Blood God Laugh

Chapter 26 Colorful Dance

Chapter 26, Colorful Dance

Feng Yang took the stupid two and rented a carriage and rushed to Lecheng District. As for the little girl Long Yingying, she had left alone.

In Lecheng District, there is a well-known brothel called Caidiexuan, and Caidiexuan's reputation is completely brought by a famous prostitute named Huang Xixi!

Huang Xixi can sing and dance well, but the real attraction is her semi-spiritual bloodline, which gives her a charming color!

Huang Xixi was born in a small tribe outside the southern elf forest. His mother was an elf, but she died after the little Huang Xixi was born!

And the father also became decadent and addicted to gambling because of his wife's departure. Later, in order to repay the gambling debt, he sold Huang Xixi, who was still a baby, to a mainland merchant who came to the tribe to buy various animal skin herbs. After several turns, he finally fell to Cai Diexuan!

Huang Xixi's name was taken after being sold to Caidiexuan. Generally, people with elf blood will be named in ancient elves. It is said that this way they can get the blessing of the elf goddess, but Huang Xixi is obviously not blessed!

Huang Xixi is 29 years old this year, and he will be 30 years old in half a month. Generally, half elf to one eighth of the elf bloodline is 30 years old as the adult standard!

The further bloodline is too thin. Except for being more beautiful, most of them are not much different from ordinary people!

When Huang Xixi was 20 years old, he began to perform talents in Caidiexuan, and during this period, he has always maintained perfection!

Huang Xixi is the head of Caidiexuan. They didn't want to cut off the way to make money so quickly, so they announced that Huang Xixi will receive the first guest when he becomes an adult at the age of 30. At that time, everyone can participate in the lottery. Huang Xixi will also choose the one they like from several lottery winners!

Therefore, when Huang Xixi is approaching his coming of age, some of the major aristocratic officials in Dayan City will often come to Caidiexuan to support Huang Xixi, hoping to get the favor of the beauty. On the day of Huang Xixi's adult lottery, they will make some preparations and lay some foundation for their own lottery!

And Feng Yang came to Caidiexuan, not to see any beauty. In the intelligence, Feng Yang got the information of one of his enemies, Li Chongtian!

Li Chongtian is one of the four major families of the Dayan Empire and the eldest son of Li Dagui, the patriarch of the Limos family. Li Dagui is the left leader of the Dayan Empire, below one person and more than tens of millions of people!

The information mentioned that in order to win the heart of a beautiful woman, Li Chongtian will come to Caidiexuan almost every day to present flowers for Huang Xixi, and Feng Yang wants to take this opportunity to kill his first enemy to kill his mother!

Li Chongtian is 39 years old, with third-level strength at the prefecture level, and his strength has been abruptly improved under the rich resources of the Limos family, which shows that his talent is average!

However, the four close guards are all good, all above the six or seven levels. This strength is the strength of the captain in the army!

To solve these four powerful guards, even if Feng Yang's full strength explodes, he will not be able to do it for a while, and his identity cannot be exposed, which is also a challenge for Feng Yang!

Feng Yang has arrived at Caidiexuan, and it is still in the afternoon. Caidiexuan will not open the door until the evening to welcome guests. Of course, it is to welcome prostitutes!

Feng Yang carefully explored the surrounding terrain, and then walked into an inn to let the stupid two who had been hungry for a long time have a good meal!

In the evening, Feng Yang walked into Caidiexuan with Silly Er!

"Yo~~, two masters of Wu! Xixi has come to support us so early. Xixi is really blessed!" A strong-makeup old lady said in an exaggerated and sharp tone.

The old lady can see that the stupid second behind Feng Yang must be a powerful guard. The people who can have such guards around him and protect them are all dignitaries. Naturally, they dare not neglect them!

"Hahahaha, Miss Xixi is the most beautiful woman in Dayan City. As she is approaching as an adult, she has to come and try her luck! If I can get the favor of Miss Xixi, on the day of adult lottery, I will go bankrupt and get a doctor!"

