Blood God Laugh

Chapter 22 Swimming with maggots

Chapter 22, swim with maggots (please comment, ask for red votes)

In the evening, Orion appeared in the city of Rotangi and found Feng Yang!

Feng Yang is still meditating and spit out a small basin of black blood. More than 40 heavenly blood demon guards are a great tonic, but they are also very poisonous!

In the middle of the night, Feng Yang forced out all the blood poison, and then a mass of golden blood wrapped in the body surged up, divided into a small piece, removed the protection of the strength, and immediately appeared another black line in the body, rushing towards the golden blood!

The black line is so weak that it will completely disappear in a while, and even that small piece of golden blood has not been consumed!

This is the little girl. The golden dragon blood left in Fengyang's body last time was well protected by Fengyang. Although she knows that dragon blood is also a great tonic, it is the most practical thing that can be used to deal with blood poison!

More than 40 heavenly blood magic guards have brought a strong surge of strength to Feng Yang. From 11,000 jin of physical strength and double strength to 14,000 jin of physical strength, only strength. Feng Yang has also reached the ninth level, and his physical strength is synchronized. He is already a two-level ninth-level strong man!

However, if you can't understand the sufficient growth rate, Feng Yang will always be a heavenly strength. Every time he sucks a lot of blood, Feng Yang's strength can soar. But does it grow to the 100 level? Be a domain-level strongman without a domain?

The tunnel has been opened, and the 10,000 dwarves who came to support entered Rotangi City from the tunnel and replaced the injured dwarf soldiers. The wounded took some dwarf residents in the city and withdrew from the tunnel first!

All the holes were temporarily blocked by the dwarves, and the explosives were buried. Except for the necessary guards, all of them began to secretly exit the city of Rotangi. Orion told Feng Yang about the arrangements outside, and then helped Vernina bring a letter to Feng Yang!

The letter said:

In my world, the love of parents is more important than strength!

My father took me to ride a horse for the first time, afraid that I would fall and held me tightly in his arms!

The queen taught me magic for the first time. I accidentally inserted the ice blade into my mother's nose, but the queen was very happy and praised me as a genius!

Shortly after learning magic, I wanted to use water magic to water a water spirit grass. This is the favorite flower of my father and mother. I usually take care of it as a baby, but in the end I froze it into an ice sculpture!

My father and mother laughed and didn't care about the ice-carved water spirit grass at all, but praised me for my experience, because they love me very much, and the water spirit grass is not important!

I love them very much, and the strength is not important!

In my world, you are more important than strength!

In the individual competition, you held me in your arms for the first time, and I felt an unprecedented sense of security!

When you left me in the ring, I felt the pain of being abandoned for the first time!

When I was in Huangfeng City, I received the first blue flower you gave me, and my heart really moved for you!


When Caidiexuan, I only danced for you, and I only played for you. Your kiss gave me all the rewards!

When you were in the imperial palace city, you went crazy, and I was so scared that I was scared. The feeling that I was about to lose you, as if I was going to lose all of myself and nothing left!

In the Sirida Palace, the colorful dance that resonates with you and me makes my heart rate always be the same as you. I share all your happiness with you, and I share all your grief!

In my world, you are more important than strength!


Feng Yang read Vernina's letter and said in his heart, 'In my world, you are all more important than strength!'


At dawn, a bird passed over the city of Rotangi. Outside the broken and half-collapsed city of Rotangi, a large number of gom warriors pushed their chariots to the holes that had been widened enough for the chariots to pass through!

Outside the hundreds of cave passages, there are two or three chariots. Yes, the gosels are going to launch a general attack!

'Wow~~~~~~~~!' The horn sounded, and the gobls chirped and shouted to charge. The other end of the hole was blocked by the dwarves with stones, but this could not stop the goblin's hole digging equipment at all!

One hole after another was opened, and a large number of govities penetrated into the chariot and began to push into the cave!

In the center of Rotangi City, the big gap is full of dwarf warriors. From the side of the blood demon, it is no different from the previous day, but from the dwarf side, there are only the top slope, with three or four rows of dwarf warriors, about 200 people, and there is no one below!

Dozens of chariots and siege towers were pushed up, and the gobillion began to attack. Two hundred dwarf warriors on the slope pulled up rockets, 'Boom ~!' Bombing without hesitation!

In hundreds of holes on the other side, a chariot has been pushed in, and two cave guards fired two arrows and retreated immediately!

The chariot drove into the hole surprisingly smoothly, and a large number of goblins drilled out of the chariot and chattering after the two escaped dwarf warriors. The situation at each hole was basically the same!

