Blood God Laugh

Chapter 5 Black Wind Maiqi Reappearance

Chapter 5, Black Wind Mikey Reappears

The elder snorted coldly, "Not long ago, several dragons attacked our village in the south of the Elf Forest and took away a large number of people of our clan. With human evidence and material evidence, do you still want to deny it?"

Dragon? Feng Yang was shocked, Black Wind Maiqi! It must be a good thing done by Black Wind Maiqi and the three Druid Beast Dragons!

"Excuse me, Elder Elishana, but a black dragon and three small dragons are made of fire, earth and wind respectively? If it were them, the elder would blame the dragon clan.

The scum black dragon has defected to the blood demon, and the other three dragons are just Druid beast dragons. I hope the elders will investigate!"

Originally, Fengyang did not have any favorable conditions to negotiate a deal with the elves. This just got out a few big snakes. If he could kill them as a contribution to the elves, he should be able to replace them with thousands of war trees!

The elder frowned, "There are more than four, the surviving people said five, and there is also a blood-yellow dragon, which is extremely evil. He doesn't even let go of the dead clan and swallow it!"

Blood Yellow Dragon? Feng Yang is furious, that must be Shi Tianerda!

The earth dragon that saved his life under the tail of the black dragon that day, Feng Yang did not have a chance to thank this life-saving benefactor. Unexpectedly, he was possessed by the blood demon now!

With tears in anger, Feng Yang looked up to the sky and cried, "Ah!!!"

The little girl also shouted an angry dragon, and then two people hugged and cried like this, making the elf clan puzzled!

After Vernina's explanation, Elder Elisha finally understood the context of the matter, apologized to the little girl, and then led several people back to the village of Marigod first, and sent someone to send a letter to the Elf King.

The elf village is very beautiful. Compared with the colorful beauty planned by Mississippi City, it is more natural and harmonious and fully integrated into the forest.

If the elves stay in the house tree and can't come out, you don't even know that you have walked into a village, and you will only think that this is a beautiful garden of flowers and trees!

The giant tree in the village is actually the guardian tree spirit. The older the guardian tree spirit, the bigger it will be!

According to the needs of the elves, the guardian tree spirits are strangely beautiful. There are some rooms in the trunk, and the branches are also full of all kinds of flowers and plants. The overall environment is fresh, natural and beautiful!

There is a ring of big trees standing still outside the village. A small animal climbs on the tree, and birds fly down, chirping on the tree, but who would have thought that this is a powerful war tree spirit?

The population of elf villages is not large, generally hundreds to nearly 1,000 people. In villages like this, there are more than a thousand elf forests, and each village will migrate every dozens or hundred years.

Because the tree of life will bring a lot of vitality to the surrounding trees, flowers and plants, the mission of the elf village is to ensure the continuous vitality of the elf forest in the continuous migration, and the trees will always be beautiful!

The elf clan has ten elf kings, an elf queen.

The Elf King was born on the mother tree of life and has a lifespan of 2,000 years.

The Elf Queen was born on the tree of life and has a life span of 3,000 years.

The tree of life in the elf village can only give birth to ordinary people.

Legend has it that the god tree of life is the body of the goddess of life. The mother tree of life is a main branch transplanted from the god tree of life, and the side of the tree of life is made of small branches!

The center of the village is where the tree is growing. There are countless seven colors of brilliance. When you look closer, there is a small element elf!

The size of a little finger, with two or three pairs of thin wings on its back, looks like an elf who has shrunk a thousand times, flying happily around the tree.

But the arrival of Fengyang scared these cute elves and hid in the tree of life, attracting a burst of anger from the surrounding elves!

Feng Yang tried his best to suppress his own blood gas. Although it did not feel evil, almost all the blood power on his body was obtained by sucking other people's blood gas and blood demon power, and the blood evil spirit was quite strong!

Even if it is suppressed, the nature-loving elf can still feel some evil spirits, not to mention the elemental elves of pure elemental bodies. At first glance, Fengyang is a huge blood element man!

