to see her.

He said goodbye to the two marshals again, then tore the space and left.

"He finally came back, and now he can break up with the Laurel Dynasty." Marshal Calon said.

"But with his power alone, can he stop the two princes?" Marshal Zhang Aotian frowned.

"He has great potential. We have to believe him." Marshal Caron said lightly, "If it really doesn't work, fighting for the lives of the two of us can still cause a devastating blow to the Laurel Dynasty."

"That's what I said." Marshal Zhang Aotian smiled faintly, and his eyes were as deep as the universe.


Huangyue City, the capital of the Tianyue Empire, is upright at this moment. Late at night, the moon is hanging high, and the whole world is covered with a layer of silver clothes.

In the land of the Elant family, this is the heavy land of the Tianyue Empire. There are heavy soldiers outside, and it is difficult for even a mosquito to fly in.

In the past ten years, the Elant family's career has been booming and its strength has continued to expand, as if it has become the largest family in the solar system, reaching an unprecedented height.

And all this is because the Elant family has a very powerful owner whose name is Nina Elant!

The wind blows gently, blowing the leaves and making a rustling sound.

It was a beautiful night, and Nina walked alone in the back garden.

This is her habit over the years. As long as she is at home, she will walk alone in the back garden at night. Every time she walks the same road, and she is the only one who can set foot in that area. Many people in the family do not understand her behavior, but they can only follow it. Over time, this area It has become a forbidden place for the Elant family, and only Nina can set foot.

Today, Nina is no longer as pure and lovely as she used to be. Although she is still gorgeous, she is more mature. Her blue hair with long hair has also been raised high, especially her hot figure, which makes countless men dry.

She is a natural beauty, a peerless beauty, but also a rose with thorns. Over the years, countless suitors have been rejected, and no one can kiss each other.

"Thirteen years, when will you come back?" Nina looked up at the starry sky, remembered Ren Tianchen, and couldn't help crying.

For the past 13 years, she has been missing him every day. The reason why she works so hard and develops her family career is also to prevent herself from having too much time to miss him, so that her heart will not hurt so much!

But no matter how busy she is, she can't help but miss him. Every time she misses him, she will follow the footsteps of the two of them and recall the good memories of the past, but in the end, she will cry silently.

"What should I do if you can't come back?" She sat on the grass, curling her body and sobbing gently.

Marshal Caron once told her that if it took more than 15 years, he would never come back. Now it has been 13 years, and there are only two years left.

"When the 15-year deadline comes, if you really can't come back, there is nothing worth remembering in the world."

"Don't worry! He will definitely come back!" At this time, one hand patted her shoulder, and then sat alone beside her.

She nodded, and then suddenly shook her body. Why is this sound so familiar?!

She raised her head stiffly, and what she saw was the face that made her yearning.

"I'm back! Wife!" Ren Tianchen smiled slightly, with tears in his eyes.