Blood God Laugh

Chapter 25 Gambling Martial Arts--Mo Bai's tragic victory

Chapter 25, Gambling on the Martial Arts Field - Mo Bai's tragic victory

In a blink of an eye, the two-day holiday of the martial arts academy came every month, and the students also ganged up and rushed out of the martial arts academy like a wind and went to various places in Dayan City!

At the gate of the Martial Arts Academy, Feng Yang is surrounded by Silly II, Orion, Long Yingying, Mo Bai, Zhang Qian, Wei Ai, Zhou Zhazha and others, and they have been waiting for the long time, Vernina and Chen Aier.

Chen Aier was hostile to Vernina at first, but later she didn't know what method Vernina used. Now the two women are as close as sisters!

For love, of course, waiting for Chen Ai'er here. Not to mention Chen Ai'er is also a disaster for the country and the people. Now she walks with Vernina, and the two's flower protection brigade can be described as horror!

The reason why I haven't come out of the martial arts academy yet is to get rid of the flower bodyguards of one or two brigades!

Zhou Zhazha stood with Feng Yang and others because she fell in love with Orion and ran behind Orion's buttocks every day, so she almost didn't follow Orion's room!

As for Mo Bai, he made a training sandbag for nearly a month for a long stick weapon. Feng Yang paid Mo Bai 3,000 gold coins for this. Of course, Mo Bai still has to continue to make a training sandbag for Feng Yang for a year!

Mo Bai took a fancy to a silver-grade stick in Wucheng District, but his gold coins were not enough. Although his second sister Zhang Qian was a small rich man, Mo Bai resolutely refused. It hurt men's self-esteem too much, so he could only work for Feng Yang!

And today, he is going to Wucheng District to buy that stick. Feng Yang and others also want to go to Wucheng District to have a look!

"Hey, we're here!" The voices of Vernina and Chen Aier came from behind!

When everyone heard the sound, they turned around and looked at it. It didn't matter, and the reaction was more exaggerated:





Zhou Zhazha was so scared that he took the opportunity to jump on Orion and hugged him tightly. He enjoyed it with a face. He didn't look scared at all!

Zhang Qian buried her face in Mo Bai's chest and made the baby face on her burly figure smile proudly!

However, if Mo Bai's overall image is seen by strangers, he will definitely go back to have nightmares for a few days, which is no less than the two ugly monsters in front of him!

Even the dull-witted fool spit out half of the big meal he ate in the morning and kept saying, "It's uglier than the daughter-in-law my father used to find for me. Oh, steamed buns are wasted!" Boss, I'm hungry again!"

And a big man in love is like a nymphomaniac, and his eyes have turned into a beating peach heart, staring at the ugly monster in front of him!

Feng Yang has a little girl on her head, and her face is so excited that she wants to try it, because there are two men with the same tall and charming figure in front of her who can fall in love just by looking at her figure, but the two faces on her figure are the reason why everyone reacted abnormally this time!

The faces are full of freckles and pimples, and several of them are still flowing with thick water. There is a smile on the face, and the fusion, coupled with the huge gap between the figure and the face, even Fengyang is disgusting!

There is nothing the two women can do. If they don't put on makeup like this, how can they scare the people of the flower protection brigade to death and get out?

However, the proud smile on their faces was very satisfied with the effect of this attack!

A whole group of ten people came to a martial arts store, which specializes in selling weapons, protective gear, and some magic equipment. Mo Bai's favorite long stick was in this martial arts store.

"Boss, Master Mo has come to get the stick. Take it out quickly!"

As soon as Mo Bai entered the door of the martial arts store, he shouted that ordinary people will never forget his image once. When the owner of the martial arts shop saw Mo Bai entering the door, he immediately ordered people to get the stick!

Mo Bai liked this long stick two months ago, which made him unable to put it down, but he didn't have enough gold coins, and he was afraid that others would buy it, so he paid a deposit of 1,000 gold coins to the martial arts store, asked the martial arts store to take away the weapons and promise to bring money to buy it within three months.

This is a silver long stick flowing with silver light on the surface, 2 meters long, and there is a set in the middle. The long stick can be divided into two 1-meter-long short sticks, and the level has also reached the level of silverware-grade intermediate products. The price is 15,000 gold coins!

