Blood God Laugh

Chapter 6 Battle against the Dragon Body Blood Demon

Chapter 6, Fight against the Dragon Body Blood Demon

Feng Yang roared, his blood wings flew, and instantly stopped in front of the blood demon, "Give me the dragon body, and I won't die today!"

The blood demon laughed angrily, "Hahahaha! Do you think you are really invincible? Don't think that if you kill a fake blood demon emperor, you can calm me down and wait!

In this war, you can't turn over like last time. Damn gobion, sooner or later, I will go to them to settle accounts!"

Fengyang looked at the blood-yellow dragon body and couldn't help shed blood and tears. This is the dragon body of his benefactor. If it hadn't been for Shi Tiandal, he would have died long ago!

If it weren't for Shi Tianerda, the dwarf clan would be over, and Style Rida could not escape the danger of being exterminated. He owed him too much. He would take back his body and send him back to the dragon clan for burial!

Feng Yang's blood roared, and a little blood light came out of the blood corner and quickly became bigger and longer. It was the blood knife that "Give you the last chance to leave the dragon's body and I'll let you go!"

I don't know why, the blood demon suddenly had an impulse to obey Fengyang, "What's going on? How can it be? No, he wants to overwhelm me in momentum. How can the strength of the dragon's body be that he can compete with? Kill him!"

The blood demon sings a dragon, and the tail of the earth system shines!

Fengyang didn't say more. In an instant, the momentum rose crazily, and the blood strength of the 20th level of the domain broke out, making the blood demon dragon's eye shrink violently!

How can it be? The 20th level of the domain level and the demon body give people the feeling that their comprehensive strength is not lower than 25 levels. A few months ago, it was about the third level of the domain level. This growth speed is terrible. You must kill him and kill him immediately!

The dragon's tail swings, condensing a thick soil tail cone, piercing towards the wind Yang with the momentum of twisted space, and the power is actually as high as the 30th level of the domain level!

The blood demon has now had a rate of increase of more than 30 times. In addition, the 80,000 catties of dragon power of the dragon body has been turned into blood demon by him. Although it has not fully controlled the dragon body, coupled with simple dragon language magic, it can easily exert its attack power to more than 3 million catties!

The dragon clan is a divine family. Basically, all dragon clans will have more than 50,000 catties of dragon strength. As the dragon age grows, their dragon strength will become stronger and stronger, and it is not difficult to break through 100,000 catties of dragon strength.

In the inheritance memory of the dragon clan, there is the same method of increasing the growth rate of dragon power. Similarly, with the growth of dragon age, you can get an increase rate of more than 10 times. Because the growth rate of the dragon clan is not understood, the growth rate of more than 10 times has reached its limit.

The dragon clan takes the road of the divine body. No dragon clan will take time to understand more growth rate. Dragon strength is their foundation, but magic can be martial arts. Therefore, after the blood demon possesses the dragon body, because its own growth rate is higher than that of the dragon clan, it will have stronger strength than the dragon clan itself!

With a blood light, the blood knife cut with him, "Bang!" Feng Yangfei retreated a few meters and was secretly shocked. The bloodline of the dragon was really strong, and the pressure of his bloodline was minimal, and the blood demon was not affected at all.

The blood demon is also shocked. The blood pressure of Fengyang is too strong. Even he, who possesses the dragon body, feels a sense of oppression. If he grows up, he will be suppressed by him if he gets a stronger blood body in the future. He must think of a countermeasure to completely kill Feng Yang!

"Bloodthirsty bone needle!"

Feng Yang shouted loudly, and hundreds of blood drill needles on the demon body fell off and condensed into several large blood needles. The fishy light flashed, which made people feel unbearable!

The battle with the Blood Demon Emperor made Feng Yang thoroughly understand his soul and spiritual power, and finally understood that his bloodthirsty attributes were not affected by the blood knife at all, but that he was a blood element. The blood knife just acted as a straw, so that he could suck other people's blood more smoothly!

This understanding allows Feng Yang to better use his soul and spiritual power, and has derived many unique tricks, and can even transform the blood of the body like a magician and control it!

The bloodthirsty bone needle was shot, and a blood-colored earth shield was formed. The blood needle was stopped one by one. The blood demon did not dare to slap with his body at all. He could feel the strong penetration and bloodthirsty ability in the blood needle. If this thing is inserted into the dragon body, even if it is only inserted into the dragon scales, the power will be absorbed crazily.