Feng Yang came to this place of fireworks for the first time. It's really difficult for him to pretend to be a decent customer. Well, Feng Yang stretched out his hand, pinched his chest with a lot of cloth and stuffed a large handful of gold coins!

Fengyang's heart shouted disgustingly, "I'm going to vomit, I'm going to faint, I'm going to die, it's disgusting!"

The bulging gold coins in his chest made the old lady immediately smile and shouted, "The girls have welcomed the guests. There are distinguished guests!"

"It's coming!!!"

The echo of a large group of women came, and Fengyang was determined to be strong, and he was also scared. He shouted in his heart, "My God! So many! This is too enthusiastic!

Isn't this a sheep in the mouth of a tiger? Girls, you have to leave me some meat. It's not easy for me to grow so much meat! Dad, I'm sorry, my son is going to sell his body for the time being today!"

That's what I think in my heart, but the superficial play still needs to be performed!

Fengyang is like a fierce sheep, quickly facing the tigers running towards him, holding three or five female tigers in their arms, and more want to squeeze in. The fierce sheep has to kick out the papaya-like stupid sheep behind him to share some pressure!

The night is coming, and Caidiexuan is coming more and more people, and it is about to be overcrowded!

And a large group of female tigers around Feng Yang also slowly dispersed to accompany other guests, which made Feng Yang a good place and relaxed a lot!

One of the two ladies who stayed by their side, named Yadie, was left by Feng Yang, because the information showed that her room was next to Huang Xixi's room, which was also the reason why Feng Yang came in early, just to wrap up Yadie!

"Come on, Master Wu, have another drink!"

Yadie persuaded Fengyang to drink wine. Fengyang did not refuse. He grew up drinking Longyan wheat wine. This green wine is no different from Qingshui for him!

"Come on, I will drink this cup, and Miss Yadie will also accompany me. I heard that Miss Yadie is the most beautiful girl in Caidiexuan besides Miss Xixi!

I don't know if it's convenient for Miss Yadie tonight. If I can spend a good night with Miss Yadie tonight, I will be lucky!"

Fengyang touched Yadie's little hand, but Yadie's actual appearance is really not the same as the three words 'the most beautiful', but the 'most monster' is a little similar!

Sure enough, Yadie, who was as thin as bones and looked like a mouse, heard Feng Yang say that she was beautiful and had to spend the night with her. She immediately blushed and suddenly got into Feng Yang's arms for fear of Feng Yang's regret!

She hasn't had guests to accompany her at night for a long time. The excitement and desire in her heart, coupled with her skinny image, is like a bloodthirsty and thirsty white bone essence!

This hug almost made Feng Yang drink the wine in his stomach and spit it out. He held on to the feeling of nausea, kissed Yadie's forehead, and then laughed like crying, "Ah~ah~ah~ah~!"

Just as Feng Yang kissed Yadie, two beautiful prostitutes passed by Feng Yang's table, and one of them took a deep look at Feng Yang!

Feng Yang's heart jumped and looked up with some sensitivity, but soon returned to normal and continued to flirt with his arms, making his disgusting white bone spirit!

The stupid two at the same table, who didn't listen to what was going on outside the window, ate and drank a lot. The young lady who accompanied him was depressed and poured wine to the stupid two cups after another, muttering in her heart:

"These two people dare to be perverts. One is like a starving ghost, who only cares about eating and has no mood. The other's eyes don't know how long it is. Yadie's appearance is actually praised as Caidiexuan, the most beautiful except Xixi, I pooh! Two perverts!"

"The arrival of Mr. Li! Girls, welcome to the box!"

The voice of the old pimp came, and Fengyang also heard the sound!

The person who came was Li Chongtian, 1.7 meters tall and only 39 years old. He was already big and shy, followed by four tall and strong guards. Under the leadership of the old pimp, he walked to the box on the second floor!