Feng Yang smiled and hid behind Verina. These elf people are not very friendly. They are fierce and evil, and they don't see any kindness!

Fortunately, he has tied a red cloth towel to his forehead. If the elves see the blood horns, maybe the war tree spirits will all recover and shoot arrows at the wind!

Ziyi is very lively. She doesn't care about the evil spirit on Feng Yang's body at all. She takes Feng Yang and other people to enjoy the flowers in the forest, constantly asking Vernina what the outside world is like, full of curiosity and yearning!

Finally, Feng Yang and others learned that Ziyi was actually the daughter of the elf king Masonpina. The little yellow cat was her companion beast, which was a rare lightning system like her, and the most powerful golden thunder!

Women of the elf clan are usually named after flowers and plants, while men are named after trees, mountains and stones. Masongbina means horsetail pine.

Massonbina, the elf king, is leading 10,000 magic elves and 3,000 magic elves to find the traces of the five dragons.

Half a month ago, in three days, the five dragons raided ten elf villages in a lightning manner. Regardless of whether they were alive or dead, they took away 6,000 elf tribes and devoured ten trees, making the elf clan angry!

Two days later, Elder Elishana found Fengyang and asked him to go to the southwest of the Elf Forest. The elf king Masumpina has found the traces of the five dragons, and the five dragons are in the Druid tribe.

There was a war between the two sides, and the Elf King was defeated and retreated, but it could be felt that the clan still existed and was not trained as a blood demon guard.

Feng Yang immediately set out with the iron bandit brigade. Ziyi acted as a guide and sat on the accompanying beast tiger. The golden light was shining, the black lines were eye-catching, and her body became as big as a golden-horned rhinoceros toad, and competed with the little girl for the limelight!

The little girl patted, and the golden-horned rhinoceros toad shouted.

Ziyi hummed, and the big tiger roared!

With Yi Zi as a guide, a day later, everyone found the elf king Masongbina.

Massonbina is much taller than ordinary elf people, even a little taller than Fengyang. He is 2 meters tall, has dark green hair, and is handsome with a mighty king spirit.

Massonbina is a wooden magic mentor, whose strength is far better than that of the Holy Demon Empire. A grass-green elemental elf on his shoulder is also several times larger than the ordinary elemental elf with a small finger. This is the wooden element elf king!

The five dragons are huge, and their physical defense knives and guns are invulnerable, and they can also be greatly immune to magic attacks. Six magic mentors and dozens of domain-level magic warriors in the Masongina army are not the opponents of the five dragons.

A large number of Druid tribes gathered together, with more than 300,000 beasts, not more than 10,000 elf people can defeat!

But the reinforcements of the elf clan are also coming. There will be three elf kings leading a 60,000 elf army. In addition, Masoppina has four elf kings and more than 70,000 elf armies. What a powerful strength this is. These are all magic warriors and magicians!

In the Druid army, the huge dragon body of Black Wind Maiqi occupied most of the campus, and the huge dragon head was slightly raised and looked at another bloody yellow dragon hanging in the sky.

"Don't think that if you occupy Shi Tiandal's dragon body, you can give me orders. Besides, Shi Tiandal is not dead yet. When the war, be careful that he suddenly eats back and makes you overwhelmed!"

This blood-yellow dragon is the dragon body of Shi Tianerda. He chased Maiqi that day. He didn't want to be trapped by Heifeng Maiqi. Finally, he lost control of his body by the blood demon, but the strength of the dragon soul was not so easy to be completely swallowed up. Shi Tianerda still insisted!

"Where, how dare I give orders to Lord Blackwind, but Druid didn't listen to me, so I asked Lord Blackwind to give orders. Now that the elves have been fooled, the four kings are about to gather together, so I will go to arrange everything in person!"

Black Wind Maiqi looked at the departing blood demon and snorted coldly, "If Druid let you control it, do I, a collaborator, still have the right to speak? If you want me to completely become your thirst, there is no door, haha, the position of the dragon must be mine, uh ha ha ha!"

