Blood God Laugh

Chapter 6 Enter the Phantom Array

Chapter 6, enter the illusion array

The peak on the cut surface of Yingshen Cliff has shifted more than ten meters, but the overall appearance does not change much. Although there is an imperial knife to fix the peak, all the Miao people have moved from the Yingshen Cliff to live in the nearby mountains. If Fengyang pulls out the imperial knife one day, the people living below will wait to combine with the mountains and rocks!

Looking at the imperial knife on the edge cliff on the thirty-third floor, Feng Yang rubbed his hands excitedly, grabbed the handle of the knife, and used his milking energy. His legs pedaled to the ground, but the imperial knife did not move at all!

The whole body hung on the imperial knife, constantly shaking, but still motionless.

"Grandma, come out, come out!!!"

Feng Yang tied several ropes to the handle of the knife, and more than a dozen people pulled together. Finally, the rope was broken and turned over. Feng Yang fell into a pile with the women beautifully, and the imperial knife did not move!

"Take the hoe, I'm going to dig it out!!!"

As soon as the hoe fell, "Dang!!!" Fengyang was shocked and retreated, the ground was not damaged at all, and the hoe was bent bluntly!

"This hoe is too useless. Bring the dagger!!!"

As soon as the dagger is inserted, "Listen!!!" The tip of the knife flew away, and the ground was not damaged at all. Looking at the bare handle in his hand, Feng Yang opened his mouth and wanted to cry without tears!

The Miao women who followed were relieved. Fortunately, they couldn't pull it out. If they really pulled it out, they would fall with the peak and be buried at the bottom of the cliff!

"Lord, let's go back first and try again when you grow up!"

"Well, that's right, I haven't grown up yet. I must have inserted it when I grew up!"

Feng Yang shamelessly defended himself, turned his eyes, and then suggested:

"Let's go to the spring. Last time because of the damn demon snake, I was lifted down without even seeing the spring. I feel that there is something good waiting for me to get it!"

"Lord, let's ask the elders to go together. That is the most important place in the clan, and we must have the permission of the elders to go up!"

"Oh? Do I have to ask the elders to go up?

"No, no, I didn't mean that. I just think I should tell the elder!"

"Then go and invite the elders alone. Let's go. Let's go first!"

An hour later, Fengyang and others finally climbed to the third floor of the peak of Yingshen Cliff. The air was thin and they took a deep breath. They looked up at the last two layers. They couldn't help asking:

"Sister Yi, this is the second time I have climbed so high. It's really cold here. The third floor is the spring of conception, and the top floor is the Yingshen platform. So what is the second floor?"

Bai Yi shook his head, "You can climb to the top of the cliff from here, but you can't reach the second floor, as if the second floor doesn't exist at all!"

"How can this be? You can see the outline of the second layer here!"

"I don't know, the Miao people used countless methods to find the second floor, and even lifted it down with a rope from the top of the cliff, but it was directly suspended to the third floor!"

"Is it so amazing? When I finish reading the spring of fertility, I will go to the second floor. Since I am the son of God, I will definitely find it!"

"Well, the elders also think so. The Lord God must have left something for you on the second floor. Only you can find the way to the second floor!"

"Hey, it makes sense, sisters, take me to see the spring of pregnancy first. How about we go in and take a shower together?"

The women were collectively dumbfounded, but they didn't give any explanation. In a while, he would know how speechless his proposal was.

The silver waterfall fell straight down, and the third floor of the pool was as illusory and beautiful as heaven. The whiteness was indistinguishable whether it was water fog or cloud fog. The piercing coolness made everyone tremble all over, and really called the spirit!

Feng Yang rubbed his arms coldly, "Is this pool the spring of fertility?"

Bai Yi shook her head and pointed to the white fog on the pool. "The spring of fertility is in the middle of the pool. If you want to swim, go alone. We are afraid of the cold!"

Feng Yang grabbed Bai Yi's hand and rushed in, "They can't come, you can't!"


"It's cold!!! Didn't we take off our clothes?"

"I didn't know I would step on the water so soon!"

"Won't you slow down?"

The two hugged each other in the cold. After falling into the pool, their eyes were much clearer, and they could vaguely see the distance several feet away. Feng Yang suddenly asked in horror:

"Ah, Sister Yi, you won't be pregnant, will you?"

"It has been said that the spring of gestation is in the middle of the pool, and you won't get pregnant if you don't drink the water there!"

"Oh, that's good. I don't want you to get pregnant. Then you won't have time to play with me!"

"But I will still have a baby sooner or later!"

Didn't you say that if you have a man, you can get pregnant without drinking the spring water? Am I not a man? If you have a child, you have to give birth to my child!"

Bai Yi blushed for a while, and even the water in the pool did not feel cold. He was dull and quietly pulled by Feng Yang all the way to the center of the pool.