When Feng Yang saw that the blood demon was not deceived at all, he summoned back the blood needle and waved the blood knife to come forward in person.

The damn blood demon doesn't give Feng Yang a chance to get close to him at all. The dragon's body avoids retreats, and the earth magic continues. Feng Yang's strength is not much worse than him. If he fights closely, the dragon's body is inconvenient, and he will definitely be taken the opportunity to absorb the blood demon by Feng Yang!


Feng Yang roared with blood, and the shadow of blood flashed. Ten demons appeared and roared in pain again, "Roar!!!" Ten armors fell together, and the armor of half a meter long blood diamond turned into ten blood-colored knives. Ten demons took the knife, and the blood strength of the body immediately turned into scales, which looked like Fengyang!

These demons have one-tenth of the blood strength of Fengyang, but the condensation of blood strength is unchanged at 60,000 jin. In addition, the 17 times the increase rate of the blood knife, and there is also a short-term domain-level 10th-level power. With a few flashes, the blood demons can no longer tell who is the real Fengyang!

Looking at the 11 Fengyang who killed him, the blood demon was angry. It was impossible to prevent all the attacks, and every blow had to defend with all its strength. As long as one blow relaxed, it might be the real Fengyang!

Fengyang's powerful attack power and bloodthirsty ability will definitely cause a serious blow to him. If he is felt by Shi Tiandal's soul, he will definitely fight back crazily, and the consequences will be unimaginable!

The blood demon dragon language is continuous. The blood yellow dragon's body, like Feng Yang, has been replaced by the scale of the blood diamond. This is the stone drill of the eight-line earth demon. With the strength of the blood demon's 80,000 catties, it can increase at least 1.36 million pounds of defense, but the dragon power has been replaced by the blood demon power, so it shows blood color!

The blood light constantly hits the dragon's body. The blood demon feels that every blow is only a ten-order force, no pain or itching. The real wind Yang is mixed with the demon and does not show his real body at all, and his dragon body is huge, and the consumption of maintaining this stone drilling is very amazing.

The blood demon sneered, and Feng Yang did not show his figure or attack. He just responded to his needs. Several bloody earth element dragons appeared and resisted together!

With the protection of stone drilling, Fengyang could not break his defense for a moment. The blood demon no longer paid attention to the blood knife cut at him, meditated in dragon language, and prepared for more powerful dragon language magic.

Fengyang also sneered. In the blood horn, the blood electricity is still circling the blood peak, and 80 demons surround the blood peak, constantly transmitting blood power to the blood peak, ready to kill!

Verina and others took off to watch the battle, and Ziyi's beautiful eyes flashed, "Wow, Brother Feng is so bad. He beat the bloody dragon and ran around. Which one is the real Brother Feng? So many, can Brother Feng be separated?"

The elder of the elf leader is also a wooden magic mentor named Zunip. Because the elf is close to nature, the wooden demon warriors and magicians in the clan occupy nearly half, and in the forest, it is also the dominant battlefield of wooden magicians, which can maximize their strength!

The elder frowned: "That's not a split, that's a body. Each has an independent mind. May I ask Princess Vernina, is Feng Yang really capable of controlling them? If they are out of control and become one, the harm to the mainland will not be less than that of the blood demon!"

Vernina: "Don't worry, these demons are not condensed by Fengyang's body, but by the holes of his blood knife. As long as the blood knife has one idea, it can be forcibly recalled thousands of miles away!"

The elder's eyes sank: "I'm not only worried about that, but also about Feng Yang himself. The evil spirit is so strong that he violates nature, rebels against the way of heaven, and becomes a demon. If he is eroded by magic, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

The elder's words are also what Vernina and others are worried about. Although Fengyang can fully control his own power, what should he do if he becomes a demon?

Vernine knows that it is Style Rida, who supports Feng Yang from beingeroded by magic. It is her Verina, a girl and other relatives and friends. If one day they are gone and die in the bloody battle on the mainland, Feng Yang loses the most important thing, can he still maintain his inner justice?

At the same time of the battle between Fengyang and the blood demon, the demon king Lisha on the other side also set out. The army of 500,000 demons and half of the adult warriors of the demon clan were brought out. In addition, there are more than 300,000 troops of Druids and less than 100,000 troops of the four kings of the elf clan. Can they escape this disaster?

In the sky, several elemental dragons have been destroyed by demons, and the magic of blood demons is finally ready. The blood yellow dragons continue to breathe and spray on 11 demons around them.

