Blood God Laugh

Chapter 10 Traveling around the world

Chapter 10, Traveling around the world

The moonlight is so beautiful that the soft moonlight soothes the body and mind and makes people warm; the cool high wind blows the soul and makes people feel refreshed.

"Hahahaha--! It's so funny. If only this dream were true. I should be able to fly directly out of the Yingshen Cliff and this imprisoned mountain!"

The white veil floats, and the long hair flies. The wind Yang standing on the white lotus is indeed like a goddess, and it is like a pure and bright white star on the starry sky.

Control the white lotus, the wind Yang turned into a meteor-like white light and flew into the distant sky. As expected, it flew out of the range of the cliff without hindrance and flew far away!

There are more than a dozen torches in the village late at night, which slightly illuminate the night road for villagers who go home in the middle of the night or get up conveniently.

A few days ago, the news of trading lifted his trousers to the stormy hunter, slowly walked out of the toilet, and kept whispering curses.

"The ancestors of his ancestors even asked for instructions in the last hut. I don't know if the fat man died in it. I have to find a way to escape. That bag of gold coins hasn't been spent yet, so I can't die like this. God, show me the way!"

The hunter looked up and begged for the sky, just saw a white light flying, and then stopped over the village, scaring him to move, like a fossil!

"Oh, there is still fire below! Are there people outside down there? So dreams can be so fun. Well, go down and have a look!"

Bailian slowly landed, and Fengyang saw a large house, many poultry and livestock that had never been seen on Yingshen Cliff, and a man with small eyes and sharp mouth as motionless as fossils.

"Well, is this the man outside? This is too ugly, a hundred times ugly than what you see in the illusion array, and it looks very obscene!"

Feng Yang ignored the fossil man and slowly fell down to a dog kennel, where there were three cute puppies that had just been born.

The puppies looked at Feng Yang with their round eyes and walked towards him. Their little tongues moved on his hands, and the fur all over his body were really adorable!

"Wow, it's so cute. Hello, can I take you to the sky?"

The white shadow rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky. The hunter finally got rid of his fixed state and shouted like a pig:

"The goddess stole something, and the goddess came to steal something...!"

The lights of the whole village lit up, and they rushed out of the door one by one, grabbing the hoe and axe.

"Where is the thief..."

The hunter pointed to the sky, "She ran away and flew to the cursed mountain!"


The hunter's nose bled, and the villagers who beat people withdrew their fists and scolded angrily, "Your ancestors, do you think I'm a fool? If you make up another story to deceive people, I will twist your head off!"

"Ah, what I said is true. There is really a goddess who came to steal a few dogs, and you see, the dogs of the two dogs are gone!"

"Your ancestors, you stole such a small dog and beat me to death!"

"Ah-!!! It's really none of my business. It's really stolen by the goddess!"

Fengyang, who caused the accident, has flown back to the top of Yingshen Cliff, holding a puppy in his hand and two are sitting on the white lotus.

"Why did I fly back again? Isn't this a dream? I should fly far away!"

Feng Yang stroked the puppy's fur depressedly and suddenly became shocked:

"Yes, I flew out just now. Then I should also be able to enter the second floor of Yingshen Cliff. Hey, go and see what's inside. Wake up tomorrow and tell Sister Yi, haha, I'm too smart!"

But there is a waterfall below, and it's not good to be drenched with puppies. Fengyang had to put them on the platform first, and then slowly landed from the top of the cliff with Bailian to explore the illusory second floor.

As soon as Feng Yang left, a group of Miao people finally climbed to the top of the cliff. As soon as they came up, they heard a "Oh" cry, which sounded very pitiful!

Bai Yi walked up to the platform and exclaimed. The three cute puppies were frozen with frost on their noses. They quickly came forward and held them in their arms and took care of them like treasures.

"E Elder, come and see, it's so cute. What kind of animal is this?"

The elders studied and finally came to a great conclusion: "This is not an animal that welcomes the cliff. This must be a mythical beast given by the Lord God!"

Then the whole clan thanked them: "Thank you, God, the Miao people will be kind to the mythical beasts!"

Fengyang's chaos is getting bigger and bigger, but as the perpetrator, he regards everything as a dream. At present, he has successfully reached the second floor. For hundreds of thousands of years, he can only see but can't step into the second floor!

"It's really worthy of a dream. What can't be done in reality is all solved by dreaming, hahahaha..."

Fengyang became more and more proud of his dream. He looked at the thick fog on the second layer and waved a white light:

"Spish it all!"

The thick fog really dissipated, and the real face of the second layer appeared under the light of white light!