I saw a huge white lotus floating on the surface of the water. There was a female figure standing on the lotus, dressed in a white veil, holding a long white jade bottle in both hands, slightly tilted, and the thin trickle water flowed down!

"Sister Yi, why are there still people here?" Feng Yang asked in a low voice.

"Lord, that is the stone statue of the main god, and the water flowing from the jade bottle is the spring of fertility!"

"stone statue? Is that small bottle the spring of gestation? Is it just that small?"

"Yes, Lord, don't you still want to swim in the spring of pregnancy?"

"Well, did I say that?"

Feng Yang repudiated the debt and pulled Bai Yi to continue to approach the statue, but Bai Yi pulled him instead.

"Lord, we can't move forward any more. If we go any further, we will enter the illusion array. Let's wait for the elders to come!"

"What fantasy array?" Feng Yang doubted and felt that there were still many things that the Miao people had not been told.

"I haven't experienced this, but as soon as I enter the statue within two feet, I will fall into an illusion and experience the heinous crime committed by our Miao people from beginning to end!"

"Isn't that everyone who wants to have a baby have to experience it? The Lord God is too much. Things have passed and have to be tortured. No wonder the population of the Miao people is getting smaller and smaller!"

Bai Yi became sad and shed tears, "So we are eager to break the divine punishment. Lord, you must help us, you must...woo!"

Embracing the sobbing Bai Yi, Feng Yang turned around and rushed to the statue. He wanted to see what kind of disaster the Miao people had committed and why the Lord God punished them like this!


Bai Yi screamed and rushed to the statue with Feng Yang. Although the illusion array was not life-threatening, a small part of the women who had experienced the illusion array completely collapsed!

In the first moment, there was still a statue in front of him. In the second, Fengyang saw a 100-meter-square-angled poison pit. Countless poisonous insects were wrapped around and swallowed each other crazily. The ferocious size grew bigger and bigger, and the swallowing was more cruel. A extremely disgusting fishy smell hit his nose!


Fengyang vomited wildly, and several big poisonous insects suddenly jumped up and swallowed the corrosion spit out by Fengyang, "Ah!!!" He was so scared that he screamed and retreated:

"Damn, isn't this a magic array? How can..."

Before he finished speaking, something suddenly hit his back, staggered forward and fell to the poison pit!

"Ah!!! Don't!!!"

Fengyang patted his hands desperately, hoping that he could fly like a bird!

"Ah!!! Lord!!!"

Bai Ying rushed forward, and a slender jade hand grabbed Feng Yang's naked horns in time, and the whole person hung upside down on the edge of the poison pit!


Feng Yang sighed and turned his head to look at the pit, "Sister Yi, why are you here? Pull me up quickly!"

"Wow~! Poo!!!"

Maybe Bai Yi ate too much green food. He vomited Fengyang from foot to head and smelled the smell of vomit. A lot of poisonous insects jumped up frantically, folding a high layer in an instant like a pillar and swallowed to the wind!

"Sister Yi, stop throwing up, pull me up, hurry up!!!"


With a strong lifting of his slender hand, Feng Yang turned over, but his long hair was still swallowed by a poisonous insect, stood firmly on the pit, and quickly wiped off the green food on his face!

Bai Yi also got up, but he had not stopped vomiting, and his whole face turned blue with nausea:

"I'm sorry, Lord! I didn't mean to hit you or spit you out just now!"

"I'm fine. Isn't this an illusion? Why is it the same as the real thing?

"This is experiencing the illusion array. The feelings here are all real. If you fall down, you will really be swallowed up by ten thousand worms, and then you will become a soul body like death, but the illusion array will be fine when it is over!"

"Well, what a disgusting illusion, what is this poison pit used for?"

"This is the source of the crime committed by our Miao ancestors, the Gushen Cave!"

"Ghen Grottoes? Is that how that monster was born?"

"Hmm!" Bai Yi turned around and looked farther away, "Lord, look down!"

Feng Yang also turned around and took a look. His attention was focused on the poison pit just now and did not pay attention to the surroundings, but now this look immediately shocked him!

What was more than 10,000 people last time? At present, it is as white as a sea of snow that can't see the end, and there seems to be a black ring in the far away sky!

"Ah!!!" Feng Yang jumped over and hugged Bai Yi, "Sister Yi, we are surrounded. How many people are there?"

"They are the ancestors of the Gomiao people. At that time, our population was nearly one million, and most of them came here. The power of the clan was to create gods. As a result, they created demons and ate evil consequences!"

"Then they won't throw us down and feed them, will they?"

"No, they can't see us, only the insects can see it. This is specially done by the main god, so that the descendants of the Miao people can experience the scourge caused by the insects!"

Bai Yi's heart was painful. Although it was the first time she experienced the illusion, she knew the result. She wanted to watch her ancestors create evil and go to extinction!