A demon's blood knife blocked, but the dragon breath was not aggressive, but stuck to the demon's body, quickly condensed, turned into a blood-yellow stone ring, and stopped the demon's waist, tightly wrapped it, and even his claws and arms could not move!

A famous demon was hit one after another, all locked by the seven-level earth magic and stone trap. With the strength of the demon, he could not break free for a few minutes.

The blood demon laughed wildly, and the dragon tail hit with all its strength, "Bang!" A demon exploded into the fog of blood rainbow, "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ......!" In an instant, ten blood rainbows shot into the eight directions, and the blood stained the sky!

The blood demon looked at the last demon who was still struggling and laughed, "You are so lucky that it's your turn to be the last one. God helps me. How can I deal with you? I can't kill you with one tail!"

After the blood demon finished speaking, he spit out two mouthfuls of dragon breath. The last demon was locked by three stone traps, and then sang the dragon language magic again. The strength of Fengyang's body must be hit hard with the strongest magic.

The forbidden spell has begun. With the blood dragon power of 80,000 catties of blood demon dragon body, or the blood magic power, the 100 times the achievement of the single forbidden spell is 8 million catties of power!

Under this forbidden spell, Fengyang is the body of the world, with a talent of 1 million catties of defense, and nearly 4 million catties of defense. In the case of being unable to move, it will not explode into blood fog, but also multiple holes, and serious injuries are inevitable!

The people in the distant appearance war were shocked, and the elf elders were about to help. Vernina said in time, "That's not Fengyang, it's just demons!"

The demons who were slapped into ten blood rainbow fogs by blood demons began to slowly condense. They are all immortal bodies and are invisible. As long as the blood strength is endless, they can condense again!

The ten evil figures condensed, but it was much more blurred than at the beginning. The blow of the blood demon also consumed nearly half of their blood strength.

Ten evil spirits rushed to the blood demon again. The blood demons looked down on this group of demons at all. They couldn't even break his stone drill skills, but it was just as annoying as mosquitoes, but the blood demons did not find that one of the demons followed a blood shadow, almost overlapping!

Before the blood demon completed the stone trap, Feng Yang had summoned a demon to replace him, and he had been following the demon and did not do it. The blood horn blow was ready, waiting for the moment when the blood demon relaxed.

Fengyang, who the blood demon thought, was locked by three stone traps, and even the blood wings on his back were tied. If he wanted to escape, he could not escape. He could only struggle violently. The more he struggled, the more excited the blood demon became. He was about to succeed. It was a little short of it!

The power of heaven and earth emitted, and the dragon horn of the blood demon fell off a small horn and turned into a huge blood diamond cone. It rotated at a high speed and stirred out a sharp and harsh sound of breaking the sky. The blood waves exploded in rings, becoming more and more intense!

The trapped demon made a sharp sound, quickly defending the ten demons who tickled the blood demon, blocking the blood cone!

In one, ten claw armored blood knives returned to its original shape, and also synthesized into a cone. At the same time, the ten evils melted into the claw armor and flew up, opposing the cone of the blood demon's forbidden spell. Unfortunately, it felt like an arm as a car, which was immeasurable!

The blood demon was ecstatic and roared ferociously, "Feng Yang, let's see if you die this time! It's just a pity for your precious body. If you can still protect your body, I don't mind introducing you to a blood demon possession, hahahaha!"

"Dragon Forbidden Cone!"

With a roar, the dragon cone rolled up the power of heaven and earth, pierced the sky, and went to the trapped demon with the extremely sharp sound of breaking the sky!

At the same time, the blood demon untied the stone drill to protect the body and looked at the front excitedly. However, unexpected things happened. Suddenly, the ten evil spirits that were still working as cars in the arm were suddenly like exploding fireworks. Ten blood arrows scattered, and they did not resist the dragon cone and directly exposed the trapped demon behind them!

The trapped demon also directly dispersed his body shape and turned into blood fog. As soon as the dragon cone passed, it scattered a large amount of blood fog and flew far away to the sky.

The blood demon was stunned and then was shocked, "No, I'm fooled. That's not Fengyang at all!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. Just behind the dragon head, a bloody figure flashed, and the blood light of the more than one meter long horn flashed fiercely towards the dragon head. The blood demon slightly turned the dragon head and wanted to turn around to check behind him, and the horn had already plunged into the dragon head!