Silver-level conventional weapons have a minimum of more than 10,000 gold coins, such as silver-level peak weapons are as high as 100,000 gold coins, and the highest copper-level weapons will not exceed 3,000. Gold-level weapons can only be occasionally seen in auction houses in the trading area!

Mo Bai paid to buy a stick and took Feng Yang and others to the gambling arena in Wucheng District. Mo Bai came here every month on holidays, and he earned the money he bought a long stick here!

The gambling arena is a casino. There are many arenas closed with special materials in the gambling arena. Gamblers can buy the martial artists they like!

The martial arts competition must first sign up at the gambling field, and then the gambling field will arrange a competition according to their strength. At the same time, the odds will be displayed on a magic crystal screen to let the gamblers bet. The winning warrior will be rewarded with 100 gold coins, and the loser will only have 10 gold coins!

Gambling martial arts is very bloody. You can't admit defeat directly. You must completely beat the opponent, and kill and don't kill, which is also between the winner's thoughts. If the winner kills the opponent, he will get a blood killing reward of 300 gold coins!

And gamblers can also buy blood bets with high odds, that is, in addition to buying warriors to win, they can also buy warriors to die.

But few warriors do this. Generally, they will seriously injure the other party at most, because if you win and kill your opponent, then if you lose the next game, you are likely to be killed by another opponent or completely abolish you!

Mo Bai has a record of 52 games in this gambling arena, winning 45 games and losing 7 games!

The 7 games lost were Mo Bai's failure before he realized the increase in strength, and now he has won 30 games in a row. The nickname arranged for him in the gambling martial arts field is even more vivid, 'Devil Doll'!

Mo Bai has signed up, and the information of the devil doll appears on the crystal screen. The sixth level of the prefecture, wins 45, loses 7, kills 0 people, and the odds are 1 to 0.1!

But the gambling arena will not tell the gamblers who are the opponents of these warriors and completely arrange themselves!

It may even arrange two odds, both of which are 1 to 1 or less, or both of them may be 1 to 2 or more!

This gives gamblers a lot of choices and can bet on many people at the same time. For example, you happen to buy the two duels, and the bets are the same. The odds of both of them are less than 1 to 1. No matter where they win, you are at a loss!

Similarly, if both of them lose more than 1 and bet the same, then you will make a profit!

A new round of gambling began, and Mo Bai's opponent finally appeared on the crystal screen, the mountain bear, the eighth level, won 17, lost 1, killed 2 people, and the odds were 1 to 0.2!

Of course, you can't bet anymore at this time. If someone buys a devil doll and a mountain bear at the same time, you will lose your parents!

Seeing that her opponent had a record of killing, Zhang Qian was so nervous that she told Mo Bai to be careful, but she couldn't go to the stage, because as long as she signed up, it was equivalent to selling her life to the gambling martial arts field for the time being, and she had to go up, and she had to go up!

In this round of gambling, there are 10 pairs of martial arts, which are played in 10 arenas at the same time. There is no doubt that Mo Bai and the collapsed bear have attracted much attention!

Mo Bai and the mountain bear are ready in the ring, "Dang~~~~!" The sound at the beginning of the martial arts competition sounded!

Mo Bai dragged the silver stick he had just bought in his hand and rushed to the collapsed bear. The contact surface between the stick and the ring pulled out a long string of sparks. Feng Yang scolded. Mo Bai was still a coquettish bag!

Mo Bai swept thousands of troops and slapped the huge hammer of the mountain bear!

While blocking the stick, the mountain bear loosened the right hand holding the hammer, became a tiger claw, and grabbed Mo Bai's throat!

Mo Bai split his left hand, hit the right wrist of the mountain bear, patted the tiger's paw, pulled the stick with his right hand, and went straight to the chin of the mountain bear!

As soon as the two take action, they are very fierce, and the danger can be imagineable!

The mountain bear leaned back and flashed past this fierce stick!

Mo Bai leaned back while the collapsed bear and hit him with a stick!

The giant hammer arrived in time, blocked the stick, and the mountain bear retreated three steps!

The long stick was unreasonable. Taking advantage of the victory, he rushed straight and stabbed the bear's head in the abdomen!

The collapsed bear spewed out a mouthful of blood, but it held on and roared. The huge hammer hit Mo Bai's head. Unexpectedly, it was a way to exchange injury for injury and life for life!