Feng Yang sensed the departure of the blood demon. Where is he going in the south?

With more than 300,000 Druids and five dragons, with Feng Yang's understanding of the blood demon, he should be fully capable of completely defeating and capturing the 10,000 troops of Masumpine, but why did he just repel Masongina?

Another half month is enough for the blood demon to train the captured elves into blood demon guards. Why don't the blood demons do it yet? What do they want to do?

Fengyang was shocked. Yes, they must have a conspiracy. This is a trap. The ten elf villages can't be the target of blood demons at all. Their real goal is the army of the four kings of the elf clan!

What the hell is there in the south?

Feng Yang came back and told Masonbina about the situation, but Masonbina didn't care. He thought that the blood demon was just afraid of the army of the four kings and wanted to escape.

In the end, he was still an elf elder, agreed with Feng Yang's opinion, and sent someone to send news to the elf queen!

The blood demon flying to the south scolded while flying, "Okay, Maiqi, when I control the elf clan, your dragon body will also contribute. Hahaha, this is more than ten times the power of the human body, ah ha ha ha!"

The blood demon suddenly stopped and almost turned down from the air and said angrily, "Shi Tiandal, you can't struggle for many days. As long as you capture all the elves and get enough soul blood, you will be completely trained into a blood soul dragon, hahahaha!"


Feng Yang took the iron bandit brigade and 3,000 magic elves led by another elf elder, 1,000 magic elves, and 5,000 people far bypassed the Druid army and went south.

Although it is not sure what conspiracy there is, through analysis, it is still a frightening possibility, that is, the demon clan outside the south of the Elf Forest!

The demon territory is in the southernmost part of the Elf Forest. It is a fire and sand land with many very small craters that erupt all year round.

It is close to the sea, more than 2,000 miles away from the elf forest. If the demon clan is really controlled by the elf clan, it can reach the south of the elf forest in three or five days. Maybe it has already started!

When Fengyang heard about the sea, he was extremely yearning for it and was determined to see what the sea was like and how it was different from ordinary big lakes and rivers.

The demon clan is a very ** evil and cruel race. There are very few women in the clan. Basically, they are all ugly demon men. They have one or two horns on their heads. Most of them have tails behind them. Some demons also have fleshy wings and can fly!

Because of the scarcity of women, the demon clan has been invading other tribes, capturing women and raising children for them. After the birth of the little devil, those women will be cruelly eaten if they cannot be regenerated!

The women of the demon clan have a very high status. Their lords are usually female demons, and the king must be female. Compared with ugly men, female demons are very enchanting and charming, good at spiritual attacks, which makes people unable to defend against!

And the male demon born from female demons must be strong demons. If female demons give birth to female demons again, this little female demon is likely to be the next king. Of course, everything in the demon clan is still respected by strength!

Not far from the elf forest, a blood-eyed male demon said to a charming female demon in front of him, "Your Majesty King Lisha, my colleague is coming soon. I think the plan has succeeded!"

Lisha's extremely charming voice came out, which made the man want to burn himself as soon as he heard it. "Oh, are the colleagues of the blood master coming soon?

I heard that the blood master's colleague took away the body of a local dragon, which is amazing. I don't know if he is interested in becoming a dragon mount of Lisha. The slave family will definitely not treat him badly!"

The blood-eyed demon is a blood demon possessed. He was very unhappy after listening to Lisha's words, "Your Majesty looks up to me waiting, but I have a big responsibility, and I really can't enjoy life. Please forgive me. When you capture the elf people, it doesn't matter how many young elves your majesty wants!"

Lisha is charming and more charming. "Why is the blood master always your majesty? Is your majesty's name? Is the slave really so serious?

No matter how many elf people are, how can they be as powerful as the blood master? The blood master simply married a slave and became the demon king. Millions of demon armies are under your command, isn't it better to slaughter the mainland?