The gobs were so excited that they finally came in after playing for four months. The dwarves fled when they saw them, making their short and thin bodies look great. The gobs are invincible!

Around the city of Rotangi, there were cheers from golls, and the large gaping dwarf soldiers fired several rockets again, and all of them turned around and ran away!

The blood demon is crazy! This is too easy. Are the dwarves really out of arrows?

The cheers of the gosman came from the city of Rotangi, that is, it completely invaded the city of Rotangi!

No matter how hesitant the blood demon is, he can only think that the dwarves want to retreat into the city and blow up the attacked gob either with the remaining southern half of Rotangi City and bury it!

But the blood demon will not care about the life and death of the gobrink and order it to attack with all its strength. Even if the city collapses, it is impossible to kill all the gobrattles! And the dead gebrin can also take out the blood and use it to train the blood magic guard!

There are countless caves in the city. As long as you capture Rotangi City, dig a hole at that time to save the living gobyrin, and most of the dwarves will also be trapped in the cave. It's a good chance to catch it alive!

The blood demon laughed wildly, and victory was in front of us. He captured the dwarves alive and trained tens of thousands of dwarf blood demon guards. At that time, he could wipe out all the aliens in the southwest corner, and then form the most powerful blood demon army of millions and enter the human territory!

After four months of cruel war, 40,000 people were killed and injured, and 110,000 people were left, basically all of whom rushed into the city of Rotangi. The gosmen left outside add up to barely 10,000!

Blood demon and the remaining more than 100 prefecture-level blood demon guards did not rush in. He didn't want to be buried alive. Although he couldn't die, he didn't want to make a rustic face!

Two hundred dwarf warriors who retreated from the big gap fled and fought back, and Feng Yang and Master Krade were also included!

Feng Yang stayed to prevent the blood demon from taking action in person. The stupid two have left ahead of schedule. In fact, there are less than 500 dwarf warriors in the whole city of Rotangi, just pretending and attracting the golls to attack!

Feng Yang: "Master, you have to calculate. If we don't run to the tunnel and the explosives will explode, I will take you as a quilt, ah! You haven't taken a shower for months, no!"

Master Karade: "Hey, after you break, if you are buried alive, I will definitely dig you out! Don't worry, these stones can't kill you!"

Feng Yang: "Why did you keep hitting me? This stone can't kill me, but you think I'm a god? Tens of thousands of gobmen shoot me with one arrow, and I can become a flying hedgehog! Then you don't have to dig, I will be shot straight out of the grave!"

In some hidden places, countless long fuses are buried. One end of the fuse has been ignited, the sparks are slowly swimming away, and the other end is a horrible explosive barrel!

Several dwarves who retreated from each hole slowly gathered together and fled, drilling into one channel after another, and there were thousands of times more gobs behind them!

A gobion rushed to the front and shouted excitedly, "Kill Daqi~! Kill Dajiu~!"

The excited goblin stepped on a bulge point on the ground of the passage, and thousands of long guns stabbed out from the stone walls on both sides, stringing a large number of goblins!

Two long guns, one after, passed by the body of the goblin who stepped on the mechanism, and the 'killing' in his mouth was replaced by 'dead~! Damn it~!'

In another channel, dozens of dwarves were blocked because there was a dead hole behind them and there was no way out!

But the dwarves in Rotangi City, how can they not know which channel is a living hole and that is a dead hole!

A gobron captain came forward and shouted, "The dwarf is dripping, it's not good! The Gobland drops, big guys! Surrender, don't kill the guy!"

A dwarf warrior laughed, and then all the dwarf warriors laughed and asked, "Ggovian's chicken-chicken, big guy, can you swim?"

After saying that, press the stone wall, and on one side of the passage, a stone door opens, and the dwarf warrior quickly drilled in and shoots with a gobillion arrow, but it won't turn!

The last dwarves entered, and the stone gate was closed. The goblins caught up with them to pry open the stone door. The work of praning the door was hot. After a while, they were on the four walls of the stone gate and chiseled out a circle of four corners!

A strange smell suddenly came from behind the stone gate, and a gobster shrugged his nose, "What a guy, what a delicious smell!"

Without touching the gobler, the stone door automatically trembled. The gobrates are not fools. Such a strange phenomenon must be a trap. Several gobiki at the head began to retreat!

However, it was too late. The stone gate suddenly flew open, and the flood behind it was black, smelly, sticky, and there was a pile of black objects and maggots!

This tunnel is the excretion channel of the dwarves. The disgusting discharge flooded on it. No matter how the goblin runs, it can't escape the end of 'passing with maggots'!

And dozens of dwarf soldiers had already opened another stone door and quickly went to the entrance outside the city!