There was no time to pull back the long stick, and Mo Bai's eyes were also red and he did not retreat. His whole head lowered and directly hit the mountain bear, just flashing the giant hammer!

Two**, so intimately bumped into each other!

The collapsed bear hit Mo Bai's back with an elbow!

Mo Bai ate pain, a lower hook, and hammered the bear's abdomen!

The two stepped back a few steps and temporarily distanced away. Mo Bai's mouth flowed blood from the corners of his mouth!

Zhang Qian was in the stands, and she was so worried that she burst into tears!

Feng Yang sighed in his heart that he was worthy of being a master in the gambling martial arts field. The two fought for only a few breaths, and they had already fought with both injuries, and their moves were fierce and vicious!

Feng Yang can see that this mountain bear is also a master of physical training, and its physical strength should be nearly 1,000 catties. Coupled with the eighth-order strength, its strength can be comparable to that of Mo Bai, who has a nearly half-fold growth rate!

Mo Bai held a long stick and began to swim. Just now, Mo Bai seemed to have the upper hand, but the mountain bear, whether it is flesh or strength, is much thicker than Mo Bai. The elbow Mo Bai ate is no worse than his stick and punch he ate by the mountain bear!

Although Mo Bai can hit his opponent with the strength of the ninth level through the increase of strength, his body only has the strength of the sixth level of the level, and his physical strength is not as good as that of the opponent.

The strength of the eighth-level strength of the collapsed mountain bear is far more harmful to Mo Bai's body than Mo Bai's to him!

The huge hammer of the mountain bear is as big as a bucket, and with a thick handle, it is more than 1 meter long, and its weight will not be less than 500 or 600 catties, nearly twice as heavy as Mobai's long stick.

staring at Mo Bai wandering away, the collapsed mountain bear had adjusted its breath, roared, swaving a huge hammer, and rushed up.

The two hammered sticks and played dozens of rounds. Mo Bai took advantage of the advantages of walking and stick length to give a few sticks to the mountain bear, which made the mountain bear roar~!

Another giant hammer swept over. Mo Bai took a step back, just avoided the hammer head, and again took advantage of the long stick being longer than the giant hammer. A stick head rushed straight to the chest of the mountain bear. The mountain bear slanted to avoid the long stick poked!

When the long stick was about to be pulled back, the mountain bear suddenly loosened, held the hand of the huge hammer, grabbed the long stick, and pulled it fiercely!

Mo Bai was shocked, but he was not panicked. He twisted the long stick in his hand, broke it from the middle, and divided it into two short sticks one meter long!

The fierce pull of the mountain bear can only be because it exerted too hard, grabbed half a stick, and retreated a few steps horizontally!

How can Mo Bai miss such a good opportunity? He followed the footsteps of the collapsed bear and hit the head of the collapsed bear with a short stick. It was sinister and fierce, and Feng Yang shook!

In a hurry, the collapsed bear lowered his head, half turned around, was hit on the back by a short stick, and then rolled on the ground to avoid Mo Bai's pursuit.

In the hand of the mountain bear, he still grabbed half of the long stick snatched from Mo Bai's hand, but his huge hammer has been kicked away by Mo Bai far away, and the back of the stick just now, and the breath in his body was also rolling. The anger in the heart of the mountain bear can be imagined!

After Mo Bai kicked off the hammer, he chased it with a stick in one hand. The short stick split it with a strong amplitude, and did not give the bear a chance to adjust his breath at all!

The mountain bear also waved a stick to block it. At the same time, his left foot kicked Mo Bai. Mo Bai bent sideways, swept his leg, and kicked the right foot of the mountain bear standing!

Everyone thought that the collapsed bear would fall a big this time. In fact, it was right. However, while the collapsed bear fell, his left hand became an elbow and smashed down on Mo Bai's back, who had just bent down and swept his feet, hitting Mo Bai's vest!

This elbow made Mo Bai suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and then hit the ground fiercely, and the mountain bear also fell on Mo Bai!

Zhang Qian screamed in the stands, "Xiao Bai~~~!"

Feng Yang and others stood up and stared at Mo Bai, who was pressed by the collapsed bear, and worried!

However, the two people stacked on the ring were motionless. They saw the mountain bear. Behind their abdomen and waist, there was a half-long stick, and the stick head was bloody!

