Blood God Laugh

Chapter 74 It's time!!! On

Chapter 74, it's time!!! ( Above)

In the world of a sea of fire, Kong Xi sat cross-legged on a pillar of fire, and the three flames in front of him were like entities, red, purple and black. The flames stringed high flames, and the three colors blended, separating a fire of various colors and rising into the sky!

There is a colorful ball above the fire sky, with a smooth and dazzling surface, and the fire inside it burns, absorbing all kinds of flames that are constantly rising. This is the elemental world of magicians in the realm!

Magicians do not need to integrate into the boundary to break through the boundary, because they cultivate the most direct power of rules and are favored by the rules of heaven and earth, so the magicians of the boundary are called elemental messengers!

Kong Xi, who has the heart of fire, has been an element for a long time. Whether it is real fire or heart fire, he has understood a certain extreme, and it has long been difficult to calculate how many years he has been sitting here!

Suddenly, the firelight's face was ruddy and bright, and the age looked a little more mature. The once red fire returned to black and bright, and there were hundreds of colorful fires burning in my chest!

muttered, "Is it time?"

It seems that there has been a long time without words, and Kong Xi's voice is relatively hoarse, "It's time..."


shouted like catharsis, containing a kind of excitement. The world of elements in the fire suddenly turned into a small color ball and was swallowed by Kong Xi!


Speaking of Kong Xi's world of fire, there is another sea, and the sea is full of iceberg ice. On a small iceberg, Chen Aier stands on the iceberg cone like an ice sculpture!

Looking carefully at the sea, there are countless ice beasts playing with each other in the sea. From time to time, they emerge from the water and climb the iceberg. The beast's face looks around excitedly and looks vividly!

Water is the source of life. The five elements of the human body occupy most of the rivers and mountains, and the shape of water can be transformed into thousands. On the sea and air, white clouds are bustling, and countless human figures, animal shapes, and even buildings are a continent in the clouds!

Suddenly, Chen Aier also looked up at the sky, her face was still so beautiful, and she had a mature charm, and she didn't know how long the years had passed!

She didn't look at Bai Yun. She saw a kind of feeling. Like Kong Xi, she muttered to herself, "Is it time? Time is coming..." The expression suddenly became excited, "It's time!!!"


The extremely excited scream seemed to scare the ice beast in the sea and the mainland in the clouds, causing chaos in the sea and air. The continent in the clouds is sinking and the sea is rising!

It seems to be a scene of collapse and earth, but in fact it is a soft compatibility. Countless icebergs form ice land, surrounded by sea water, and white clouds float!

This beautiful scenery is like the epitome of the far north, and it is shrinking into a pearl of blue water. A water-blue crystal rope strings up the water beads and wears it like a necklace!


Speaking of the far north, the storm is like the far north. The damn fat man is wearing a pair of shorts and lying comfortably on a white Taishi chair with a very enjoyable expression!

It is surrounded by all kinds of fruits, and many flowers are planted on the farther ice, and the cold atmosphere of the far north has been completely dissipated!

It doesn't matter if there are flowers and fruits on the ice. What's more annoying is that the fat man enjoys it is that several beautiful women like ice are massaging him, with a mouth and a bunch of grapes!

"Hmm~~?" The fat man woke up from the enjoyment, "Is the time come? It's too fast. This is the perfect world I've finally cultivated. I haven't enjoyed it enough!"

Waving, several beautiful women solidified and turned into ice sculptures. Then they waved their hands, a big bag, opened them, and put all the fruits in. They shook their fat and said with some treachery:

"Good things should be shared with others. This is the best I have cultivated for hundreds of years!"


Unlike the fat man, in a forest, a golden man was naked, sweating heavily, and waved an axe in his hand, "Kang, bang, bang, bang!" Fall a huge tree!

This is Jin Chiya. As the god king of the golden lineage of the Protoss, he is already an ancestor-level figure, but just looking at his strong body, no one can guess that he already has some old wrinkles on his face!

split the branches of the giant tree, and the golden red cliff carried the thick tree pole and ran to a wooden house. The terrain was very spacious, and the trees here must have been cut down by him.

Continue to carry the tree pole, jump, and erect the tree pole in the air:


The earth shakes and the trees stand!


Like a golden lion, the golden red cliff jumped again and chopped down with an axe. Without using any magic, it only split with an axe!

The ice goddess asked him to give up the Golden God Kendo and practice his own kendo, but his Golden God Kendo is deeply rooted. Even if he is repaired, he can't get rid of the shadow of the Golden God, so he completely abandoned the sword and practice the axe!

Collecting the axe, the golden red cliff did not look at the result, ran to the forest in the distance, ready to cut down the tree again, and then carried it back to split an axe, repeating this day and night!

After he left, the towering tree pole slowly blossomed from top to bottom, like being bound by countless slender wooden threads, and the axe cut off the tied rope!

The wooden thread is as thin as a fan and as strong as a steel wire. When it is about to fall, the thread bends down again, flashing a sense of water-like flow. The flow seems to wipe out sparks out, like a big red flower covering the earth. At the moment of paving the ground, the red color disperses and perfectly integrates with the earth!

