Blood God Laugh

Chapter 107 Hypocritical Goodness

Chapter 107, Hypocritical Goodness

In a secret room of the Ironwood King's Palace, there is a statue, two feet tall and strong, dressed in purple and gold carving, with a big red face, showing heroism and domineering.

Tie Yuwen stood quietly here for a long time. Although the Tiemu Kingdom is small, it has been passed down for 100,000 years. Successive kingdoms remember the ancestral teachings, guard the forest of iron wood, and do not compete for hegemony or expand.

The person who left this ancestral training is the current statue, the first king of the Ironwood Kingdom, and the biggest secret of the Ironwood Kingdom.

Zhang Qian gently hugged him from behind, "All the people have moved to the Iron City. Let's go too. We can't stay here!"

Tie Yuwen did not reply, and the atmosphere was a little heavy. For a long time, he sighed heavily, "Cyan, do you know why there is ironwood in the Tiemu Congress?"

"The superior iron wood is even stronger than better steel. There should be a lot of iron ore under the iron wood forest!" Zhang Qian has the same idea as most people.

"There is no iron ore in the iron forest!" Tie Yuwen was very firm, "The strength needed to grow iron wood is transmitted from here."

"This secret room?"

"It's this statue. He is the founding ancestor of the Ironwood Kingdom, and the Ironwood Forest is planted by him."

"I know, but what's the power of this statue?"

"He is not a god. He is transformed by the body of his ancestors after his death. He is a god!" Tie Yu smiled warmly and was a little bitter, "And as a descendant of God, the Ironwood Kingdom will be defeated in my hands for 100,000 years..."

"This has nothing to do with you. As long as the battle of extermination has passed, the Iron Wood Kingdom will be rebuilt. I believe you!"

"Maybe, if you can really get through it, give it to Wang Er to rebuild the Ironwood Kingdom!"

"What do you mean?" Zhang Qian was shocked.

"You go to Tiecheng first. I have one more thing to do. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Then I'll go to Tiecheng to find you!" The iron residual temperature is very firm.

"What the hell are you going to do?"

"I'm going to burn this palace. Do you remember what Feng Yang said? King Kong fruit melted in the fire and was born in the fire. Go quickly. I will be distracted to take care of you.

In this way, the fire devoured the whole iron-wood palace.

At the same time, Emperor Yanwu finally gave up Dayan City, and almost all of the Southern League retracted to the Iron City. The real decisive battle is coming.


On the void, hundreds of pseudo-divine world gathered and waited cross-legged. Looking back at the divine world of the ten thousand dynasties, there were pieces of continuous brewing above their heads, and the thicker void disaster clouds.

Those who can enjoy a cloud alone are all super strong and have absolute self-confidence. Long Yingying enjoys a cloud alone.

She is the Dragon Emperor, majestic and inviolable. Even if she is buried under the clouds, she will not fight against the divine disaster with others, and in view of the terrible strength of the Dragon Emperor, no one dares to share it with her.

There are also Yuer and Chen Yun, and no one dares to compete with them, because they are surrounded by terrible nightmare magic outside their bodies.

After the divine disaster, Zhu Qiang must be extremely weak. If they are taken advantage of the power of nightmares, they will not know how to die, so even if the two invite them, no one dares to go.

The other person is the ox old man of the immortal clan, directly incarnating a hundred feet of fierce cattle, with flames and domineeringly occupying a cloud, and no one dares to share it.

There are also Jin Chiya and the demon Lord Night Moon Unparalleled. Few people dare to share with the existence of these hegemons, because they are either the cannon fodder of the divine disaster or they are killed after the robbery!

But Jin Jiantian doesn't have that power and can only share the cloud with three metal aliens.

The pseudo-divine realm with the same main attributes will improve the success rate of crossing the disaster. Of course, there will be a bloody tearing after the disaster and competing for star power.

Feng Yang also advised Jin Jiantian not to come. Although he practiced on the Wanchen Star Array for thousands of years, he had too much less experience and practice than the real old monster, but he was arrogant and wanted to surpass the Golden God!

Only Feng Linger stood alone in the void and looked at the infinitely beautiful ten thousand stars. There were no clouds on her head and did not share it with the hundreds of clans, which made everyone puzzled.

Because she doesn't need to go through the disaster, because she is...

A white light suddenly shot out of the bloody divine world of the Wan Dynasty. For a while, Zhu Qiang** immediately calmed down, and the divine disaster was about to begin!

At the moment when the white light shot into Feng Linger's body, the first divine disaster fell, and the strong had no time to take care of him and tried their best to respond to the disaster.

Like the road of divine power, there are 99 divine disasters, each of which is different. While testing the physical world, there is also a test of the perception of soul and rules.

The failure of any aspect is the result of the collapse of the physical world and the dissipation of the soul.

Feng Linger, who was dominated by the white light, closed her eyes, and her consciousness appeared in her body. Like Feng Yang, there was a star array in her body, exactly the same as the outside world.