The whole second floor is concave. To put it bluntly, it is a cave, surrounded by closed rock surfaces, like a huge dragon mouth!

The jaw of the dragon's mouth slightly protrudes dozens of meters, just allowing people to see the outline of the second layer, and this protruding dozens of meters is the pool, and the continuous landscape falls from here to the third floor!

"So that's it. No wonder I can't see it, and the waterfall of Yingshen Cliff doesn't flow down from the middle of the first floor at all. This second floor is the real source. Hahaha, let me discover another big secret!"

Fengyang proudly drove the white lotus across the pool. After officially entering the cave, it was already on the ground. Only the lower ground still had some water depressions, but this was not Fengyang's concern. Now he has been conquered by the gorgeousness in the cave!

The cave is as open as the square hundreds of meters above the cliff. The ground is full of towering smooth stalagmites, some of which are tens of meters high on the top of the cave, and the top of the cave is still hanging with countless slender stalactites!

The white light from the white lotus shines on the lava, reflecting a piece of brilliance from all angles, like the flowing crystal, colorful and dazzling, and there is a special milk and frankincense, which makes the wind and Yang intoxicated like a dream.

Jump down from Bailian, like a rich man who got endless treasures. Feng Yang touched it, hugged him, his mouth dripped, and kissed and licked on the lactite.

Suddenly, a strong frankincense hit the nose, and Fengyang directly entered a state of intoxication and staggered in the direction of the frankincense.

Bailian has been floating in the cave, but the cave seems to be far more than hundreds of meters long. Fengyang walked like a soul for a long time, and finally came to a stone milk pond with a radius of more than ten meters.

The milky fragrance is so strong that the space is about to turn milky, "hiccup!" Feng Yang burped wine, with a drunken giggle on his face, shook his head, burped again, and looked at the breast pool and said:

"Hey, why is it snowing? Hey hey, I want to play making a snowman!"

Then he jumped directly into the stone milk pool, and his body fell asleep floating on the pool!

The white lotus floating in the cave slowly shrank and turned into a white light, and then a lifelike white lotus pattern was printed on the back of Fengyang's left hand, and a small jade bottle stood on the white lotus.

The brilliance in the cave darkened, but the wind Yang in the stone milk pool exudes a faint milk light, soft and strange, and the whole person is a treasure of heaven and earth that emits divine light!

A red snake came out of Fengyang's right wrist for a long time. There was already a small piece of milky white on the top of his head. He drilled into the milk pool, absorbed the lotion, and slowly glowed like Fengyang.

Three days passed. On the fourth day, Feng Yang opened his eyes and saw that it was dark and extremely quiet, but he could feel himself lying on the water!

"Where is this? What happened?"

Feng Yang thought hard and suddenly touched his stomach, "Oh, there is no stomach and no wound. Did I give birth to the child directly? Is it night now? Why is there no moonlight?"

He tried to recall it again and vaguely remembered the wonderful dream. In the dream, he stepped on Bailian to many places, flew to the outside of the Yingshen Cliff, saw a village, and saw an ugly and obscene man.

Then he seemed to return to Yingshen Cliff with a few cute animals in his arms, and then saw the colorful scenery, and finally smelled endless frankincense until he woke up!

"Sister Yi!"

he whispered and did not respond. Feng Yang shouted:

"Sister Yi!!!"

After a pause, I got an infinite reply, "Sister Yi and sister--"

"Grandma, where the hell is this!"

Feng Yang was unwilling to shout again:

"Old woman, grandmas!!!"

Except for the echo, there was still no response. Feng Yang had to swim from the water and touch the shore. After getting ashore, he touched the water in the pool and muttered:

"What kind of water is this? It's so strange that it's not even heavy, and it's so difficult to swim!"


"Oh, who put things randomly!"

Fengyang hit something and reached out to touch it. It turned out to be a long pillar, slippery and cool. Then he touched it to the side, another one, and then wandered around in the dark for a long time.

"I'm not going to die, that knife, yes, that damn old woman, she must have inserted me to death, wow, I don't want to die yet!"

The idea shocked him, "Is this the legendary ghost prison? It's really dark!"

Touch, touch, walk, Feng Yang began to believe that he was really dead, hoping to meet a ghost friend to chat, talk about his reluctance and concern, and then ask if there is any way to return to the world!

After walking for a long time, Feng Yang saw a little hazy light in the distance and touched it excitedly. He thought that the ghost prison also had light!

Just walked into the fog area, "Puff!" Fengyang fell into the water and once again got a very important discovery. The ghost prison has not only light, but also water and fog!