The blood demon did not believe what Lisha said. Lisha is a strong spiritual person and has a very strong soul. Even the blood demon does not dare to peep. Maybe he is careless and there is a danger of being controlled by Lisi. The blood demon has to be careful everywhere.

A small blood-yellow dot flew from the southern sky, and the blood demon said happily, "Your Majesty, my colleagues have arrived!"

The blood yellow dragon arrived in a blink of an eye, and the dragon's body slowly fell down and said respectfully to Lisha:

"I have seen His Majesty the four kings of the elf clan come out. It is expected that they will arrive outside the Druid army in two days. Please leave immediately, bypass the southwest, and work together to surround the four kings of the elf clan from the northeast!"

Lisha demon hand gently covered his lips and said coquettishly, "Okay, but the slave family is powerless. This army is very tired to run thousands of miles. Can the blood master take the slave family for a ride?"

The blood demon laughed, "Your Majesty laughed. With your majesty's strength, it will never be slower than my dragon body. In addition, I need to rush back to deliver letters. After the victory of this battle, I will definitely present the dragon body and be proud of your majesty for nine days!"

After being excused three times and five times, Lisha was not angry. On the contrary, the two blood demons were so afraid of her, which made her quite proud.

As the supreme leader of the demon clan, although Lisha is born with demonic charm, she has never really contacted any men and has been looking for her own royal king!

Generally, demon women rarely choose spouses within their own clan. The ugliness of demon men is that they are also very shameless, so male demons are slaves in their eyes!

However, alien men who are captured by demon women often have a high status in the demon clan and can replace female demons to give orders to ordinary demons, so it is not a good thing to be seen by female demons!

Lisha thought, will the elves have a Ruyi king to satisfy themselves?

The two blood demons talked for a while, and the dragon body blood demon returned in the air in the direction of Drui's army.

And Feng Yang and others are rushing here. Ziyi also explained the information of the demon clan to everyone, and finally said, "Brother Feng, your little horn is really like a demon horn. If you pretend to be a demon, they will not recognize you!"

Feng Yang fainted and shouted that he must have long hair and thicken his hair. Now it has been left for nearly half a year, and it could have been completely covered. Who knew that the four changes of the blood demon made the blood horns protrude a lot. How to cover it, there was a little blood flash on his forehead!

Half a day later, Fengyang's expression was shocked, and the blood demon came back and left a sentence, "Wait where you are, I will see the blood demon!"

After saying that, the back agitated, and the wings of the blood demon broke and rushed to the sky, frightening the elves, and at the same time, an idea popped up, "Demon clan!"

As soon as the blood wings spread, more than ten meters, they fluttered twice and rose to the sky. I don't know how many times faster than ordinary demon birds. Ziyi shouted excitedly, "It's so handsome!"

Fengyang stood in the air, waiting for the blood demon. Now Fengyang, the blood demon is ten miles away and can also feel it, and the blood demon can only sense the wind Yang within one li.

Soon, a small yellow blood dot appeared in front of it, getting bigger and bigger.

Dangerous! The blood demon was shocked and saw the blood-winged person waiting in front of him, and it was Feng Yang again!

"Why is he always bad for me? You can meet him anywhere!"

With the blood demon strength of the dragon body soared, although he is not afraid of Fengyang, he does not want to provoke such a evil star. As soon as the leader is biased, he has to bypass Fengyang.

Feng Yang roared, his blood wings flew, and instantly stopped in front of the blood demon, "Give me the dragon body, and I won't die today!"

The blood demon laughed angrily, "Hahahaha! Do you think you are really invincible? Don't think that if you kill a fake blood demon emperor, you can calm me down and wait!

In this war, you can't turn over like last time, damn gobvish, I will go to them sooner or later!"

Fengyang looked at the blood-yellow dragon body and couldn't help shed blood and tears. This is the dragon body of his benefactor. If it hadn't been for Shi Tiandal, he would have died long ago!

If it weren't for Shi Tianerda, the dwarf clan would be over, and Style Rida could not escape the danger of being exterminated. He owed him too much. He would take back his body and send him back to the dragon clan for burial!