Feng Yang withdrew his eyes and continued to play this nightmare scene with the white bone spirit in his arms!

Shortly after Li Chongtian came, the old pimp stood on the stage in the hall, pulled the yin and yang shrill and announced:

"Dear distinguished guests, Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, ladies, Miss Xixi will perform a dance music for everyone today!

Everyone knows that there is still half a month left, which is the coming-of-age gift of Miss Xixi. In order to give you a chance to get the favor of Miss Xixi, after tonight's dance music, Miss Xixi will choose one of the few nobles who have received the highest betrothal gifts!

The selected people will enjoy a part of the piano music in Xixi's room. Such a good opportunity must not be missed!"

While the pimp shouted loudly on the stage, Feng Yang saw the two beautiful prostitutes coming out of the backyard, but they did not attract anyone's attention and slowly left Caidiexuan, but one of them seemed to be different!

"Next, let's invite Miss Xixi to present dance music for everyone, and at the same time, let's start!"

The old woman finally ended her scream of injustice.

A veiled woman slowly came to the stage. Although she was veiled, her pointed ears convinced everyone that this was undoubtedly Huang Xixi!

Huang Xixi, wearing a colorful gauze and a tall and seductive body, bowed a dance to everyone. She was soft and beautiful, stirring her heartstrings, and all the guests were moved!

Caidiexuan sounded the matching music, and then Huang Xixi danced like a gorgeous butterfly!

The colorful gauze clothes are gently raised with the dance steps. The touching dance posture, beautiful music, and the veil on the face are even more mysterious and gorgeous. In everyone's hearts, it arises spontaneously. Who doesn't want to take off the mysterious veil in person!

At this time, only the sound of the music, the movement of the dance, and everything else seems to be still!

Some prostitutes also raised the wine glass in their hands, and some prostitutes stared, their eyes overflowed with their eyes, and they were reluctant to blink. Some prostitutes stood up, raised their feet and raised their heads, feeling that they were about to fly!

The girls of Caidiexuan also quietly appreciated this dance music, which is not only lethal to men, but also very attractive to women!

Even the fool stopped talking, biting a large piece of chicken in his mouth, staring at the dancing colorful elf on the stage!

The forest in Fengyang's heart, the jade tree belonging to Vernina, also turned into a colorful elf on the stage, dancing in Fengyang's heart!

bursts of dancing washed the trees in the forest, and all the trees were stained with the beauty of the jade tree. Gradually, they were all transformed into jade-like trees, with colorful dances flashing in the jade trees!

After the dance music, the colorful elves on the stage bowed to the crowd again. The drunken public woke up for a while, and there were warm applause and cheers!

The old pimp walked onto the stage with an excited expression and once again shouted unjustly, "The gift is over!"

After a while, a guard sent a list, and the old lady read it excitedly, "Let's unveil the bride price. Miss Xixi will choose one of the four nobles with the highest bride price!

The original son, 800 gold coins; Boss Liu, 1000 gold coins; Master Wu, 1000 gold coins... The four highest bride price are:

The gold boss of Jinlong Commercial Bank, 5,000 gold coins; the second son of the Messili family, Mei Zhenglong, 6,000 gold coins; and a mysterious four sons, 10,000 gold coins; the last one is the heir of the Li Moss family, Li Chongtian, the eldest son of Li, 10,000 gold coins!

The old pimp announced excitedly that she calculated that today's betrothal gifts would add up to no more than 60,000 gold coins. She couldn't help sighing that Xixi was really capable and came up with such a move!

In this way, 60,000 gold coins will be made every day. After that half a month, you will definitely earn more than the final adult lottery! Oh, my God, Xixi, Xixi, you are really Caidiexuan's cash cow!

"Now let our Xixi girl throw the color ball to one of these four nobles!"

After screaming, the old pimp took a color ball from someone and handed it to Huang Xixi!