As he was running, he suddenly stopped and looked up, stunned for a moment, and looked up to the sky and laughed, "Hahahaha, it's finally time!"

The axe in his hand is thrown to the sky, the golden hair flutters, and the male voice oscillates:

"Ax, split the mountain!"

Extremely simple move, the axe of throwing the sky is transformed into thousands, falling from the sky, one axe corresponds to a big tree, and thousands of trees scatter wooden wires, steel wires, willows, sparks, and paving the ground into soil!

The chopping day and night is this simple axe, but it perfectly integrates the power of the five elements. Jin Chiya has been promoted from the status of the divine king to the divine emperor!


In a small mountain village, the simple villagers are celebrating the joy of the autumn harvest. An old man with a stronger body than the Golden Red Cliff laughed loudly, raised his bowl and drank ale!

A group of children rushed forward and shouted around the old man, "Grandpa Hu, Grandpa Hu, teach us how to fight tiger fists!"

"Tiger Fist?" The old man was a little drunk, "Well, tiger boxing, okay, tiger boxing, hahahaha!"

The faces of the surrounding villagers showed excitement and gave up an open space for the old man one after another!

The wine bowl in his hand did not let go, and the old man bowed his waist and roared, "The first move, the tiger went down the mountain! Howl--!" He rushed into the open space like a fierce tiger, with a stable body and no alcohol!

"Second move, tiger body and dragon waist!" With his feet on the ground, he leaned forward, supported the tiger's claws, raised the tiger's head and roared, "Howl--!" It's like a dragon supporting the sky, the wine bowl pours in the mouth of the liquor!

"The third move, Huwei shocked the mountain!" Throw away the wine bowl, the tiger's body is majestic, emitting a strong tiger's power, and the tiger's claws are patted to the ground!

"Boom-!!!" The dust flew, and the tiger's power swept the wind and dust, and the villagers who shocked the onlookers retreated step by step, cheering, and the applause was warm!

"Ban!" The wine bowl fell to pieces, and the old man was in the midst of pride. Suddenly, a sharp voice came: "Bad old man! You broke another bowl, didn't you?"

"Ah, the snake mother-in-law is coming. Run!!!" The children shouted exaggeratedly, but their calves were motionless, their eyes flashed with excitement, and they couldn't escape!

I only saw a white-haired woman coming out of a village house with a snake stick. The space around her seemed to be distorted with her anger. The old man trembled all over and shouted:

"Fourth move, the tiger returns to the mountain!"

The so-called tiger returning to the mountain does not live up to its name. The old man is like a kitten that has seen a real tiger. With its tail between its legs and a nervous mood, he quickly came to the white-haired woman with an attentive smile on his face and nodded and bowed:

"Oh, my wife, you are so beautiful today!"

"Oh, isn't it?" Although the woman had white hair, her face did not look old, especially the red phoenix eyes were still revealing enchanting and raised the snake stick, "You were also quite powerful just now. It's not a problem to deceive a few little girls!"

"Do--!" When the head was knocked, the head of the snake stick was a black snake's head, and the snake's eye seemed to come alive, shining with magical brilliance!

"Ouch!" The old man shouted bitterly, "How dare you, ah, ah, isn't it the autumn harvest today? The villagers were happy, so they took a few more sips. Let's go back to the house and say!"

The old man approached and whispered, "Yuer, save some face for me!"

"Oh, I--! Grandpa Tiger was caught by the snake mother-in-law and knelt down on the clothes board!!!" The children exposed the bottom loudly, and the old man blushed with embarrassment, "Howl--!" Looking back with a tiger roar!

At this moment, the laughter on the children's faces solidified, the laughter of the villagers stopped, and the embarrassment on the old man's face disappeared and looked up at the sky. "It's time!"

"Is it so fast?" The woman withdrew her eyes and looked at everything around her reluctantly. "I really don't want to leave them!"

"No matter how reluctant you are, it will be a dream. Yuer, we have been a hundred generations of couples in our dreams. There is nothing else to ask for in this life. Let's go back!"

After the old man finished speaking, the old wrinkles on his face slowly disappeared, like rejuvenating, and his body was slightly thinner. He was an inch shorter and finally became a 17- or eight-year-old young man!

"Well, Chen Yun, I still like your old man's appearance. I don't know if we can have a chance to have double white heads in the real world..."

"It will!"

Chen Yun was much younger than before. He gently touched Yuer's face with one hand and stroked his white hair slowly turning black with the other. Yu'er also became a 17- or eight-year-old girl!

Break through the boundaries, human life expectancy will be more than 1,000 years from the growth period of 100 years. They will live longer with the blood of mythical beasts, so they will be young for a long time!

Yuer looked around again and said reluctantly, "Chen Yun, do you really want to put them back to the real world to dissipate?"

"Fool!" Chen Yun scratched Yuer's nose, "They are not dissipated, but reborn..."