However, Fengyang's Wanchen star array has a blood world center, while Feng Linger has no blood world and no center. Only a woman in front of her has a loving expression and a cold expression for a while.

Feng Linger once incarnated her in a dream, and she knew that she was the main god!

"Can I ask you a question?" Feng Linger asked.

"Ask!" This is the mother god of the earth.

"Why do you always like to divide yourself?"

"Establish heavenly rules and order, clearly reward and punish good and evil!" The goddess of ice and snow replied.

Is that right? She is not like you in my dream. She has love, hate and hate. No matter what decision she makes, she has all kinds of emotional participation, and after differentiation, you are single and superficial!"

Feng Linger was very angry and continued to vent her dissatisfaction.

"You separated the evil body and separated the hatred, and the result was once again. If you continue to divide, what do you think you have left?"

"Maybe, it's time to end the differentiation."

Yan Ci looked at the same face, which was awkward, but she was merging quickly and smoothly. After the fusion, the eyes of the main god were a little complicated, and she found that she was so incomplete.

"Except for Yan Ci's two sides, all my emotions are on you, and you hate me, hate yourself, and make up for the hatred of separation. Lotus Mother is right..."

"Hit!" Feng Linger shouted, burst into tears and couldn't help flowing, "You don't have the right to call her mother again. You don't regard her as a mother at all. You haven't cherished her love for you at all!"

Feng Linger cried very sadly and sadly. She had no mother in her childhood. She could only watch other children have the love of their mothers. She could only envy other children who had the arms of their mothers.

She longed for maternal love, but she was very strong and hid this desire deep in her heart. Then she learned to cook with other mothers, and she learned to wash and sew with other mothers.

The children next door will laugh at her as a motherless child, and her brother will stand up for it, and then be bullied and beaten with hatred. She hopes that her mother can stand up and drive away those excessive children.

She saw her father's lonely back. She wanted her father to marry another wife, but she knew that there was only one wife in her father's heart and the only wife who could give her and her brother true maternal love.

"You have abandoned love and the most precious truth in the world. You don't deserve to be God!" Feng Linger cried loudly, with endless love and hate in her heart.

"Do you think you are perfect and kind after separating the evil body and hatred?"

"You only have yourself and your dreams in your heart. Do you think that's great?"

"A new world?"

"It's really great!"

"But this is exactly your hatred, you hate the world you were born in, you hate the blood-like killing, you hate yourself for your bloodthirsty impulse..."

"You have to end all blood and evil, and you have to build a perfect world, but all this is just a cover-up, hide your hatred, and hide your nature!"

"All hatred comes from your hypocritical goodness, and you are the real evil body!"

Every sentence of Feng Linger is like an arrow through her heart, hurting the Lord God and herself, because they are one.

"I'm sorry!" The Lord God apologizes. Only he knows himself best. At least after the differentiation, he can see his own nature and hypocritical goodness.

"Don't tell me I'm sorry. You're sorry for Lian's mother. What you're sorry for is your brother. Is he really a villain? He is bloodthirsty, but he has the sincerity you don't have. He dares to love and hate!"

"I understand that this disaster has nothing to do with the body of blood, not the evil of blood. As you said, I am the real evil body. Let's end all this!"

The main god closed his eyes, turned into a group of divine white light, slept in the center of the star array in Feng Linger's body, and was connected to the colorful star array, which was a kind of fusion and a kind of pregnancy.

Feng Linger has disappeared in the void, but the powerful people who have crossed the disaster have no time to be distracted. Each of the ninety-nine divine disasters is an all-round test, which may last for a long time, months or years.

After the ninety-nine divine disaster, it is given by the star power. At this time, the body can be safely separated from the body and then grow rapidly under the nourishment of the star power.

The pseudo-divine world is generally thousands of feet, and the largest is tens of thousands of feet. Under the nourishment of stars, it can grow to at least 100,000 feet and become a young star in the void.

Then it can absorb the star power contained in the void and grow slowly.

Those who achieve true gods are the lord of the stars. They can exist independently from the divine world of all dynasties, can conceive their own world, and establish their own rules of gods!

The true gods once chose to cling to the divine world of the ten thousand dynasties, contributed their own heart to the great dream of the main god, blended the stars with the divine world of the ten thousand dynasties, and wanted to share the worship of the new world, but they did not expect that this greatness was on the verge of destruction.

100,000 years of accumulation, hundreds of pseudo-divine realms have joined hands to overcome the disaster, and due to the lack of heavenly power, the divine disaster has weakened a lot of power than before. There will certainly be many true gods achieved this time.

But how will they choose?

Maybe all the strong races have their own selfishness and will eventually kill each other for the competition of stars, cruel and ruthlessly, but their roots are in the divine world of all dynasties, which is their mother world.

There are their people and their children, no matter how selfish, ruthless and murderous they are, but they have care, emotions, and love.