Huang Xixi held the colored ball in his hand, and his beautiful eyes swept over the crowd. He paused on Fengyang for a moment and immediately moved away. Finally, he stopped in the second floor, Li Chongtian and the mysterious fourth son who were looking down!

Huang Xixi seemed to have weighed something, thought for a while, and then threw the color ball to Li Chongtian on the second floor in the exclamation of everyone. Li Chongtian catches the color ball and laughed excitedly!

And the mysterious four prince in the other box had a gloomy face and gritted his teeth and scolded in a low voice, "What a Li Chongtian, how dare he compete with me!"

A guard's voice came from behind him, "Your Highness, why are you angry? Mr. Li didn't know that you came here in a hidden name. After half a month, let Mr. Li give up Miss Xixi to you!

At present, it's just a piano song. Let him enjoy it first! It's late at night now. Your Highness, let's go back to the imperial city first!"

The window of the box can only see the stage downstairs, and the other three sides are completely closed and can't see each other!

"Well, that's good. On that day, he doesn't dare to rob me! Go back to the Western Palace!" The fourth prince said.

Unfortunately, Feng Yang did not know that even his other enemy, the fourth prince, had come to Caidiexuan, otherwise he would have given up Li Chongtian first and turned his goal to the fourth prince!

Because of the strict guard of the imperial city, he wants to assassinate the prince in the imperial city. In terms of his current strength, the success rate is infinitely close to zero, and the prince's whereabouts are even more difficult to obtain accurate information!

Huang Xixi threw the color ball and retreated off the stage and went back to the backyard. Li Chongtian laughed and chased after him!

Feng Yang also held the already intoxicated white bone spirit in his arms and asked her to point the way back to his room!

The fool wiped his big mouth, took out a handful of gold coins from his arms, stuffed it to the lady beside him, and then followed Yang to be a conscientious bodyguard!

This is what Feng Yang told before he came. Although the fool is stupid, he still did a good job of doing a few things according to it!

Miss Caidiexuan's room is in the backyard. Bai Gujing pointed to the road and led Feng Yang to her room!

Ten meters away, Li Chongtian's four guards are guarding at the door of another room, and there are also four masters of Caidiexuan. This is to prevent Li Chongtian from breaking the rules and supervision here!

Feng Yang walked into the room with the white bone essence in his arms, and the fool guarded the door.

The room is decorated with a suite, a guest room and a sleeping room. As soon as you enter the room, Bai Gujing is eager to take off Fengyang's clothes!

Fengyang quickly took her into the bedroom. After a while, Fengyang was stripped of most of it, and the bone-like body of the white bone essence had already been exposed!

Feng Yang put the white bone essence on ** and pressed it on the back of her head, which made her faint. Then she tidied up her clothes, returned to the guest room, and heard the beautiful sound of the piano next door!

In Huang Xixi's room, a masked colorful elf was playing the piano music. After a table opposite, Li Chongtian was sitting, listening to the piano sound intoxicatedly while drinking the wine on the table.

I don't know what this wine is made of. It's a bit like ordinary ale wine, but it's a hundred times stronger than ale!

A cup of belly, firepower, really good wine! Accompanied by a beautiful woman, Li Chongtian drank well and was fascinated by wine!

The sound of the piano continues, and the guards at the door are also waiting at ease.

However, Li Chongtian in the room suddenly felt dizzy and tired. The wine was so strong that he suddenly jumped on the table and fell asleep!

The sound of the piano is still the same, ignoring Li Chongcheng, who was drunk and fainting, and continued to play!

Feng Yang has turned from the window door of the next room to Huang Xixi's room, slowly came to Li Chongtian, found a position, sat down gently, listened to the colorful elf opposite, and played the piano music!

The appearance of Feng Yang did not make the colorful elves feel even a trace of panic, but the wind suddenly turned from a beautiful sound to a voice of tenderness!

Fengyang's forest, which had just been baptized by dance waves, was once again baptized by sound waves, and bursts of tenderness purified the forest in Fengyang's heart!