Blood God Laugh

Chapter 7 The Arrival of Insects

Chapter 7, the arrival of insects

Bai Yi's heart was painful. Although it was the first time she experienced the illusion, she knew the result. She wanted to watch her ancestors create evil and go to extinction!

The snowy sea began to worship, moving back like waves. This wave pattern gives people a pure and soft feeling, and there is no atmosphere that insects and demons are about to be born at all!

But looking back, the insects in the poison pit devoured more fiercely. For a long time, the surface of the insects fell by more than ten meters. I don't know how deep the pit is, and some insects have reached the size of puppies!

"Beast Blood Sacrifice!"

The voices of nearly a million people are also like a heavy ring of waves, especially the last continuous stress seems to be "sacrifice" endlessly!

At the beginning, there was a feeling of boiling blood. After a while, Feng Yang and Bai Yi, who were trapped in the center, were shocked and covered their ears by sound waves, and felt that their whole body was going to be shattered like a crystal!

When the sound rippled to the black ring on the side of the day, countless black heads burst into the snow, slowly elongated, like countless spreading black lines, and then became longer and thicker in the sight.

"Is that a maggot?" Feng Yang couldn't help asking that if it was really a worm, the two of them would be swallowed up by billions of worms.

"No, that's also the ancestor of the Miao people!"

"But that's black. Aren't the Miao people only dressed in white?"

Bai Yi did not reply, only the tears that kept flowing to talk about her sadness. Feng Yang no longer asked and waited quietly. Sooner or later, he would understand the reason for all this.

The black line was getting closer and closer, turning into a black stream, and then approaching, like an endless black dragon. Finally, some miscellaneous colors appeared, and Fengyang finally saw it clearly.

Countless fierce beasts were tightly tied, and then endless men in black carried the beasts and rushed to the poison pit. Those people in black were "men"!

They are the ancestors of the Miao people, so why are there no men in the Miao people now?

The fierce beast was carried to the edge of the poison pit, the beast's head was cut off by a big knife, the beast's blood sprayed, and the insects jumped excitedly, temporarily stopped swallowing each other, and grabbed the hot splash of blood!

When the beast's blood flowed, the beast's body was also thrown into the poison pit and slowly swallowed up like falling into a swamp, and then another round of beast blood sacrifice began.

Fengyang and Bai Yi were dressed in white gauze, which stood out in this endless black stream. The two were pushed back and off. No one could see them, but the eyes of the fierce beast seemed to be asking the two of them for help.

The fierce beasts lost their natural ferocity, with only endless fear and pitiful tears in their eyes, while the insects in the pit are extremely ferocious and bloodthirsty!

Round after round, I don't know how long it took. The two were stimulated over and over again, as if they were those pathetic fierce beasts, beheaded and bleeding, and finally swallowed up with scum bones!

Bai Yi suddenly looked like a demon, fixed the pain on her expression, and mechanized step by step to the poison pit. Feng Yang pulled her desperately and shouted anxiously:

"Sister Yi, stop, stop, wake up, wake up!!!"


He slapped Bai Yi's face heavily, and the mechanized pace stopped. He turned his face to look at Feng Yang and hugged him. "Wow" cried!

"Lord, I'm so uncomfortable. I'm going out. I don't want to look down anymore. I'm afraid I'll collapse. I'm afraid I'll... Wow!"

"Sister Yi, didn't you say that we can't get out if the illusion array is endless? Even if you die, you will become a soul body to watch the whole process, so we have to face it firmly. Believe me, I will definitely break the curse!"

Looking at the firm Fengyang, Bai Yi nodded and bravely faced a more cruel scene!

The last round of animal body was injected, and the poison pit devoured countless fierce beasts. Except for the size of the insect, there was no trace of floating on the insect's face.

The Gumong men in black did not retreat, and the endless snow began to radiate countless black streams from the poisonous caves, like a huge array of black and white!

The deep spell singing, solemn and heavy, and a heavy sense of oppression made Feng Yang breathe heavily, as if they were pressed by the mountains one after another.

"Blood Sacrifice!"

Countless blood flows in the black-and-white matching lines. This is real blood, flowing from the cut wrist, and then automatically converging into the poison pit without a trace of dust!

The blood flowed into the pit, and the insects began to swallow more fiercely, and the number slowly decreased, but the hissing became louder and sharper, a bit like the scream of a fierce beast!

bursts of weakness spread for thousands of miles, and the blood finally stopped, but it was far from enough. There were eager and irritable screams in the pit. The maggots longed for the taste of flesh and blood, and they needed more flesh and blood to help them devouring each other.

A priest stood up, and his old body staggered to the poison pit, shouting with his last force beside the pit:

"Sacrifice my flesh and blood, surrender my god, and bless my Miao people for thousands of generations!"

