Blood God Laugh

Chapter 75 It's time!!! Next

Chapter 75, it's time!!! ( Next)

Feng Yang had a long dream, dreaming of a bloody continent, a place of lifeless death, full of corpses and bones, broken blades, boundless!

Bones and limbs are inserted in the thick and dirty blood flow, and the top of the bones and limbs - strangely shaped skulls. The end of countless blood flows are two huge blood pits, which are bottomless!

Feng Yang felt that it was two eye holes, and the whole place of death was an extremely huge skeleton!

Under the hole is of course the mouth, which can be called a valley. The valley is very calm and clean. There are no corpses, no broken blades, and there are some bloody grasses. It is a thriving blood scene!

There is a lake in the center of the valley, which is very pure and clean. Fengyang is a little dry and wants to go up and have a few sips, because it is a bloody lake, full of vitality!

Finally, Fengyang jumped off the lake and drank blood to swim. This feeling was very comfortable and kind, and he felt that he should belong to this blood lake!

A wisp of white brilliance attracted his attention and swam to the center of the lake. She was so beautiful and pure, showing her nobility and elegance in the blood lake. She was just a white lotus!

Feng Yang bathed in the gentle white light, and his eyes became relaxed and looked intoxicated, like a child who found his mother's love. He couldn't help approaching her and hugging her!

Finally, he climbed up the white lotus, and the lotus petals were also like his mother's hands hugging him, making him fall asleep warmly and happily. In his sleep, he felt that he had turned into a small lotus seed, and she was conceive him!

It seems that after endless years, the little lotus slowly grows up and constantly changes various forms, such as the humanoid with two horns, the beast shape with two wings on its back, and the snake shape with a long body,...

It's ever-changing. Little Lianzi no longer understands what race he is, or what race he is. In the end, he seems to see his mother's appearance, which is very beautiful and elegant!


On a sword-shaped cliff peak, he is a martial sword. He looks only fourteen or five years old, with elegant blonde hair, floating in gold clothes, holding a willow sword, and the posture of a young hero!

The moves of martial arts are unparalleled. In fact, every punch and sword can make the space vibrate like water lines, which is better than the power of ten punches and a hundred fists, and ten swords are combined!

"Golden Sword Hundreds!!!"

The sound is like the sound of a sword, chopping the sky, and a hundred swordsmanships are cut into the air. Each sword spirit is like a golden pulse, a circular pulse, and the sword spirit is heavier than the previous golden swords!

There is a saying of "golden water" among the five elements. Suddenly, like the water flowing up, the hundred swordsmanships that cut the sky reached its peak and fell down like a golden waterfall!

On that day, the goddess of ice and snow gave him the water willow sword because his golden god kendo was only the beginning and did not integrate the other four series of the five elements. Only by understanding the power of the water system in advance can he truly perfect the golden god kendo!

In his youth, the golden sword sky bathed under the golden waterfall, and the once domineering disappeared, like a sunny teenager, with unstoppable handsomeness and like an affectionate prodigal son!

Now he should not have passed the 100-year growth period. It's not that he doesn't have enough time, but in order to cultivate real kendo, deliberately delaying the time to break through the boundary and the period of a hundred years of growth!

Suddenly looking up, Jin Jiantian laughed loudly and said, "Hahahaha, it's finally here!"

Stepping on the cliff peak under your feet, and then said, "Jinzu, you practiced swords on the divine sword cliff day and night in ancient times. People and swords are united and split peaks to create Taoism, but your swords are lacking. Today's descendants will be perfect for you!"

The golden body rushed out and pulled out a long golden rainbow, "Incarnate to cast a sword, cut!!!" The body turned into a giant willow sword, and Jin Ze pulsed like running water, like a giant nail, nailing down to the cliff peak!

Jin Jiantian's real body is still in the air. In his laughter, the cliff peak is split, divided into five, and it is five sword-shaped peaks!


Except for Yuer and Chen Yun together, it seems that all the people are separated from the world and distributed in a small world where only I exist!

The last person is located in a bloody mountain with blood-colored trees and flowing bloody water. In fact, when she first came here, it was a green water and green mountain!

There is a sharp sound everywhere in the forest. On the blood tree, under the blood field, and even in the blood, there is a bloody insect crawling, biting and fighting, and the injury is scarlet blood flowing out!

The injured bugs retreat, the wound recovers quickly, and then the ferociousness rises again. They fight with the chasing opponents again. They are immortal bodies, immortal blood-colored maggots!

This time, the strong man swallowed a weak man's foot, and the weak man's escape speed slowed down. The insect foot had not yet grown. The strong man caught up and bit off half of its body!

Although they are immortal, they can devour each other. The worms of the strong are obviously larger, but they did not kill all the defeated weak and kill other more powerful blood worms!

There is a real blood-colored king in the blood forest. It is too underestimated to say that it is an insect, because it is the size of a hut, and it is a giant bloody beast!

