Blood God Laugh

Chapter 21 Chopping Donggua

Chapter 21, Chopping Donggua (please give some red votes for support, three update today)

Feng Yang thought for a while and shouted to Master Clad on the slope, "Let down the blood magic guard, and I'll solve it!"

Master Clad immediately called the dwarf warrior and forced the blood demon guard down the stone slope and rushed to Fengyang!

It is difficult to kill the Blood Magic Guard, but it can still be driven down. Dozens of dwarves directly put a big shield against the Blood Magic Guard and pushed them down step by step!

The dwarf in the rear also made way for the Blood Guardian. Master Clad shouted, "Go down quickly. There is a similar one waiting for you below!"

When the blood knife appeared, he immediately smelled the blood demon, became excited, and made an excited sound of the knife in Feng Yang's hand!

Feng Yang inserted it directly into the rock, "Don't scream, if you want to scream again, scare the blood demon away, I will throw you back into the space ring, and never see the sun!"

The blood knife rang softly and calmed down. Feng Yang carried the blood knife and waited under the slope. Soon more than a dozen blood magic guards were forced to retreat!

The dwarf blood demon guard is only one meter tall. Feng Yang really looks down on it. He chopped off a blood demon guard with a blood knife!

The blood demon guard did not see Feng Yang in his eyes. He raised a hammer with one hand and wanted to block Feng Yang's knife. As a result, the hammer fell to the ground. The blood demon guard was chopped in half by Feng Yang, and the blood knife desperately sucked the blood power!

Another blood demon guard came down. In the same move, Feng Yang already has more than 20,000 catties of power, even the ten-level strong man, and he does not have such strong power! Fengyang can be said to be a strong man of the 15th level!

Since the battle of Dayan City, the blood knife has completely become a spiritual weapon, which can double the strength of Fengyang, greatly suppress the blood demon guard, and basically ignore the blood protection, straight like chopping a melon, one knife at a time!

The fool is crazy. Feng Yang really didn't leave any of them for him. More than a dozen blood magic guards were chopped off at once!

Finally, the fool couldn't help rushing up, stopped a blood demon guard, and learning to cut it down with a knife, thinking that the effect would be almost the same. Who knew that the other party just took a step back and the hammer did not fall off!

The arrows are no longer shooting, but the chariots of the golls have been pushed to the half slope, and a large number of govator warriors behind them, led by hundreds of place-level blood magic guards, launched a charge from the half slope!

The two sides collided and began a chaotic war. The dwarf's short bow lost its function, while the crossbow of the gobron was not great, and the lethality was still very strong!

What makes the blood demon strange is that the dwarfs did not retreat a step, and the panic at the beginning disappeared, tenaciously resisting the impact of hundreds of blood demon guards and a large number of crossbows!

Because most of the more than 60 heavenly blood demon guards who were killed at the beginning have been sucked away by the Fengyang blood knife!

Several of the remaining 20 heavenly blood magic guards were also smashed in the head by the dwarves. Feng Yang kept swimming, or one or two knives, and the blood on his body was getting heavier and heavier, and he could not be suppressed and his blood power left the body!

If Fengyang's blood strength can't be suppressed and comes out of the body, the blood demon behind will definitely feel this unique blood!

Feng Yang's suppression of blood demons is too strong. Several blood demons in the Blood Demon City should also be able to tell other blood demons through special methods to let other blood demons know the existence of Feng Yang!

So Feng Yang can't reveal his identity before the blood demon comes out, otherwise he will lose the opportunity to get close to the blood demon!

Feng Yang retreated, sat down to adjust the violent blood in his body, and handed over the remaining nearly 20 heavenly blood demon guards to the dwarves!

The blood demon looked at the killing on the slope on a siege tower. He was very puzzled. More than 60 heavenly blood demon guards took the lead. The dwarfs should be in a mess. It was impossible to defend in such an orderly manner!

But the blood demon is on the siege tower, and can only see the top slope, but not the wind Yang behind the slope. One person chopped off most of the blood demon guard!

There is an iron arrow at the feet of the blood demon, which is prepared for himself. He is a little hesitant. What happened later? Why does the heavenly blood magic guard seem to have disappeared?

This is too abnormal. The blood demon thought, is Lulaqi here?

But it is impossible for Lulaqi to kill so many heavenly blood magic guards in a short time, and the breath will be very strong, and he can sense it immediately!

There seems to be a very dangerous feeling on the other side of the slope. What is it?

Silly Er finally cut off the head of a blood demon guard, smiled, reached out to pick up his head, and threw it on the other side of the slope!

The blood demon's head fell from the sky was picked up by a gobump. The blood demon guard was not dead yet. His mouths one by one scared the gobump half to death. With a 'ah', his head was thrown back to the dwarf!

Silly Er joined forces with several dwarves and cut off his head again. He laughed and threw his head again. He still catches it with the same gobion. This time, his head will bite people, and the hand biting the gob of the gobion keeps sucking and sucking!

The goblin was so scared that she cried and screamed. She threw it desperately, but she couldn't get rid of it. Another head flew over and finally fell on another goblin beside him, scaring and sharing!

This is what Master Clad ordered. Throw the head of the heavenly blood demon guard and let the blood demon see it, so that the blood demon can avoid the mouse and dare not come forward in person!

The blood demon has seen that even if he doesn't believe the bloody demon heads, it has become a fact. The dwarfs must have some secret weapons, but do they throw their heads here to lead themselves to the past, or are they afraid of themselves?

The killing on the slope is still going on. All the heavenly blood demon guards should be dead, and most of the hundreds of prefecture-level blood demon guards have also been damaged, and the melee ability of the gobiki clan is not good!

The gap is only more than 30 meters, and the dwarves can easily guard it. It seems that they can't be beaten today. The blood demon thought about it and asked people to blow the horn to collect troops!

The blood demon guard slowly retreated with the gob spirit warrior. The dwarf warrior watched and did not chase them. After the blood demon guard and the gob spirit warrior completely retreated downhill, the dwarf clan burst into high cheers!

It's only in the afternoon. Although the ground spirit on the big gap has withdrawn, there is still a cave battle in the south. Many dwarfs at the entrance of the cave have no arrows and use broken stones to fight against the crossbows of the ground spirit!

Outside Rotanki City, 300 chariots have been built. These chariots are wrapped in thick iron and were originally left to attack Qiuyuan City!

But the blood demon has decided to dig a large number of holes to the size of enough for the chariot to pass. Tomorrow, each hole will push several chariots, forcibly attack the city of Rotangi from many places, and then capture a large number of dwarf warriors alive and train the blood magic guard!

With the blood demon's order, the golls began to increase the holes everywhere, and at the same time, the dwarves were also ordered to bury explosives in the caves and under the city base. Both sides had their own plans!