The old body fell into the pit. She was weak and didn't even scream, but more Miao people followed her and rushed to the poison pit!

Feng Yang and Bai Yi were full of tears and covered their mouths tightly. This was already what had happened. They couldn't stop it and could only watch all this.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!!!"

Bai Yi shouted out crazily and struggled violently. If Feng Yang hadn't hugged her to death, she might have jumped out of the poison pit with her ancestors.

They are so crazy that they feed the maggots with their own flesh and blood in order to create them. Will they still do so if they know that they have created a bug demon?

Crazy and fanaticism, even if his face is pale, the expression of everyone who throws into the poison pit is full of fanatical conviction that the god will come!

Why did the once-Miao people create gods so fanatically, and why can they even sacrifice their own lives?

Day and night, devoted themselves to sacrifice for a night, and then the next night, and then another night. Fengyang and Bai Yi were a little numb. How long will it take for all this to end?

There are fewer and fewer Gomiao clans below. I don't know how many people have invested in the poison pit, but the insect surface in the pit has been declining. The more you fill it, the less it is. You can't see the depth. You can only hear the roar of fierce beasts constantly coming out!

bursts of black air gushed out of the pit, and the sky slowly created a vision. The wind and clouds surged, and the Miao people became excited, and it was even more crazy to devote themselves to sacrifices!


The dust of the earth in the sky in all directions, but it is not caused by the vision of the sky. It is an endless army, coming with the murderous intention of extermination!

All the worms are in the poison pit. The Miao people without worms are equal to warriors without swords. They are not effective at all. At the end, the Miao people are trampled into flesh and blood by horse riding, and are swallowed up little by little, and the dust is stained with blood!

"Sister Yi, what's going on?" Feng Yang asked, looking at the blood-colored dust that was constantly devouring and roaring, he was shocked.

"Human beings are afraid of our insects, saying that our Miao people are an evil race, expelling us from human beings and chasing us endlessly, which is the reason why we created gods!"

The number of Gomiao people is constantly decreasing. The front is throwing himself into the pit, and the back is being ruthlessly slaughtered. How many people can be left in the end?

The vision is getting stronger and stronger, the black clouds are surging, and the wind is blowing cold killing. Instead of dying under the trampling of horses, more people choose to jump into the poison pit to accelerate the birth of insect demons!

Killing and hatred are rendered in the pit, and the roar is full of violence. The black clouds in the sky are constantly changing the forms of various insects, and then devouring each other and integrating with each other, reflecting the situation in the pit!

The vision did not stop the endless human army from killing the Miao people. They also panicked, but they became more bloodthirsty and roared to kill all the evil Miao people, leaving no one!

Once you couldn't see the rapid contraction of the black and white of the edge, the bloody dust replaced their position, and the blood-stained sword reflected countless blood light!

Every second of time is so painful. The cruel slaughter suddenly made Feng Yang's mind come up with an idea, looking forward to the early appearance of insects and devour all these stupid and murderous human beings!

The black cloud insects in the sky desperately swallowed each other, just like the Miao people, from more than 10,000 to thousands, and then hundreds, dozens, and finally dozens of huge and strange insects are engaged in the final decisive battle!

"Quick!!! Hurry up if you want to come out!!!"

Fengyang shouted to the sky. Although he knew that this was just a magic array, this feeling was so real that it had to be rendered by the atmosphere of the scene. If the insect demons did not appear again, there would not be many people in the Miao people!


It is so similar to the crying of the baby when Fengyang landed on the platform. In the end, there was only one ball left in the sky, like a sphere. With the cry in the pit, it turned into a black current and poured into the pit!

The Gomong Miao people paused for a moment, and then cheered excitedly. The gods finally came, and the remaining clans were less than one-third of the original. They gave up the resistance of the rear, knelt down collectively, and prayed for the gods to kill all human beings!

The earth suddenly trembled, and bursts of powerful pressure gushed out of the poison pit, and the insect demon was about to come out!

"Oh! Oh! Oh..."

One shock, two shocks, three shocks... The insect demon in the pit seems to be crowded up, and the 100-meter-square-round pit still needs to be squeezed. How big is the insect demon's body!

Feng Yang pulled Bai Yi back quickly. He didn't want to be stuffed by the insect demon!

The horses and fierce beast mounts of the human army hissed uncontrollably, and the panic spread, but they could not eliminate their determination to kill the Gomiao people, gave up the mounts, and continued to rush to the remaining Gomiao people!


A huge thing emerged from the pit, and then squeezed again. The insect body appeared, and even the Miao people who created it felt endlessly stunned. Is this really a god?

This is an extremely huge meat ball. The whole body sits on the poison pit, and the whole body is full of sticky holes, countless!

Suddenly, with a "ji--" sound, there was a strong suction in the hole, and the Miao man in black was sucked into the hole by a famous place!