The fierce beast crawled on the bloody ground honestly, with eight legs like eight long knives inserted in two rows, with two eyes on its ferocious head, but gently looked ahead. It was a huge blood spider!

Not far ahead is Bai Yi, still in floating white clothes, still so pure knot, not stained with a trace of blood in this blood forest, not a trace of evil in this endless ferocious swallowing!

Her expression is still gentle and sweet, her breath is still peaceful and quiet, and the years make her more beautiful. The delicate jade hands are full of worm eggs, like taking care of children. Her red lips and small mouth give a warm breath to the worm eggs, and there is a faint blood color in the breath!

The eggs hatch, and one is only on the head of the insect, like a baby waiting to be fed. The warm blood smell is their breast milk, and she is their mother!

Bai Yi, who got the lifeblood, has the characteristics of the blood element, but the female blood element body is not awakening, so she uses this feature on the worm and vividly exerts the power of the art of bleeding. Now she is the master of the blood!

Put down the full little bloodworms. The blood land, bloodwood, and even blood water here can be the food for their growth, and then continue to swallow them and become the best warriors!

Bai Yi's heart jumped and looked up at the sky. His face finally showed a little melancholy and muttered to himself:

"I have the same blood as you, and I am also the daughter of the Lord God. Are you ready to call me sister?"


Although the roar of the king is still like a ghost, it is no longer necessary to feed blood food, and Bai Yi's face does not have a trace of purple and blue.

The bloody insects all over the mountains stopped fighting, and the insect tide gathered to Bai Yi's summons. In fact, it gathered to the huge blood spider. It was like a blood hole. The rolling tide of insects poured in and was bottomless!


Other people are practicing in sobriety, and their strength has also made a leap forward, while Fengyang has been sleeping. In the dream, he has been conceived from the white lotus and become a mother!

Now Fengyang is so similar to the mother god of the earth and the goddess of ice and snow, but he doesn't know that he has been in a dream since the last move of the ice god of ice!

The bloody continent in the dream is lonely. There is no alternation of day and night, only a dull and faint blood light. Every long time, many corpses will fall in the empty sky.

Only Bailian, who accompanied him, was the mother and playmate. Bailian carried him all over the bloody land, with nothing but the bones!

Feng Yang didn't know how long he had been here, and began to hate the blood on the ground, the deadness, and the ugliness and disability of these broken corpses!

Fengyang decided to go out and rush out of this bloody burial ground!

First, he returned to the blood lake that once bred the white lotus and then bred him. When he was born, the blood color of the whole lake faded and became sweeter and delicious, but now the lake has been stained with blood again!

He hates blood color. Before going out, he wants to remove all the blood color of this bloody land. There seems to be a demon in his heart. He opens his mouth and begins to suck it!

The blood color in the lake is pure, which was once the nourishment that gave him. The blood color was separated from the lake and swallowed into his mouth, and his eyes flashed a trace of blood color!

The blood color in the valley is also energetic. The blood grass is thriving, but the wind and Yang hate the blood color. As soon as you suck it hard, the blood grass loses its vitality, turns into gray, and the dust falls to the ground!

When I opened my mouth and sucked again, the blood in the valley also faded and turned into the color of ashes. The drowsy dead air was swept in from the blood land outside, and only the lake still flashed with faint ripples!

Fengyang has a feeling for this lake. He can't bear to leave her alone here. He wants to take her away!

The white lotus was connected with his heart. A lotus petal fell off and turned into a white milk jade bottle, inhaling the lake. It seemed to be trickle, but in fact it was a breath of water, but this suction also lasted for a long time.

At the bottom of the lake, it can be seen that the two blood pits that gather dirty blood are connected ten thousand feet. Perhaps those are two skeleton eye holes, which filter and purify the dirty blood and are rich in blood!

Feng Yang swallowed his saliva. He hated blood, but he had to say that the taste of blood was very good. It seemed that he had an unsatised stomach, and he began to suck it again!

He sucked underneath, and his two eye holes sucked on it, like two powerful whirlpools. The blood color of the whole blood land converged crazily, constantly purified in the eye hole, and the blood was constantly sucked by Feng Yang.

The bones of the blood-colored corpses turned gray like blood grass, loose into a pile of dust, and the blood color of the blood land was gradually receding, but the blood gas was too thick, and this kind of suction lasted for a long time!

When the blood color completely retreated, the whole continent turned into bone gray, leaving only the rotten dead gas. From the void, this is an extremely huge skeleton!

Feng Yang's eyes revealed crazy blood, and his clothes were sometimes blood red and sometimes snow white. Bai Lian noticed his strangeness and emitted a gentle white light to comfort his heart.

Finally, Fengyang returned to the same pure white as Bailian and sat on Bailian. He began to observe the empty sky day and night.

He is waiting for the moment when the corpse falls from the sky!