The powerful strangulation force broke out in the dragon head, and the blood demon shouted in pain, "Wait a minute, Shi Tiandal is not dead yet. If you kill me, you will kill him together!"

The power of strangulation was stopped, and Feng Yang roared, "Say it again!"

The blood demon quickly explained, "Shi Tiandal is really not dead. His soul is very powerful. Although he is controlled by me, his soul power has always guarded the soul crystal. I just temporarily condensed a soul crystal to replace it. If you kill me, you will kill him!"

Feng Yang is angry and happy, and in a dilemma. If the blood demon is true, even if his blood horn can keep the soul crystal of Shi Tiandal, the dragon head of Shi Tiandal will be destroyed. The creature is the storage place of the soul. Without the brain, this dragon body is useless!

"Call Shi Tiandal back. I want to confirm whether he is really still there!" Feng Yang roared.

"You feel it yourself, I just don't resist!"

The blood demon replied in horror. Feng Yang's blood horn was surrounded by the endless power of blood disaster. He believed that as long as Feng Yang strangled it, he could strangle his origin. Shi Tiandal is now his only life.

A soul power drilled from the tip of the blood horn, and Fengyang was not afraid of the blood demon to play tricks. At most, he lost some soul power and passed through the original blood soul of the blood demon. He really saw a dragon-shaped soul and tightly protected a dragon-shaped soul crystal in the soul.

Fengyang turned into a conscious body and gently called in front of the dragon-shaped soul, "Senior, Elder Shi Tiandal!" A call finally woke up Shi Tiandahl.

"Are you? Is that you? Why did you come here? Have you been swallowed up by the blood demon? Shi Tiandal thought of Feng Yang and asked in surprise.

Feng Yang: "Senior, I'm here to save you. The blood demon has been controlled by me. In addition, I also want to thank you for saving my life last time. Feng Yang is unforgettable! Please tell Feng Yang how to kill the blood demon and save your dragon body?"

Shi Tiandal: "It's useless. Only when the blood demon automatically leaves the body can protect my dragon body. If you really have the ability to seriously damage the blood demon, just do it. As long as my soul crystal and dragon elixir are not broken, I can throw away the dragon body and turn into a human in advance!"

Feng Yang: "But in this way, you will lose the possibility of breaking through the world forever, and your life expectancy will be greatly reduced. No, Feng Yang must protect your dragon body!"

Feng Yang returned to his consciousness. Ten evils have come back, and ten armors have been inserted into the dragon head together. "Blood demon, I still say the same thing. As long as you leave the dragon body, I will let you go!"

The blood demon laughed, "Gaga, do you think I'm a fool? If you let me go, will those people in the distance let me go? I don't have the power to protect myself at all. You and I will go to the south together, and there is a colleague of mine. When I arrive, I will leave the dragon body!"

Feng Yang: "Are you testing my patience? I said let you go, and no one dares to do anything against you. I swear in the name of Fengyang that if I lie to you, I won't believe Yang!"

Blood Demon: "Don't think you can keep Shi Tianerda's soul crystal. I have a lot of ways to drag him to death. If you go south, you can see my colleague in less than two hours. He is just single. As long as I have his response, I will leave the dragon body immediately!"

Feng Yang: "Okay, I'll go with you and see what you can do!"

Fengyang told everyone and let them continue to wait in place. He flew south with the blood demon, and the horn had never left the dragon head.

Feng Yangcai didn't believe that the blood demon was just a bachelor and there must be strongyuan, but he believed that it was impossible to destroy the blood demon at the moment he left the dragon's body and let him go!

The blood demon let Feng Yangnan go, and also wants to kill Feng Yang with the power of the demon king Lisha. Maybe he can control Feng Yang, or leave his treasure body, so that another blood demon can also increase its strength!

Of course, Verina and others are not really waiting in place, just to let the blood demon relax their vigilance. Now it is completely confirmed that the blood demon does have a conspiracy and reinforcements, but it is not sure whether it is a demon clan, and how many demons are dispatched, we can only send people first. Send the situation back in order to deal with it.

The iron bandit brigade began to arrange traps. The poisonous design was glued with huge poisonous arrows, and the explosives were mixed with iron beads and ecliptic drugs. They were buried underground, making the pupils of the elf clan shrink directly, and involuntarily kept some distance from the iron bandit brigade.

The iron bandit brigade buried a huge trap in less than an hour, and there was no trace at all!

The elf people have firmly remembered this range and have long regarded it as a forbidden place, vowing never to step into this forest again!