It turned out that while hitting Mo Bai with the collapsed bear's elbow, Mo Bai also fiercely inserted the short stick in his hand into the abdomen of the collapsed bear!

In the ring, "Kid, you are cruel. If you win, just think I owe you a favor. Forget it. If you really want to do it, even if I am seriously injured, I can make you pay a heavy price!" The mountain bear pressing on Mo Bai's back said fiercely.

"Brother, can you dissipate the strength on me first? In this case, I can only shake you away. Don't blame me when your injury gets worse!" Mo Bai replied.

The mountain bear withdrew its strong suppression of Mo Bai. After Mo Bai pushed away the mountain bear, he slowly stood up and looked at the half-long stick that passed through his back and wanted to reach out to pull it out!

At the same time, the audience in the stands also shouted, "Kill him!" Kill him! Kill him! .........”

Zhang Qian on the stand finally breathed a sigh of relief. Zhou Zhazha was wiping away the frightened tears with a hand towel!

Feng Yang and others sat down with peace of mind. This martial arts competition is really quite dangerous. Even Feng Yang can't help but be moved. If he is in the life-and-death battle with the two people in the ring under the same strength, then he must have died!

Although Fengyang has been fighting with monsters in the Nanling Mountains all year round, he is within his own strength. He has never experienced such a life-and-death battle with equal strength!

The audience in the stands was still shouting hoarsely, "Kill him! Kill him! ......”

"Kid, what do you want to do? Don't force me, don't come over!" The mountain bear is really afraid.

"I just want to pull out the stick on your back. This is what I just bought. It's not hot yet!" Mo Bai said.

"Kid, this stick will be returned to you in a while. Just pull it out, and the injury will get worse. Boy, I beg you, I owe you a favor. Just open your mouth where I can use me in the future!" The mountain bear begged for mercy.

"Well, if you dare to give my stick greedy, I will poke the other half of the stick in your asshole!"

After saying that, Mo Bai looked at the mountain bear and showed a treacherous smile. The horrible smile of the devil doll almost made the mountain bear faint directly!

*, Mo Bai has received the bonus, and half of the stick has been returned to him!

In the gambling arena, there is a special water magician who does some emergency treatment for the injured, so the mountain bear, although seriously injured, will not kill him. After recuperating for a period of time, he can live again and fight in the arena again. Maybe he will be killed next time!

Mo Bai came out of *, and Feng Yang and others have been waiting for him at the door. Mo Bai was also seriously injured in this competition and will not participate in the next round of competition.

And Feng Yang and others also bet on Mo Bai in the gambling arena and made a small profit. In particular, Zhang Qian actually bought 5,000 gold coins, but gave all the 500 gold coins she won to Mo Bai!

Every time she came to gamble on the martial arts field with Mo Bai, Zhang Qian would buy Mo Bai to win, and then give the winning money to Mo Bai, saying that it was a bet for Mo Bai. If she lost, she would have to pay it back. If she won the money, it would be his.

In fact, it is to give money to Mo Bai in a different way. Because Mo Bai refused to ask for Zhang Qian's money, Zhang Qian had to think of this method, and Mo Bai could not refuse any more. Otherwise, his second sister would be really angry, and the consequences were very serious!

Zhang Qian helped Mo Bai and went back to the martial arts academy first!

Vernina and Chen Aier are going to go shopping in the mall area. Of course, Oleon has to follow the princess outside the martial arts academy. Zhou Zha wants to chase Orion and follow Chen Aier for love, so the five of them separated from Feng Yang, the stupid two and the little girl who still wants to continue to see in Wucheng District.

Fengyang stayed in Wucheng District for a purpose. Wucheng District is mixed with dragons and snakes. There are all kinds of people and all kinds of stores. This time, he is going to an intelligence stronghold to buy some intelligence information.

Feng Yang and the three came to a martial arts store. Silly Second and the little girl were waiting outside. Feng Yang was alone, put on a robe, put on a black gauze hat and walked into the martial arts store. Half an hour later, they came out of the martial arts store and quickly left with Silly Second and others.

Feng Yang has obtained the information and some special items he needs in the martial arts store. The information is mainly about the detailed layout map of the imperial palace and the life behavior of several princes!

In addition, there is information about Li Chongtian and so on, but the high price of 20,000 gold coins made Feng Yang really sad!